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163. Bury the enemy alive

The servant roared a few words, declared martial law in the city, thoroughly investigated the case, and wanted Li Han and Pang Silu.

Regarding Li Han's matter, the servant had been patient and wanted to wait until he could dig out treasures and catch big fish before thoroughly investigating the case, but now he was almost going crazy.

Lu Aiquan, Lin Lin, He Xiaoxiao, and Guo Yaoyao were late for the meeting and were arrested by the servants on orders and taken back to the Special High School for interrogation.

The servant also announced that Niu Zhenguang, the president of the Jinling Maintenance Association, would temporarily serve as the warden of Laohuqiao Prison to thoroughly investigate the prisoner escape incident.

Xie Yaoxing wiped the cold sweat from his forehead and was glad that this time the servant did not let Niu Zhenguang serve as the fake police chief again.

Just now, he had been on tenterhooks and uneasy.

Hisuka Sakai led the team to escort Lu Aiquan, Lin Lin, He Xiaoxiao, and Guo Yaoyao who were trembling all over, back to the special high school dungeon. He did not torture them immediately, but asked people to support Lu Aiquan, Lin Lin, He Xiaoxiao, and others.

After visiting the torture instruments around the dungeon, Takahashi Naeko explained to them the function and consequences of each set of torture instruments. "Bang!" When Lu Aiquan heard the explanation of the third set of torture instruments, he fell to the ground, and his pants were already worn for the third time.

Wet. He was so weak that he couldn't get up no matter how hard he climbed.

The spies in the dungeon were all secretly amused, but they hurriedly put their hands over their mouths, not daring to laugh out loud.

Lin Lin and He Xiaoxiao both had pretty faces turned pale, their whole bodies were trembling, and they were breaking out in cold sweats.

At this time, Hisaka Sakai came over and asked Guo Yaoyao to talk about how she joined the special high school and how she was preparing to become an island nation.

Guo Yaoyao was unwilling to tell such scandals.

However, there is no other way. If she doesn't tell her, she will be beaten. After being tortured, she will no longer be beautiful. There may be no man to marry her in the future. The consequences are really serious.

She quickly blushed and trembled as she told the story of how she joined the Special High School Course, and asked Lu Aiquan, Lin Lin, and He Xiaoxiao to also join the Special High School Course and secretly serve the Special High School Course.

As soon as she finished speaking, Lu Aiquan raised his hands, knelt on the ground, and said in a trembling voice: "Section Chief Sakai, I have always been yours! I swear again that I am loyal to the empire, the imperial army, and the section chief.

I am your person in life, and your ghost in death."

Lin Lin and He Xiaoxiao had no choice but to express their stance, imitating Lu Aiquan's words and clenching their fists to swear.

They all secretly cursed Guo Yaoyao for not being a thing and a complete bitch.

Lin Lin and He Xiaoxiao, in particular, do not want to be traitors at all. Although they are also afraid of being tortured by the special high school class, they really do not want to be traitors in their hearts.

Sakai Jiuxiang smiled charmingly and said: "Haha! Very good! Warden Lu, as the assistant to the warden now, you will immediately lead the team back to Laohuqiao Prison to cooperate with the new Warden Niu to thoroughly investigate the case of prisoners of war attempting to escape.

Remember, strict investigation is required, and you are given three days to report the name of the person and the criminal facts of the person who attempted to escape."



Lu Aiquan forced himself to stand up and stood at attention to salute. However, his legs became weak and he sat down on the ground again.

Hisuka Sakai turned his head and winked at Naeko Takahashi.

Takahashi Naozi immediately arranged for Japanese spies to help them out and drove them back to Laohuqiao Prison.

Niu Zhenguang, along with several bodyguards including He Xiuping, Li Kailai and driver Sui Kaixin, immediately entered Laohuqiao Prison and joined forces with Lu Aiquan, He Xiaoxiao, Lin Lin, Guo Yaoyao, and Japanese prison team leader Shimomura Tamo to investigate the case.

