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1. Xiao Li Flying Knife

"Boom boom boom..."


In the haze, Li Han suddenly heard the loud noises of exploding artillery shells and heart-wrenching screams. His own body was lifted up and dropped from time to time. It was difficult to breathe, and there seemed to be sand in his nose and mouth.

Dust penetrates.

"Li Han, Crazy Li, wake up quickly, wake up quickly, the Japanese are coming..."

"Captain Li, Commander Li, there are not many brothers left..."

Suddenly someone shook him and called him.

Some people burst into tears.

"Jai? What? Jae? What do you mean?"

Li Han woke up with a start and murmured questions and answers to himself.

He opened his eyes and saw that he was surrounded by soldiers wearing yellow-green military uniforms. They were all disheveled and covered in mud.

Some people have blood on their faces.

Some people have their foreheads bandaged with white gauze.

Many people were missing arms and legs, sitting or lying not far away wailing. There were also many medical staff in military uniforms bandaging the injured.

Some soldiers were also using stretchers to carry seriously injured people off the firing line.

Li Han asked in surprise: "Where is this place? Is it filming?"

One person yelled: "Li Han, Madman Li, were you stunned by the Japs' shells just now? This is Yuhuatai, idiot, get up, the Japs are coming, hurry up!"

The man originally stood up with his arms around Li Han, but he suddenly became angry and threw Li Han away. He suddenly stood up and roared loudly: "Brothers, bayonets!"



"A real bayonet? Hand-to-hand combat?"

Li Han screamed again, stretched out his hand to pat the back of his head, wiped the dust from his face, and suddenly stood up. He found that outside the trench, countless Japanese soldiers were really coming, carrying "three-eight big covers" and marching "circle steps" to charge.


He hurriedly squatted down, grabbed a rifle, picked up a bayonet, and installed it on the rifle. However, the moment he installed the bayonet, he screamed again: "Hey, I, I, how can I be so familiar with using firearms?"

?This, this, this, I have traveled through time? Trouble, trouble. I had to write my college graduation thesis last night and looked up information. I was just interested in Rabe's diary and read it more seriously. I looked up the Jinling Massacre.

The original recorded data is very detailed, damn! I slept on my stomach for a while, and then, just, traveled through time? This, this, this, ugh!"

When Li Han woke up, he turned out to be a soldier in the Anti-Japanese War.

It's really unbelievable, something that I dare not even think about.

Wow! What's going on?

I originally wanted to take the civil service exam after graduating from college.

Alas, I wanted to turn around gracefully, but unexpectedly I hit the wall.

What a tragedy! My parents still expect me to take the civil service exam!

Alas! I am an only child, what should I do?

I have traveled through time, and only my parents are left at home. How pitiful!

Alas! If you can't be lucky, then work hard and be strong.

In an instant, Li Han's thoughts were racing, but seeing is believing!

Now, he has really traveled back to the old society.

He couldn't help but sigh: Alas, after others traveled through time, they became emperors, generals, and concubines. After I traveled through time, I unfortunately came to the Jinling battlefield in mid-December of the 26th year of the Republic of China. It was bloody and thrilling.

There are many crises, alas!

Li Han raised his gun and stood up to take a look, screamed again, and squatted down again.

He reached out and patted the back of his head again, murmuring: "Yes, this is the main position of Yuhuatai, I, I, I..."

He looked down at his military uniform, shoulder uniform, and collar again, and finally fully understood that he was a major battalion commander of the German Arms Division of the Kuomintang. Yes, he was now a major battalion commander of the 262nd Brigade of the German Arms Division.

Defend the main position of Yuhuatai.

Li Han came to his senses completely, and the heroic resistance history of the Chinese people also appeared in his mind.

Hey, why do they call me Crazy Li? Am I very brave and strange in fighting? I, I, am I that brave? Am I that powerful? My name is Li Yunlong? Oh, no! They call me Li Han!

My name is Li Han!

I still have my original name in modern society: Li Han!

At this time, the little devil rushed up.

Li Han couldn't think about anything anymore. He stood up with the gun in hand and wanted to reach out and take out the pistol. However, when he turned his hand and took it out, he took out a row of small throwing knives the size of his ring finger.

Hey, I became Xiao Li’s flying knife?

No way?

Is this my hidden weapon?

As soon as the knife is released, it will not be in vain!

Then, what about Lin Shiyin?

Sister Lin, where are you?

"Crazy Li, what are you doing? Come on! Brothers are no match for the little Japs with bayonets!" At this time, someone else was yelling beside him.

