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Chapter 093: Disturbance

July 2, 1968, sunny day.

Today is my 21st birthday. In a few days, I will have been working as a nanny for the Su family for a whole year. Mr. Su is a very nice person and not as fierce as other rich people. Although Young Master Wanxiang is a hard worker at work, he still

It's quite humane. This diary is a birthday gift he gave me. He also gave me a butterfly hairpin. I like it very much. I feel very satisfied to be able to work as a nanny in such a family. From today on, I will

Let me use this diary given to me by Master Wanxiang to record every bit of my time in the Su family.

March 6, 1972, a cloudy day.

Master Su passed away today. The 30-year-old Young Master Wanxiang has officially taken charge of all the Su family's companies. I really don't know whether I should be sad or happy? By the way, now I no longer call him Young Master Wanxiang, but Master.

September 5, 1972, thunderstorm.

Today is the darkest day in my life... I was raped. At noon, a drunk guest came to the house and took me into the car when he left... I thought about committing suicide, but in the end I didn't do that.

Such courage, I dare not let the master know, so let this matter be buried in my heart forever... Ling Tianhong, I hate you forever!

December 7, 1972, sunny day.

It's over. I'm pregnant. I'm pregnant with that beastly son of Ling Tianhong! I found him. What a trick of fate. His wife didn't have a child, and he shamelessly asked me to go back to my hometown to give birth to him for him.

Child, what should I do? After all, children are not guilty.

Su Chaoting's face became increasingly ugly, with shock written all over his face. Even the hand holding the diary was trembling. He flipped through most of the diary, as if eager to find it.

what is the answer.

11 years ****, cloudy.

I begged God to forgive my crime. I really didn’t want to murder the old man, but Baifeng is my son. Even if he disowns me, even if he just treats me as a pawn, no one can change that I am his mother’s.

I will accept this fact even if I am put in a frying pan after death, just because I am his mother.


Su Chaoting suddenly closed the diary in his hand, and his eyes were fixed on Sister-in-law Li like a nail. He frowned, looked horrified, and asked with trembling lips: "So, Ling Baifeng

Is he the son of you and Ling Tianhong? Is Ling Qianzong your grandson?"


As soon as Su Chaoting said these words, everyone at the scene felt as if they had been struck by lightning. Everyone was confused and speechless, and they were speechless. At this moment, Sister-in-law Li was calm for the first time, and her old eyes looked at someone blankly.

He said with a bitter smile: "This is the fact you want to dig out, this is the truth, Ling Baifeng is my son, Ling Qianzong is my grandson, but my son refuses to recognize me, and my grandson doesn't even know

He is my grandson!"

"Sister-in-law Li..." Su Qianmo took a step forward and wanted to say some words of comfort, but she found that she was so choked up that she couldn't say a complete sentence, so she had no choice but to step back. She really couldn't imagine it.

Sister-in-law Li's pain and helplessness had been trapped between the Su Ling family for decades. She only knew that looking at Sister-in-law Li's old and haggard face at this moment, her heart was severely stung.

"Does that mean Ling Baifeng ordered you to murder the old man?" Su Chaoting asked with a cold face.

Sister-in-law Li didn't answer the question, she just grabbed Su Chaoting's pants and kept crying: "Master, I did all this, let me bear all the consequences alone, don't pursue it anymore, please

Please stop pursuing it, it’s all my fault, it’s all my fault!”

"Are you able to bear the consequences of all this?" Su Chaoting threw away Sister-in-law Li and snorted coldly, "Now the truth is finally revealed. The car accident three years ago was planned by Ling Baifeng. It's a pity that he didn't

He killed the old man, so he ordered you to continue to murder the old man, but I just can't figure it out. You had every chance to kill the old man easily, so why did you use this kind of drug to make the old man lie in bed and suffer?


Sister-in-law Li slumped on the ground helplessly, with a terrifying expression on her face. How could she bear to put the old man to death? When her son Ling Baifeng found her, why didn't he ask her to take the old man's life directly?

Only after her pleading did Ling Baifeng give her this kind of chronic poison that can make people lie in bed for a lifetime. For the sake of her son and grandson, she betrayed the head of her family who had been loyal to her for decades. She only hoped to use this

For the rest of my life, I will take good care of Mr. Su and make up for my sins as much as possible.

But now, she seems to have no such opportunity.

"Ling Baifeng, I will make sure you die!" Su Qianmo clenched her fists, angrily turned and walked out the door. At the same time, she took out her mobile phone and dialed a number, "Fei'er, use all the money you have at home."

Relationship, find me Ling Baifeng's current location, immediately, immediately!"

"Momo, come back..." Lin Yi hurriedly chased him out, but Su Qianmo didn't wait for him and drove the minicooper angrily away.

Su Chaoting also hurriedly picked up the car and drove Mrs. Li and Lin Yi after him. Although he was unwilling to confront the Ling family, the Su Ling family was completely at odds with each other.

