The white fragrant wood cart crossed the hills and entered a high valley. There were large areas of farmland, and there were roads connecting various villages. A poor Huayin tribe has lived in this area since twenty years ago. ≈There are children playing in the villages. They are a new generation born after the flood. Women sat in front of the house to weave cloth and sew clothes. Many elderly people gathered under the big trees in the middle of the village while chatting while repairing farm tools.
In the fields outside the village, the millet had grown to more than two feet high, and many people were weeding, deworming and watering in the fields. Seeing Lord Bo Yu's white-scented wooden horse carriage passing by, everyone stopped their work and paid tribute. Then they saw the head of Zongyan who was walking in the same carriage as Bo Yu. Everyone was shocked, and then rushed to the side of the road to see the strange things.
Zong Yan felt a little uncomfortable when he was seen, and waved his hand and shouted, "What are you all watching me do? Go back to work!"
Her voice was loud enough, and she shouted back to everyone who ran over to watch the fun, but everyone was still quietly watching from time to time in the distance. Bo Yu sent Zong Yan to the entrance of the village where she lived, and Zong Yan said, "Sir, don't send it again, I've arrived!"
When Zong Yan got out of the car with a stick, Bo Yu bowed and held Zong Yan's elbow, and the back of his hand accidentally rubbed against her waist. Zong Yan was shocked again, as if he was scared by him, and said in his heart: "The rumors are indeed true. This Lord Bo Yu is so terrifying! So many people around him are watching him, but he is still..."
After Zong Yan got out of the car, he was about to walk into the village, but Bo Yu sat in the car and bowed his hand, which seemed very polite. Unexpectedly, Zong Yan didn't take a few steps, but suddenly turned around, as if he had enough courage and said, "Mr. Bo Yu, the little girl said something, and finally I want to tell you, I hope you don't take it a fuss."
Bo Yu had already noticed that Zong Yan seemed to have something to say, and nodded with a smile: "Miss, just say it bluntly."
Zong Yan lowered his head and lowered his voice, "Sir, treat me differently. Not only do I invite me to walk in the same car, but I can get in and out of the car and try to test it. Is this a fancy to me? Zong Yan admires the eyes of the Lord. It is said that the Lord is famous all over the world and has made great achievements and is admired by everyone. If you can become a marriage with you, it will be a beautiful thing that is hard to find in the Qianmen and the Huayin clan.
Although Zong Yan also admires adults very much, it has nothing to do with admiration between men and women. This does not mean that you have anything wrong with adults, but Zong Yan is not interested in it and is not what I want."
The meaning of the words is that she already understands that Bo Yu is secretly **. Although she doesn't hate Bo Yu and respects Bo Yu very much, to be honest, she doesn't have that feeling about Bo Yu, so she can only refuse the beauty.
Bo Yu was completely stunned, his smile froze on his face. He never expected Zong Yan to say such words. He felt so innocent. How could she have such a misunderstanding? After being stunned for a long time, Bo Yu bowed and said, "Oh, that's right? That's really a pity for Yu! I understand what the girl means, and I will know what to do."
He was very polite and very well-educated. He didn't say anything like "I didn't like you at all, how could I fall in love with you?" and even said "Yu's regret" and responded quickly enough.
Zong Yan nodded with satisfaction, then looked up at Bo Yu and said seriously: "Sir, I am a man of good deeds. Since I have made achievements for all generations, I have the interest of being crazy when I am prosperous. These Zong Yan can understand. But I am still managing the water for all tribes in the world, and have not yet succeeded in the end. If I walk around the tribes, it will be a bit bad."
Bo Yu reached out and held the handlebars before he sat firmly. Zong Yan paused and said, "If lord is not a person who shows mercy, then Zong Yan would say too much."
Bo Yu took a deep breath and replied solemnly: "Yu knows, thank you for your teachings!"
At this moment, a thud sound was heard, and a red horse in front of the shaft fell to the ground, and a whimpering sound came from his nose. This accident resolved the awkward atmosphere. Zong Yan frowned and said, "Old man controls water for all tribes in the world. Why are the horses pulling the cart so despicable? Zong Yan turned around and looked for the two best horses in the clan and replaced them with you. Whether it is a human or a horse, it cannot be regarded or not!"
Bo Yu quickly waved his hand and said, "Thank you for your kindness in Zongyan. I don't need to change these two horses. They have traveled with me all over the mountains and rivers, and have always been extraordinary. Today I just miss my front."
Zong Yan waved his baton and said, "Since that's the case, I'll have nothing to bother me! I'll call my clan members to announce the news before sunset today, and I will fully support you in your water control plan. Please take care of yourself."
Bo Yu was secretly speaking to the two red horses with his divine thoughts: "Don't laugh at you two there!...Ding Laojiu, why are you lying down?"
Ding Chi replied with a divine thought: "Sorry, I really didn't hold it."
Not to mention that Ding Chi was not tense, Xuanyuan fell softly into Huwa's arms on the Huaize shore in the distance, and covered his mouth and smiled: "This girl Zong Yan is really interesting. She feels very special and powerful."
Huwa didn't laugh, but just thoughtfully said: "The fate of Qingyan back then was confident that she could destabilize all living beings. She did have the posture of destabilizing all living beings, and she was confident that she could destroy Bayuan's fate, and the situation was under control..."
Xuanyuan interrupted him and said, "Miss Zongyan is not that kind of person, he is just interesting."
Huwa echoed: "Of course, Zong Yan is Zong Yan, not a life evil. It seems that I am going to go there."
Zong Yan was walking back to the village when he suddenly heard someone shouting behind him: "Miss Zong Yan, please stay."
