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Chapter 243: Missed!

Although Mantis was unwilling to give up and wanted to slap Lin Yi and Ye Xiaoxiao to death, he had to abide by the rules of the exercise, so he could only spit on the ground viciously, then grabbed the backpack on the ground and exited angrily.

Exercise venue.

Lin Yi took Ye Xiaoxiao and climbed back onto the beam, continuing his unfinished dinner.

"Are you hungry?" Lin Yi tore open a bag of compressed biscuits, unscrewed a bottle of water and handed it to Ye Xiaoxiao's hand, "What do you think you were wandering around in the middle of the night? If it hadn't been for me just now,

You're already dead!"

"Thank you, Hero Lin Yi, for saving your life!" Ye Xiaoxiao pretended to bow his hand to Lin Yi and rolled his eyes angrily, "You think I have nothing to do wandering around in the middle of the night? You are not the only one.

Only then would you adopt the clumsy tactic of hiding. I still adopted this tactic, but my luck was not as good as yours. I was discovered by that guy Big Bear, and I managed to escape with great difficulty!"

"Fortunately, you met a big bear. If you met a white wolf, I'm afraid even if I give your little pheasant wings, you might not be able to escape!" Lin Yi also felt for Ye Xiaoxiao.


After this period of training and getting along, Lin Yi also had a general understanding of his teammates in the training camp. As Ye Xiaoxiao said before, the entire camp is the top of each military region, and there is not a single bad guy. White Wolf and Big Bear

The two are the top players in the entire camp. The only difference is that White Wolf is a speed player, while Big Bear is a power player.

If you encounter a big bear, even if you can't beat it, you still have hope of escaping. But if you encounter a white wolf, you can't escape even if you can't beat it, so Ye Xiaoxiao's luck is pretty good this time.

"Then what should we do now? Do we just keep hiding like this?" Ye Xiaoxiao took a bite of the compressed biscuit and asked.

"What else can we do if we don't hide? Are we going to come to our door and let them abuse us?" Lin Yi took a sip of water and burped contentedly and said, "We'll just wait here and wait, as long as some unlucky guy comes from here.

After that, I will have a way to kill him, and then collect his biscuits and water, haha!"

"It's so wretched...but I have no choice but to be wretched with you!"


In the next two days, Lin Yi and Ye Xiaoxiao did not encounter even a single unlucky person passing by. Instead, bursts of gunshots and wisps of colorful smoke could be heard from far and near outside the warehouse, and team members kept coming.

After exiting this exercise, although the two of them did not encounter any attacks, their dry food and water had been exhausted in two days.

On the last morning before the end of the exercise, just after dawn, there were intense bursts of gunfire from far away in the warehouse. It seemed that the team members were already making a final fight to compete for the only spot.

Lin Yi's stomach was already growling with hunger. Ye Xiaoxiao, who was lying on the side, poked him with his arm: "Stop screaming!"

"Sister, the growling seems to be out of my willpower, right?" Lin Yi rolled his eyes angrily, "If you give me a roast duck now, I guarantee that it will be quiet and not make any noise.

The sound of children."

"Stop talking, someone is coming!" Ye Xiaoxiao poked Lin Yi with his arm again, paying close attention to the bottom of the beam.

Lin Yi quickly closed his mouth and followed Ye Xiaoxiao's gaze. Sure enough, he saw a team member approaching them cautiously. However, Lin Yi didn't feel nervous at all at this moment. Instead, he felt nervous.

Ecstasy - breakfast is here!

Ye Xiaoxiao picked up the sniper rifle in his hand, aimed at the intruder, and whispered: "It's Scorpion. The shooting angle is not very good now, but when he gets closer and there is no longer the obstruction of those pillars, I'm sure."

Shoot him in the head!"

Lin Yi pressed down the muzzle of Ye Xiaoxiao's gun and said cautiously: "If it's not a last resort, we'd better not use the gun. It's not long before the end of the exercise. The surviving team members must be looking for people everywhere.

, as soon as our gunshots are fired, we will definitely call them over!"

"Then what should we do? Are we just going to let the scorpion pass like this? Isn't that too indecent?"

"I have a way!" Lin Yi thought that the flying needle technique he learned from Tong Ye could finally be put to use, but he was wearing camouflage clothes now and didn't bring the silver needle at all, but this is not difficult.

Lin Yi couldn't help it, so he grabbed a small piece of cement from the beam underneath him and said, "That's it!"

"That's it?" Ye Xiaoxiao's face was full of doubts, "Can you please stop joking?"

"I'm not kidding!" Lin Yi warned seriously, "I'm sure I'll knock him down with a cement block, but just in case, you still keep your aim. If I miss, you won't care.

If the gunfire stops, just shoot him in the head!"

"Okay!" Ye Xiaoxiao raised the muzzle of the gun again, maintaining precise aim at all times. She did not have high hopes for Lin Yi, but the sniper rifle in her hand was more reliable.

