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Chapter 177 Your knowledge is too shallow!

Even before the Evening News reporter mentioned the third of the ten deadly sins, he saw so many people standing up to support Xiao Feng. He couldn't help but feel anxious. He didn't want the situation to be reversed.

Just after the local media in Jiuquan stood up, the Evening News reporter was just about to drop another bombshell when a rather majestic voice at the door attracted everyone's attention.

Xiao Feng, who was standing on the rostrum, glanced at the door of the auditorium. When he saw clearly who was coming, a faint smile appeared on the corner of his mouth. Why were they here?

"It's Mayor Xia and Director Gong," a reporter from Jiuquan TV Station was the first to recognize the people during the brief pause.

With this voice, the auditorium was once again in an uproar, and there was a sound of surprise.

The parents woke up from their daze and took a closer look at the person coming. Yes, this was Mayor Xia who often appeared on TV. He was exactly the same, Mayor Xia.

In the eyes of ordinary people, the mayor of a city is a great big shot. You can usually see it on TV, and a few have actually seen it.

What's more, the parents and children in the auditorium today are all from families with financial problems and struggling at the bottom of society. They have never seen the mayor in person before.

At the door, Xia Changchun and Gong Mingxing walked in slowly with a few entourages, their eyes swept over the Evening News reporter, and finally looked at Xiao Feng on the podium: "Principal Xiao, the two of us will make the decision for you today,"

"Haha, thank you, Mayor Xia and Director Gong." In front of so many people, Xiao Feng didn't want to be too casual. He got down from the rostrum and walked quickly towards Xia Changchun and Gong Mingxing.

Jiuquan TV station was the first to react, and was secretly glad that it had done the right thing by standing up to speak for Xiao Feng. Look, now the mayor and the director of the Education Bureau have both stood up to speak for Xiao Feng. With a small reporter, he has done the right thing. What kind of waves can it stir up?

The most important thing is that in the situation just now, if they supported Xiao Feng, could Xiao Feng ignore it? If he just said a few words, the benefits would be enough to make them happy.

Reporters and cameramen from Jiuquan TV station quickly turned their cameras around and took photos of Xiao Feng shaking hands with Xia Changchun and Gong Mingxing.

Other members of the media were not slow to respond. Although they were not familiar with Xia Changchun, they knew that he was indeed the mayor of Jiuquan City. With his presence, today's reporter would not only be unable to smear Xiao Feng, but he would also probably be in trouble. .

"Principal Xiao, this is," Xia Changchun said after shaking hands with Xiao Feng, he turned to look at the Evening News reporter, frowning slightly.

"The reporter from Yindu Evening News, haha, he said that I had a big conspiracy to found Bauhinia Academy, and asked Mayor Xia and Director Gong to make the decision for me." The disadvantage was reversed in an instant, and it was strange that Xiao Feng could let this reporter go.

"Journalist from Yindu, huh, so what, why did you come to Jiuquan to make such nonsense? Mayor Xia and I personally followed up the Bauhinia Academy. Now that you are making such nonsense, do you mean that both Mayor Xia and I have eye problems? Or, Mayor Xia and I also have some collusion with the underworld," Xia Changchun said nothing. Gong Mingxing's hot temper was not polite, and some words were only suitable for him to say.

"..." The Evening News reporter's face was pale, cold sweat rolled down his face, and he looked at Xia Changchun and Gong Mingxing with dull eyes. How could he have imagined that the mayor and the director of the Education Bureau could support Xiao Feng so much.

Xiao Feng looked at Gong Mingxing and felt secretly happy. This old boy is quite capable. Let him borrow the bronze vase for a few more days.

When Zhao Qin and others heard Gong Mingxing's words, they all breathed a sigh of relief. With these two powerful people coming forward, who would believe a reporter's words?

"Mayor Xia, Director Gong, I don't plan to continue running this school," Xiao Feng looked at the reporter from the Evening News, changed his mind, and said suddenly.

"Well," when Xiao Feng said this, the whole audience was shocked, especially the parents. They no longer believed the reporter's words at all. Now that they heard that Xiao Feng would not open a school, then they...

"Just like this reporter said, I spent more than one billion to buy Bauhinia University, but people have to question me. What am I doing when I have nothing to do?" Xiao Feng said a little rudely, and he felt so depressed The evil fire must be released.

"Principal Xiao, education is not a trivial matter, I will give you an explanation," Xia Changchun looked at Xiao Feng and said quickly.

Gong Mingxing also interjected from the side: "Principal Xiao, don't worry, I will clear your name now," he said, quickly walked up to the podium and picked up the microphone: "Parents and classmates, I am Gong Mingxing from the Municipal Education Bureau... …”

Gong Mingxing defended Xiao Feng's name from above, while the media's flashbulbs kept lighting up and crackling like thunder below.

"Principal Xiao's noble ideas for the sake of children are something that all of us should learn and respect. I hope that the children who enter Bauhinia Academy will also inherit this spirit with a grateful heart..." It is indeed true. People within the system, like Gong Mingxing, don't use any speech scripts. They just follow one phrase after another, and each phrase is more beautiful than the last.