This was not Bo Yu's voice, and there was clearly no one here just now. Zong Yan turned around in surprise and saw that a young young man was standing in front of Bo Yu's car. He reached out and slapped the jujube horse that was lying down, and even slapped the horse's mane trembled and he immediately stood up.
Who is this? Why does it suddenly appear out of thin air? Just as Zong Yan was surprised, Bo Yu had already got out of the car and saluted, "Zhu Jun, why are you here?" Then he turned around and introduced to Zong Yan, "This is the Lord of Fengxian, Lord Peng Keng of the Chinese Clan."
Huwa smiled and replied, "Yu, I already know your flood control plan, and it has a long way to go. I will recommend talented people to help you."
Zong Yan had already left and looked at Huwa and said, "You are Peng Keng. How could you grow so tender when you hear Daming for a long time?"
Huwa smiled bitterly and said, "This... I am indeed a little tender, not as vicissitudes as Lord Bo Yu, but it doesn't matter. I'll get used to it after watching it for a long time."
Bo Yu quickly stopped the conversation and said, "Mr. Hu, you showed up specifically. Who do you want to recommend?"
Huwa stretched out two fingers and said, "Lord Bo Yu already has a noble man around him. I would like to recommend two more talents, one of whom is the leader of the Zongyan clan."
Zong Yan wondered, "What did Lord Peng Keng recommend me to do?"
The tiger's widow actually showed a little melancholy and sighed slightly: "The new river channel is opened. All departments will devote their manpower and material resources to many years of hard work. If they have not achieved their full efforts, they will inevitably suffer criticisms of the people and the money they have to suffer. Water control is also a world of governance. It is not only necessary to educate and advise, but also to discipline and restrain, and to pay attention to both kindness and power.
If Lord Bo Yi is still there, he will be able to control the situation by patrolling the various departments with a divine bow. Unfortunately, Lord Bo Yi is no longer there. I would recommend Bo Yi’s sister Zong Yan. After the emperor ordered that each department should patrol the various departments and punish those who disobey orders. The divine halberd in Lord Bo Yu’s hand may be given to the leader of Zong Yan’s tribe.”
While speaking, he also had a divine sense, and secretly told Bo Yu that he should not underestimate this girl Zong Yan. If Bo Yu did not use the Shenzhen iron rod and the divine talisman given by his master Cangjie, he might not be able to beat her if he really started to fight. Regardless of the mighty method, even if Zong Yan’s descriptive aura was like this, it would be extremely shocking as long as he stood there!
Bo Yu's eyes lit up and he looked at Zong Yan and said, "I wonder if the leader of Zong Yan is willing to take on this responsibility? If you nodded, I will send someone to report to the Emperor of China and ask the Emperor to formally issue the emperor's order."
Zong Yan suddenly heard Huwa's words and was a little unexpected. He came back to his senses at this moment and nodded happily and said, "I have said that the general Huayin clan fully supports the Lord's water control plan, and of course he is willing to accept his responsibility. As a member of the Youqiu clan, he must not fall into the prestige of Lord Boyi back then!"
Huwa's suggestion is really wonderful, and it also solved a problem. Zong Yan was the first to hear about Bo Yu's strategy of governing the river flood, and she was also the first tribal leader to fully support this plan, which has a good demonstration effect. However, Bo Yu led all the tribes in the world to control the water until now, and no woman had ever been on the construction site, whether it was digging ditches or building dams.
Such heavy and dangerous work is not suitable for women, and working in the mud, especially when it is hot, many people simply stay naked and are not suitable for women present. As a tribal leader, Zong Yan should personally lead the young and middle-aged tribe to the construction site according to Bo Yu's order, but she is a woman after all, so it is indeed a bit difficult to arrange. Now that she is given such a task, she is indeed a person who can do his best.
Bo Yu asked again: "What about another talent that Hu Jun wants to recommend?"
Huwa: "Give kindness and power to the same extent, and civil and military affairs can be used to cooperate with each other. The head of Zongyan clan can use the magical artifact and long halberd to monitor the people of various tribes, but such a huge project involves many tribe affairs, and requires high talent to guide and straighten it out. The mighty and powerful people already have Zongyan, and I recommend Ba Jun Shaofu."
Bo Yu said in surprise: "What kind of identity is Ba Jun? How could he be condescending to do this?"
In commanding the various departments to sort out many internal affairs when controlling the water, Ba Jun Shaofu is of course competent. It can be said that there is no one more suitable person in the world than him, and he is completely useless. Moreover, what kind of identity is Ba Jun, it must be noted that the country is so powerful that it has passed any major part of China. After unifying the Ba Yuan, Shaofu has enjoyed the country for many years and has a high prestige, far from being comparable to an ordinary king.
Ba was originally located in a remote location and had many obstacles. No matter how powerful the country was, it could not threaten other parts of China. However, with his status as a young master, even the Chinese emperor might not be able to invite him, and no one dared to offend him easily. How could he stay away from Bayuan and come to take such a thankless and obviously humiliating task, and he is already in his seventies.
But since Huwa said that, it must be nothing. He smiled and waved his hand and said, "You don't have to worry about this. Even if you report to the Emperor of China, I will bring Ba Jun Shaofu and work with the head of Zong Yan to control the water."
Bo Yu bowed and said, "Then thank you Hu Jun, thank you more, thank you Ba Jun, all the tribes in the world should be grateful!"
Zong Yan asked curiously: "Has Ba Jun's Justice? I seem to have heard of this person, a big man. Is he really as powerful as you said, so capable, and willing to do this?"
Huwa smiled and said, "When the girl sees him, she will naturally know." (To be continued.)8