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139. Ingenious plan to defeat the enemy

Li Han had no choice but to drink so much wine today.

Only by getting Lu Aiquan drunk, making Lu Aiquan lose his memory, and leading Julie Wen to the prison to deliver information, could he hide it from everyone.

He calculated whether Pang Silu and Guo Yaoyao would betray him in a while.

Because Pang Silu and Guo Yaoyao haven't made enough money from Li Han.

Moreover, Li Han only got Lu Aiquan drunk before lunch. During lunch, no one else dared to join him and Lu Aiquan's lunch.

This is a strategy.

Of course, Li Han himself was very drunk.

This was his first real drink since time travel.

In modern society, he is a college student who is about to graduate. His family is relatively well off, but he never drinks alcohol.

Even if he is having fun with his classmates, he doesn't drink, not even beer.

Sure enough, the chef came to inform us that it was time to have lunch.

Li Han and Lu Aiquan went to the warden's small dining hall together.

The deputy warden, Pang Silu, and Guo Yaoyao saw that Lu Aiquan was already drunk and crazy, and they did not dare to accompany him.

However, they all met Li Han face to face.

So, Li Han and Zhu Zhuwen accompanied Lu Aiquan to dinner.

Li Han and Lu Aiquan still played guessing and drinking.

The Japanese squad leader Shimomura Tao had to supervise the prisoners taking turns eating during lunch.

There are too many inmates in this prison, nearly 4,000, and it is very difficult to manage them.

Especially those prisoners of war. Even though Shimomura Tao had separated more than a thousand prisoners of war, they were still in groups of dozens.

He was afraid that these prisoners of war would collude and would be even more difficult to deal with.

Therefore, Shimomura Tao did not dare to slack off.

After lunch, Lu Aiquan was very drunk, and Li Han and Zhu Zhuwen said goodbye and drove home.

Li Han went home to sleep.

After Zhu Zhuwen helped Li Han lie down, he wrote a note on the desk in Li Han's small study and drove out through the back door.

She sat in the car for a while, looked carefully through the reversing and rearview mirrors, and made sure no one was watching. Then she got out of the car, locked the back door, and drove to the Hong Gong Temple.

She put the note into a small crack on the back of the stone statue: the shipment plan remains unchanged. There is a crack in the stone chamber and can be drilled.

Shipment: That means Zhang Chong can be rescued.

The plan remains unchanged: it’s still 11:40 a.m. the day after tomorrow.

Stone Chamber: That is Laohuqiao Prison.

There are cracks to drill through: There are internal agents in the Tiger Prison who can cooperate with our internal agents and external agents.

Putting the note here is also the agreement between Zhu Zhuwen and Liu Wenlin.

The code word was an agreement made between Zhu Liwen and Liu Wenlin during their secret meeting in a small wooden shed by Xuanwu Lake.

Then, Julie Wen drove back to work at Shanxiao Department Store Wholesale Store in the south of the city.

The rain is thin, falling down like catkins, fresh and delicate, graceful and elegant.

Jinling under the night sky, with its white walls and black tiles, small bridges and flowing water, and ancient bluestone alleys, demonstrates its classical charm.

Xie Qiuqi couldn't get rid of Yoshida Murao, Suzuki Sachiko, and Emura Sawako's surveillance for many days in a row, and she felt very distressed.

These days, because of these reasons, she has not seen Li Han, and she does not dare to see Li Han.

She missed him.

She didn't know that Li Han went to the Great World Dance Hall to see her every night.

It's getting dark again.

However, Yoshida Murao's car was still waiting for her downstairs, staring at her.

For the past few days, when she came back from get off work late at night every night, she stayed at home all day and did not dare to go out. It was inconvenient to go out.

However, lovesickness is painful.

She couldn't stand it anymore and wanted to see Li Han, talk to him, and be intimate with him.

what to do?

What is the difference between me and a prisoner all day long?

I want to call Li Han, but I'm afraid the phone is being monitored.

Go find him, not to mention there is a tail behind you.

what to do?

Lovesickness is very painful and unbearable.

Xie Qiuqi leaned in front of the window, opened the curtains slightly, looked at Yoshida Murato's car downstairs, and was lost in thought, thinking hard for a long time.

Finally, she had a flash of inspiration and came up with a solution:

Oh, by the way, when I was arrested before, didn’t I tell Hisuka Sakai that I was pregnant with the servant’s child?

In this way, Hisaka Sakai did not torture me for fear of breaking the "maid's child" in my belly.

Well, yes, yes! I will go to the Jihad Hospital for a checkup and issue a certificate now.

But, but, I, I, I am still a young girl, I, alas!

Alas! This method will not work!

Oh, no! The ancients said that money can make ghosts grind.

Yes, yes! I spent money, a lot of money, to bribe the doctors at Jihadi Hospital and get the results of the examination.

Aren’t the little devils invading our land just for money?

Yes, yes! That’s it, that’s it!

So, Xie Qiuqi figured out the joint, turned around and took out the key from her small satchel, quickly leaned over to open the safe, and took out a large stack of military tickets that Li Han had given her before.

Generally, Japanese soldiers like military coupons because these military coupons are popular in their small island country.

If you give them cash or French currency, they will have to exchange it for military coupons, which is troublesome.

They also find it troublesome.

Xie Qiuqi put the large stack of military tickets into a small satchel, sat in front of the mirror, dressed up, and went out with her bag.

She went downstairs, took out the keys to her car, opened the door, and drove straight to the Jihadi Hospital.

Mr. Yoshida, who was following behind, quickly followed in his car.

