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Chapter 259: Little God of War

Shenlong Special Forces station and training ground.

Lin Yi and Phoenix were fighting fiercely when a guard suddenly ran over and shouted: "Sir Phoenix, the Dragon King wants you and Chief Lin Yi to come over!"

The two of them stopped, and Fenghuang nodded and signaled to come over immediately. Lin Yi was so happy when the guard called "Sir Lin Yi". He didn't expect that he could also be a commander, and he directly passed the recruits.

During the egg period, he was directly promoted to the title of commander. In terms of military age, he is probably not half as long as the guard.

When Lin Yi and Fenghuang arrived at the bungalow, the Dragon King was reading a document in his left hand and a cup of Dongbei Shao Daozi in his right hand. He took a sip from time to time and looked a little solemn.

"Dragon King, why did you come to us?" Phoenix walked up to the Dragon King and asked.

The Dragon King nodded solemnly, handed the document in his hand to Fenghuang and said: "During the operation of Tiezi and others to assist the police in anti-drug operations in the southwest, due to the failure of the operation, they all fell into the hands of drug dealers. Now this group of drug dealers are using their

As a hostage, they are negotiating terms with us!"

"How could this happen?" Fenghuang quickly browsed through the documents in his hand and said with a frown, "Tie Zi, Jaguar, Osprey... all five members of our Shenlong Special Forces Team fell into their hands. They

Why are they all gathered in one mission?"

"It was arranged by me!" Dragon King took a big sip of Dongbei Yaozi and sighed, "Originally, only Jaguar and Osprey were performing this mission, but it happened that Tiezi and the others were also performing missions in the southwest, so I asked them to carry out the mission.

After finishing it, I went to assist the jaguar and osprey, and I didn’t expect to get them all in!”

"Dragon King, it's not your fault. No one expected this!" Phoenix comforted the Dragon King, and then asked with some confusion, "Our team members are all experienced veterans. I just wanted to catch one of them before.

It’s even more difficult, how could they all be captured this time?”

The Dragon King's old eyes suddenly flashed with murderous intent. He slammed the cup in his hand to the ground with a "bang" and said angrily: "It's not that there is a black sheep in their police force. We are just assisting their police in anti-narcotics this time."

, is responsible for the execution part, while their police force is responsible for intelligence and action planning. Unexpectedly, the informant placed by their police force next to the drug dealers turned bad and leaked the action plan, which directly led to the failure of the action and Tie Zi

Their capture!”

"Don't the police have confidence in the loyalty of their informants?" Fenghuang suddenly became furious. If the Dragon King hadn't been present, she would have jumped up and cursed. Every member of the Shenlong Special Forces Team is as close as a brother.

, no matter which one they lost, it was an unbearable pain for them, and they were all captured this time. How could she not be anxious? How could she not be angry?

The Dragon King waved his hand, signaling Phoenix not to be too excited, and then said in a deep voice: "I have forced the police to remove the commander-in-chief of this operation. All relevant personnel will come to them to settle accounts one by one afterwards. The most important thing now is how to deal with it."

Tiezi and the others come back after rescue!"

"I'll go!" Phoenix volunteered without hesitation.

"That's exactly what I mean!" Dragon King nodded, "You know Tiezi's combat habits very well, which will be of great help to the rescue operation. Moreover, if something happens to the members of our Shenlong Special Forces Team, what will happen to our family?"

You can just sit back and watch, if it weren’t for the disapproval from above, I would have gone into battle myself!"

"Dragon King, you have old injuries, and the superiors are also concerned about your safety, but don't worry, I will definitely bring them back safely!" Phoenix said sonorously.

"I'll go too!" Lin Yi said abruptly. He was aroused by the Dragon King's words, "Something happened to our members of the Shenlong Special Forces. How could my family just stand by and watch?" He was now also a member of the Shenlong Special Forces.

Now that he is officially a member, how can he stand by and watch while rescuing his teammates? Although he has never met the other team members except Tiezi, he is worried about Phoenix entering the tiger's den alone!

"Are you going too?" The Dragon King looked at Lin Yi in astonishment and shook his head, "You can't go. Actual combat is no joke. If you don't pay attention, you will lose your life. You haven't grown up in strength yet, and you don't have any

With actual combat experience, wouldn’t it be equivalent to death if you go there?”

"I'm not afraid!" Lin Yi said firmly, "Every soldier with rich actual combat experience has accumulated their experience bit by bit from actual combat. Who doesn't have a first time? As a member of the Shenlong Special Forces Team

One of them, I have to go this time, otherwise I won’t know how to face them in the future!”

The Dragon King lowered his head and thought for a while, then suddenly raised his head: "Okay, it's rare that you have such thoughts, so I will approve your participation in this operation. However, you are still inexperienced, so you should not be good at making decisions in the operation.

Always listen to Phoenix's opinions and remember, you are there to save people, not to die!"