However, what Niu Zhenguang didn't expect was that He Xiuping and Li Kailai were both members of Sui Kaixin's team.

The three men secretly recorded Niu Zhenguang's daily activities.

However, Sui Kaixin could not send any information.

Now, the Ghost Corpse is in a state of silence. Who should we contact? How to contact us?

Gao Shiguang and Han Guomao couldn't come to Laohuqiao Prison, and it was useless to come. The prison was surrounded by electric grids and walls as high as city walls. Japanese troops, puppet policemen, and prison guards were checking every intersection.

In order to find the criminal within three days, Niu Zhenguang actually stayed in the prison dormitory. He was really a model among traitors!

Hisaka Sakai also called Yamada Yao, Sakamoto Jiro, Xu Youyuan, and Kamei, and ordered them to immediately seize the large villa at No. 123 Dingxinqiao Street and search the property and documents inside. If Li Han is inside, arrest him quickly.

If there is no possibility of arrest, they can be shot without mercy.

This is what Yamada Yinan wants. He hates Li Han to death.

He had long wanted to kill Li Han.

He thought to himself: If it weren't for Li Han, how could his family have so many conflicts?

How can there be a mother's heart knot?

How could my mother be as depressed as she is now?

I don’t hate Yamada Sakurako to death.

I may pamper her for the rest of my life!

Humph! Li Han, you’re done tonight.

Suddenly, several large military vehicles from the Japanese military secret service, loaded with dozens of spies and more than a hundred military policemen, drove to the large villa at No. 123, Dingxinqiao Street. When they arrived near the large villa, the military vehicles stopped and all the military police jumped out.

Cars arrived and surrounded Li Han's home with live ammunition. Yamada Yao ordered Sakamoto Jiro and Xu Youyuan to lead the team to control the surrounding area. He and Kamei directed the Japanese agents to cut the nearby wires, dismantle the power grid on the walls around the big villa, and directed the Japanese agents to climb over

Power grid and jump into the courtyard.

Immediately, dozens of agents with guns in hand climbed up the wall, jumped over the power grid, jumped into the courtyard, and rushed towards the big villa.

However, the big villa inside was not closed, and countless spies rushed in with guns in hand. Because the peripheral wires had been cut, the lights inside could not be turned on. The spies were also afraid that Li Han was inside, so they did not dare to turn on the flashlights.

Xiao Li's flying knife is really powerful.

As a result, the agents who stepped into the house with guns in hand in the dark carefully walked into each room in the house. However, some agents' feet still touched the countless small threads connected to the grenades, and pulled some of the grenades.

The engine causes the grenade to explode, which then causes all the grenades to explode in succession.

Boom, boom, boom! Immediately, there were loud noises, flames shooting into the sky, and thick smoke billowing in the big villa. Dozens of spies were buried in the ruins when the big villa was blown down.

The sound of huge explosions was like the earth shattering, and the whole city trembled several times.

The surrounding people were so frightened that they hid in the corners of their homes, trembling, or hugging each other and crying, feeling as if the end of the world was coming.

The large villa at No. 123 Dingxinqiao Street turned into bursts of dust tonight.

Yamada Yiao, Xu Youyuan, Sakamoto Jiro, and Kamei looked at the flames soaring into the sky, squatted on the ground with their heads in their hands, and began to cry loudly, as if their parents had just died, and they were very sad.

Hisaka Sakai, Kamekawa, and Xie Yaoxing drove over in a hurry. When they saw this, they all opened their mouths and widened their eyes, as if they were dumbfounded.

It took a long time for Sakai Jiuka to react and come back to her senses. She was so angry that she clenched her fist and punched her car. The way she gritted her teeth was even more frightening.

Therefore, Kamekawa ordered that roadblocks be set up overnight, and all passers-by would be subject to interrogation and body search.

