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Chapter 4996: Danger Comes with Opportunity

 "When the torrent of heaven and earth breaks out, the deep space will probably become riddled with holes. It will take some time to recover, but we will not be able to enter the deep space anymore."

Chu Fengmian muttered silently.

The power of the torrent of heaven and earth erupting in the deep space far exceeds that of the outside world. The deep space will be shattered and turned into nothingness and chaos. Although it will be restored under the power of the laws of heaven and earth, this will also take time.

Now that he entered the deep space, he would only be involved in the turbulence of space. Chu Fengmian did not want to seek death, so he could only fly outside.

However, every time the torrent of heaven and earth breaks out, it is possible to bring out some treasures from the depths and center of this divine continent.

The power contained in the impact just now was enough to blast through the restrictive formations of many sects and bring many treasures out from the center of the Divine Continent.

The center of the Divine Continent is also the core of the Infinite Forbidden Zone. The inner boundary of the Infinite Forbidden Zone is the most dangerous place in the Infinite Forbidden Zone.

For example, the outer layer of the Wujiang Forbidden Zone is where most warriors who enter the Wujiang Forbidden Zone explore. Even if some Holy Emperors explore inside, there will not be many threats.

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The danger in the middle layer is much greater than that in the outer layer. Even if a high-level Holy Emperor enters it, there is a great risk. Even a powerful World Honored One may fall into the middle layer.


The inner realm is the most mysterious and dangerous place in the Wujiang Forbidden Zone. There once was an invincible strong man who could rival the Great Black Demon God, reach the peak of Taoism, and even have the hope of hitting the realm of domination, who entered the inner realm.

, all fell.

This also makes all the warriors who enter the Wujian Forbidden Zone remain silent about the existence of the inner world and dare not approach it at all. Generally, when the Wujian Forbidden Zone is opened, even some World Honored Ones are strong men at the level of Saints.

At most, he would wander around in the middle level, searching for treasures, but he would never set foot in the inner realm.

Because of this, the treasures in this inner realm have never been collected by anyone. This inner realm was once the core of the Divine Continent, and it was also the most prosperous martial arts holy land in the Divine Realm Era.

Several of the most powerful sects and behemoth sects in the Divine Realm Era are located in this inner realm, and the treasures contained therein are unimaginable.

However, unable to enter the inner realm, many warriors discovered that every time the torrent of heaven and earth erupted, some treasures in the inner realm would be bombarded.

The torrent of heaven and earth erupts from the center of the divine continent, so the entire inner realm will also be bombarded.

With danger comes opportunity.

Although encountering the bombardment of the torrent of heaven and earth is an extremely dangerous thing for many warriors, it still contains opportunities. Many inner treasures bombarded by the torrent of heaven and earth are also the objects of competition for everyone.


As soon as Chu Fengmian's eyes were focused, he saw a dazzling light rising into the sky in front of him. This dazzling light shot straight into the sky, allowing warriors thousands of miles around to see this light at a glance.

Under this ray of light, there is still a powerful and boundless force that sweeps across everything.

"The power of domination! This is a treasure of domination!"

Chu Fengmian looked over, and the moment he felt the power of domination contained in this ray of light, his face lit up, and he immediately urged the escaping light to fly over.

It seems that this treasure was brought out from the inner world due to the explosion of the torrent of heaven and earth.

The power of domination contained in it represents the identity of this treasure. It must be a treasure belonging to a dominator. No matter what its origin, the aura of power in it cannot be faked.

This treasure seemed to have been discovered by warriors and was being collected, but it was struggling to resist, and the power it erupted affected the surroundings.

Like many master treasures, after years of accumulation, spirituality will be born in them. Naturally, they are unwilling to be taken away by others and have the strength to resist.

For example, Chu Fengmian subdued several of the Lord's Arms, but he relied on the power of the Blood-Slaying Demon Sword to forcibly suppress them, and was able to easily subdue those few Lord's Arms.

However, it seems that the warriors who took action this time are not weak, otherwise they would not have forced this dominating treasure to such an extent.

This dominator treasure was already being collected by others. Chu Fengmian also accelerated his speed of escaping light, and finally came across another dominator treasure. Of course, Chu Fengmian did not want this dominator treasure to fall into the hands of others.

Since this master treasure was seen by Chu Fengmian, it belongs to him.

Chu Fengmian's escaping light rushed towards the direction of the light. He used his spiritual consciousness and noticed several escaping lights around him. They were also directed towards the direction of the light and he was rushing towards them with all his strength.

The Domination Treasure can be regarded as one of the most valuable treasures in the Infinite Forbidden Zone. Once it is released, it will naturally attract many warriors to fight for it.

In particular, the dazzling light emitted by this master treasure can be clearly seen by warriors thousands of miles away. Naturally, each one of them will rush over with all their strength. A big war is bound to break out.

"This aura seems to be the power of the true demon. Is the owner of this treasure the master of the true demon?"

As Chu Fengmian's escape light came closer, he could feel the power of this dominating treasure more and more clearly. This was the devil's intention, the purest devil's intention. The purity of this devil's intention was even greater than that of later generations.

The demonic intention in Demonic Era is much purer.

Chu Fengmian obtained the memory of the Lord of Heaven and Man, and was no stranger to the power of the Lords in this era of the gods, so he recognized the origin of this power at a glance.

This is the way of the true demon. The martial arts created by the Lord of the True Demon is also the ancestor of thousands of demonic ways. Many demonic ways in later generations even evolved from this true demon's way, but it is the purest and most powerful.

The devil's way is the true devil's way.

The moment he felt the power of the true demon's way, Chu Fengmian also became happy. The power of the ancestor Tianlong's bloodline was driven to the extreme by him. In an instant, Chu Fengmian transformed into the ancestor Tianlong, and his speed of escaping light was even faster.

A few points.

The Lord of the True Demon is one of the most powerful masters in the God's Domain Era. The True Demon's Way he created is the ancestor of all demons. The True Demon's immortal body is the most powerful one in the entire God's Domain Era.

A powerful method of body refining.

In the Era of God's Realm, the Lord of True Demons is the spokesperson of terror. Even in the Lord of Heaven and Man, in the memory of a true Lord, he is an extremely terrifying existence.

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