It is said that those snacks and wine were rewarded by the emperor, and all the ministers ate them. If that were the case... Oh my God, did the officials above the first rank of Mo Yuguo have been infected with the ton medicine last night?
Therefore, there is no ingredient in it.
Although he had only known Mo Ling for a few days, Bai Weiwei was sure that he could not have deliberately put the Chun Yao in it.
How could he get the medicine for toon medicine? Could it be that it is the water in the teapot?
She subconsciously went to see the water on the table, and it wasn't OK. She remembered that she went to drink water after she got a fever!
At this moment, these are actually nothing important. She felt so confused that she felt sorry for Mo Qianxun.
Suddenly I had an impulse, just wanting to die.
She felt like she was dirty.
She has a love cleanliness disease and cannot tolerate the other party's betrayal, nor can she forgive her own betrayal.
What's more, for a woman, it's a physical betrayal...
It seemed like she was dreaming, and she didn't dare to believe that she had lost her body like this...
She felt that she was talking to everyone yesterday, feeding old cows and eating the ground-grass dragon grass, talking about life with Mo Lingchang, and knowing some strange things and experiencing some strange adventures... those are so real... but none of them are important, nothing is important... but this one... in just one night, the world seemed to collapse!
Even if she dies, even if she travels far away from her original life, she has never had the urgent desire to go back in time like now.
She buried her legs and started crying.
When Mo Qianxun was at home, she made things difficult for him to sleep on the hard ground. She didn't want to bed with him, nor did she want to bridal chambers... She was sorry to Mo Qianxun... Before leaving, Mo Qianxun told her not to date Mo Ling too much. In less than a day, she treated this sentence as a wind in her ears... She wiped her tears and felt a whistling in her heart. Look! This is the punishment for you, Bai Weiwei!
He was thinking about it randomly, and tried his best to calm himself down. He thought about how she fainted in the water of the blue pool last night. Who saved her and relieved her medicine for her?
That person must be a man and is familiar with the palace, otherwise it would be impossible for him to know that she lives here.
But why can't she remember what happened after she fell into drowsiness? Her memory seemed to be suppressed by something. If she hadn't thought about it desperately, or if she was a little careless, she might not have discovered the loss of her body at all.
Who is it that she has such great ability to forget what happened last night?
Just as he was thinking with his arms in his arms, suddenly the screams outside became louder and more screams, one after another, as if there was still faintly mixed with the soft cry of a woman's extremely frightened voice, and the eunuch's gloomy and sharp begging for mercy.
The collision of swords and swords spread into Bai Weiwei's auricles, as if someone was holding a sharp sword to chop people.
Her heart was shocked!
He jumped up from the bed, pulled the maid on one side in a panic and put her clothes on her body, and tied her hair casually for less than a few seconds.
She tiptoed carefully toward the door and tried to push the door down. As expected, her door was still locked outward.
The screams outside gradually became less...
She secretly pulled the locked door, revealing a small thin slit. Looking out from the slit, she widened her eyes and covered her wide mouth in horror.