On the way, he discovered that Xie Qiuqi was going to the Jihad Hospital, so he turned to Suzuki Sachiko (Zou Feiyan) and said, "It's strange, Xie Qiuqi went to the Jihad Hospital. Is she going to visit the emperor's special envoy?"

Suzuki Sachiko said angrily: "We have been watching her for so many days without having a good sleep or a good meal. No matter what, we have to get a result."

Sitting in the back row, Jiangcun Sawako (Guo Meixi) said: "It's better to catch a man. How fast you can catch big fish! You will be happy too!"

Suzuki Sachiko said coldly: "Then you come and fish! I don't want a man during this time."

Jiangcun Sawako suddenly choked with anger and became speechless.

She is ugly and cannot catch big fish.

She can only be Suzuki Sachiko's attendant, serve Suzuki Sachiko, wash and cook for her, and clean for her.

They followed Xie Qiuqi to the Jihad Hospital and found that Xie Qiuqi went to the obstetrics and gynecology department. The three of them were confused for a while.

Later, they came to their senses and couldn't help but whisper again: Is Xie Qiuqi really pregnant with Mairen's child? Why didn't she go find Mairen? Did she know that Mairen's wife and children also came to Jihad Hospital to accompany Mairen?


In fact, how did Xie Qiuqi know about Mairen?

However, Li Han said that Mairen was the younger brother of the emperor of the small island country and had a wife and children. If Xie Qiuqi was caught, he would say that she was from Mairen and was pregnant with Mairen's child. Therefore, she was arrested again before

When she was being arrested, she just talked nonsense to Hisaka Sakai. Just because of the special status of the servant, Hisaka Sakai could not investigate the private life of the servant, and she did not dare to investigate the private life of the servant.

The case was temporarily dropped, and Yoshida Murao, Suzuki Sachiko, and Emura Sawako jointly investigated Xie Qiuqi and continued to follow up.

People are doing inspections.

Murao Yoshida, Sachiko Suzuki, and Sawako Emura did not dare to move too far forward.

What if Xie Qiuqi is really a servant?

Aren't Murao Yoshida, Sachiko Suzuki, and Sawako Emura going to cause trouble?

Xie Qiuqi came to the obstetrics and gynecology department to see a doctor. When she came to the obstetrics and gynecology clinic, she let other patients finish their diagnosis and treatment first. Then she closed the door and gave the attending physician Ryoki Eguchi a stack of military tickets and asked for a prescription for a pregnancy for two and a half months.

The proof comes.

Ryoki Eguchi was young and not long after his marriage, so he came to China in July last year.

He is a grown man, and he has been separated from his wife for a long time. He cannot bear to be without a woman. However, he is not a Japanese soldier and cannot rob or kidnap her.

At this time, he saw that Xie Qiuqi turned out to be the famous beautiful singer in the Great World Song and Dance Hall. He was very happy and excited.

He quickly returned the money to Xie Qiuqi and said that he had always admired Xie Qiuqi and hoped to make friends with Xie Qiuqi.

As for what kind of proof Xie Qiuqi wanted to issue, he agreed to it.

Xie Qiuqi knew what he was thinking, but now she wanted to beg him, so she agreed to make friends with him.

Eguchi Yoshiki hugged Xie Qiuqi excitedly and gave Xie Qiuqi a sweet kiss.

Xie Qiuqi left him and gave him a chance to come to the Great World Dance Hall. She would accompany him well and teach him to dance.

Eguchi Yoshiki was so excited that tears filled his eyes.

He tremblingly agreed to Xie Qiuqi's request, and without giving Xie Qiuqi any examination, he issued a certificate to Xie Qiuqi.

It proves that Xie Qiuqi is pregnant with the child for two and a half months.

Afterwards, he carefully took notes in the record book and the certificate retention attachments.

After Xie Qiuqi got the certificate, she walked out of the obstetrics and gynecology clinic, left the Jihad Hospital, and drove to the Red Rose Cafe.

She sat at a small table by the window facing the street and ordered a cup of Blue Mountain coffee and a French steak.

Then she ate her dinner alone, disappointed.

Muro Yoshida drove and stared at Xie Qiuqi, while Sachiko Suzuki and Sawako Emura entered the obstetrics and gynecology clinic, took out their special agent IDs, and asked to see the attachments and treatment records of Xie Qiuqi's medical treatment.

Eguchi Yoshiki brought the record book and the attachments to Xie Qiuqi's medical records.

After checking it, Suzuki Sachiko returned the record book and medical treatment sheet to Eguchi Yoshiki, and asked again: "Is Xie Qiuqi really pregnant with a child?"

Eguchi Yoshiki nodded vigorously.

When Sachiko Suzuki and Sawako Emura heard that Xie Qiuqi was really pregnant, they were so frightened that they told Eguchi Yoshiki not to tell anyone that they had come to him and investigated Xie Qiuqi.

After that, Sachiko Suzuki and Sawako Emura left the Obstetrics and Gynecology Department and Jihad Hospital tremblingly. They stood on the street, waved for a carriage, and took the carriage together to Qingfeng Tavern.

The two of them went to the private room of Hisaka Sakai and Kamekawa and reported that Xie Qiuqi was indeed pregnant with the servant's child.

Sakai Hisaka and Kamekawa were so frightened that they started to tremble.

Sakai Hisaka said hurriedly: "Then quickly remove the surveillance and let Mr. Yoshida come back."

Suzuki Sachiko then ordered Emura Sawako to go to the Great World Dance Hall to find Mr. Yoshida, while she stayed to have dinner with Sakai Hisaka and Kamekawa.

Mr. Yoshida knew that Xie Qiuqi was going to sing at the Great World Dance Hall later, so he watched in front of the Red Rose Cafe and endured hunger.

This chapter has been completed!
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