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Chapter 138: Bitter Meat

Tan Xiaojun's "professional" made Lin Yi very unhappy. He seemed to be a professional pimp, but he didn't show it. He just smiled and said: "Master Tan is ridiculous. It is said that if you don't have diamonds, don't do the porcelain work." Well!"

"Don't always call me Master Tan. We are very close. Didn't I already say it last time? We are brothers. From now on, just call me Xiaojun!" Tan Xiaojun, the mayor's son, is very approachable. Putting their hands on Lin Yi's shoulders, they looked like two good brothers who had been playing together since they were kids wearing underpants.

"Well, I understand, Master Tan!"

"Didn't you tell me not to call me Master Tan? Why did you forget it in the blink of an eye?"

"I'm sorry, Master Tan!"


"Brother Xiaojun."

Lin Yi finally called him sincerely, but he felt guilty in his heart. He didn't know whether Tan Xiaojun calling him brother was really out of the two people's similar temperament, or he was just using him to win over Shen Shiman, or maybe both. Yes, but he is about to really use Tan Xiaojun's status as the mayor's son to achieve his own goals.

"I'm sorry, brother." Lin Yi thought silently in his heart. Now that Wen Wanqing and Zhao Yueyi were in danger in the battle of Wentian, he had no choice but to do this.

"That's right!" Tan Xiaojun hugged Lin Yi's shoulders tightly and asked with a smile, "Didn't you say you wanted to get to know me well and then go to Shen Shiman to sell it? How do you plan to get to know me? Woolen cloth? "

"The more we get along with each other, the more we will understand each other!" Lin Yi said absentmindedly. Tan Xiaojun's closeness and enthusiasm doubled his sense of guilt, and he even retreated in his heart and was ready to give up the plan.

"If you want to get along better, you might as well stay here with me. Anyway, I'm empty living alone!" Tan Xiaojun said with a smirk, "You can get to know me however you want. At worst, I'll strip you naked and let you Research thoroughly!"

Lin Yi smiled, and then said shyly: "Sir, please respect yourself!"

The two of them were similar in age, both had familiar outgoing personalities, and they also had the common topic of Shen Shiman. Naturally, the conversation became more and more interesting, with a lot of heavy-handed jokes interspersed between them. Until noon, the two of them met again. We went to a tavern to continue drinking and talking, and they quickly became good friends.

As the saying goes, a thousand cups of wine is too little to meet a close friend. Tan Xiaojun has a distinguished status. He seems to have a large group of friends and brothers, but they are basically just acquaintances. Lin Yi consciously poured wine into Tan Xiaojun's mouth. After the meal, Tan Xiaojun was already drunk, while Lin Yi was only slightly drunk.

"Xiaojun, let's drink till here today!" Lin Yi saw that Tan Xiaojun was in a good state, so he joked, "If you keep drinking like this, I will say that you are an alcoholic in front of Shen Shiman!"

"How dare you kid?" Tan Xiaojun pointed at Lin Yi and said with a smile.

There are basically three levels of drunkenness. Being too drunk will lead to blurred consciousness and basically losing the ability to move; being slightly drunk means that you can maintain a clear mind and normal ability to move. Both situations are relatively good. Safe, but the most dangerous thing is Tan Xiaojun’s current state!

When a person drinks in this state, his mind will be extremely excited and his judgment will be affected to a certain extent. However, his ability to act will not be weakened at all. Instead, he will burst out with abnormal power due to excitement. Therefore, in this state Drunks under the influence are most likely to cause trouble, and are commonly known as: "drunk lunatics!"

Yes, Lin Yi put Tan Xiaojun into this state just to bring the mayor's son to cause trouble!

"Xiaojun, what's the next show?" Lin Yi asked tentatively.

"Well..." Tan Xiaojun pondered for a long time and said, "Let's go to the club, there is no fun in the afternoon and evening; let's go to the hunting ground, in this state we can only fire empty guns... Let's talk about it!"

"Have you ever been to a video game city?" Lin Yi finally got to the topic, "I guess young men like you are still relatively new to playing video games, right?"

"Playing video games?" Tan Xiaojun frowned, "I played it when I was a child, but I didn't think it was very good. I haven't played it since I grew up, and I don't know if there are any new things. If you are interested, I will accompany you.

You go and have some fun!”

Lin Yi naturally agreed, so the two took a taxi to an arcade called "Red Star". Lin Yi knew clearly that this arcade was owned by the Tian family!

"Motorcycles, cars, shooting machines, dancing machines...these are just the same old stuff!" Tan Xiaojun walked around the arcade like a quickie, looking uninterested.

"Then I'll take you to see some new things!" Lin Yi pulled Tan Xiaojun and walked towards the hall inside. After watching the Nanluo Lane video game city for so long, he basically touched the structure of the video game city now.

The door is clear.