Thunderous applause sounded, and all the parents and children stared at Xiao Feng. They were worried, praying, yearning, and expecting...

"Principal Xiao, the children need you and a school," Gong Mingxing said loudly.

"..." Xiao Feng was speechless. He just wanted to take the opportunity to force out the person behind the scenes. Who would have thought that Gong Mingxing would pull off such a trick.

"Mayor Xia, I think someone is maliciously slandering me in this matter. Look..."

"Don't worry, I will definitely find out." Xia Changchun also understood Xiao Feng's thoughts and turned to look at the Evening News reporter: "I hope you can cooperate with the investigation. Come and take this reporter out first, so as not to disrupt the order of the conference. I will personally look into this matter,"

"Yes," the personal attendant nodded and walked to the Evening News reporter: "Come with us,"

"I..." The Evening News reporter wiped away cold sweat, he didn't know what to do.

"Arrest him and sentence him to life," an unknown parent roared, and many parents echoed, their voices full of anger.

How could they not be angry? Just because of this reporter, their children almost couldn't go to school anymore. If the mayor hadn't been watching, they would have probably taken off their shoes and smashed them.

A black line flashed across Xiao Feng's forehead, "Indefinite", these parents are so cute, but what awaits this reporter is more terrifying than a life sentence.

The sound of a wave of criticism made the Evening News reporter's legs weaken and he almost sat on the ground. He no longer had the majestic expression he had just before.

"Take him out, he is disturbing public order," Mayor Xia waved his hand.

"Yes," the two attendants, one on the left and one on the right, held up the Evening News reporter and headed out.

Although it was not in compliance with the procedures, the media at the scene cleverly moved the camera to other places and did not take any pictures of the reporter being taken away.

"Wait a minute," Xiao Feng shouted and came to the evening news reporter.

"You, what are you going to do?" When the Evening News reporter saw Xiao Feng coming, he trembled with fright and struggled to escape.

"Haha, as I just said, what can I do, and what can I dare to do in the public eye? I am a good law-abiding citizen, you know?" Xiao Feng approached the evening news reporter, and the smile on his face became even bigger: "Follow me I'm just kidding, you're too shallow in your knowledge, don't think it was Xia Changchun who ruined your plan, in fact he saved your life,"


"I will go see you later. I hope you can tell me who asked you to make trouble. Otherwise, no one can save you." After Xiao Feng finished speaking, he took the notebook from his hand. He opened it and looked at it with a mocking smile: "Hmph, ten deadly sins. It won't take long for you to be glad that you only mentioned two sins."

"What do you want,"

"Take him out," Xiao Feng stopped looking at the reporter and turned around and walked towards Xia Changchun.

The Evening News reporter was taken away, and the conference was still going on. The farce just now seemed like a minor episode, and no one mentioned it again.

On the contrary, the appearance of Xia Changchun and Gong Mingxing gave these parents a reassurance, and they were even more grateful to Xiao Feng.

Since Xia Changchun is here, Liu Liang will naturally not let him go and let him go up to speak~

Xia Changchun didn't give in too much. After talking a lot in an official tone, he finally changed the subject and praised Xiao Feng again. In fact, it was more like flattering than flattering.

Of course, in the eyes of others, it is the praise of an elder to the younger generation, the praise of a leader to the principal...

Whether it was flattery or praise, Xiao Feng almost grinned behind his ears and felt so comfortable all over.

Xia Changchun and Gong Mingxing did not stay for long before they left with their entourage. Before leaving, the two men once again said in front of everyone that Bauhinia Academy is a loving education project that the municipal government focuses on, and no one with ulterior motives can slander it.

In fact, this is equivalent to them conveying a message to all the upper levels of Jiuquan through the media, that is, Bauhinia Academy has official protection. No matter who you are, you are not allowed to have ideas about Bauhinia Academy. Otherwise, don't blame the official for not You're welcome, I'll take action on you.

When they left, Xiao Feng winked at Zhang Yu. He nodded understandingly and followed out from the side. He was going to mention the Evening News reporter. Some things were left to the authorities and were far inferior to them. Be efficient yourself.

Furthermore, even if that reporter has been showing off his prestige for so long, and if you don't show him some color, why is he still involved in the underworld? Zhang Yu hates this reporter so much that he can let him go so easily. Just saw a ghost.

After announcing the ribbon-cutting ceremony and the normal start time for tomorrow, the school meeting ended. Teachers, parents, and children left one after another, but the media stayed because there was still a special press conference to be held.

There were no surprises at the press conference, and no media dared not mention any of the pots. Even a certain CCTV channel only asked a few symbolic questions, and then spoke highly of Xiao Feng and Bauhinia University, saying that they would vigorously promoted.

Xiao Feng did not attend the press conference. He left the auditorium with a vague feeling. Compared with the press conference, he preferred to meet the reporter and ask him to read the "Ten Deadly Sins" again.

This chapter has been completed!
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