It is inevitable!

Su Qianmo received a text message reply from Cheng Fei'er on the way to the Ling family's mountainside villa. She immediately turned around and rushed to Cheng Fei'er's house to find her current location of Ling Baifeng. Su Chaoting followed closely behind, with the last two cars

Stopping at the door of the Century Baden Hotel, according to Cheng Fei'er's text message reply, the Ling family and his son were holding a press conference on a real estate project under their Lingfeng Group in the lobby of this hotel.

"Miss, please show your invitation letter...Miss, you can't go in!" A security guard stopped Su Qianmo at the entrance to the reception hall on the first floor of Century Baden Hotel.

"Get out of here!" Su Qianmo, who almost never cursed, roughly pushed away the security guard who was blocking the way and broke into the auditorium. Ling Baifeng, the chairman of Lingfeng Group, was speaking on the podium at the moment. The audience was crowded with people.

Reporters from dozens of media were sitting there. They were carrying long guns and short cannons to take photos and videos of Ling Baifeng, who was wearing a suit and tie on the stage. They were concentrating on recording Ling Baifeng's speech. No one even noticed that a person suddenly broke into Huiquan.


"Ling Baifeng, if you take off this human skin of yours, you are just a beast!" The furious Su Qianmo gave up her image of a goddess today and pointed at Ling Baifeng on the podium and cursed angrily.

The sudden scolding instantly attracted the attention of the entire venue. Su Qianmo strode towards the podium. Perhaps because she couldn't stand Ling Baifeng's fake face, which still maintained a modest smile at this moment, she took a step from the side.

The reporter grabbed a camera from his hand and threw it at Ling Baifeng.


Ling Baifeng ducked sideways, and the camera hit the wall and fell to pieces. Ling Baifeng's smiling face disappeared in an instant, and he shouted coldly: "Security... Security... Get this crazy woman out of here!"

"Ha...am I a crazy woman?" Su Qianmo did not stop moving forward and sneered, "There is already a woman in this world who is about to be driven crazy by you!"

The reporters at the scene had such a keen sense of smell. When Su Qianmo uttered the first sentence, they had already realized that big news had broken. Dozens of cameras were flashing one after another, and the scene was suddenly brightly lit and plunged into chaos.

amidst the discussion.

"Who is this woman? Could it be that Ling Baifeng's little lover outside is here to cause trouble?"

"You are blind. That woman is the daughter of the chairman of the Suye court. Can Ling Baifeng afford her?"

"It turns out to be a grudge between the Su Ling family and the wealthy family? Big news...big news..."


The chaotic scene made the security force of the press conference stretched thin. Who would have thought that someone would dare to disrupt the press conference of Lingfeng Group? Su Qianmo rushed to the stage under the stage, jumped on the stage and wanted to slap Ling Baifeng.

Ling Baifeng's posture scared him so much that he quickly stepped back to avoid him. Ling Qianzong, who was standing next to him, pulled out and grabbed Su Qianmo's wrist.

"Qian Mo, are you crazy?" Ling Qianzong lowered his voice and shouted coldly in Su Qianmo's ear, "What happened to make you so rude? You don't even know what the occasion is?"

"Get away!" Su Qianmo tried her best to break away from Ling Qianzong's pull, and like a persistent moth, she ran desperately towards Ling Baifeng. She wanted to slap the man who murdered her grandfather in the face.

With a slap, she wanted to kick this white-eyed wolf who didn't recognize her biological mother... It was because of this guy with a human face and a beast's heart that Sister-in-law Li was no longer the original Sister-in-law who loved her like her own daughter. Her grandfather was like

He lay in bed like a dead man for three years!

Lin Yi and Su Chaoting followed closely with Sister-in-law Li. Seeing Ling Qianzong and Su Qianmo fighting on the podium, Lin Yi ran to the stage like crazy: "Let her go!"

Ling Qianzong turned around in response, and when he saw Lin Yi rushing towards him like crazy, a cold sneer appeared on his face... What kind of airplane is this kid doing?

Enemies are extremely jealous when they meet!

Ling Qianzong not only did not let go of Su Qianmo's wrist, but deliberately pulled her into his arms. At the same time, he gave Lin Yi a very provocative look. Lin Yi, who had a particularly strong sense of being a small farmer, suddenly aroused a powerful wave of excitement.

Anger, how can others get involved in his woman? Even though Su Qianmo has not agreed to be his woman, he has already decided this in his heart.

"Let her go!" Lin Yi arrived in an instant like a runaway wild horse, snatched away Ling Qianzong's hand on Su Qianmo's wrist, and slammed into Ling Qianzong with his own body.

Ling Qianzong was knocked back a few steps, covering his stuffy chest, and raised his head in confusion: "Are you... relying on the mountain?"

This chapter has been completed!
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