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Chapter 282: Blood for Blood

Lin Yi and Gong Run did suffer from the idea of ​​inviting you into the urn, but if you do it well, you can catch the turtle in the urn, but if you mess up, it will lead to the wolf entering the house.

Gen Inoue is indeed full of ideas, but it is a pity that Lin Yi and Gong Run are not turtles in the urn, but wolves in the house!

"Since you have taken great pains to set up this trap, and I have taken the initiative to get in, then let's stop talking about words and just see the truth in our fists and feet!" After Lin Yi finished speaking, his eyes suddenly turned cold.

He pulled away and went straight for Inoue Gen's throat. He had sacrificed too much for this meeting, and even almost took his own life. Tonight, between him and Inoue Gen, only one person could walk out of this house alive.

In the tavern, it’s a battle between turtle and wolf!

Lin Yi's move instantly ignited the entire battle circle. Inoue Gen easily avoided Lin Yi's first attack, and then quickly retreated to widen the battlefield so that he could launch a counterattack. The Japanese people obviously also know how to work together as a husband and wife.

In the principle of breaking metal with force, although Zhuyeqing was only Inoue Gen's lover, she also played the role of "wife" at this time, quickly joined the battle circle, and attacked Lin Yi with Inoue Gen.

Fighting two against one is so fucking shameless!

But what was even more shameless was that Lin Yi had already been flanked by Gen Inoue and Qing Zhuye, and the other dozen or so people who had previously disguised themselves as guests and accompanying ladies began to attack Gong Run. The miserable Gong Run had no choice but to

He was tired of fighting among everyone, but fortunately, the fighting power of these people was not at the same level as that of Gen Inoue and Qing Zhuye, so he could barely cope with it.

"Yo Xi, I haven't seen you for a while. Lin Yijun, your strength has improved a lot!" Inoue Yuan said with a sneer between battles. He clearly remembered that not long ago, he went to Yanjing to find Xia Ziwan for the first time.

When he was young, he had fought against Lin Yi. At that time, Lin Yi was not his perfect match and could only hold his thigh like a scoundrel. But now, Lin Yi could not only easily resist

He and Zhu Yeqing were able to withstand the all-out pincer attack, and they didn't even show any sign of weakness.

Did this kid take drugs tonight?

"Since you know that we in China have the allusion of inviting the king to the urn, don't you know that in China we also have a saying that 'a person who has been separated for three days should treat each other with admiration'? The last separation between us has been far more than three days.

Why do you still look at me with the same old eyes?" Lin Yi smiled coldly, how could Inoue Gen know what he paid and how much risk he took in order to increase his strength?

And all this is for revenge!

Full of hatred, Lin Yi's face was very ferocious at this moment. He glared angrily and once again rushed towards Inoue Yuan and Zhuye Qing. After the fight just now, Lin Yi had to admit the fact that Inoue

Yuan is indeed a famous martial arts master in the Japanese country. He is indeed a difficult nut to crack, while Zhuyeqing's combat effectiveness is much weaker. In order to get rid of the dilemma of being flanked by the two, Lin Yi decided to adopt a tactic of defeating them one by one, starting with Zhuyeqing.

Starting with it, as long as the bamboo leaves are disabled, it will be much easier for Lin Yi to deal with Gen Inoue!

The so-called tactics naturally cannot be known to the enemy.

Lin Yi pretended to be a reckless man who was blinded by hatred. With red eyes, he continued to launch fierce attacks on Inoue Yuan one after another, and deliberately left his back to Zhuye Qing. This bitch really did

Taking the bait, she quickly attacked Lin Yi from behind. She believed that as long as she succeeded with one attack, they would have secured the victory!

Gen Inoue's combat experience was indeed much richer than that of Zhu Yeqing. He quickly saw Lin Yi's plan to lure the enemy deeper. When he saw Zhu Yeqing attacking Lin Yi's back, he quickly stopped him, but

It was already too late. Lin Yi's back seemed to have eyes. When Zhu Yeqing's attack was about to arrive, he suddenly turned around and grabbed Zhu Yeqing's fair and delicate neck quickly and accurately.



Inoue Gen cursed angrily. The moment Lin Yi turned around, he quickly pulled away, hoping to create pressure on Lin Yi from his side and rescue Zhuyeqing. Unfortunately, he was faster than Lin Yi.

, after subduing Zhu Yeqing with one move, Lin Yi did not dare to expose his back to Inoue Gen, so he turned around very quickly and blocked Zhu Yeqing's body firmly in front of him, while Inoue Gen only

Can be forced to withdraw the upcoming attack, otherwise he will kill his lover with his own hands!

"Asshole, let her go!" After Inoue Yuan stabilized his body, he shouted angrily at Lin Yi.

Lin Yi didn't have any sympathy for her at the moment. His hands were clasping Zhu Yeqing's neck tightly, and they were getting tighter and tighter without any loosening. The strong pressure made Zhu Yeqing's throat become tighter and tighter, making it difficult for her to

Breathe, the beauty who was so young just now is now being overwhelmed by the strong sense of suffocation, with her mouth wide open and her tongue stretched out, her fair and charming face has become red, and the veins on her temples have popped out.

