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129. The monkey play

The two put down the phone.

Li Han put on his sunglasses, walked out of the public phone booth with his bag, and entered the mission hospital. He looked left and right, front and back, very cautiously. When he came to the attic ward on the second floor, he looked sideways and found nothing suspicious.

The character was watching, and he reached out and knocked gently on the door. Xie Qiuqi heard the "three long and two short" knocks on the door and hurriedly came out to open the door. At this time, she was wearing a nightgown, her hair was messy, and she looked not awake, and she was particularly charming.

Li Han turned sideways to look at the movement in the corridor, then ducked in and whispered, "Were you hurt last night?"

Xie Qiuqi closed the door with her backhand, opened her arms, hugged Li Han, buried her head in his chest, and whispered: "No! With you here, I am full of energy. I never thought that I would also embark on the road of resistance. It's great!"

I fought very hard last night, but I didn't kill a few little Japs, but I wasted a lot of bullets."

Li Han put down his bag, stretched out his hand to caress Xie Qiuqi's hair, and whispered: "Qiuqi, you are very good, you can sing, dance, and fight. It's amazing! You are already a heroine. Next, there will be more

The important combat mission is entrusted to you. I predict that Hisaka Sakai will come to arrest you soon. You must say that the person who composed the lyrics and music for you is a servant. I will arrange for someone to take photos when you are arrested.

.Then, I will cooperate with people from the Red Party to publish a newspaper to report the news of your arrest. Then, I will force Hisaka Sakai to release you. Of course, they may torture you."

Xie Qiuqi hugged Li Han tightly and said quietly: "I'm not afraid! Because of you, I have a backer. I'm not afraid of death or being tortured." Li Han stretched out his hand tremblingly, hugged her tightly, and said with emotion: "Qiu Qiuqi

Qi, you are so kind!"

"Dong dong dong!"

At this time, someone knocked on the door.

Li Han had no choice but to let go of Xie Qiuqi, grabbed his bag, hid behind the door, took out the gun, and pulled the safety button. Xie Qiuqi stretched out her hand to comb her hair, gently opened the door, and a nurse came in pushing the treatment cart.

, a female nurse with blond hair and blue eyes, she said in blunt Chinese that she wanted to check Miss Xie's body.

Xie Qiuqi lay down on the hospital bed, and the female nurse pushed the treatment cart to the bed. Li Han grabbed his bag and slipped out of the room. He put his hand and pistol in his trouser pocket, walked downstairs quickly, and quickly left the mission hospital.

Drive to the consulate for work.

He carried his bag upstairs and when he passed the door of the European and American Research Laboratory, he peeked inside. People inside were talking about Jiangcun Juzi (Shi Zhenxiang) turning out to be an agent of the Red Party. He sighed with emotion and carried his bag back to his room.

In the office, keep your pistol handy, fetch and boil water, clean the tea sets, make tea and enjoy the tea.

At this time, Michiko Kojima came over to take a look, brought breakfast in and put it on the small coffee table. Li Han poured her a cup of tea and said with a smile: "Tomoko, why am I so good today?" Michiko Kojima smiled charmingly.

He said: "Have I been treating you badly? Don't I often bring you breakfast?" Li Han nodded and said: "Yes! However, you have also been cooperating with Sakai Jiuxiang to check on me. What can I check?

Yes? I am loyal to the Consul General and have always been very devoted to you."

"Haha!" Michiko Kojima smiled coquettishly and said: "Really? Then you are going on a blind date?" Li Han said jokingly: "Propagating the family line is not only a personal responsibility, but also a social responsibility. Our island country has a small population to begin with, and now it is

The war has resulted in many casualties. Next, there will be fewer and fewer men, and girls will not be able to find husbands. So, let’s get married. Then, have many, many children to solve the population problem of our island country.”

"Ha ha ha ha!"

Michiko Kojima's pretty face turned red immediately, but she also laughed comically. She raised her finger and pointed at Li Han's nose and said: "When your brain is normal, I will marry you." After she finished speaking, she stood up and left. Li Han

He stood up and said: "Tomoko, do you have any tasks today?" Michiko Kojima turned around suddenly, and Li Han said with a smile: "If there is nothing else, I would like to invite some beauties from Laohuqiao Prison to come out and chat."

Michiko Kojima snorted coldly and turned around.

Ring ring ring!

At this moment, the phone in Li Han's office rang.

Michiko Kojima stopped, looked left and right in the corridor, and then returned to Li Han's door. Li Han picked up the phone, and Guo Yaoyao's voice came from the phone: "Hey, handsome guy, it's so early.

Are you in the office?" Li Han said loudly: "Oh, Miss Guo? Good morning! I have nothing to do today, where do you want to invite me to play?"

Guo Yaoyao said: "How about going to Xuanwu Lake?"

Li Han said: "Xuanwu Lake? Okay! I'll pick you up from Laohuqiao Prison now."

"Yeah! What a good man! He knows how to be considerate." Guo Yaoyao praised and put down the phone. Li Han put down the phone and immediately picked up his bag and walked out. Michiko Kojima walked away. Li Han went downstairs with his bag, walked out of the consulate, and drove straight to Tiger

Bridge Prison.

Michiko Kojima immediately took the elevator upstairs, returned to Taro Imai's office, stood in front of her small square desk, picked up the phone, called Hisaka Sakai, and leaked the whereabouts of "Yamada Taiyoshi" to Hisaka Sakai.

He also suggested to Hisaka Sakai to send a killer to the shore of Xuanwu Lake to test whether "Yamada Taiji" knew martial arts?

