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Chapter 248 : The Plan for Developing the Strong

"How to prove it?"

This is not only what the Dragon King wants to ask, but also what Lin Yi wants to ask. Although he is very dissatisfied with the Dragon King's "outspokenness", what the Dragon King said is the truth. Even though he firmly believes that he will become a strong man one day, but now

, if nothing else, his force value is indeed scumbag!

Lin Yi didn't even know where Fenghuang got the courage to say these words. Didn't he think he was embarrassed enough?

"Come out with me!" Phoenix grabbed Lin Yi's arm and dragged him outside aggressively.

The Dragon King was stunned for a moment, then he picked up the cup and took a big sip of Dongbei Shaoyao Knife. However, he did not put the cup down. Instead, he walked out leisurely with the cup in hand. He wanted to see what happened to his good disciple Fenghuang.

How could a loser prove to be a strong man right under his nose?

Lin Yi was dragged out by Fenghuang in a daze. Before he could recover, Fenghuang grabbed his arm and swung it about two meters in front of him. Then he stepped forward and touched the ground with his whole body.

Suddenly he rose into the air, and his other kick already hit Lin Yi hard in the chest with a sharp roundhouse kick.

That's not the end yet. With the foot that kicked Lin Yi's chest as a fulcrum, Phoenix's foot also took advantage of the opportunity to leave the ground. His body suddenly jumped a few points higher, and in a very fast spin in the air, that foot

It was thrown on the left side of Lin Yi's face with the force of thunder. The strong force made Lin Yi fall sideways and fell to the ground.

This somersault was not easy, firstly because Lin Yi was completely unprepared, and secondly because Phoenix showed no mercy at all. In addition to the pain, Lin Yi was even more angry at this moment!

What's going on? He was fine just now, but this crazy woman pulled him out and beat him up, and she beat him so hard. Now his chest is so tight from being kicked by Phoenix that it hurts to even breathe.

, his cheek was almost knocked off by Phoenix's kick, and the last somersault knocked him to pieces, making him feel dizzy.

"Are you crazy?" Lin Yi covered his cheeks and jumped up from the ground. He opened his mouth and cursed. Although he found out that Fenghuang was a beautiful woman today, he originally planned to maintain a gentleman's demeanor in front of her... but he was

Who can maintain their grace when someone gets beaten up so stupidly?

Phoenix didn't answer at all. With a sharp look in her eyes, she came towards her again. Her speed was extremely fast and her strength was extremely strong. She didn't know how Lin Yi offended her. This round of attack was particularly fierce.

With her skills and her ruthless fighting style, Lin Yi was defeated step by step under the fierce offensive she used both hands and feet, and was unable to parry.

"Hey, what the hell did I do to you? Can you explain it clearly before we fight?" Lin Yi was tired of dealing with Phoenix's fierce offensive, and roared angrily, "If you continue to act like this, I will kill you."

I’m going to fight back!”

As soon as he finished speaking, Phoenix suddenly exerted his strength and kicked Lin Yi several meters away with a thunderous kick. This kick hit Lin Yi's heart, and the force was so strong that the severe pain caused Lin Yi to curl up on the ground.

, there was also a fishy smell in the mouth.

It is said that the Clay Bodhisattva still has three points of anger, and it is also said that the rabbit bites people when it is anxious!

Lin Yi was angry!

He really couldn't think of the reason why Fenghuang suddenly beat him up. No matter whether this woman had a reason or her menstrual cycle was disrupted due to her aunt's arrival, he was going to fight back! If he continued to pretend to be a gentleman at this time, he would be a dead man!


Lin Yi spat out the blood in his mouth, wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth with the back of his hand, stood up slowly, raised his eyes coldly, gave Phoenix a murderous look, and raised an angry fist.

He ran towards Phoenix.

Frankly speaking, Lin Yi's skills are indeed not very good. Compared with masters like Phoenix, they are even worse. With Phoenix's skills, she can easily avoid Lin Yi's punch, and then quickly

She turned around and launched a fierce counterattack against Lin Yi, but she did not do so. She actually raised her fist and charged at Lin Yi.

In this round of confrontation, whether it is Lin Yi or Phoenix, they have abandoned all moves and techniques. There is no technical content at all. It is completely a competition of pure strength!

The Dragon King who was watching the battle suddenly frowned. According to his understanding of Phoenix, it is absolutely impossible for Phoenix to make such a low-level mistake. She is a master, how could she act like a reckless man and compete with others for strength? Even though she is a master.

Her strength is also extremely impressive, but this is an extremely inferior approach!

What does she want to do?

The Dragon King took a sip of the Shao Knife in the cup, and a faint smile appeared on the corner of his mouth. He already understood Phoenix's intention.


The two iron fists suddenly struck together. Although there was no special effect of golden light bursting and immortal energy filling the air, the impact sound of the combination of power and energy was unmistakable. The moment the two fists touched each other, they felt like each other.