Entering the place inside, Tan Xiaojun's interest was still not very high. He pointed at the gambling video games and said: "Lin Yi, isn't this the new thing you mentioned? Fishing machine, Domination of the World, Beauty and the Beast

…Can these also be called novelties?”

Hearing that Tan Xiaojun could name the gambling machines one by one, Lin Yi knew that he was looking down on the mayor. Others didn't bother to play with such vulgar things, but it didn't mean that others didn't know!

"Have you ever played with these?" Lin Yi asked with some horror.

"Actually... I haven't even played it!" Tan Xiaojun deliberately prolonged the tone of the first two words and said with a joking smile, "I just know these things, but I have played fishing machines on computers and mobile phones. If you are interested in

If you are interested in these things, I can accompany you to play with the fishing machine, but I’m afraid I won’t be able to operate the others!”

"Okay, let's play the fishing machine!" Lin Yi decisively went to the front desk to charge two cards, each with 5,000. This amount is not considered a rich player in the video game city, but it is definitely not a small player.

Make a fuss.

"Hey, the young man is willing to invest his money!" Tan Xiaojun saw the amount on the card when he swiped the card, and smiled in surprise. He thought this boy was just here to have fun.

"I can't bear to let the child catch the wolf!" Lin Yi agreed with a smile.

Lin Yi's fishing skills were really not very good, and Tan Xiaojun was also a novice. After a while, they each lost three to four thousand yuan to enter, and they were so angry that they almost smashed the machine.

In fact, for Tan Xiaojun, winning or losing thousands of dollars is just a drop in the bucket, and it is Lin Yi's money, so he doesn't feel bad if he loses, but losing money all the time makes people a little crazy!

This is like playing LoL. Even if there is no bet, losing several games in a row will make people want to smash the computer and throw the keyboard. Some time ago, there was a news report that a primary school student committed suicide and jumped off a building because he lost six games in a row while playing LoL.

The business of this Red Star Game Center is really good. There was a big circle of people sitting around a fishing machine, and the onlookers were even more crowded. Lin Yi was already so excited that he rolled up his sleeves and looked at the screen.

He kept firing bullets at the biggest fish with the intention of pocketing it.


The big fish finally died, but the final fatal blow was not delivered by Lin Yi. Seeing the dense gold coins and scores bouncing into other people's accounts, Lin Yi finally realized that the opportunity had come!


Lin Yi punched the big screen of the fishing machine hard. He jumped up and cursed loudly: "Damn it, what kind of fucking machine is this? I can't die after beating you for so long, but others will die as soon as I hit you."

, are you going to let other people play with this?"

The middle-aged man who had just pocketed the big fish suddenly felt unhappy. Lin Yi's words were obviously directed at him, so he also shot up the case without showing any signs of weakness: "You bastard, what the hell are you doing?"

Whether you can afford to lose or not, if you can’t afford to lose, just give it to me and play with the spoon!"

"Oh, he's still a fellow from the Northeast!" Lin Yi was secretly happy. He finally succeeded in irritating the other person. He who had been carrying him to make trouble, immediately rushed forward and grabbed the middle-aged man's collar, and raised his voice

He raised a fist and roared: "Grandson, who the hell are you saying can't afford to lose? Who are you telling them to get lost?"

"I call you uncle!"

"Why are you calling me uncle when you have nothing to do? You are blindly identifying your relatives!"


The two got into a scuffle quickly. The surrounding players and spectators were all talking about this scene. No one had any intention of starting a fight. Tan Xiaojun was already drunk, and he had just lost a game.

Feeling angry, seeing his brother getting into a fight, he immediately rolled up his sleeves and rushed forward.

A very disgraceful two-on-one!

Seeing Tan Xiaojun rushing up, Lin Yi felt mixed emotions in his heart. Tan Xiaojun rushed up to help, which meant that his plan was half successful, but the brotherly loyalty shown by Tan Xiaojun made him blame himself and feel guilty.

Of these two complex emotions, the most touching one is that of being moved.

According to Lin Yi's experience watching the show, when he encounters unreasonable and violent customers like him, it should be the time for the show watch guys from the video game city to come on stage. Guests like them will be thrown out.


Sure enough, within two minutes, four or five burly young men in black vests rushed over quickly, roughly cut through the crowd and shouted angrily: "Who the hell is doing that in this place!"


Everyone pointed at Lin Yi and Tan Xiaojun, waiting for another good show to happen.

"I'm the one causing trouble. What's wrong?" Lin Yi let go of the middle-aged man who had been beaten into a pig's head by him and Tan Xiaojun, and challenged the internal security guards, "You'd better get out of here.

Come on, otherwise, believe it or not, I and my two brothers ruined your situation?"

After saying this, Lin Yi was already ready to be beaten. According to his experience, such a domineering guest is either a very powerful person or a bastard. It is obvious that Tan Xiaojun is the former.

And he is not the latter.

This is a cruel trick!

This chapter has been completed!
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