Xie Yaoxing led a team and cooperated with Yamada Yao's team to conduct door-to-door searches, causing people in several nearby streets to complain, but they dared to be angry but dared not speak out.

However, those people also secretly clapped their hands and applauded, especially knowing that Li Han was once their neighbor, they were so excited! Extremely excited!

After the little Japanese who came to search left, countless people cheered in low voices: Haha! I am actually a neighbor of the legendary Japanese hero Xiao Lizi. How great!

I hope the hero is fine, I hope the hero is safe! I hope the hero can fight off the little devil as soon as possible!

Sakai Hisaka ordered the arrest of all personnel of Seonan Zentaka Department Store Wholesale Store and Shimonoseki Pier Warehouse No. 13, and confiscated all supplies of Zentaka Department Store Wholesale Store and the warehouse.

Xu Youyuan, Sakamoto Jiro, and Kamei led the team to drive and rushed towards them like a whirlwind. However, both the No. 13 warehouse at Shimonoseki Pier and the Shanjiao Department Store wholesale store in the south of the city were all empty.

That night, Zhang Tie was in Warehouse No. 13 of Xiaguan Wharf to commend all the workers in Warehouse No. 13 for their hard work over the past few months. He held a banquet and made all the workers drunk. He also took the opportunity to bring Liu Chan (Sasaki) and Fan

President (Kondo Ichiro) got them drunk, tied them up, and buried them alive on the beach.

Then, Zhang Tie increased wages to all workers and ordered the disbandment of the operations of Warehouse No. 13 at Xiaguan Wharf.

Some of the workers supported the drunk workers, took a large stack of money, and went to see relatives and friends overnight.

Then, Zhang Tie fled back to the city, returned to the consulate's "Real Cheap" grocery store, and disguised himself as a worker.

Julie Wen also terminated her contract with Qin Xiaotian and will no longer work here.

In fact, Qin Xiaotian, under Zhu Liwen's development, has become a member of the Ghost Corpse Corps. He is just a watchdog in secret. Because he does not know martial arts and marksmanship, he has not participated in various battles, but he has contributed to the cover.

After terminating the contract, Qin Xiaotian made a call to the shop owner, distributed all the remaining goods equally to all the workers, and hid with his family in Xu Yuanyang's home.

Xu Yuanyang has been in contact with Tan Lingling many times and developed several team members for Tan Lingling. Several loyal and flexible young newspaper deliverymen and newsstand sellers in the city have become members of the Ghost Seekers Corps.

Sakai Hisaka's operation resulted in nothing except the capture of Lu Aiquan, Lin Lin, and He Xiaoxiao.

Despite the painful lovesickness, Xie Qiuqi was hiding in the mission hospital, which was an unexpected place for the little devil.

Li Han and Pang Silu hid in Room 106 of Zhizhuang Lane Garden Apartment and did not go out for several days. Anyway, they were newlyweds and were inseparable, so neither of them wanted to go out.

Tan Lingling and Zhu Zhuwen also escaped disaster by hiding in Linglong Cheongsam Store and putting up a sign saying "out for purchase".

Zhang Tie, Fanfan, Yiyi, and Huang Di were hiding under the noses of the Japanese army in the "Really Cheap" grocery store diagonally opposite the consulate. Gao Shiguang and Guo Guomao were pulling rickshaws near Niufu, and the Japanese army did not treat these rich families too much.

They did not dare to search too much. Every rich man had connections and backgrounds. He had more or less contacts with the Japanese generals and had financial interests. Moreover, the Japanese army did not expect Gao Shiguang and Gao Shiguang, who were pulling rickshaws near Niufu every day.

South Korea Mao is their enemy.

Shang Wang, Di Xing, and Zhang Ying were originally mysterious and had never participated in any operations. Even if they passed by the Japanese army, the Japanese army would not suspect the three of them and would not be able to find anything about them.

However, we still have some losses.

This chapter has been completed!
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