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Chapter 1600 Lets not talk about work tonight, just talk about heart

After a long time, Xiaofan and her mother came out of the studio, along with Aunt Huang and Ding Jiamin.

Ding Jiamin fell behind and nodded to Zhang Tan, who looked over immediately, meaning that everything was fine.

Zhang Tan felt relieved, knowing that Xiaofan and her mother had reconciled.

Xiaofan held her mother's hand tightly and introduced her mother to Xiaobai and Xiaomi.

There was a smile on her face, and what was different from usual was that this smile was more brilliant and heartfelt. She was not smiling because she was strong, but because she was happy.

"This is brother Xu Jun. Mom, I told you, he has always taken good care of me." Xiao Fang specially introduced Xu Jun.

Thanks to Xu Jun's careful care of Xiaobi these days, Xiaobi did not end up living on the street.

"Thank you, Xu Jun..." Xiaofan's mother thanked Xu Jun from the bottom of her heart.

"It's okay, it's okay, I just regard Xiaofu as my sister." Xu Jun laughed and said, he was equally happy to see Xiaofu found his mother.

All the little girlfriends gathered around, and the little girl introduced them to her mother one by one and said, "They were the ones who accompanied me to find my mother in the morning. They are all my good friends and best friends."

Xiaofan said this very seriously. After she came to Pujiang, she basically had no friends, but in just these few days, she made so many good friends. They really cared about her, helped her, supported her, and worked hard for her.

Happy and happy, sad that she is sad.

It is true that life always has its unsatisfactory aspects, but you must not be pessimistic, because even when it is unsatisfactory, it will also give you some small blessings.

The little girl suffered a lot of injustice from her father, but unexpectedly gained so many innocent friendships. Tonight, she found her mother again. It was obvious that her mother loved her very much and her eyes never left her for a long time.

The waiter introduces her friends one by one and praises each one. She can see the advantages in each one of them.

"This is Xiaobai, she is our little sister, she is the one who leads us."

"This is Xiaomi, she is a little policeman. I really want a sister like this."

"This is Liliu, she is our pistachio, she can bring us happiness wherever she goes."

"This is Dudu, she is the youngest, but she can do everything. She is really amazing."

"This is Xi'er. She loves to laugh and is very enthusiastic. She is always willing to help all of us."

"This is Cheng Cheng, she is so smart, my God, I really like listening to the stories she tells."

Every child who was introduced smiled happily.

Xiaofan and his mother stayed at the Little Red Horse for a while and then left.

No one tried to hold back. We had to give the mother and daughter some space alone. They would definitely have a lot to say.

Xiaobo's mother said that she and Xiaobo would come to see everyone again tomorrow night.

Yes, not only to visit everyone, but also to deal with many important matters, such as the issue of the ownership of Xiaofang.

When Xiaofan's mother and father divorced, Xiaofan was sentenced to be given to his father. Now if Xiaofan wants to leave his father and live with his mother, the procedure must be legal and compliant.

If Xiaofang's father agrees, then it's okay. If he doesn't agree, then he will have to go through legal review.

After Xiaofan and his mother left, Zhang Tan, the director, Aunt Huang, and Ding Jiamin found Lao Li, who was drinking tea and listening to the radio, and asked him about the risks involved.

Lao Li is quite familiar with Xiao Piao's affairs and does not need any introduction.

He confidently said: "This is not difficult. If he is willing, it would be better. If he is not willing, there are many ways. Just by abandoning the little boy for several days, he can be deprived of his custody rights."

Aunt Huang asked: "But abandonment is difficult to define. What if he insists that it is not abandonment, but lost? Moreover, he can even deny it and say that the Xu Long family abducted children."

As a police officer, Ding Jiamin took the risks very seriously and understood them very well. He nodded in agreement. Aunt Huang was right.

But Lao Li said: "There is a lot of room for maneuver in this, and you are right. The key to the problem lies in how to defend. It may be difficult for others, but for me, it is too simple.

, there is no need for me to take action, I will just let Xiaoxiao follow up."

After saying that, he hummed a tune along with the radio proudly.

Aunt Huang couldn't stand his dragging look, so she said, "What do you think about Xiaobai and the others sneaking out during the day?"

Lao Li felt as if he had been hit for an instant, and his body became stiff.


Zhang Tan and Ding Jiamin left quickly. Lao Li was familiar with Zhang Tan's parents. As his junior, Zhang Tan couldn't talk about many things, so Aunt Huang was needed to intervene.

In front of Lao Li, Aunt Huang can speak frankly.

At first, Zhang Tan's grandparents gave her the management of Little Red Horse Academy for several years and trusted her very much. As the security guard of Little Red Horse, Lao Li was under the jurisdiction of Aunt Huang.

When going to bed at night, Xiaobai fell asleep after listening to Zhang Tan's bedtime story and closed his eyes.

Zhang Tan lowered his head and kissed her forehead, covered her with a quilt, turned off the lamp, left gently, and closed the door.

He returned to his study and continued to write scripts in front of the computer.

Liu Yan, who is far away in Sichuan, sent an email about the rehearsal video of "Tang Palace Night Banquet" and asked him for some advice.

He clicked on the video and saw that there was no formal training in the rehearsal, and the dancers were performing on the stage in casual clothes. Despite this, Zhang Tan still saw many highlights, and the essence of this show was already there.

As he read, he wrote down his thoughts. There were three major points in total. Just as he was about to reply to Liu Yan's email, he suddenly realized that he had left his cell phone in Xiaobai's room.

He got up and came to the door of Xiaobai's room, but he vaguely heard movement inside. He pushed the door and went in, and saw Xiaobai getting up and lying in front of the bedside table, looking at something. The lamp had been turned on.

Seeing Zhang Tan suddenly appear, Xiaobai was startled and hurriedly hid the things in his hands in the cabinet.

"What are you looking at?" Zhang Tan asked.

Xiaobai chuckled and shook his head.

But Zhang Tan had already seen it. What Xiaobai looked at just now was a photo of his mother, Bai Yuxin.

Zhang Tan picked up the photo from the drawer. This was the only photo Xiaobai ever owned. She kept it in her room and took it out to look at from time to time.

Zhang Tan asked her: "Do you miss your mother?"

Seeing that Zhang Tan looked gentle and not angry at all, Xiaobai felt relieved and nodded solemnly.

Today Xiaofan found his mother, and Xiaobai couldn't help but think of his mother.

This is Xiaofan's mother who can be found again after leaving, but her mother can never be found. If she misses her, she can either look at the photos or go back to Baijia Village to visit her mother's grave and send flowers.

Zhang Tan immediately decided to sleep with Xiaobai tonight and the two of them would chat.

As for the "Tang Palace Night Banquet", we will wait until tomorrow to talk about it. We won't talk about work tonight, we will only have a heart-to-heart talk with my daughter.

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This chapter has been completed!
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