Sakai Hisaka, who was feeling depressed about what happened last night, smiled and said, "Okay! Tomoko, you've made progress. Very good! Let's go watch the fun, too?"

Michiko Kojima agreed.

She put down the phone and reported the situation to Taro Imai.

Jiangcun Juzi turned out to be a member of the Red Party, which caused a headache for Imai Taro.

He was in a bad mood, and he heard that the special higher education course had a mission, so he waved his hand.

Michiko Kojima immediately picked up her bag and drove to the shore of Xuanwu Lake. She met Hisaka Sakai, Naeko Takahashi, and Kamei. She sat in the car and moved the window to observe the situation on the shore of Xuanwu Lake. A group of Japanese military spies dressed as scoundrels and beggars.

, tourists, small businessmen and hawkers, on the way to Xuanwu Lake from the direction of Laohuqiao Prison, stared at the arrival of Li Han's car. However, a morning passed, and Li Han did not arrive.

The long-lasting fragrance of Sakai is so strong that smoke comes out of the seven holes.

Michiko Kojima felt that she had been cheated, so she said to Hisaka Sakai: "Professor, I'm sorry! I was also fooled by Yamada Taiji. It's like playing a monkey trick. Let's do it. Xie Qiuqi sang a new song last night, There is Love in the World. She used to

Didn't I say that this song was written and composed by Oshima Ogawa? Arrest her and ask her to tell her who Oshima Ogawa is?" Sakai Hisaka then released his anger and analyzed: "I think this move will work.

! Once tortured, the delicate Xie Qiuqi will definitely tell who Oshima Ogawa is. If this Oshima Ogawa is Yamada Taiji, the case will be solved. If it is not Oshima Ogawa, we will let Xie Qiuqi become ours and let her be ours

agent. Also, maybe Yamada Taiji will save her. Hehe, this time, in the dungeon of the Special High School, I want to see how the enemy spies enter the dungeon to save Xie Qiuqi? Let’s go!”

Michiko Kojima nodded, pushed the door open and got out of Sakai Hisaka's car, returned to her own car, and drove back to the consulate. Sakai Hisaka took the car and led the team to Room 6 on the third floor of Apartment No. 19 Wangfu Lane

, she stretched out her hand to knock on the door and there was no response, so she ordered the secret agents to find a way to open the door. No one was found inside, so she ordered the secret agents to ambush her at home and arrest Xie Qiuqi once she returned.

Then, Takahashi Miaozi led a team to find Zeng Shaozhou, the owner of the Great World Song and Dance Hall, and asked where Xie Qiuqi had gone.

Zeng Shaozhou was trembling, nodded and said that after Xie Qiuqi finished singing last night, he had a stomachache and was admitted to the mission hospital. Takahashi Miaozi immediately led a team to the mission hospital to arrest Xie Qiuqi. When Xie Qiuqi was handcuffed and escorted out, the people lurking nearby

Tan Lingling took pictures of this scene with a camera.

Julie Wen was covering for Tan Lingling from behind.

Tan Lingling kept taking photos until Xie Qiuqi was escorted into the car and until Takahashi Miaozi's car left the mission hospital. Then, Tan Lingling and Zhu Zhuwen drove to follow Takahashi Miaozi's car from a distance until they saw Takahashi Miaozi driving in.

During the extra-high school class, Tan Lingling and Zhu Liwencai drove back to the Linglong Cheongsam Shop at No. 36 Louzi Street. They hung out the "out for purchase" sign, closed the door, walked into the secret room, and developed photos.

Where did Li Han and Guo Yaoyao go?

He went to Laohuqiao Prison to pick up Guo Yaoyao and drove to Xuanwu Lake. As he was walking, he suddenly turned in a direction and came to Mochou Lake because when Li Han was answering the phone, he heard slight footsteps outside the door.

He knew Michiko Kojima was eavesdropping, so he deliberately spoke loudly into the microphone.

As for Guo Yaoyao’s character?

Li Han doesn't care.

He believed that one day he would be able to influence Guo Yaoyao to join his Ghost Corpse. He needed a chess piece in Laohuqiao Prison and at least one team member lurking. If possible, it would be best to subdue four beautiful women.

Female prison guard.

Therefore, when he drove to pick up Guo Yaoyao, he aroused the jealousy of Lin Lin, Pang Silu, and He Xiaoxiao, the beautiful female guards of Laohuqiao Prison. They whispered, "Young devil, what's the big deal? Huh, you don't want us? We don't want you yet."


The car stopped at the Mochou Lake. Li Han pushed the door to get out, and then opened the door for Guo Yaoyao. Guo Yaoyao said with a charming smile: "Taijun Yamada, you are very compassionate. Hey, isn't this Xuanwu Lake?"

Li Han pretended to say: "Didn't you say on the phone that you were coming to Lake Mochou?" Then he looked confused. After becoming an agent and lurking in the consulate, he is now better and better at acting, and his acting skills have improved greatly.

Guo Yaoyao said angrily: "Oh, forget it, Mochou Lake is Mochou Lake, it's all a lake anyway."

She turned and walked towards the lake.

It was misty and rainy, and the surrounding scenery was shrouded in a layer of fog, making it look like a dream. Li Han hurriedly took an oil-paper umbrella from the car, walked quickly to Guo Yaoyao, and held the umbrella for her. The surface of Mochou Lake seemed like a dream.

It is a huge silver mirror, and the fish in the lake are chasing each other and playing with each other in the water.

This chapter has been completed!
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