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16. Ambush again

Zihong seemed to be a little reluctant to leave Li Han, and asked in a low voice: "Where do you live? I will go find you when I have time. I can give you some medicine by the way."

Li Han whispered: "Be careful of the Baishou Palace on the bridge. Oh, by the way, do you have an older sister?"

Zihong nodded and screamed urgently: "Help! Someone come quickly!"

Suddenly, a group of Japanese soldiers came with guns drawn.

Chaotic footsteps sounded immediately.

"Wow! Girl Zihong, you can't be the same as the weather! How can you say it will change? Why don't you wait until I leave before shouting! Oh! I'll kill you." Li Han scolded Zihong in a low voice and said urgently.

He went out with the medicine box, hugged the pillar in front of the door, climbed up to the roof, jumped into a big tree in the backyard, and used the big tree to jump out of the fence.

The Japs rushed into the infirmary. Zihong trembled and said there was an assassin just now.

I don't know if she knows how to act or is just really scared, but she was trembling all over and breaking out in a cold sweat.

The Japs ran out again with guns in hand to search for the assassin's whereabouts.

After a while, the director of the Little Japanese Jihad Hospital came and asked what happened to Zihong?

Zihong said that she was discussing work with the doctor and did not want anyone to come in and steal the medicine. The doctor was knocked unconscious and she yelled. Someone came to save her, so she was not hurt.

The dean walked away doubtfully and went to visit the fainted doctor to ask something. As a result, the doctor's neck could not withstand Li Han's palm, and a bone was slightly skewed, blocking the trachea.

, unable to speak, I could only tilt my neck for the time being, trying to express something with my hands and feet, but when I moved my hands, my neck immediately hurt, and I broke out in cold sweat all over my body.

He needs further surgery.

If his operation is successful, it will definitely threaten Zihong's safety.

After getting off work, Zihong returned home, took a shower, put on her kimono, and sat on the sofa. All she saw in front of her was Li Han's handsome figure.

She decided to go to Baishou Palace tomorrow morning and tell Li Han what happened next.

The night was gloomy! Cold! The smell of blood and corpses wafted in the wind.

The terrifying ghost-like Jinling shivered in the cold wind.

More and more prisoners of war and civilians died tragically at the hands of the little Japanese.

Li Han originally wanted to go to No. 22 Yudai Lane first, but he was worried that something might happen to Gao Shiguang, so he had to go back to Baishou Palace to see Gao Shiguang first.

He returned to Baishou Palace, but Han Guomao was not there, so he hurriedly woke up Gao Shiguang.

Gao Shiguang said that he woke up just now and shook Guo Mao. "Guo Mao slapped the back of his head and said something bad. Maybe Tan Lingling and the others will go back to No. 22 Yudai Lane tonight. He has to go and take a look. Otherwise, he may give

Tan Lingling and others are causing trouble."

They are all good people, and they all think about each other's safety, but they just think about things without thinking.

After listening to Gao Shiguang's account of what happened, Li Han was so angry that he looked up to the sky and gasped for breath. After a while, he cursed loudly.

He was stunned for a moment, stamped his feet, and said angrily: "Do you think I'm too polite? Why do you always get me into trouble? Grandma, it's not that I don't have murderous intentions, but I have only a few brothers and sisters, and I don't want to get angry easily. I'll see you later.

When this happened, I engaged in military law. Alas, Miao Zhonghai was captured by the Japs. He couldn't bear the Japs' torture tools and rebelled. Han Guo Mao, alas, if he goes to Yudai Lane, he will definitely be ambushed by the Japs.


Gao Shiguang felt sad for a while, and then asked anxiously: "What should we do now?"

After he yelled, he shook his body and said, "Ouch, I'm dizzy!"

He reached up and covered his forehead.

Li Han said angrily and sadly: "Then what else can be done? I will go to Yudai Alley now to have a look. You use two crooked machine guns to block the crutches, carry ammunition and the rice noodles here, and immediately move to the bamboo stalks

No. 11, which had just been massacred and plundered by the Japs. A large part of the house was burned down. The Japs will not go there again for the time being. Otherwise, if Guo Mao rebelled like Miao Zhonghai, he would also lead the Japs to Baishou

Came from the palace."

Gao Shiguang was really frightened when he heard this. He became more awake and hurriedly followed the plan.

He was frightened because Miao Zhonghai had rebelled, which might lead to several arrests of Tan Lingling.

What scares him is that he and Guo Mao have been reckless again. What if Guo Mao sacrifices himself or rebels? Oh, I can't even imagine it!

Li Han took a bunch of grenades, hung them on his chest, took out a Browning, opened the safety, carried the medicine box on his back, picked up a crooked machine gun, and ran out.

Gao Shiguang packed up some supplies and ammunition, carried a crooked machine gun, and mounted a crooked machine gun. He ducked out and headed to No. 11 Zhucaoli to wait for Li Han's return.

Although Guo Guomao is rude, he is kind-hearted and cares about the safety of Tan Lingling and others. He is afraid that Tan Lingling and others will return to No. 22 Yudai Lane tonight, and that the little devils will search there.

He had no idea that Miao Zhonghai had rebelled. He had no idea that Miao Zhonghai had told the little devil that if the battle in the morning broke up, the other team members would meet at No. 22 Huiyudai Lane tonight.

Han Guo Mao also had no idea that the Japs had sent Kamei to lead a special agent team to ambush there.

Holding a machine gun in his arms, Guo Guomao sneaked to Yudai Alley. This area was quiet and dark.

At this point in time, it is normal to have black lights and black fire.

After all, Li Han was not here, and if the team members were not impulsive due to special circumstances, they would usually be very disciplined and would not turn on the lights casually or make any noise.

Therefore, Han Guo Mao came here with a machine gun and gently pushed the door open and entered.

As soon as he pushed the door open, several pistols were pointed at his head.

The little Japanese spies lurking inside the gate instantly surrounded him.

The lights in the room were immediately turned on, and Kamei came out with a saber. When he saw Han Guomo holding a machine gun with a crooked handle, he couldn't help laughing, and said with a knife hidden in his smile: "The ghost is worried about the members of the Rangers, hahaha, you have fallen into the trap!"

Say! What's your name?" South Korea Mao then realized that he had been fooled and was ambushed by the Japs, but at that moment, the machine gun in his hand had been snatched away by the Japs' agents.

Seeing Kamei coming out, seeing Kamei approaching, and seeing Kamei laughing, Han Guomao felt chilled. Suddenly he dwarfed and used his fists to hit the two Japanese agents on the chin with a "Sky Cannon".


Bang bang!

Oh My God!

The two Japanese agents looked up to the sky and spattered blood, vomited out more than a dozen teeth and blood, and fell down screaming in agony.

Kamei immediately grabbed a gun and shot Han Guomo.

Bah bah!


Han Guo Mao is a gunner with infinite strength. After knocking down two Japanese agents in an instant, he suddenly turned sideways, grabbed the neck of a Japanese agent with one hand, and unloaded the Japanese agent's Southern Type 14 pistol with the other hand, while Kamei shot

Several bullets also hit the prisoner in Han Guo Mao's hands, and blood splashed all over Han Guo Mao.



Han Guo Mao shot down a Japanese agent beside him with one shot, then shot Kamei with his gun, and continued to move back with the body in his arms.

Bah bah bah!



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