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174. The consequences of infighting

On the top of the mountain, boulders shattered, fire shot into the sky, and trees snapped and dust rose.

In an instant, more than a dozen shells fell into the place where Li Han, Liu Wenlin and others were hiding. Can Li Han, Liu Wenlin and others still be alive?

Obviously, Li Han, Liu Wenlin and others will definitely die, and they may be blown to pieces, and even their bodies cannot be found.

"Ha ha ha ha!"

Mairen, Eryu, Niu Zhenguang, and Sakai Jiuxiang all looked up to the sky and laughed proudly.

Japanese soldiers, Japanese spies, and pseudo-policemen also cheered in unison.

Sure enough, after more than a dozen shells exploded on the top of the mountain, no one on the top of the mountain fired any more.

Xie Yaoxing, Xiao Zheng, Guo Yaoyao, Kojima Michiko were dejected, Xu Youyuan, Sakamoto Jiro, and Lu Aiquan all applauded.

Especially Xie Yaoxing, Xiao Zheng, and Guo Yaoyao, the three of them felt extremely sad.

Li Han was a legendary hero in their hearts. If he died under the gunfire of the Japs, the legend would disappear, which would have a great impact on the morale of the soldiers and civilians in Jiangnan.

Tomorrow, the little devil will definitely make a big fuss about this matter and announce the news of Li Han's death overwhelmingly.

Guo Yaoyao also stretched out her hand to caress her belly, and said sadly to herself: If I become pregnant with Li Han's flesh and blood, the child will have no father in the future.

Alas! What's the use of letting me lurk deep inside the little devil?

It turned out that she did not really take refuge in the Japs, nor did she really take refuge in Cara, but Li Han had discussed it with her in advance and planned everything for her. First, let her report herself to Cara, and then use the

This matter was lurked in Laohuqiao Prison, and then he chose an opportunity to lurk in other institutions controlled by the Japanese army. From now on, he would only take important information and not participate in any battles. Isn't Kela very good to Li Han? Yes, but Kela is watching him every night.

Xie Qiuqi was in danger, so Li Han did not put Kela to death because of Cara's kindness to him, but used the help of the Japanese army to drive away Cara and eliminate the danger to Xie Qiuqi.

Because Li Han knew that his identity would definitely be exposed, and the Japanese army was always checking him, because he was indeed Li Han. Before he was completely exposed, he had to find someone to replace him and continue to lurk in the enemy's agency. This person not only had to

He must be reliable and loyal to himself. Therefore, after he combined with Guo Yaoyao, he mobilized Guo Yaoyao to lurk in the enemy's agency.

Guo Yaoyao followed her plan along the way, but she didn't expect that she would say goodbye to Li Han tonight. She had never calculated that her happiness would be so short-lived. At this time, she stared blankly at the fire on the top of the mountain, forced

Holding back the tears that were welling up in my eyes, I didn't dare to cry, shed tears, or show my sadness.

Yamada Yinan was filled with resentment, looking at the fire on the top of the mountain, gritting his teeth.

The reason why he was disappointed was because he did not kill Li Han with his own hands.

He hates the past between Li Han and Yamada Sakurako.

At this time, Aihara, Aizawa, Akai, Hamaru Kawasaki and the Japanese special forces who had been partially dispersed by Tan Lingling and her Red Rose Special Forces Team returned.

Sakai Hisaka ordered Yamada Yinan to lead a team up the mountain to search for Li Han's body.

She ordered Xu Youyuan, and Sakamoto Jiro led the fake police and Japanese spies to search the mountain. Yamada Yinan, Xu Youyuan, and Sakamoto Jiro immediately bowed to accept the order, turned around and led the team away.

Hisaka Sakai immediately appointed Guo Yaoyao as the deputy director of the puppet police station. Xie Yaoxing, Xiao Zheng, and Hamabu Kawasaki led the puppet police and Japanese special forces to escort Ren, Eryu, Niu Zhenguang, Eguchi Yoshiki, and Kawahito Takeo back to the city. Xu Youyuan was not only embarrassed.

