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Chapter 316: Reversal!

This question is on point. If Mr. Wu did not leave any suicide note to Hao Xiangdong, or in that suicide note Mr. Wu did not decide to hand over Beiwu International to Concubine Wu, then Hao Xiangdong’s appearance would be a little There is no use for them anymore, so they can only rejoice in vain.

"Yes, yes," Lin Yi took out a stack of documents from the clothes on his chest and handed them to Wu Wenqing before Hao Xiangdong could answer. "I have read this will in advance. What Mr. Wu means is to transfer the will to the north." All the shares of Wu International were transferred to Fei'er, who succeeded her as the chairman of Beiwu International. However, the relatives and collateral members of the family only had the right to receive dividends from Beiwu International. As for other industries other than Beiwu International , such as more than a dozen properties, shops, wineries, cars across the country... and his personal savings were also divided into several parts, and detailed arrangements were made in the will."

"You actually peeked at the will in advance," Wu Wenqing glared at Lin Yi angrily. This kid really didn't treat him as an outsider, but he was in no mood to argue with Lin Yi now, so he quickly took the will and After reading it, although the entire will is several pages long, the meaning it expresses is similar to what Lin Yi said before. In general, Mr. Wu handed over Beiwu International to Concubine Wu and divided the other properties. Several shares were left to other relatives and collateral descendants. The specific distribution method is detailed in the will.

In response to Wu Wenqing's rebuke just now, Lin Yi rolled his eyes aggrievedly: "If I didn't read the will in advance, if the will was not distributed in this way, wouldn't it be like shooting myself in the foot? Only after knowing the contents can I dare to send the will,"

"You're right," Wu Wenqing no longer argued with Lin Yi. It was too late for him to be happy now, so he couldn't bear to blame him.

"Will, what kind of will,"

Suddenly a cold voice sounded behind him, and Pei Yunian led a group of people at the conference table to block the door. Even though his face tried to remain calm, a trace of panic and ferocity appeared in his eyes. During the conversation between Lin Yi and Wu Wenqing just now, he probably heard the content of the will... which was very detrimental to them.

"Master Pei, it seems that everything you just announced may be invalid," Wu Wenqing raised the will in Pei Yunian's hand, turned around and walked back to the conference room. After all, such a major matter must be announced at the conference table. , everyone is blocking the door of the conference room, what does that look like?

Everyone also returned to the conference table one after another. Lin Yi stayed closely guarded by Hao Xiangdong's side, fearing that something might go wrong.

"Everyone, please allow me to introduce to you, this is Mr. Hao Xiangdong, our former general counsel of Beiwu International." Wu Wenqing stood up, pulled Hao Xiangdong to his side and said, "I believe everyone here except Mr. Pei Others should be quite familiar with Lawyer Hao. The team of lawyers he leads has handled countless legal cases for Beiwu International in the past ten years. Before my father passed away, he also worked for Hao Lawyer. The lawyer left his will here,"

Discussions began on the conference table. All the shareholders looked extremely ugly. Wu Wenchu's face was even more ashen. Suddenly, a sense of sadness and desolation that the situation was over and the army was defeated suddenly came to his heart, and there was also a trace of fear, because he knew , if this power seizure fails, Beiwu International and even the entire Wu family will no longer have a foothold for him. Pei Yunian's face is quite calm. After all, it is the eldest son of the Pei family who is used to seeing big winds and waves, Taishan. He still has the courage to keep his expression unchanged even when he collapses, even if he is just pretending, he has to show it off.

"Lawyer Hao, please read out my father's will for us now," Wu Wenqing handed the will back to Hao Xiangdong's hands. His face changed from the previous slump, and his brows were filled with the brilliance that a superior person should have. Arrogance, and the fuel that burns that arrogance is called confidence.


Hao Xiangdong opened the will with trembling hands, but hesitated to read it out. He naturally recognized the man sitting in the first place at the moment as Pei Yunian, who was known as the number one evil boy in Yanjing. He had also heard more than once that he had offended the evil boy Pei. Yu Nian's miserable end, if he read out Mr. Wu's will at this moment, wouldn't it be a slap in the face to Pei Yu Nian?

He didn't dare.

"Now that the matter has come to this, do you still have a choice?" Lin Yi leaned over and whispered in Hao Xiangdong's ear, "From the moment you were caught by me, you were destined to stand with us in Pei Yunian's life." We are on opposite sides. Read Mr. Wu’s will out loud. In this way, you will only offend Pei Yunian’s side. We will definitely protect you. If you can’t squeeze out a loud fart for a long time, then you will not even be able to do it with us. We were also offended together,"

Hearing Lin Yi's words, Hao Xiangdong was enlightened and suddenly enlightened. He no longer cared about Pei Yunian's cold and cruel eyes, and Hong Sheng read out Mr. Wu's will word for word. He was not afraid of Pei Yunian. It has been more than ten years, but he is just more afraid of the guy next to him at the moment, because he has deeply understood Lin Yi's methods, which are definitely not something humans can endure, otherwise he would not have handed over the will and got into trouble. .