Li Han no longer had time to think about anything.

He jumped out of the trench, raised his hand in the air, and threw out several small flying knives in his hand.

Whoosh whoosh!

The wind is howling, extremely fierce!

Bang bang bang!

The necks of the three little devils were slashed by three small flying knives. They all rolled their eyes wildly and fell to the sky without even letting out a scream.

Wow! I’m really Xiao Li’s flying knife!

Oh, no! I am Li Han, the descendant of Xiao Li Feidao!

Li Han then jumped up again, held a gun in one hand in the air, and used the "Tianhe Upside Down" move to slash the back of a little Japanese's neck with his backhand.

He landed on the ground, drew a circle with his gun, and then used the "immortal guide" move to stab the oncoming little devil to death.

Then, he turned around with the gun, held the gun and slashed diagonally, cutting off the nose of a little Japanese. The Japanese was so painful that he threw away the "38 big cover", covered his face with his hands and howled, Li Han raised his foot and kicked him

Go and kick the little devil more than three feet away, causing all the bones in his body to break, and his soul returns to the East.

Then, Li Han and other commanders and fighters fought with the little Japanese with bayonets, or stabbed the little Japanese with steel knives.

After a bloody battle, this round of attack by the little Japanese was repulsed.

Li Han's military uniform was covered in blood.

He didn't expect that he, a young man who was about to graduate from college, would be so powerful after time travel. He could fight with the Japs with bayonets and kill nine Japs in a row. But when he used his flying knife, he cut the Japs' necks all the time.


After they repelled the Japs' attack, Li Han sat in the trench holding a rifle, and a group of soldiers gathered around him.

Li Han wanted to ask something, what he wanted to say, but the little devil didn't give him time to think, think, or ask.

At this time, the Central China Front Army of the Little Japanese Army concentrated the main force of two divisions, equipped with 2 squadrons of light armored vehicles, 1 brigade of tanks, 1 regiment of field heavy artillery, and 1 regiment of independent mountain artillery, with about 40,000 people, and headed towards Yuhuatai.

Launch a fierce attack on the position.?

In an instant, the ground shook and the mountains shook.

The enemy's shells came like hail.

"Boom boom boom boom..."


Suddenly, blood and flesh were flying inside and outside the trench, and screams came one after another.

Li Han held his head behind his hands and lay down in the trench, unable to move. His ears couldn't bear it anymore. He covered his ears with his hands again, for fear of being deafened by the shells.

No matter how good your martial arts skills are, they are still very fragile in the face of modern weapons.

After a burst of artillery shells, the Japanese launched a new round of attack.

Li Han instinctively raised his gun and fought with his comrades tenaciously against the Japs. After he shot twelve Japs with a small flying knife, the small flying knife was also used up.

The battle that followed left Li Han unable to think or recall. He and his fellow warriors only relied on about 20 82mm mortars and 4 75mm mountain cannons to fight off the Japs.

Dozens of crazy attacks.

Subsequently, the Japs' offensive intensified. After bombing and strafing with fighter planes and artillery, they divided the two sides and opened the way with tanks to launch a fierce attack. This time, the Japs' tanks rushed all the way to the hills before being blocked by anti-tank trenches.

Li Han and his comrades did not have anti-tank guns, so they could only use cluster grenades to blow up the Japs' tanks at close range.?

Finally, when it was Li Han's turn to hold a bundle of grenades to blow up a Japanese tank, he himself was knocked unconscious by the huge explosion.

When he woke up, he found that the area around the position had become quiet, but the sound of gunfire and screams could be heard not far away.

Li Han knew in his heart that the Yuhuatai position had been lost, and today was December 13, 1937, and Jinling had fallen into the hands of the Japs. Starting from today, the Japs would begin a six-week bloody massacre.

Starting today, more than 90,000 officers and soldiers of the Kuomintang will be stranded in the city, and most of them will be brutally slaughtered by the Japs. However, there will be a very small number of officers and soldiers who will bravely stay. They fought until the last moment and fulfilled the defense with their lives.

Jinling's oath. Like other officers and soldiers, he would either take advantage of the chaos to leave the city and be trampled to death under the city gate, or rush out and drown in the Yangtze River.

Because the army's retreat was hasty and disorderly.

I have studied this history carefully before.

Or bravely find those few officers and soldiers, organize a team, stay in the city, and fight with the Japs until the war is won.

Well! Let’s choose the last way. Anyway, I have read Rabe’s diary and remember the route of the Japs massacre. Now, I will either hide in Yihongyuan or hide in the embassy of other countries.

