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Chapter 94: Chasing Seven Streets Madly

The news that the Xie family was wiped out spread throughout the entire Jiuquan upper class circle last night. Just as everyone was buzzing with news, another news came out: Mr. Xie passed away in the hospital.

With the death of Mr. Xie, the upper class of Jiuquan all sighed. The Xie family was truly over. If Mr. Xie survived, there would still be a chance for a comeback in the future, but now even this chance is gone.

After Mr. Xie died, everyone naturally turned their attention to Xiao Feng, because he was the person who least wanted Mr. Xie to survive. Unknowingly, Xiao Feng was named a murderer, as if he had killed Mr. Xie himself. General.

Xiao Feng didn't come out to refute the rumors. He didn't care what others said. Anyway, he just wanted to have a clear conscience. In one morning, he allocated more than one billion of Xiao's funds and began to build an entertainment city again. At the same time, Xiao Feng The Group was officially listed, announcing to all the forces in Jiuquan that the era of the Xiao Group was coming.

Winner or loser, many group companies that had cooperated with the original Xie family listed company also extended olive branches to Xiao, hoping to continue cooperation. Naturally, Xu Nuo and Guo Jia would not refuse these people, and they all nodded in agreement and renewed their cooperation. Various contracts were signed.

Several listed companies were already doing the Xie family's original business, and promised to recall a large number of their subordinates and decentralize them to several companies, while she sat at the headquarters of Xiao's company and commanded the overall situation.

Unexpectedly, Guo Jia, who had always been praised as the "God of Finance" by Xiao's internal staff, suddenly resigned from his position as vice president. He promised not to hold back, signed and approved it directly, and quickly mentioned Shen Qiang to the position of vice president. in the position of president.

At the same time, the Xiao Group established a board of directors. Xiao Feng is the largest shareholder, occupying 75% of the total shares. The second largest shareholder, Guo Jia, who resigned as vice president, holds 11% of the shares, and the remaining shares are distributed. , which can be regarded as motivating the general managers of each company, each accounting for 1%.

However, as the president of the Xiao Corporation promised, he did not hold a single share of the stock. This caused a huge repercussions within the Xiao Corporation. Some people even secretly speculated whether the beautiful CEO had a conflict with Guo Jia.

In the office of the president of Xiao Group, Xu Nuo looked at Guo Jia who was sitting opposite: "You really plan to leave Xiao Group,"

"Sister-in-law, please don't try to keep me here. I came to Xiao's purely to help the boss occupy the Xie family's market share. Now that the Xie family has collapsed, there is no point in staying here. If the boss hadn't forced me to occupy the market share, I don’t even plan to ask for 11% of the shares,” Guo Jia said helplessly.

Xu Nuo was silent for a moment: "Then what are you going to do next?"

"The boss gave me a new task. I have to go to work at the Wen family," Guo Jia said with a smirk.

"Aren't the Wen family, Xiao Feng and the Wen family..." Xu Nuo was a little confused, but in the end he didn't finish the sentence.

Guo Jia nodded: "Well, there is no conflict of interest between the Xiao family and the Wen family now, but who can guarantee the future? Besides, the boss asked me to join the Wen family not to deal with the Wen family, but for Xiaoqiang's good."

"Xiao Qiang," Xu Nuo became even more confused.

"I don't know exactly what it is, but whatever the boss arranges, I will do it," Guo Jia said with a smile.

Xu Nuo looked at Guo Jia and finally nodded: "Then I won't keep you. If there is any problem, I will contact you alone,"

"Okay, I'll be waiting for my sister-in-law to send me any time," Guo Jia nodded seriously. He also admired Xu Nuo, a strong woman, because she needed a bigger stage to show herself.

"Then you have no objection to letting Shen Qiang take over your position," Xu Nuo asked in a soliciting tone.

Guo Jia smiled: "That boy is still a little immature in his methods, but after these few days of training, he can still stand alone. It's not convenient for me to take him with me to the Wen family, so I left him at the Xiao family." Bar,"

"Okay," Xu Nuo stood up and stretched out his slender palm: "Guo Jia, thank you,"

"Haha, it's all for the boss," Guo Jia also stood up, shook hands with Xu Nuo, turned around and left the president's office without even looking back.

After the office door closed behind him, Guo Jia showed an evil smile: "There are so many girls here, I will definitely come back often. Hey, what day of the week is today? I'm really confused. It seems to be Ruhua's turn." After that, Shaking his head, he walked towards the office area.

In the office, Xu Nuo let out a sullen breath, his eyes a little blurry: "A Feng, I still don't understand you~Why, you are surrounded by so many people, is this your unique personality charm?" At this point , couldn't help but smile bitterly: "Promise, promise, you've fallen into it yourself, so how can you talk about others,"

Xu Nuo rubbed her temples, stood up from the office chair, and walked towards the huge floor-to-ceiling window. She looked through the window and saw the blue sky and white clouds outside, with the traffic flowing by. She liked this feeling very much...

"A Feng, I won't let you down, I will definitely make the Xiao family soar," Xu Nuo looked at the clouds passing by in the sky, his eyes firm.

