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145. Hostage exchange

Suddenly, Japanese patrols came roaring on motorcycles, patrolling pseudo-policemen roared over on motorcycles, and Japanese spies came running with guns in hand. Bodyguards of wealthy families in the whole street also came in with guns in hand. However, Tan Lingling

It had already been arranged that the soldiers would block it and the water would cover it. At this time, Zhuli Wen and Tan Lingling, who were lurking in the branches of two tall French paulownia trees near Niufu, each held a German 98k sniper rifle, aiming and roaring first.

When the Japanese military motorcycle came, the driver of the fake police motorcycle opened fire. Bang bang! Bang bang! The two drivers of the fake police motorcycle and the Japanese army were shot and fell sideways to the ground.

The motorcycle lost its driver and immediately tilted its direction. With two loud "bang bang" sounds, it hit the trunk of a French paulownia tree and a telephone pole on the side of the road.

Bang bang! The other two fake policemen and two Japanese soldiers on the two motorcycles fell more than ten feet away. They both suffered multiple fractures and fainted immediately on the street. The other motorcycles braked quickly, and the Japanese soldiers and fake policemen

They all got out of the car with their guns in hand, and while running, they opened the safety guard and rushed towards them. Then they fired at Gao Shiguang and Guo Guomao. Bah, bah, bah! Bah! Bah! Bah! Bah! Bah! Bah! Bah!

Forcing Gao Shiguang and Guo Guomao to duck behind Fatong with their guns drawn.

Tan Lingling and Zhu Zhuwen each aimed at a Japanese soldier, bang bang! Bang bang!

Both Japanese soldiers were shot in the forehead, fell to the sky, and died tragically on the street.

The other Japanese soldiers were so frightened that they ducked aside. Gao Shiguang and Han Guomao seized the opportunity, each holding an MP36, and stepped out from behind a French paulownia tree. They held their guns and pointed at those who were running towards the rich people's houses with guns in their hands.

Bodyguards fired.

Chug tug! Bang bang bang!

Suddenly, two MP36s were shot through a sieve, and the bodyguards were shot in the back and fell to the ground. Li Han took the opportunity to hold a French paulownia tree, climb up the tree, jump to the wall of Niu Mansion, and then jump into Niu Mansion.

In the courtyard, he took out two small throwing knives. Holding a small throwing knife in each hand, he carefully came to the gate and ducked behind the door.

The bodyguards on the roadside outside who were not hit by the bullets all ducked and hid behind Fatong.


Bang bang bang!

Bah bah!

Gao Shiguang and Han Guomao then drew their guns and clashed with the Japanese soldiers and pseudo-policemen who came on motorcycles. Suddenly, the street was filled with gunshots, 38 covers, old sleeves, crooked machine guns, MP36, "boxes"

"Cannon" and various gunshots intertwined. Taking this opportunity, Niufu's bodyguards surrounded Niu Zhenguang and got out of the car. They held guns back to back, surrounded Niu Zhenguang in the middle, and walked quickly into the Niufu compound.

Julie Wen on the tree branch, Tan Lingling turned her gun away, aimed at the Japanese machine gunner and fired two shots. Bang bang! Bang bang! The Japanese machine gunners suddenly died tragically on the street, each was shot in the forehead, and the two crooked machine guns became mute.

The remaining Japanese soldiers and pseudo-policemen were no longer the opponents of Gao Shiguang and Han Hanmao's two MP36s. Chu, tug, bang, bang, bang! The Japanese soldiers and pseudo-police quickly ducked to dodge the bullets fired by Gao Shiguang and Han Hanmao's two MP36s.


Zhou Bingxin, Guan Tong, and Gong Shaolin took the opportunity to attack with guns, bang bang bang! Kill the bodyguards in front of Niu Mansion. The bodyguards of other wealthy families saw that something was not going well. The assassins came out one after another tonight. They are really not easy to mess with.

, and don’t care about the embarrassing things happening in Niu Mansion.