, it looks absolutely terrifying and has no sense of beauty at all.

"What? Are you feeling distressed?" Lin Yi suddenly roared crazily, "Then when you brothers killed Xia Ziyuan, why didn't you think that I would feel distressed?"

"Lin Yi, there is a wrongdoer and a debtor. If you want revenge, come to me. Let her go first!" Inoue Yuan suddenly panicked. He did not expect that Lin Yi's strength would be revealed after such a short absence.

He has become so powerful that not only was he not defeated by him and Zhu Yeqing, but he actually caught Zhu Yeqing, who was not weak at all, under his nose. It was really unexpected!

"Let her go?" Lin Yi smiled coldly and shook his head coldly, "The so-called blood for blood and tooth for tooth. You brothers killed my Xia Ziwan. Today I want you to see with your own eyes that your lover is

Why did you die in my hands? Don’t give me the nonsense about being wronged and having debts and owners. Frankly speaking, if I didn’t know where your home is, I would still want to kill your whole family!"

After saying that, a perverted sinister smile appeared on Lin Yi's face, as if he was possessed by a demon. If the Inoue Gen brothers hadn't killed Xia Ziwan first, people who didn't know would have thought that Inoue Gen was the innocent victim.

Lin Yi is the big devil with the most evil crimes, at least that's how it seems on the surface now.


Lin Yi's fingers suddenly exerted force, and there was only a crisp sound of broken throat bones. Zhuyeqing's head drooped feebly, and a trace of scarlet blood seeped out from the corner of his mouth, dripping down the white and smooth chin onto the cold ground.

Yuan felt a surging anger exploding in his chest like a volcano. Just when he was about to rush forward and tear Lin Yi into pieces, he saw Lin Yi grabbing Zhu Yeqing's neck and pulling him away.

Lifting the body high from the ground, he threw the beautiful body towards Gen Inoue.

Seeing Zhu Yeqing's body flying over, Inoue Gen didn't dare to reach out to pick it up, because he saw that Lin Yi had already moved. If he pulled away to pick up Zhu Yeqing's body now, he would not be able to avoid Lin Yi's attack.

, almost without even thinking, he turned sideways and kicked Zhu Yeqing's body away. This move may be a bit cold-blooded, but it is the smartest way. The moment Zhu Yeqing's body flew away, another

As expected, it was Lin Yi's sharp kick.


Inoue Gen quickly stretched out his arms and crossed his chest to block it. Although he barely blocked it, the powerful impact still made his chest feel tight and he took several steps back. Before he could stabilize his body, Lin

Yi's attack had already come like a storm. Lin Yi surged his surging internal energy to the extreme. His attacking limbs were so fast that they were blurred. He could only see flying shadows, but his strength was not reduced at all. Only then did Inoue Gen realize

Look, just now it was just the tip of the iceberg of Lin Yi's strength, now Lin Yi has really started to exert his strength!

Without Zhuye Qing standing in the way behind him, Lin Yi moved forward unstoppably. The fierce offensive forced Gen Inoue to retreat step by step. When he retreated to a corner with no way to retreat, Gen Inoue had no choice but to fight Lin Yi head-on, but he wanted to win.

There was only a tiny bit of room for survival, but he still underestimated Lin Yi's strength. His hard fight was like using a mantis as a cart. Before he could even launch a counterattack, he was punched by Lin Yi and fell to the ground. He could no longer crawl up.

Got up.

"I'm sorry, it seems that your heaven and earth are about to be broken by me!" Lin Yi stepped forward, stepped on Yuan Inoue's face, and said condescendingly, "You are not very familiar with our Chinese culture.

? I don’t know if you have ever heard such a saying, that is, in the face of absolute strength, any conspiracy and conspiracy are just bullshit. Do you understand that it is bullshit? "

"Lin Yi, winner or loser, if you want to kill me, go ahead, but please don't humiliate me!" Inoue Gen was stepped on by Lin Yi and screamed unyieldingly. Because Lin Yi's foot was too strong,

Gen Inoue's face was stepped on very flat, and when he screamed, his mouth became an "O" shape, which was very cute.

"Kill you?" Lin Yi smiled and shook his head, "Now is not the time to kill you, I have to use you to lure your brother Inoue Shun into the bait. You two brothers owe me two lives in total, and it's just you.

Do you just want to pay it off? You think so well, not one of you brothers can escape!"

Gong Run was tired of dealing with the siege of more than a dozen people and was about to lose his hold. However, when he saw Lin Yi actually chatting with Gen Inoue, he was immediately furious: "Damn, you're so special

Why are you still thinking about chatting at this moment? I’m about to be tortured to death, why don’t you come and help me!”

Lin Yi looked up and saw that Gong Run had indeed begun to retreat, but his record was quite impressive. There were already several corpses lying on the ground.

"I'm going to help first, and I'll talk to you later!"

Lin Yi knocked Gen Inoue unconscious with a strike of his knife, then stood up and plundered into Gong Run's fighting pen like a hungry wolf breaking into a sheepfold.

ps: I packed up and went to watch the early morning premiere of "See You Again". Tomorrow I will start coding hard and be a quiet handsome man (don't slap your face...)

This chapter has been completed!
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