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153. Deep lurking

The guard kindly took a hand-cranked mobile phone and dialed the number in Li Han's office. However, the phone in Li Han's office rang for a long time, but no one answered the call. By this time, Li Han had already left.

After entering the office, the guard advised Guo Yaoyao to come back during the day. Guo Yaoyao knew how to shoot and martial arts, but it was absolutely impossible to sneak into the heavily guarded consulate, an important area for the Japanese army.

Therefore, she did not steal any money or belongings from Li Han's safe last night.

So far, she has received nothing in return, so she cannot escape Jinling and can only go back to work in Laohuqiao Prison and wait for news.

However, she also cleverly used the trick of "Escape from the Golden Cicada" to make Kara think that she had escaped from Jinling.

However, she went to work today and was restless all day.

She also noticed that Pang Silu was restless.

She suddenly thought that Li Han would definitely go to Pang Silu. According to her judgment, Li Han was going to bring someone to rob the prison. This was the best way to blackmail Li Han.

Now, I have lost my wife and lost my troops, how disgusting!

But we can't lose the youth that night in vain.

Hmm! Just like that, I went to Pang Silu's house to keep an eye on her at night.

Pang Silu was indeed uneasy, she really fell in love with Li Han.

Because he is handsome, rich, talented, and a legendary hero. He can be honest with others and help her family get through difficulties.

She stayed up all night again because she hadn't seen Li Han for two days.

She didn't dare to call Li Han casually, but she called the big villa at No. 123 Dingxinqiao Street from a public phone booth, but no one answered.

The previous bloody battle in Niu Mansion made her fearful for Li Han.

She was in a big dyeing vat like Laohuqiao Prison, and she heard Li Han say with her own ears that he was not a little Jaap, he was the real Li Han, he was the legendary Li Han, a legendary hero and a Japs fighter.

A hero, a hero who scares little devils. However, she is a little more stable, just like her figure. She still doesn't dare to go to Li Han rashly, nor does she dare to call the consulate to find Li Han easily.

She went to work when she went to work and went home after get off work, hoping that Li Han could find her and come to her home.

The Yangtze River, in this plum rainy weather, has huge waves.

On the riverside, Kela sighed for a while and thought of a way, that is, to kidnap Xie Qiuqi. Didn't Li Han save Xie Qiuqi? Others don't know, but I, Kela, don't know it either? Li Han comes to the Great World Dance Hall to look for me every time,

In my booth, haven't you been staring at Xie Qiuqi off the stage or on the dance floor? Hey! As long as I catch Xie Qiuqi, I will ask Li Han to spit out all the money I gave him before, and from now on, he will be obliged to

For serving me, I never have to pay him a penny again.

Well! That’s it, that’s it!

In Linglong Cheongsam Shop, No. 36 Louzi Street.

In the underground secret bedroom, Zhuli Wen tossed and turned for a while and finally woke up.

She stretched her hands and turned over.

Tan Lingling stretched out her hand to pinch her and said teasingly: "You are so white!"

Hahahaha! The two sisters laughed.

Julie Wen asked curiously: "Do you think we will be pregnant with his child?"

Tan Lingling's pretty face turned red, and she mumbled, "Last night, he started working with you first. If you have a big belly, your belly will be big first."

"Oh, it's so annoying." Julie Wen shyly pushed Tan Lingling away, got out of bed, and ran into the bathroom to take a shower.

After she showered and changed clothes, Tan Lingling carried her clothes into the bathroom and took a shower.

Julie Wen stood in front of the bathroom door and said, "Sister, aren't you jealous that we both married him at the same time?"

Tan Lingling said quietly: "What can we do? He is our savior and gave us all his wealth. No matter which one he marries, the other will definitely not be reconciled and will turn against each other. Now he is marrying both of us at the same time.

We are married, so what resentment do we still have? Besides, you always call me sister, so as a sister, can’t I just let my sister do it?"

Haha! Julie Wen stepped aside to make way in a happy mood, Can laughed loudly, walked into the kitchen, and made breakfast for Tan Lingling.

At this moment, Gao Shiguang pulled a rickshaw and came to knock on the store door.

Zhuliwen grabbed the gun and came out, pulled the safety, opened the door, and quickly ducked behind the door. Gao Shiguang came in, Zhuliwen closed the store door, welcomed him into the small office, and asked with a smile: "Brother Gao, have you had breakfast?"

"Gao Shiguang sighed and said: "How can you live such a good life? It's so easy to stand and talk without backache!" Zhuli Wen was in a good mood and didn't care. He smiled brightly and said: "Haha, that's okay, I'll make breakfast for you."

Gao Shiguang waved his hand and said: "Forget it, my life is miserable, I will go out to eat later. I will report to you first."

Julie Wen put away the pistol, filled the water with boiling water, and made tea for him.

Gao Shiguang reported Niu Zhenguang's situation to Julie Wen in a low voice...

Sui Kaixin sent out another intelligence report, saying that Niu Zhenguang was now under the protection of the gendarmerie.

That night, Niu Zhenguang returned home and asked Hisaka Sakai and Kamekawa to send the military police to protect him. He expressed that he was willing to spend a lot of money to hire the military police. Kamekawa naturally agreed to such a good thing and sent his adjutant, Murao Morioka.

