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Chapter 390 Big Sister?

Xiao Feng stood outside the ICU ward and looked at Huo Wu who was sitting quietly beside the hospital bed. He felt a little relieved. No matter what, they are both brothers and sisters. After this incident, Wu'er will definitely grow up.

Because Li Tianming has agreed to be Huotian's personal doctor, he can just be responsible for Huotian now. Xiao Feng has already said hello to the hospital. The largest shareholder here is Feng, and there is no problem if he wants a doctor. What's more, Li Tianming originally didn't plan to stay here for too long. His ideal was to treat diseases and save people, not just to treat diseases for these rich people.

Xiao Feng stood outside the ward for a while, then turned to look at Li Tianming: "Tianming, A Tian will leave it to you."

"Don't worry, before I find my senior brother, I will definitely let him recover as quickly as possible," Li Tianming nodded and said seriously.

Xiao Feng patted Li Tianming and said, "Then I'll arrange something and you can take a rest."

"I'll go in and give him another check-up," Li Tianming nodded and entered the ICU ward.

Xiao Feng took a deep look at Huo Tian on the hospital bed, and murderous intent flashed across his face: "A Tian, ​​I will seek justice for you. When you wake up, I will make Tianmen become the biggest gangster in Jiuquan," he said After finishing, he turned around and walked into the doctor's office nearby.

In the office, several people are already waiting for Xiao Feng.

"Send the body over," Xiao Feng said without any nonsense. He looked at the demon sword and the flame girl and asked directly.

Yaodao nodded: "Well, Flame Girl and I sent the bodies to the Xie family and Hao family respectively,"

"Very good," Xiao Feng sneered a few times, sat on the chair, took out a cigarette and lit it: "Wooden wood, have you finished the gang rules?"

"Well," Lin Mo also had a cold expression on his face. He couldn't wait to avenge A Tian.

"It's time for Tianmen to become more formal. Some people are no longer suitable to occupy the position of upper-ranking eldest brother," Xiao Feng said mockingly, thinking of the upper-ranking eldest brothers who came today.

Lin Mo nodded: "A Tian is a nostalgic person. Those are the old brothers who were together in the past. When Tianmen rises, they will naturally become the upper brothers."

"A Tian is nostalgic, but I don't have any friendship with them. Look at those senior brothers, some of them are very courageous. I feel that the newly promoted brothers like Nineteen and Xiaodao are far stronger than the elders before." Xiao Feng tapped his fingers on the table: "Some people are destined not to be rich and powerful,"

Lin Mo said no more because he felt that what Xiao Feng said made sense.

Xiao Feng took out his mobile phone and dialed a number: "Hey, Sun Ya, at three o'clock tomorrow afternoon, take those brothers and come to Hellfire to wait for me."

"Okay," Sun Ya didn't ask why, but simply agreed.

"Remember, I want brothers who can fight and fight hard," Xiao Feng warned.

"There are no cowards here," Sun Ya said loudly.

"Very good," Xiao Feng hung up the phone and dialed the number again: "Fat man, where are you?"

"I knew you would call me, I'm at the grilled wings shop," Pang Dahai's honest voice sounded.

"You've heard everything,"

"Just got the news,"

"Tomorrow morning, bring Xiaolang to Hekang Hospital to find me," Xiao Feng thought for a while and said.


Xiao Feng made several more calls, contacting all the people he could contact in Jiuquan, and finally put down his phone: "Tomorrow night, Tianmen declares war on the Skeleton Regiment,"

"Brother Feng, don't forget to call me," Wu Huan's voice came from the door.

Xiao Feng looked at Wu Huan who was bandaged, and curled his lips: "You can't walk well, can you participate in the fire fight?"

"What a joke, even if I only have one hand and one foot, I can still kill them," Wu Huan said with a sneer.

Xiao Feng nodded: "Whatever happens tomorrow, I will make specific arrangements. Tomorrow night is the moment when the Skeleton Group will be destroyed."

No one here doubted Xiao Feng's words. They just had a feeling. Xiao Feng said that if the skeleton group was destroyed, then it would be destroyed. As for the demon sword and the flame girl, they looked indifferent. In their eyes, let alone mere The skeleton group, the Xie family and the Hao family, are nothing more than grasshoppers.

Yaodao's cell phone suddenly rang. After answering, he said a few words, hung up the phone, opened his email, found a video, and handed the phone to Xiao Feng: "Brother Feng, the video has been processed."

Xiao Feng opened it and took a look. The image was very clear, but the sound had completely changed. In the entire video, there was no figure of Xiao Feng and others, let alone their voices. It was perfectly made, and it was all about Liu Hua and Liu Lei's father and son fighting each other. scene.

"Very good, leave it to the police tomorrow," Xiao Feng reluctantly used Liu Lei as a ready-made scapegoat.

Xiao Feng talked with a few more people about tomorrow's affairs, and finally asked them to go to the ward to rest. There were many empty wards here, so he was not afraid that there would be no place to arrange them.

Xiao Feng returned to the ICU ward, opened the door and went in. He saw Huo Wu holding Huo Tian's hand and saying something, laughing and crying while talking...

"Silly girl, you should go and rest early," Xiao Feng touched Huo Wu's hair, and he suddenly felt that Wu'er was not as strong as she appeared.