After the will was read, the whole place fell into silence.

Wu Wenchu's face turned red and green for a while, and finally he couldn't hold it in any longer. He slammed his fist on the conference table and shouted angrily: "Wu Wenqing, don't think that you have found Hao Xiangdong and then just fabricated a will and you can get rid of us." Everyone has been fooled, how do we know whether this will is true or false,"

Hao Xiangdong hesitated for a long time, and finally summoned up the courage to answer Wu Wenchu's question: "Mr. Wu, when the old chairman wrote this will, the director of Yanjing Hongda Notary Office and the director of Yanjing Leiting Notary Office were both present. And there is a video recording of the whole process. If you don’t believe it, you can go to them to verify it, and the old chairman’s handwriting and fingerprints are also ironclad evidence.”

"Hongda Notary Office, Thunder Notary Office," Wu Wenchu ​​roared in panic, "Why didn't they say before that the old man left any will?"

"Because they are only the notaries of the will, not the preservers and deliverers. They have no such obligation," Hao Xiangdong said, lowering his head in shame, "Even I, the lawyer responsible for preserving and delivering the will, ran away. , how could they take the initiative to get involved in the whirlpool of your Wu family,"

Pei Yunian suddenly showed a fierce look in his eyes, thinking about how to bribe the two directors of Hongda Notary Office and Leiting Notary Office, but Wu Wenqing reminded him at the right time: "It is true that people may be unreliable, but the recorded The video and the old man’s handwriting and fingerprints cannot be faked, and the authenticity of this will cannot be doubted,”

Wu Wenqing's words completely shattered Pei Yunian's little calculation, and Hao Xiangdong was also deeply ashamed because of Wu Wenqing's words. He bowed deeply to Wu Wenqing and Concubine Wu: "Mr. Wu , I’m sorry, it was my timidity that caused Beiwu International to fall into the current situation. I violated the professional ethics of a lawyer, and even betrayed the trust of the old chairman,”

"Human nature is like this, and we can understand you," Wu Wenqing smiled generously and said, "We won't take it if it's not ours, but no one can take it away from us. Beiwu International After this tragedy, the property must be returned to its original owner and returned to Zhengshuo. It still bears the surname Wu."

Concubine Wu also stood up at the right time and said: "Now, as the largest shareholder and chairman of Beiwu International, I declare that everything announced by Mr. Pei Yunian just now is invalid because he does not have the power. Lawyer Hao, please give me some advice now." Let’s talk about the current equity distribution of Beiwu International,”

Hao Xiangdong nodded lightly and said loudly: "Bei Wu International's equity has been reintegrated. The current equity distribution situation is that Miss Wu Fei holds 80% of the equity transferred to her by Mr. Wu. There is no doubt that she will become the The largest shareholder of Beiwu International, Mr. Pei Yunian holds the equity held by previous small shareholders and some retail investors on the market. He holds a total of 16.3% of the equity of Beiwu International, and the remaining 3.7% of the equity is owned by the market. Retail investors hold... Since Mr. Wu's will clearly states that Mr. Wu Wenchu ​​does not have any equity in Beiwu International, so Mr. Pei Yunian previously purchased 40% of the equity in Beiwu International from him. is invalid,"

"Everyone, are you clear now?" Concubine Wu stood up and walked slowly to Pei Yunian's side, laughing softly, "Mr. Pei Yunian, now you are no longer qualified to sit on this chair. As the only person in the Beiwu International As a shareholder with 16.3% equity, you should sit down below,"

"Okay, very good," Pei Yunian stood up calmly, straightened his wrinkled clothes and said, "Mr. Wu Wenchu, since the transaction between us has no legal effect, please give me the funds to acquire your equity. The money will be returned to me. As for the other 16.3% of the equity, I think Miss Wu Fei is very interested in taking it back,"

"Of course," Concubine Wu smiled and nodded, "For the sake of Mr. Pei Yunian's busy work, I won't bargain with you. How much did you pay for the 16.3% equity? If you buy it, I will give you how much money you have now... You know, the stock price of Beiwu International is even lower now than when you originally bought it,"

"Then thank you Miss Wu Fei," Pei Yunqing nodded lightly, then glanced at Wu Wenchu ​​who was stunned beside him, and said with a smile, "Actually, I am not working in vain. Anyway, life is so boring, so I have the right to do it. Take a moment to appreciate the disintegration and fragmentation of a family,"

This chapter has been completed!
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