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Chapter 186: The Elixir Turns into Poison

Fifteen minutes later, the police who received the call finally arrived at the Zijin Building.

The police's control was naturally stronger than that of the building's security guards, and they quickly suppressed the rioting crowd outside the building. Although the crowd did not leave, the yelling became quieter and quieter, and order was basically restored to the scene.


A middle-aged policeman with a Chinese character and a few young policemen in their twenties walked into the lobby on the first floor of the building, walked straight to Lin Yi, Wu Fei and others, and asked in a deep voice: "Which one of you is Feilimei?"

Head of Healthcare LLC?”

"I am!" Concubine Wu stepped forward and stood up.

"Hello, I am Yang Huayong, the captain of the fifth detachment of Chaonan District!" The middle-aged policeman with a Chinese character made a brief introduction to himself, then shook hands with Concubine Wu and said, "We just had a brief chat outside.

After understanding the situation, people outside reported that your company’s Yueyueqing granules have serious quality problems, what’s going on?”

"Officer Yang, we have just received the news, and we don't know much about the current situation, but we believe that our product Yueyue Light Granules will definitely not have quality problems!" Concubine Wu said confidently.

"Whether your products have quality problems or not, you have to decide for yourself. You have to ask the relevant departments to test them before you know!" Yang Huayong was obviously not polite because Wu Fei was a beauty, and said sternly, "Now we still have to do it.

Please come with us to the bureau and cooperate with us to understand the situation clearly!"

"Okay, it's okay for me to come with you, but what about the situation outside now?" Concubine Wu pointed at the crowd outside the building and asked.

"If you, the person in charge, leave with us, they will naturally disperse!" Yang Huayong replied.

"Officer Yang, please wait!" Lin Yi suddenly stopped Yang Huayong, who was about to take Concubine Wu to the police station, and stood up and said, "Officer Yang, I am the largest shareholder of the Yueyue Light Granules project, and also the largest shareholder of this project.

The developer of the drug, logically speaking, I should also go to the bureau with you, but if we leave with you now, I am afraid that the people outside will suspect that we are colluding with the police and businessmen, and they will find it difficult to believe the results of the subsequent investigation.

, after all, there are many such examples!”

"What do you mean?" Yang Huayong turned around and asked.

"I mean, we might as well figure out the situation on the spot, and figure it out under the eyes of the masses. They won't have any doubts. This is fair and open, and it's good for all of us!" Lin

Yi said.

"The scene is so chaotic, how can we figure out the situation?" Yang Huayong glared at Lin Yi angrily, "Since you are also a shareholder of this project and the developer of this product, then you should also come with us!


"It's okay for me to come with you, but I want to figure things out before I follow you!" Lin Yi pointed at the crowd outside the building and said, "The scene is indeed chaotic, but we can let them choose representatives to come in and talk to us

Communicate and negotiate and let us figure out the situation!”

"Are you teaching me how to handle a case?" Yang Huayong asked angrily.

"I don't dare, I just want to know the truest situation as soon as possible!" Lin Yi stepped forward and walked to Yang Huayong's ear, whispering, "Officer Yang, our boss is the granddaughter of the president of Beiwu International. I want Mr. Wu to

You certainly don’t want your granddaughter to be brought into the police station for no reason, right?"

"Bei Wu International?"

Yang Huayong weighed it in his mind, turned to a small policeman next to him and ordered: "You go outside now and ask them to select two representatives to come in. Let's understand the situation clearly first!"

Lin Yi secretly smiled in his heart. It seems that the tiger skin of Beiwu International is really effective. He is not looking for trouble, but he has been in several situations in Yanhai City and is well aware of the darkness in it.

Then you are in a passive position, and many situations are out of your control.

Five minutes later, the little policeman who had just left walked in with two family members of the patient.

Due to the presence of the police, the family members of the two patients did not dare to throw away their shoes and socks as they did before. They just stared at Lin Yi and Concubine Wu with extremely vicious eyes, making their teeth itch with hatred.

"Comrade police, you must make the decision for us!" The two family members of the patient tugged at Yang Huayong's police uniform and begged pitifully.

"Don't worry, our police's duty is to make decisions for the people!" Yang Huayong pulled away the hands of the two patients' family members and said, "Please tell us the detailed situation now. Don't be anxious, tell us one by one!"

"Comrade policeman, my wife has dysmenorrhea. I heard that Yueyueqing Granules are very effective in treating this problem, so we bought it. As a result, the dysmenorrhea problem was not cured by taking it, but it was actually bad for me. Now I

My wife’s stomach is as bloated as a spoiled child, and she has not recovered even after being treated in the hospital for several days... You must seek justice for us!" One of the patient’s family members said in tears.