There were scars on his face and he was blind in one eye. Hisuka Sakai hated Xu Youyuan now, so she re-employed Guo Yaoyao because Guo Yaoyao had been a "traitor" several times and was "greedy for money", but she was able to "betray" Li Han continuously.

Carat, this makes Sakai Jiuka very satisfied.

Then, Hisaka Sakai led Naeko Takahashi, Riko Nakamura, Kamei, and Farmer Morioka to command the Japanese garrison and Japanese military police to block the foot of the mountain, not allowing anyone to enter or leave the mountain, and asked Riko Nakamura and Farmer Morioka to lead the troops in respectively.

Searching the homes of farmers and hunters at the foot of the mountain.

Guo Yaoyao followed Xie Yaoxing and escorted the servant back to the city.

Xie Yaoxing, Xiao Zheng and their close confidants hated Guo Yaoyao very much.

Guo Yaoyao also knew that she had succeeded in lurking deep, but was she happy or worried?

The one you love is gone. Is it death? Is it injury? What’s the use of lurking deeply?

Gradually, she walked at the back of the fake police team, tears streaming down her face.

She really wanted to stop and cry loudly to vent the hurt and pain in her heart.

Tan Lingling, Zhu Zhuwen, Xie Qiuqi, Fanfan, Yiyi, Huang Di, Zhang Tie and others who left Hushan and were running to Fengxiang Ridge covered Shang Wang, Di Xing, Zhang Ying, Sui Kaixin, He Xiuping, and Li Kailai to escort He Xiaoxiao

, Lin Lin and some prisoners of war broke out, and suddenly saw the roar of cannons and flames shooting into the sky on the top of Hushan Mountain, and they couldn't help crying and shouting:





Tan Lingling and Zhu Zhuwen immediately fainted and fell to the ground. From an emotional point of view, the people who had the deepest affection for Li Han were none other than Tan Lingling and Zhu Zhuwen. They shared life and death with Li Han, shared weal and woe, and shared wealth and honor. Therefore, they were willing to do so.

Marrying Li Han at the same time. It would be impossible for any other girl. At this point, Xie Qiuqi also understood that Tan Lingling and Zhu Zhuwen had already become Li Han's women. She also called her husband, but Tan Lingling and Zhu Zhuwen had already fainted.

, did not hear. Fanfan, Yiyi cried and shouted, with tears dripping, and hurriedly carried Tan Lingling and Zhuli Wen on their backs.

Xie Qiuqi swayed, felt dizzy, and burst into tears.

Huang Di cried and shouted, picked up the MP36 on his back, and came over to support Xie Qiuqi.

Zhang Tie came over crying, picked up Fanfan and Yiyi's MP36, and carried it on his back.

"Ha ha ha ha……"

At this moment, Qian Huai laughed loudly, commanded the agents at Jinling Station to come out of the woods, and fired at Fanfan and Yiyi, bang bang bang!

Fanfan and Yiyi were both shot and fell, while Tan Lingling and Zhu Zhuwen also fell to the ground.

Shang Wang hurriedly said loudly: "Sit down, we are one of our own! Don't shoot! Don't shoot!"

Qian Huai yelled angrily: "Boss Dai has regulations. During the Anti-Japanese War, young men and women in our system cannot fall in love or get married. Li Han, Tan Lingling, Zhu Zhuwen, and Xie Qiuqi took the lead in violating the regulations. Now, Qian must enforce military discipline and will

They will be punished on the spot." After he said that, he took the gun and shot Xie Qiuqi himself.

Zhang Tie felt a sharp pain in his heart, but he angrily fired his gun.

Chug tug tug! Bang bang bang!

Qian Huai hurriedly grabbed a secret agent and stood in front of him. The secret agent was hit by more than ten bullets, but Qian Huai was not hurt at all.