The strong force forces the opponent to retreat continuously. This is a collision of forces and an impact of Qi!


Lin Yi couldn't control himself and spat out a large mouthful of blood. The force of Phoenix's punch was like a big stone smashed into his chest filled with hot blood, stirring up the blood in his chest and making ripples tremble.

It was still swaying in his chest, tearing out waves of severe pain.

Fenghuang was actually not feeling well either. She could clearly feel that at the moment when their fists connected, even though she had blocked most of Lin Yi's power, there was another force that came with that power.

A strong qi poured directly into her fist, and then rushed into her body arbitrarily, causing her to receive a huge impact. Not only did she retreat continuously, but her entire chest was shaken, and the corners of her mouth were overflowing.

A trace of blood!

This energy is Lin Yi's internal strength, and it is what Phoenix values, and what Phoenix wants to prove to the Dragon King right now!


The Dragon King smashed the cup in his hand on the ground, burst into wild laughter, and clapped with a pair of big hands. Although one person's applause sounded a bit monotonous, it was extremely enthusiastic!

Lin Yi was stunned, where the hell could this song come from?

Although Lin Yi is still out of the situation, judging from the current situation, Phoenix has no intention of attacking him anymore... Thank God, Lin Yi promises that he will never be able to withstand another round of Phoenix's violence.

The attack power was already strong. In fact, he didn't know that Phoenix could no longer withstand his full punch like the one just now.

"Dragon King, I have finished my proof. It is up to you to decide whether Lin Yi will stay or go!" Phoenix bowed slightly to the Dragon King and reported back, with one hand still covering her chest. It seemed that Lin Yi's punch just now had seriously injured her.

"You've finished proving it, and I understand it!" The Dragon King habitually raised his hand to drink, but when he looked down at the glass shards on the floor, he remembered that the cup had been smashed by him in his excitement, so he felt a little agitated.

He retracted his hand unnaturally and laughed loudly, "Young man, that's good!"

"Excuse me...what do you mean?" Lin Yi asked puzzledly.

The Dragon King did not answer, and asked with squinted eyes: "Young man, have you been practicing Qi since you were a child?"

Lin Yi nodded honestly and said nothing more.

"I was wrong, and I almost missed a good seedling!" The Dragon King changed his indifferent expression, nodded and smiled, "I withstood two rounds of fierce attacks from the Phoenix, and in the confrontation with the Phoenix

Under such circumstances, he can still maintain such a strong explosive power, and he indeed has the potential to become a strong man!"

At this point, if Lin Yi still doesn't understand, he is a fool.

Phoenix has good intentions!

Lin Yi knew that Fenghuang's violent attack on him was to show his resistance ability supported by his internal strength in front of the Dragon King. Fenghuang could easily avoid the subsequent punch, but she didn't.

With his own personal experience, he proved to the Dragon King his inner strength!

"Dragon King, can you accept me?" Lin Yi bowed his hand and asked to become a disciple.

"Accept you?" The Dragon King shook his head, "As I said just now, you only have the potential to become a strong person, but you are not a strong person yet, and what our Shenlong Special Forces Team needs is a mature strong person.

, instead of a kindergarten for cultivating strong men, you are not yet qualified to enter the Shenlong Special Forces Team!"

"Join the Shenlong Special Forces?"

Lin Yifan suddenly realized, holy shit, it turned out that the Dragon King and he were not thinking on the same channel at all. He wanted to worship the Dragon King as his disciple, but the Dragon King thought he wanted to join the Shenlong Special Forces... They were not thinking the same thing.

One question, why don’t you talk about Dandan?


Lin Yi was about to explain, but Phoenix tugged on his arm, and then said firmly: "Dragon King, please rest assured, I will forge Lin Yi into a mature strong man in the shortest possible time, believe me!"

The Dragon King nodded happily and said: "A strong team requires absolute trust in each other, so we must ensure that each team member has the ability to trust his teammates. Whether Lin Yi can become a member of the Shenlong Special Forces Team,

It depends on whether all your team members trust him. Now that the other team members are on a mission, before they come back, I hope you can make Lin Yi a teammate they can trust!"

"I understand!" Phoenix nodded seriously.

"Go ahead, I'll leave it to you to cultivate Lin Yi into a strong man in a short period of time!" The Dragon King waved at Lin Yi and Fenghuang and turned around to enter the room.

With the regretful look in his eyes, this old guy must have gone back to the house to drink again.

Lin Yi was beaten badly by Phoenix today, and it seems that he can't train anymore. Moreover, Phoenix's current condition is not much better... The plan to develop strong men is not in a hurry.

"Get in the car!" Fenghuang winked at Lin Yi, "Go back and take good care of yourself tonight. From tomorrow on, I will pick you up at seven o'clock every morning. Our plan to develop strong men has officially begun!"

This chapter has been completed!
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