They grabbed their guns and returned to the courtyard of their master's house to stand guard or report the situation to their master. Some people hurriedly called the fake police station and the military police headquarters. Even if no one called the fake police station and military police headquarters, the Japanese troops rushed away.

Come on, the guard troops of the Japanese Army Headquarters near Niufu have already set off and are driving towards us.

Han Guo Mao threw his MP36 to Gao Shiguang, turned around and ran back to his car, took out the grenade launcher, picked up a few rounds of artillery shells, and squatted next to the car, waiting for the arrival of the security forces from the Japanese Army Headquarters. He had already heard that

Hearing the sound of a military vehicle approaching from afar, Gao Shiguang held an MP36 in each hand. With the help of Tan Lingling and Zhu Zhuwen's cover, he ducked behind a French paulownia tree, changed the magazine, and then charged out with his gun in hand.

Kill the Japanese soldiers and pseudo-policemen who are running over again. Suddenly! Bang bang bang! The Japanese soldiers and puppet policemen fall down in groups.

Seeing this, Fanfan, Yiyi, and Huang Di changed the magazine, removed the silencer, pulled the safety, and then took out the guns to cover Gao Shiguang's assault. Bang bang bang!

Liu Wenlin saw Niu Zhenguang entering Niu's Mansion from afar, surrounded by many bodyguards. He couldn't help but feel anxious, so he took a gun and fired, leading Lu Liangping and the guerrillas to charge towards Niu's Mansion. Niu Zhenguang was surrounded by many bodyguards.

Go under the cluster and walk into Niu Mansion.

Whoosh whoosh! Bang bang bang! Suddenly, Li Han stepped out from behind the door, raised his hands, and threw out ten small flying knives. Before the ten bodyguards saw Li Han, they abandoned their guns and stretched out their hands to cover their necks or

Holding the back of the neck, he fell to the sky or fell to the ground.

The other bodyguards held their guns and turned around, looking at Li Han.

Whoosh whoosh! Bang bang bang!

However, Li Han quickly took out two small flying knives and threw them away.

Ten more bodyguards abandoned their guns, reached out, covered their necks or chests, and fell to the sky. Niu Zhenxing screamed: "Xiao Li's flying knife?!" Sui Kaixin hurriedly pulled Niu Zhenguang behind him and shouted.

"If you want to kill me, kill me. Don't hurt my boss." Li Hanfei rushed out, kicked Sui Kaixin down, held the gun and opened the safety, and pointed it at Niu Zhenguang's neck.

Niu Zhenguang was moved by Sui Kaixin's heroic behavior, but was also afraid that Li Han would kill him, so he said tremblingly: "I will give you money, I will give you money, how much do you want?" Liu Wenlin and Lu Liangping led the team to kill him, and Li Han will

Niu Zhenguang pushed him in front of Liu Wenlin, then turned sideways and said to Lu Liangping: "Go into the living room and call the Special Higher Education Department, and ask Sakai Jiuxiang to take people to the municipal square to exchange hostages immediately. Otherwise, we will kill Niu Zhenguang and let their emperor's special envoy help

Ren can never dig for treasure."

Lu Liangping hurriedly grabbed the gun and rushed into the lobby of Niu Mansion. He grabbed the phone and dialed the number of the Extra High School. He told Sakai Hisaka exactly what Li Han said.

At this time, in the extra high school class, Jiushin Jiuxiang had just put down the phone and was about to leave, leading the team to the West Front Road. He heard the phone ringing again. He couldn't help but frowned, but he still turned around, grabbed the phone, and answered


Of course Lu Liangping doesn't speak Japanese, but Hisaka Sakai can understand Chinese.

Kamekawa also came forward to listen to Lu Liangping's rude voice.

Hisaka Sakai put down the phone, gritted his teeth in anger, and immediately turned to Kamekawa and said: "Kamekawa-kun, could you please take that Zhang Chong out of the dungeon and escort him to the municipal square. Niu Zhenguang has been controlled by the Red Party people. They

Offer to exchange hostages."