After more than two days and nearly three days of lurking and fighting, Xie Zi's physical fitness and energy had dropped greatly, but he still remained absolutely cautious, looking around with the muzzle of his gun, and bit by bit towards Lin Yi and Ye Xiaoxiao.

Came closer.

"Can you do it? If not, let me do it. He has already entered my best shooting angle!" Ye Xiaoxiao urged in a low voice when he saw Lin Yi didn't make a move for a long time.

"Don't be anxious, it's quick, it's quick!" Lin Yi held the cement block in his hand tightly and paid close attention to the scorpion's movements. When the scorpion was less than five meters below their beam, Lin Yi finally moved.

Using the flying needle technique, the cement block in his hand flew out at high speed, and ejected without any deviation at the center of Scorpion's eyebrows.


Xie Zi let out a muffled groan, and instantly fell to the ground. His body huddled together, squirming in vain, unable to get up. Lin Yi and Ye Xiaoxiao also jumped down from the beam and walked towards Xie Zi.


"Don't struggle in vain. I have hit the Yintang point between your eyebrows with gravity. Are you dizzy now and can't you lift up your whole body with even a little strength? But don't worry, you will be able to recover in about fifteen minutes.

It's normal," Lin Yi explained while taking out a dagger and cutting off the sensor line on the collar of Scorpion's clothes.


As a burst of colorful smoke rose, Scorpion was "killed". Lin Yi quickly opened his backpack, but found that it was empty. There were no compressed biscuits or fresh water. He searched Scorpion's body again, but still found nothing.

, Lin Yi was so angry that he kicked the scorpion on the ground angrily, "If you had told me you had nothing to eat, I wouldn't have killed you!"

"Forget it, forget it, it's not long before the exercise ends. The food and water on him must have been consumed long ago. Just bear with it!" Ye Xiaoxiao pulled Lin Yi, and then the two of them started again

The scorpion was thrown out of the window and hidden with weeds, which was regarded as "destroying the corpse and eliminating traces".

When Lin Yi and Ye Xiaoxiao returned to the beam again, Phoenix's voice shouted from the loudspeaker over the entire abandoned factory: "There are still one hour and forty minutes left before the end of the exercise. There are still more surviving team members."

The four are White Wolf, Big Bear, Little Pheasant and Lin Yi. I hope your fight will be more intense, otherwise you will all be eliminated!"

"Damn it, how come neither of those two beasts are dead?" Lin Yi was so shocked that he almost fell off the beam.

"We are not dead, how could they die?" Ye Xiaoxiao also said with a worried look, "Now we are the only ones left with White Wolf and Big Bear. It seems that we cannot spend the last two hours safely!


"Isn't it just the White Wolf and the Big Bear? Just do it!" Lin Yi encouraged himself, "We are still hiding here. If they don't come, forget it. If they really come, then we will have to deal with the scorpions.

I don’t believe there is any way to deal with them!”

"Okay, let's do it!" Ye Xiaoxiao's morale was immediately shaken. She had already seen the power of Lin Yi's "darts" just now, and she also had her sniper rifle just in case. If White Wolf and Big Bear came over,

, they are in the dark, but it is not impossible to defeat them!

The two of them had just finished their discussion when a figure slowly came over to search for them. He moved extremely cautiously and found a bunker every two steps. He then raised his gun and looked around. Sure enough, he was not on the same level as a scorpion.


"It's the White Wolf!" Ye Xiaoxiao observed through the lens on the sniper rifle.

"A white wolf is a white wolf, let's beat him until he rolls his eyes and turns into a white-eyed wolf!" Although Lin Yi said it with extraordinary momentum, his little heart was already beating hard, even holding his hand

The cement block's hands were already sweating, and he was so nervous!

Finally, the white wolf slowly stepped into the place where the scorpion was ambushed before. Lin Yi held his breath and the cement block in his hand flew out at high speed, going straight to the center of the white wolf's eyebrows. But the moment he just took action, the white wolf

He suddenly raised his head, and the two of them looked at each other for a very brief moment.

Since Bai Lang had noticed it, it was naturally impossible for him to be hit by the cement blocks flying out from Lin Yi. He just dodged sideways and dodged. At the same time, the sniper rifle in Ye Xiaoxiao's hand also flew out with a sound.

There was a muffled sound, but Bai Lang was cautious. When he sideways avoided Lin Yi's cement block, his body fell to the ground, rolled several times in a row, and hid behind a cement pillar.


Lin Yi and Ye Xiaoxiao suddenly felt great panic in their hearts. Before they could react, the white wolf had already circled to the other side of them and fired at them with a barrage of bullets.


Lin Yi and Ye Xiaoxiao quickly jumped down from the beam, not even daring to stand up. Using the inertia of the forward fall, they rolled forward several times on the ground, and finally hid behind a bunker.

This chapter has been completed!
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