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183. Make mistakes

They covered their cheeks with their hands, sighed secretly, and secretly recalled the good old days.

Before Qian Huai's internal strife broke out, Sui Kaixin and He Xiuping followed Shang Wang and Li Han. Not only did they have money to spend, but they also made the Japanese army scream and won big battles.

But now?


Later, Sui Kaixin and He Xiuping didn't hear what Qian Huai said angrily.

They recall the past in pain.

Who was Li Kailai killed by?

Qian Huai, Sui Kai, and He Xiujun were at a loss.

In a fake police station.

Mairen, Futama, Hisaka Sakai, Kamekawa, Kamei, Morioka Farmer, Yamada Yoshio, Kawasaki Hamayu, Xie Yaoxing, Xu Youyuan, Guo Yaoyao, Shen Tianle, Suzuki Sachiko, Emura Sawako, Niu Zhenguang surrounded Eguchi Yoshi Mu and Li Kailai's body, watching Eguchi Yoshiki inspecting Li Kailai's body. Last night, after seeing the murder of Li Kailai, the guests at the Great World Song and Dance Hall became frightened and ran away. Several people were trampled and injured because of the crowd. The department manager hurriedly called to report the incident.

There were originally Japanese military spies and fake police plainclothes in the dance hall. These Japanese military spies and fake plainclothes police quickly took control of the scene, took away the body, and sent the body to the fake police station. They called Hisaka Sakai for instructions.

Hisaka Sakai had just taken Kamekawa out of the hospital and was congratulating him, so he said he would see it tomorrow. Why are the enemies so interested in this body? Because Li Kailai, Sui Kaixin and He Xiuping, once sneaked into the home of Niu Zhenguang, the chairman of the maintenance committee. Bodyguards, some Japanese spies and pseudo-policemen knew Li Kailai. Although they did not know Li Kailai's real name, the death of Li Kailai made the Japanese spies and pseudo-police plainclothes very interested, thinking that there must be a reason.

After Eguchi Yoshiki inspected the body, he only saw one wound, which was the wound on Li Kailai's neck. Although it was only scratched by a bayonet, the wound was too deep and the force was very strong. There were no other wounds, and no other wounds were found on Li Kailai's body. Human fingerprints. Sakai Hisaka analyzed that Li Han might have returned to the city, because Qian Huai and Li Han had a conflict on Qixia Mountain before, and Li Kailai was slashed in the neck, and the force was consistent with Li Han's behavior.

Everyone thinks that Sakai Hisaka's analysis is very reasonable.

The servant ordered the Special Higher Education Section and the Gendarmerie Headquarters to arrest Li Han and bring him to justice. His intention was self-evident. After the last Hushan incident, he had not dared to go hunting for treasures again because he was afraid that Li Han would surprise him again. Give him a knife in the back.

After listening to the analysis and issuing the order, he led Eryu, Niu Zhenguang, and Kawasaki Hama away. Sakai Jiuxiang asked Kamei to lead people to carry Li Kailai's body and hang it to the gate tower of Jubaomen to see who would To snatch the body? She said, just send people to monitor. No matter who comes to snatch the body, just send people to follow, don't shoot, don't start a war. Then, she and Kamekawa also led the team to leave the pseudo police station and returned. The Special High School Department carefully studied the arrest of Li Han.

In the afternoon, the streets and alleys of the city were densely populated by Japanese military spies and pseudo-police plainclothes.

In summer, Jinling is as hot as a furnace.

The Japanese military spies and pseudo-police plainclothes all over the streets couldn't bear the heat, and they quickly stopped revealing their secrets. They inevitably rolled up their sleeves and shirts, revealing the pistols on their waists! And Li Han didn't go out during the day, he was just cozying up with Guo Yaoyao. One night later, he and Guo Yaoyao got up at the same time. Guo Yaoyao went to work, while he went back to the dilapidated house in Yangshiqiao to stay with Gao Shiguang and Han Guomao. For the time being, he could not contact Tan Lingling and Zhu Zhuwen, so everyone had to remain silent for the time being. .

At night, when they were driving out, they realized that the atmosphere was not right, so they drove home, closed the curtains, and slightly opened the curtains to observe the situation outside. They were all very worried about Tan Lingling and Zhu Zhuwen. Fortunately, Tan Lingling and Zhu Zhuwen

Because they were pregnant, they rarely went out. Zhang Tie and Huang Di rarely went out except for shopping for groceries. Unknowingly, Huang Di and Zhang Tie also fell in love.

Tan Lingling and Zhu Zhuwen often fanned banana fans and leaned against the door, watching Zhang Tie and Huang Di playing in the courtyard. That evening, in the small courtyard, Zhang Tie filled Huang Di with water to wash his hair. Tan Lingling leaned against

Beside the door, he turned to Julie Wen and said, "Sister, should we go to No. 72, Niupi Street Alley? Maybe my husband has come back? Otherwise, he won't have any money!"

Zhuli Wen said with emotion: "Yes! He is used to spending a lot of money. I really don't know how he survived these few months." Tan Lingling whispered: "We are a bit pregnant, so we can pretend

Like a big boss, but each person can only ride in one rickshaw, one in front and one behind, so they can take care of each other."

Julie Wen said with emotion: "I didn't expect that after a fierce battle, when I returned to the city, I didn't even have a car. In the past, each of us had several cars. What a pity! Now, we have to go out and wave for a rickshaw."

"Tan Lingling said consolingly: "Life is like a wall that falls down when you can't hold it back! How much effort does it take to hold the wall up?" Julie Wen straightened up and said firmly: "Then let's start again.