"Brother Feng, neither you nor my brother leave me, okay? You are the most important people to me. We will be together for the rest of our lives," Huo Wu raised his head and looked at Xiao Feng with tearful eyes.

Xiao Feng smiled and pinched Huo Wu's nose: "Well, Brother Feng promises you that we will be together for the rest of our lives."

"I really want my brother to wake up now. I have a lot to say to him," Huo Wu was quiet for a rare moment, not as fussy as usual.

"say what,"

"I want to apologize to him. It's all because of me that he got hurt. If I hadn't caused the trouble, the Xie family wouldn't have dealt with Tianmen, and my brother wouldn't have been hurt,"

"No, even if you don't hurt Xie Xin, the Xie family will deal with Tianmen. Even if they don't touch Tianmen, Tianmen will take action against the Xie family,"

"Why," Huo Wu asked confused.

Xiao Feng sat next to Huo Wu, looked into her eyes, and said seriously: "Because the Xie family blocks the way to Tianmen,"

"Brother Feng, I don't want to go to school anymore, I want to join Tianmen," Huo Wu thought for a while and said in the same serious tone.

"Nonsense! If you don't go to a good university, why would you want to join Tianmen?" Xiao Feng said with a downcast face.

"My brother is lying on the hospital bed now. Tianmen should have a lot of things to deal with. I know you don't want to take care of Tianmen, otherwise my brother would have given up his position to you. Brother Mu and Brother Xiaoyu don't care much about Tianmen either. matter,"

"Hey, then you want to be a **big sister,"

"I don't want to, but who told me to have a bastard brother? This is a responsibility that I can't escape from," a cold light flashed in Huo Wu's eyes: "I want to avenge my brother."

"I have already made arrangements for revenge." Xiao Feng hesitated, but still told Huo Wu about Tianmen's declaration of war on the Skeleton Group tomorrow: "Girl, if you want to be the eldest sister, that's fine, but leave the revenge to me. Come and do it,”

Huo Wu reluctantly nodded: "Okay then,"

"This time, I will let Jiuquan die and tremble because of Tianmen," Xiao Feng's murderous intent rose, Ding Gu, you should not do it at all, you just should not come with Xie Xin and Hao Tian to ambush Huotian, this is your own Looking for death.

A ringtone rang, Xiao Feng turned around and left the ICU, answered the phone: "Hello,"

"Xie Guangkun is dead, was it you?" A slightly magnetic voice came from the receiver.


"Do you know that you helped Xie Xin and he has now become the head of the Xie family?"

"Haha, so what, if Xie Xin becomes the head of the family, then I will let him watch the destruction of the Xie family," Xiao Feng sneered a few times: "I am very dissatisfied with you,"

"I have been to the scene, but your people have already arrived," it was the mysterious man who called.

"You should be glad that A Tian is not dead. If he is dead, then I don't have to wait for tomorrow. Jiuquan will be a river of blood tonight." Xiao Feng is telling the truth. If A Tian is dead, then he is too lazy to play. Conspiracy and conspiracy, lead people to kill directly at the door, leaving no chicken or dog behind.

"No matter what, remember what you promised me,"


"You have to be careful with Hao Tianlai. I know him too well. If he loses tonight, he will take action one after another,"

"Really? Then I'll wait. When I kill the Skull Group and the Xie family, the Hao family will be next. Oh, by the way, if you pay attention to the Internet recently, you might see some interesting things," Xiao Feng thought of the nude photos. Said with a smile.

"Well, hung up,"

Xiao Feng put away his cell phone. He knew that the purpose of the call was to confirm A Tian's situation. After thinking about it, he made another call: "Hello, Guo Jia."

"Boss, I'm waiting for your call,"

"You know what I want from you,"

"Of course, I'm just a roundworm in the boss's belly. You want to deal with the Xie family, right? Haha, didn't you arrange for Xie Yi?"

"The Demon Sword told me that Xie Yi is dead," Xiao Feng thought of Xie Yi and cursed an idiot in his heart. If he had known he was such a scumbag, he shouldn't have wasted time contacting him.

"The Xie family has more than a dozen listed companies, and Qiangzi and I are already sorting out the information,"

"You are the expert in this area, I leave it all to you,"

"Fortunately, I have taken care of Yingxiang Group. I plan to push Yingxiang Group up and use it to deal with the Xie family's listed company,"


"Now there's a question,"


"I don't have that much money, and it's not interesting to do something small,"

"Stop the construction of the entertainment city, and I will transfer all the funds to you. Also, I will give you another five billion tomorrow,"

"Wow, it's cool. I like using money as a weapon," Guo Jia said with a smile, and then asked doubtfully: "What makes me curious is where did the boss get 5 billion from?"

Xiao Feng thought about Pier 7. It was time to have a formal talk with the Xia family. If he wanted to deal with the Xie family and the Hao family, he had to say hello to the Xia family. However, when he thought that the old man of the Xia family wanted to marry that powerful granddaughter to him, he thought Somewhat headache: "I got this from selling myself, you must use the money wisely,"

"Don't worry, within three days, I will make all the Xie family's listed companies collapse and go bankrupt," Guo Jiali issued a military order.

"Well, I'll contact you tomorrow," Xiao Feng said and hung up the phone.

This chapter has been completed!
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