Hmm! Let's hide in the embassy area.

Oh, no! Hide in the "safe zone" organized by Rabe.

Oh, no! Rabe's "safe zone" is not completely safe either. The little devils still often go to the "safe zone" to search for stranded Kuomintang soldiers, and then focus on shooting, and the corpses are thrown into the river and burned.

I'd better hide in the embassy area.

At this time, the little Japanese did not dare to break up with other countries. They had to give the embassy area a face and did not dare to mess around.

Thinking of this, Li Han overturned his body, packed up his guns and ammunition, picked up his bloody flying knives, put them back into the concealed weapon bag on his waist, and then trudged towards a place where gunshots were sparse.

He was walking in the ruins when he suddenly saw a large group of infantrymen approaching from the Little Japs. Li Han was holding the crooked-handled machine gun of the Little Japs that he had picked up from the battlefield. He was about to raise the gun and shoot when someone next to him suddenly pulled him away.

and pulled him to a damaged tank.

Li Han squatted down with his gun in his hand, looked sideways at the strong officer beside him who was covered in dust and blood, and asked urgently: "Brother, which army are you from?"

The man turned sideways and said with a smile: "From the 262nd Brigade."

Li Han whispered: "Me too, oh, my name is Li Han."

The man screamed: "What? Are you Li Han, known as Crazy Li? The commander of the special agent battalion?" Li Han did not expect that he would have such a good reputation in the Kuomintang army, nor did he expect that he would hold a military position.

So important: the commander of the secret service battalion!

He couldn't help but smile with relief and asked again: "Well, haha, what's your name?"

The man calmed down instantly and said: "I am Li Hao from the security company! We have met before, but we are not familiar with each other. Unexpectedly, we are next to each other today. Okay, let's not talk anymore, the Japanese are getting closer and closer."

You are the battalion commander and I am the company commander. Moreover, our surname is Li. We were one family five hundred years ago. We are both great descendants of the Li family. I listen to you and do whatever you say!"

The two could have gotten close, but at this moment, the Japs approached. Li Han and Li Hao did not dare to talk anymore, and hurriedly hid on the tank, and then gently moved the machine guns from the front and rear of the tank's turret.

Stretch out both ends, then fire the machine gun and launch a sudden attack on the little devil.

“Tu tu tu tu tu…”


The little devil was suddenly attacked, and there were immediate casualties. A group of them fell down, screams occurred one after another, and blood and water splashed everywhere.

The commander of the little devils grasped the saber eagerly and directed the little devils to fight.

"Bah, bah, bah..."

“Tu tu tu tu tu…”

There was a sudden exchange of bullets between the two sides.

Li Han and Li Hao took advantage of the cover of this damaged tank. Not only were they safe, but they also killed and wounded more than a dozen Japanese soldiers. Because this small Japanese infantry only had infantry weapons, they could not attack by force. However, Li Han and Li Hao were unable to attack by force.

With the weapons and ammunition in the tank, the two of them were able to stop this group of Japanese infantry very powerfully.

The two sides were in a stalemate until that night.

As night fell, Li Han and Li Hao hurriedly took advantage of the cover of night to pick up some guns, ammunition and food cans, fled the ruins, and looked for a safe area to hide.

However, when they found an unoccupied house, Li Han found that Li Hao had been shot several times and was covered in blood. He fell to the ground as soon as he entered the door. It turned out that Li Hao had been shot a long time ago, but he was very strong and endured the pain.

Be silent.

Li Han called softly several times, but when he didn't see Li Hao wake up, he put aside the gun, picked up Li Hao, and placed it on the square table. Then he went to fetch water and towels, first changed Li Hao's clothes, and then wiped Li Hao's body.

After seeing the blood stains, I hugged Li Hao and laid him down on the kang, bandaged his wounds, and pulled a quilt to cover him.

Li Hao urgently needs medical staff to treat his injuries and remove the bullet from his body. Otherwise, Li Hao will die soon.

Therefore, Li Han had to find someone, because he was familiar with this period of history and knew that there were still a very few brave soldiers fighting against the Japs in Jinling City at this time. And among the teams fighting against the Japs, there would definitely be

Medical soldier.

Li Han knew that there were tigers in the mountains, so he went to the Tiger Mountains.

He changed his clothes, strapped on his pistol, and walked out, hoping to contact a very small number of brave officers and soldiers, pull together a team, and fight the Japs in a bloody battle in Jinling City until the victory of the war of resistance.

This chapter has been completed!
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