Another patient nodded repeatedly after hearing this: "My daughter is also in the same situation. Before I bought it, I heard people say that their Yueyueqing Granules are a panacea for treating dysmenorrhea. After I bought it, I found out that it is simply poison. These black-hearted companies know how to cheat.

We, the common people, don’t take human lives seriously at all!”

"Do you have anything to explain?" Yang Huayong looked at Lin Yi and asked.

Lin Yi ignored Yang Huayong and asked the two patients' families: "Which pharmacy did you buy our products from?"

"My wife bought it at Beikang Pharmacy!"

“My daughter bought it at Hexing Pharmacy!”

The two patients' family members quickly gave their answers. Lin Yi nodded and said, "Yes, these two major pharmacies are the designated distribution offices of our products. Do you still have our products?"

"Of course I have to keep your criminal evidence, otherwise what will happen if you cheat?" the two patients' family members answered very smartly.

"Just keep it!" Lin Yi nodded again and said, "Officer Yang, you just heard that these two patients heard the good reputation of our products and then went to the prescription to buy them. This also means that,

Our products had a good reputation and therapeutic effect before, and our products had no problems before, but now something suddenly happened, I suspect that there are fake and inferior products of Yueyueqing Granules on the market!"

"Words are unfounded, our police must pay attention to evidence when handling cases!" Yang Huayong said firmly.

"I will find evidence!" Lin Yi turned to the two patients' families and asked, "Have you brought your patients' families here today?"

"I didn't bring my daughter here, she is still receiving treatment in the hospital!"

"I brought my wife here just to show you black-hearted enterprises the evil you have done!"

The two patients answered separately. Lin Yi said to the family member of the patient who brought his sick wife to the demonstration, "Please bring your wife in now. I want to see her current condition."

"You still want to harm my wife? Do you want to kill someone and silence her?" the sick family member shouted vigilantly.

"Look at what you said. In front of the police uncle, how could I have the courage?" Lin Yi looked at Yang Huayong, hoping he could say something.

"Bring your wife in. As long as our police are present, there won't be any problem!" Yang Huayong spoke out as a guarantee, which was considered to be a face to Concubine Wu, no, to Beiwu International.

After a while, the patient's family and a policeman carried the injured wife in on a stretcher. The patient was a woman in her thirties. Her face was bloodless and her lips were pale. She looked very sick and haggard. The most striking thing was that

It was her belly. As her husband said before, her belly was bulging, as if she was pregnant with a child.

Lin Yi knelt down, held the woman's wrist and felt her pulse, then opened her mouth, observed it for a while, nodded if he had some insight, then took out the silver needle he carried with him from his pocket, and took it out

One, he lifted up the hem of the woman's clothes and pierced her stomach.

"What are you doing?" the patient's family members quickly shouted.

"Give her treatment!" Lin Yi looked at the patient's family, stretched out his four fingers and swore to the sky, "I, Lin Yi, swear in front of the police uncle, if I am harming your wife, or I cannot cure her in half an hour,

, I will let you twist off my head and use it as a ball to kick, and I promise not to hold you legally responsible!"

"Are you... sure?" Yang Huayong asked with some worry. After all, he was the one who brought the patient in. If something happened to the patient under his nose, he would be in trouble.

"Wasn't the oath I just swore poisonous enough?" Lin Yi said with a serious face, "The patient took fake Yueyueqing granules, which caused pyloric obstruction and gas accumulation in the colon, resulting in abdominal bulging and coma.

Even though she is unconscious, I am absolutely confident that she can be cured!"

"Officer Yang, believe him!" Concubine Wu also stood up and said, "Although the law does not believe in oaths, we are such a big company here. If something happens, do you think we can run away?"

Yang Huayong automatically understood what Concubine Wu called "such a big company" as Beiwu International, and felt relieved immediately. He nodded to Lin Yi to express his approval. The police made the decision, and the patient's family members said nothing more.

I saw Lin Yi inserting several silver needles in the woman's bulging abdomen very quickly, leaving the needles in the abdomen, then gently pressing the woman's abdomen with one hand, and inserting the other hand from the abdomen to the throat.

She was stroking on the ground, her hands working together flexibly and tacitly, pressing with one hand and stroking with the other. Every time she completed such an action, the woman would open her lips slightly and spit out an unpleasant gas that smelled like vomit.

As Lin Yi continued to repeat such actions, the woman's bulging belly gradually disappeared. Within half an hour, she had returned to normal, and she gradually woke up.

This chapter has been completed!
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