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Six chapters on weekends Do you want to have six chapters every day? Come in and read the rules!

This weekend, I released six chapters of the update, which is really awesome. Do you want to read five or six chapters every day? If you are a VIP, you will receive the update and have a chance to get Xiao Wu’s physical signed book.


In August, Xiaowu opened a [Breaking Update] event~

The update activity is divided into [computer site] and [mobile site]. Readers who read on computers or mobile phones can participate:

[Computer station (including reading client)]

Children who use computers to read books should all know that there is an "update event". Once a month, readers smash VIPs and the author breaks out the update~ Well, it is an official event. I saw many people urging for updates, Xiao Wu We decided to organize an update event of our own.

Update 1: A chapter for 1000 VIPs (on the basis of the original three chapters every day, for every additional 1000 VIPs, I will update one more chapter, which can accumulate VIPs, for example, Mr. A will give 500 VIPs, Mr. B will give 200 VIPs, and C If you give me 300 VIPs, if that’s enough for 1,000 VIPs, I will add a chapter. When everyone adds firewood, the flames will rise.)

Update 2: A chapter on 600 flowers (from Monday to Sunday, the flowers accumulated more than 600 in a week, so I will add an update chapter. Flowers are free and everyone has them. Remember to submit them after reading the book.)

Explosive update three: 100 standard stamps per chapter (stamping is the same as VIP, 1 standard stamp = 10 VIPs, one super stamp = 1000 VIPs, stamps can also be accumulated, the rules are the same as VIPs,)

ps: It’s not easy for Xiaowu to write code. I hope everyone can support me by throwing counting tickets, Huahua and Zhangzhang while urging me to update. Give me some motivation~ Haha, now the computer station has [VIP ticket 38868], [cover] Chapter 465], [Flowers 24589], waiting for everyone’s arrival.


【Mobile site】

Friends who use mobile phones to read books all know about the PK tickets at the mobile site. These are the same as the VIP tickets at the computer site, but they have different names.

Breaking update one: 800pk tickets for one chapter (since our friends on the mobile site are very enthusiastic and usually actively participate in updates and activities, 800pk is added to the chapter. Similarly, 800pk can be accumulated. As long as the ticket exceeds 800pk, it will be a chapter. )


My normal update speed is 3 chapters every day, and the upper limit of daily updates is 3 chapters. If everyone comes to support the update activity, you can see 6 chapters updated every day. If VIPs and the like exceed the upper limit of 6 chapters, the update will be automatically postponed for one day,)


As for the physical signed book, as long as the website fan level is [Dharma Protector] or above, you can get Xiao Wu's physical book. Although it is not valuable, it is still a souvenir.

Now I have given away two physical books, one is [The Boy of Death], thank you for his long-term support to me, [Human Immortal] level.

The second one is [I am fascinated by it], thank you also, [Dharma protector] level.

Everyone please participate. It will continue until the end of this month. Physical books will be mailed out uniformly by then.


The whole process is completely transparent and fair. Finally, Xiao Wu thanks everyone for your support~ This event is purely interactive, please don’t comment if you don’t like it~ Xiao Wu qq1589045849, welcome to disturb,

This chapter has been completed!
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