Other agents hurriedly shot at Zhang Tie.

Bah, bah, bah! However, although Zhang Tie was grieving in his heart, he had learned from the past and quickly moved around and hid under a big tree.

Xie Qiuqi hurriedly picked up his gun and fired, bang, bang, bang! He was beating and retreating. Qian Huai hurriedly lay down on the grass. The agents around him were shot and fell, and their blood spattered to death.

He Xiuping and Li Kailai took their guns and shot at Fanfan and Yiyi.

As soon as Fanfan and Yiyi got up, they were shot again and fell to the ground, bleeding to death.

Huang Di hurriedly rolled on the spot, grabbed Fanfan and Yiyi's MP36, and fired with his gun, tut tut! tut tut! Oh! Li Kailai's left arm was hit by several bullets, and the whole arm was disabled. He Xiuping hurriedly rolled on the spot.

, However, under the rain of bullets from Xie Qiuqi and Huang Di, although he rolled on the spot, he was shot in the back and his left leg, and his clothes were suddenly stained with blood.

Huang Di quickly moved towards Xie Qiuqi, and the two retreated into the woods while fighting.

Tan Lingling and Zhu Zhuwen fell to the ground and woke up. Looking at the miserable situation in front of them, they really wanted to cry without tears. Their future was equivalent to being sentenced to death by Qian Huai.

Fortunately, they both had plenty of guns and ammunition, and two German-made 98k sniper rifles were still on their backs.

When they saw Fanfan and Yiyi not dying at the gunpoint of the enemy, but tragically died at the gunpoint of one of their own, they were shocked, sad, and angry. They all rolled on the spot, grabbed four MP36s, and fired at Qian Huai's people.

Taking advantage of the hail of bullets, Zhang Tie jumped up and retreated while firing. Zhang Tie took the opportunity to turn around and run, hiding between Tan Lingling and Zhu Zhuwen, lying on the ground, and pointed the gun at Qian Huai's

People shoot.

The three retreated in an orderly manner.

Chug tug tug! Bang bang bang!

Although Qian Huai's agents had strong martial arts skills and accurate marksmanship, their weapons were far inferior to those of Tan Lingling, Zhu Zhuwen, and Zhang Tie. They were all shot and fell to the ground, dead with blood splattered on them.

Sui Kaixin, Shang Wang, Di Xing, Zhang Ying and the other prisoners of war were all dumbfounded and dumbfounded.

They did not expect that the two heroines Fanfan and Yiyi would die tragically at the gunpoint of their own people. They did not know Fanfan and Yiyi, but they saw their delicate figures and beautiful figures and knew that they were women.

In tonight's bloody battle with the Japs, the woman was so brave and clever. She didn't get hit by a single bullet or even scratched her skin. She was truly a rare heroine in the world.

But these two heroines were ambushed and killed by their own people.

Oh my God! What's going on? What's wrong with them? Aren't they always fighting bravely? Aren't they always rescuing people? Aren't they always covering our retreat?

Qian Huai fired a few shots with his gun and ordered the two remaining agents to check whether Fanfan and Yiyi were dead. The two agents stepped forward cautiously, turned over the bodies of Fanfan and Yiyi, took off their masks, and checked them.

After being shot several times, he stretched out his fingers to explore their noses and found that they were out of breath.

Then, the two agents breathed a sigh of relief, stood up, and turned to report to Qian Huai.

Some prisoners of war felt depressed when faced with the fighting at Jinling Station and fled in all directions.

Sui Kaixin hurriedly held the gun and fired, ordering the prisoners of war to come back.

A dozen of those prisoners of war ran back with guns in hand.

The other seven or eight prisoners of war hid in the woods, ran away, and disappeared under the night.

Sui Kaixin pointed a gun at the prisoners of war, asked them to salute Qian Huai, and said to them: "This is our station commander, Qian Huai! Station commander Qian! The rank of major general."

This chapter has been completed!
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