Throughout the morning, Xiao Feng made many arrangements. After the arrangements were completed, he felt a sense of emptiness in his heart. Is this what he wanted? But fortunately, he was used to being a hands-off shopkeeper and quickly adjusted. After thinking about it, he called Yuwen Chengcheng and asked him to go talk to Liu Cheng.

Now Xiao Feng has a large amount of gold, white powder and various smuggled goods piled up in his hands. These are all brought out from the Xie family's warehouse. The top priority is that he wants to finalize a cooperative relationship with General Kata, and then open up a maritime channel, and then Contact Ding Ziqiang and start doing 'export trade'.

"Brother Feng, where are we going next?" Wu Huan didn't know when he learned to drive. He had been Xiao Feng's driver all morning.

"Go to the Imperial Capital Square, I made an appointment with Yu Wen Chengcheng to meet there," Xiao Feng leaned on the co-pilot and said calmly.

"Oh," Wu Huan skillfully put the gear into gear and stepped on the accelerator, driving towards the Imperial Capital Square.

"Hey, Wu Huan, who taught you how to drive?" Xiao Feng couldn't help but ask, remembering Wu Huan pestering him and asking him to teach him how to drive.

"I'm self-taught," Wu Huan's cold face revealed a smug smile.

"Do you have a driver's license?"

"Can I take the driver's license test at the age of 15?" Wu Huan asked back.

"Damn, you're driving without a license," Xiao Feng rolled his eyes: "Be careful, you kid will be checked by the traffic police,"

"With my level, no traffic policeman can check me." As soon as Wu Huan finished speaking, he heard a voice from behind: "The car in front of you, pull over."

Xiao Feng and Wu Huan were both stunned. At the same time, they looked behind them through the rearview mirror: "Holy shit, traffic police."

"Oh, Brother Feng, what should I do?" Wu Huan asked speechlessly when he was checked by the traffic police for the first time.

"What can we do, run away," Xiao Feng didn't care about the few small traffic policemen, but he didn't intend to waste time here, so he immediately said to Wu Huan.

"Okay," Wu Huan nodded, stepped on the accelerator, and the Audi roared out, running through the red light.

Seeing that the Audi car ran away with the accelerator, the traffic police car behind it was so angry that it immediately turned on its lights and started to chase. These traffic policemen have very sharp eyes. There was an ordinary Audi car in front of them, and the brand was also very similar. Ordinary, so they thought he wouldn't be a big shot that they couldn't afford to offend, so they dared to pursue him like this.

Furthermore, if there is really a big shot in the Audi, can he run away? Who saw the big shot being chased for several streets by a traffic police car? Therefore, the traffic police got more and more angry after the chase, and even called the nearby police car in the end. Several cars on the street chased and intercepted the Audi.

"Brother Feng, it seems we can't handle it," Wu Huan had just learned to drive, and was chased by several traffic police cars and finally got stuck in a blind corner.

Xiao Feng looked at Wu Huan and shook his head: "Following you is really a shameful person."

"What should we do now,"

"I don't have a driver's license either, what do you think I should do," Xiao Feng said angrily, opened the door and got out of the car.

Wu Huan grinned: "With your reputation as Xiao Feng, I don't dare to take you back even if I lend some courage to the little traffic policeman."

"Shit, am I that kind of person?" Xiao Feng closed the car door, lit a cigarette, and looked at the several traffic police cars surrounding him.

When the traffic police car saw people getting out of the Audi car, they also opened the door and got out of the car: "Run again, why don't you run away?"

Xiao Feng frowned slightly, how could he say this, "Haha, I can't run anymore,"

"Grandma, you made me chase you for seven streets. If you don't punish me today, I will take off your skin," a thick black man looked at Xiao Feng and said fiercely.

Xiao Feng frowned deeper and took a closer look. Yes, he was a traffic policeman, not an urban management officer. Why did his tone of voice sound more like an urban management officer than an urban management officer.

"Old Hei, is it better to be a traffic policeman than a city guard?" A young man next to him asked with a smile while holding a cigarette in his mouth.

"It's okay, but this grandson runs too fast." The thick black man walked up to Xiao Feng, looked at him a few times, and then patted the Audi car: "Hey, driver, get down here and take out your driver's license. ,"

"You used to be a city manager," Xiao Feng suddenly asked.

"Yeah, what's going on?" the thick black man glared.

"Nothing," Xiao Feng took out the cigarette and handed it over: "Come on, buddy, don't be so angry and have a cigarette."

"No," the thick black man just finished saying, but found that what Xiao Feng handed over was a hardcover Yellow Crane Tower, he immediately took it and threw it into his mouth: "You are quite rich, and you still smoke Yellow Crane Tower,"

"Haha," Xiao Feng smiled without saying anything, and looked at the other traffic policemen again: "I wonder if you are chasing my car, what's the matter?"

"What's the matter?" Several traffic policemen grinned: "The holidays are coming soon. Check for drunk driving and other things. For your safety,"

Xiao Feng sneered in his heart, but still kept a smile on his face: "Oh, the festival is almost here, you should make some money, right?"

"Well, I know what I'm doing..." When a traffic policeman said this, his voice suddenly stopped, and then he said angrily: "What do you mean?"

This chapter has been completed!
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