"Understood!" Lin Yi nodded heavily, then hesitated, "Um... that..."

"If you have anything to say, just say it. Why are you hesitating?"

"I want to say, are Phoenix and I the only two people in this rescue operation?" Lin Yi finally summoned the courage to say, "Dragon King, no matter how awesome Phoenix and I are, we can't beat four hands with two fists, and a hero can't stand it.

There are a lot of people, I wonder if you could send me some more people?"

"When did I say that this operation is just the two of you?" The Dragon King rolled his eyes at Lin Yi angrily and said, "You two are only participating in this rescue operation on behalf of our Shenlong Special Forces Team, and the main force of this rescue operation is

They are our Aojian Special Forces Team, which ranks second in terms of overall strength of China's special operations, and you two are just helping to cooperate with them!"

Lin Yi suddenly realized it and finally felt a lot more relieved. He thought that he and Fenghuang were going to save people, but that was not saving people, but sending them to death!

Dragon King and Phoenix looked at each other and smiled, feeling quite moved in their hearts. This kid actually dared to ask for help when he thought that he and Phoenix were the only two people to carry out the rescue plan. This kind of courage and courage are exactly what a special forces team member should have.

, until this moment, Dragon King and Phoenix truly recognized Lin Yi from the bottom of their hearts as a member of the Shenlong Special Forces!

As the Dragon King said, the main force carrying out the rescue operation this time was the Aojian Special Forces Team, which ranked second in China, second only to the Shenlong Special Forces Team. According to Fenghuang's introduction, Lin Yi just knew that this Aojian Special Forces Team was related to their Shenlong Special Forces Team.

The relationship between the team has never been very good, but this is not surprising. As the saying goes, there is no first in literature and no second in martial arts. No one wants to look up at other people's anus all day long and be the second child for a thousand years.

This time, the superiors deliberately arranged for the Aojian Special Forces Team to rescue the members of the Shenlong Special Forces Team. Firstly, it was because the Aojian Special Forces Team was the strongest special force team besides the Shenlong Special Forces Team and had the most strength and confidence to complete the rescue mission. This

Secondly, the superiors also hope to use this rescue operation to ease the relationship between the two.

It is worth mentioning that the captain of the Proud Sword Special Team is actually a young man under thirty years old. This situation is not common in the Chinese military. Don’t you see, those big guys who hold important positions and hold great power

Who is not an uncle-level player in his forties or fifties? Because in China, whether it is the military or officialdom, in addition to ability, qualifications are also required, but the most important thing is to fight for connections!

The captain of the Aojian Special Forces Team can sit in the position second only to the Dragon King in the Chinese special forces world at less than thirty years old, which shows that he is not a simple person!

In the special world, the Dragon King is known as the "God of War", and the captain of the Aojian special team is also known as the "Little God of War" and is known as the strongest among the younger generation of the Chinese military. He can be said to be an early bloomer.

Cheng, the glory is endless, but he just can't deal with the Dragon King. In addition to the battle for glory between the two teams, it is said that there are also some personal grudges. As for what kind of personal grudges it is, Fenghuang did not go into details, and Lin Yi was not in a position to ask deeply.

Lin Yi really saw the strongest man among the younger generation of the Chinese military at the station of the Proud Sword Special Forces before the operation started.

In the empty helicopter take-off and landing area, a Wuzhi-10 has roared its propellers and is about to fly. Standing next to it are seven fully armed special team members. Here is the entire establishment of the Aojian Special Forces Team, which is exactly the same as the Shenlong Special Forces Team.

, the person standing at the head of the queue is the captain of the Proud Sword Special Team - Huangfu Nan!

When the two parties met, they first gave a symbolic military salute, and then heard a discordant voice: "Damn it, if we hadn't waited for them, maybe we would have rescued those losers from the Shenlong Special Forces Team.

Why are you still lingering here!"

As expected, they really have a long-cherished wish, and they started fighting just after they met!

Lin Yi is now also a member of the Shenlong Special Forces. Faced with this sarcasm, he immediately choked back and said: "My friend, could you please make a draft to brag? From the time we received the order to the time we rushed here

, the time before and after will definitely not exceed two hours. Can you rush to the southwest within two hours, rescue people, and then rush back? I think you should not take the WZ-10, just take the rocket!"

"You..." The member of the Aojian Special Team choked on the spot, "You... didn't you hear that I was exaggerating?"

"I'm sorry, I really didn't hear that you were exaggerating. I only knew that you were bragging!" Lin Yi looked honest, but his words were quite sharp.

"Okay, stop arguing!" Huangfunan, the leader, shouted softly, his voice was not loud, but it was very intimidating. The team member behind him immediately shut up and stopped talking. Then he politely stretched out his hand to Phoenix, indicating that Phoenix should go first.


After all the team members boarded the plane, Huangfunan pulled the cabin door shut and said majestically: "Let's go!"

This chapter has been completed!
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