Leading the team to protect Niu Zhenguang. Niu Zhenguang valued Sui Kaixin very much because Sui Kaixin acted very well that night and even blocked him "regardless of the danger". He was kicked to the ground by Li Han and even vomited blood.

Therefore, after Niu Zhenguang returned home, he called his royal doctor to treat Sui Kaixin's injuries and sent Sui Kaixin to recruit new bodyguards.

Now, Sui Kaixin is deeply lurking in Niu Zhenguang's house.

Only today did Sui Kaixin have the opportunity to pass on information to Gao Shiguang.

At this time, Tan Lingling came out wearing a tight leather jacket.

Work is work.

Zhuli Wen put away her playful smile and reported Gao Shiguang's information to Tan Lingling seriously, asking for permission to inform Li Han. Tan Lingling said no and immediately sent a report to the station, suggesting that the members of the Jinling station's action corps should be

Xiuping and Li Kailai were Luo Juncheng's two assistants in the past. They had previously lurked in the fake police station as cleaners and as shoe repairmen near the fake police station. Now through Sui Kaixin's arrangement, He Xiuping and Li Kailai can be arranged to work in Niu Mansion.

Bodyguard, cooperate with Sui Kaixin to carry out the work. Zhuli Wen turned his head and looked at Gao Shiguang. Gao Shiguang said that I am just a rough man, what do you want me to do? You are the leader, you decide.

After he finished speaking, he got up and went out to have breakfast.

Julie Wen got up and went to the kitchen to make breakfast, and then brought breakfast to Tan Lingling. She went to the secret room to send the report first.

After a while, Shang Wang’s radio station replied: Agree!

Zhu Zhuwen handed Shang Wang's reply call to Tan Lingling and then went to have breakfast.

After breakfast, she returned to the small office, and after discussing with Tan Lingling, she decided to ask Xu Yuanyang for help through Qin Xiaotian, the superficial chairman of Chengnan Shanxiao Department Store Wholesale Store, to buy a few more second-hand cars. After she finished the phone call, she and

Tan Lingling transferred property and supplies together. According to Li Han's previous suggestions, she had found three houses with cellars in Niubi Street and Caoqiao Street and bought them.

Zhu Zhuwen and Tan Lingling did not find outsiders. They worked tirelessly to clean up the house themselves, bought some old furniture at the second-hand market, slightly repaired the three dilapidated houses, and designed hidden arrows and crooked machine guns to link automatically.

Shoot, lay mines, and truly protect their property.

Now that they are married, they will have children in the future. In any case, as women, they focus more on their family and their offspring.

Money is not everything, but having no money is absolutely impossible.

In this way, the two of them were busy working on this matter for many days in a row.

That morning, Li Han ran around for a while, found a carriage, rented the carriage, and went to work at the consulate. When he returned to his office, he opened the safe and found that all the money and belongings were inside, and nothing was stolen. He was startled.

, immediately thinking of the security measures of the consulate, he put all the money in the safe into his wallet.

Then, he hid the leather bag on the bathroom ceiling.

Then, he made a pot of tea, poured a cup, brought it to his desk, and carefully translated these worthless documents. After a while, Michiko Kojima walked in with breakfast and put the breakfast on the coffee table.

He said with a smile: "Yamada-kun, you look very tired! Why haven't you translated these documents yet? Did you sneak out to find a woman again last night?"

Li Han put down the pen in his hand, stood up, walked to the coffee table, sat on the sofa, and opened breakfast to eat. He got married last night and married two wives at the same time, so he was naturally very tired.

Michiko Kojima came over, sat down next to him, looked sideways at him, and observed him carefully.

Li Han turned sideways and suddenly kissed her.

Michiko Kojima stretched out her hand to wipe the saliva on her face, stood up and raised her feet, but did not kick them down. Li Han said with a teasing smile: "Michiko, a fool's question cannot be explained by ten smart people; a layman's question cannot be explained by ten experts."

I can’t explain it. When I have money, I will take you to the best mental hospital!”

Ha ha ha ha!

Michiko Kojima was so amused that she laughed, put her foot down, and said jokingly: "Yamada-kun, it's hard for you to make a fortune like this. The prices of everything are rising now, and people are getting meaner and meaner!"

She mocked Li Han and turned away.

Li Han stood up and threw the breakfast box into the trash can in the corridor. The slightly hunched old man was carrying the trash basket and was cleaning. As he approached, a note suddenly fell on his sleeve in front of Li Han's door.


Li Han returned to the door, looked left and right, and found no one else in the corridor, so he leaned over to pick up the note, walked into the office, and closed the door.

He lit a cigarette, opened the note and read: A new group of spies have arrived. It's best not to make any noise recently.

Li Han took the opportunity to smoke, lit a fire and burned the note, and poured tea to clean the ashtray.

At this moment, Michiko Kojima pushed in the door and urged Li Han to quickly hand over the translated documents to her. Li Han said with a smile: "Michiko, it's better for us to meet each other than to miss each other!" Kojima

Michiko said coldly: "Yamada-kun, let me tell you, life is not a show, just be wonderful! I'll give you another half hour. If you can't complete the task, just pack up and leave."

This chapter has been completed!
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