Build a wall." Tan Lingling nodded. While Zhang Tie and Huang Di were still playing, they turned back to the house, left a note, and then went out, calling rickshaws one after another, and headed to the alleys of Niupi Street.

Number seventy-two.

Along the way, they found that the atmosphere was very strange. There were countless plainclothes people and enemy spies were all over the streets. Therefore, Tan Lingling, who was in the front, felt that it was inconvenient to walk forward. She and Julie Wen were both pregnant. If a battle broke out, it would be difficult to win.

So, she asked the rickshaw driver to drive the cart in a circle, and then returned to the small shabby house inside Houzaimen.

Zhang Tie and Huang Di took the note left by Tan Lingling and asked in surprise: "How can you go out like this? It scared us both to death." Tan Lingling said: "There is a situation outside, even if you two go out to buy

You have to be careful with the food too. The streets and alleys are full of enemy agents." After she finished speaking, she stretched out her hand to caress her belly and went back to her room first.

Zhu Zhuwen warned again: "Be careful, disguise yourself, and keep your voice down even when you speak. Sister Ling and I are inconvenient, and it is inconvenient to fight with the enemy." Zhang Tie and Huang Di nodded and brought them

Match, light the note and burn it.

The sun has just appeared, and the ground seems to be on fire. There is not a cloud in the sky, not a breath of wind, and the trees, flowers and grass are all listless. In the streets and alleys, among the people coming and going, many are shirtless men, and some are thin.

They became monkeys, some were as strong as cattle, but they were all sweating profusely and greasy.

Li Han spent another sad night, drove out and went to Hong Gong Temple, where he wanted to check if there were any notes and contact addresses from Tan Lingling and Zhu Zhu Wenfang? However, he drove not far away and found that something was wrong with the atmosphere on the street.

I had no choice but to drive back to the small shabby house in Yangshiqiao and stay indoors with Gao Shiguang and Han Guomao.

Treasure Gate.

Xu Youyuan was ordered to lead fake policemen to monitor Li Kailai's body.

However, Li Kailai's body had been hung on the city gate tower for three days, and Xu Youyuan did not see anyone coming to snatch the body. Fortunately, the weather was too hot, and Li Kailai's body was turned into a black mummy due to exposure, and the stench was extremely unpleasant.

, people coming and going, going in and out of the city gate, all secretly cursed the little devil for being inhumane.

In fact, after receiving the news, Qian Huai had already disguised himself and took Sui Kaixin and He Xiuping back and forth, in and out of the city gate many times. However, he found that Xu Youyuan and Sakamoto Jiro, two blind men, were leading their teams at the city gate.

Inside and outside, I could only sigh secretly. After coming and leaving, I still couldn't get rid of Li Kailai's body.

Xu Youyuan was originally the captain of the operations team under Qian Huai, and Qian Huai was very familiar with him. Although Xu Youyuan is now blind in one eye and his face is covered with scars, his figure will not change, his vicious eyes will not change, and his movements will not change.

, the walking posture will not change. Therefore, Qian Huai lowered the brim of his hat and could recognize Xu Youyuan just by glancing at Xu Youyuan. Qian Huai is an experienced old agent, more cautious and careful than Sui Kaixin and He Xiuping, and not

Acting rashly. However, he must snatch Li Kailai's body back, otherwise, he will lose face and his orders will not be effective.

On the fourth day, he still couldn't do it. When he returned to the station, he found that Shang Wang, Di Xing and Zhang Ying were back. He said hello to Di Xing and Zhang Ying, then stretched out his hand to pull Shang Wang into his bedroom, and whispered

The voice said: "When you entered the city, did you hear anything?"

Shang Wang sighed and said: "Oh, our Jinling Station has lost all face. We can't even get back a body. If Li Han was here, would it have ended like this?"

Qian Huai suddenly blushed, but he said eloquently: "I now suspect that Li Kailai was killed by Li Han. We intercepted Gao Shiguang and Han Guomao before, and were about to catch them both, but Li Kailai

Han suddenly appeared to rescue him, killing and injuring several of our agent brothers. Alas, I sent Sui Kaixin to lead a team to the Great World Dance Hall to search for Li Han. Just two nights later, Li Kailai was assassinated. The assassin was not Li Han.

, who could it be? Humph! I’m not done with him.”

Everything is everyone else’s fault anyway!

After all, Shang Wang was the deputy webmaster and could not have a heated argument with Qian Huaiduo. He sighed and said, "Oh! Okay, let's not argue anymore, it's meaningless. I went to Fog City and saw Boss Dai. He

Say, since the conflict between you and Li Han has become public, then make it even more public, forcing him to despair and fall into the arms of the little devil again." Qian Huai asked in shock: "What? What do you mean?"

Shang Wang turned around, put his hands behind his back, walked back and forth for a few steps, then turned around and said: "According to the secret report from our insiders, the traitor of our system, the slave Li Mocun of the third surname, is now secretly joining the Japs in Shanghai and organizing a spy organization.

With Wu Sibao and his gang of gangsters under Ji Yunwu, the leader of the Green Gang, as the core, they burned, killed and looted everywhere. They were more hateful than the little devils. However, what was even more hateful than this was that Li Mo Village also offered an extremely high price.

They recruit our agents everywhere as their agents. The spy organization in Limo Village has not yet been named, but the names of Limo Village and Wu Sibao have already spread beyond Ji Yunwu and all over Shanghai."

This chapter has been completed!
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