Kamekawa said angrily: "When they say they change hostages, they change them? Are the soldiers of our empire all puppets?"

Hisaka Sakai calmed down and said: "There is no way. Niu Zhenguang has to cooperate with the emperor's envoy to dig for treasure. Without Niu Zhenguang to guide the way, the emperor's envoy will be in vain in Jinling."

Kamekawa had no choice but to turn around and leave angrily.

Hisaka Sakai grabbed the phone and called Michiko Kojima, asking what "Yamada Taiji" was doing now? Have you been keeping an eye on him these days? Michiko Kojima said not to investigate him anymore, and that he had no conversation with the female prison guard at Laohuqiao Prison.

He was lovelorn and drunk. He fell asleep on the sofa in his own office at the consulate just now. It was me who covered him with the quilt! Sakai Hisaka was so angry that he hung up the phone with a bang.

Then, Sakai Hisaka and Kamekawa soldiers divided into two groups. One group was led by Kamegawa and escorted Zhang Chong to the municipal square. The other group was led by Sakai Hisaka and went straight to Nishimae Road Ushifu to check the situation. Nishimae Road Ushifu

In the mansion, Lu Liangping came out after making a phone call. Li Han said in a low voice: "Quick, get in the car and go to the Municipal Square. We will cover you for the hostage exchange."

Liu Wenlin and Lu Liangping hurriedly led the team, escorted Niu Zhenguang out, got into Niu Zhenguang's car, and drove away from north to south.

Li Han walked out of Niu Mansion, walked to Xie Qiuqi's car, opened the door, took out Xie Qiuqi, and asked in a low voice: "How are you?" Xie Qiuqi said feebly: "I'm dizzy!" Then she put her arms around Li Han.

John's neck.

Li Han hugged her urgently and ran to his car.

Seeing this, Fanfan, Yiyi and Huang Di hurriedly held their guns and fired, covering Li Han and evacuating with Xie Qiuqi in his arms. Li Han put Xie Qiuqi into the back seat of his car and whispered: "Lie still. I still have to go.

The town square protects the Red Party people.”

Xie Qiuqi said "hmm".

Li Han closed the car door for her, got into the cab, picked up his leather bag from under the passenger seat, took out an MP36 and several magazines, opened the safety cover, and drove away. Fanfan, Yiyi,

Huang Di took advantage of Fatong's cover to cover Gao Shiguang's close combat with the enemy with his gun. Bang bang! Bang bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! The remaining Japanese patrols and pseudo-police patrols were left to parry.

He was so powerful that if he probed his head for a moment, he would be killed miserably in the hail of bullets from Gao Shiguang's two MP36s.

At this time, Xie Yaoxing leisurely arrived with a large group of pseudo-policemen. They jumped out of the military vehicle and fired into the air. Then the security troops of the Japanese Army Headquarters drove up and arrived. Julie Wen on the tree and Tan Lingling took aim with their guns.

Two shots were fired from the wheels of two military carts, bang bang!

One front wheel of each of the two military carts was broken, and the two military carts suddenly swerved back and forth. The Japanese soldiers on the cart fell to the east and west, and the military cart behind them suddenly braked.

, they didn’t know how to move forward. The two Japanese captains in the two large military vehicles behind them pushed open the doors of the passenger cabs of the two vehicles and got out of the car, and were shot again by Tan Lingling and Zhu Zhuwen.

Bang bang! Bang bang! The two Japanese captains were shot in the forehead, fell to the sky, and died miserably on the street. Fanfan, Yiyi, and Huang Di took the opportunity to take out grenades, knocked them on the Fatong, and threw them out. Three grenades

Three military vehicles were hit.

Boom boom boom!

With three loud noises, three Japanese carts were blown apart. Dozens of Japanese soldiers fell dead or injured in a pool of blood. Zhuli Wen and Tan Lingling carried sniper rifles on their backs, took off their MP36s, opened the safety, and

Sliding down from the tree, running and shooting backhand, Tan Lingling yelled: "Sisters, brothers, retreat!"

This chapter has been completed!
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