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19. Join the military


Kamei bowed and accepted the order.

Hisaka Sakai immediately got in the car and rushed to the Jihad Hospital.

At this time, no one else knew that Sakurako Yamada also had a Chinese name of Zihong.

Maybe Yamada Sakurako only told Li Han her Chinese name.

In order not to alarm Sakurako Yamada, Hisaka Sakai ordered Kamehisa to lead the team to be vigilant. She first secretly learned about the situation in detail from the dean, and then went to visit Miao Zhonghai.

After comforting Miao Zhonghai for a few words, she walked out of his ward, and with her evil plan in mind, she returned to the dean's office, ordered people to drive away the others, picked up the phone, and called Kamekawa at the Military Police Headquarters.

She said with some embarrassment: "Kamekawa-kun, I'm sorry! Li Han is not dead, and he sabotaged our operation tonight. However, he came to the Jihad Hospital to steal medicine and surgical tools, which means he was injured or his baby

Someone in the team is injured. A smart man like Li Han will definitely take the opportunity to steal medicine and surgical tools to find out about Miao Zhonghai's rebellion, and he will definitely find an opportunity to execute Miao Zhonghai. You see, are we using

Miao Zhonghai, use one more move to lure the snake out of the hole, and then invite you to enter the urn."

"Ha ha ha ha……"

Kamekawa laughed on the phone and said hello again and again.

He thought about Hisaka Sakai's graceful figure and the big tree behind Hisaka Sakai. How could he dare to scold Hisaka Sakai?

He praised: "Chief Sakai, you are so talented, what a brilliant idea! What a brilliant idea!"

After the two of them finished talking on the phone, Sakai immediately called Kamehisa in and ordered Kamehisa to strengthen the control of the Jihad Hospital, and whispered this.

Then, she left the jihadi hospital with only two female attendants and returned to her luxury apartment to rest.

Shang Wang carried Guo Mao on his back to Baishou Palace and did not find Li Han and Gao Shiguang. However, he saw the pile of fire embers and the noodle residue in the two broken bowls.

He put down Han Guomao and asked why he didn't see anyone?

Because after he carried Guo Guomao away, Li Han appeared in Yudai Lane to kill the enemy.

But seeing the pile of fire embers and the noodle residue in the two broken bowls, Shang Wang also knew that someone had stayed here.

Guo Guomao said that it might have been transferred again. When Tan Lingling comes back later, we can discuss finding Captain Li together.

After he finished speaking, he fainted.

Shang Wang nodded and asked the members of the action team to carry Han Guomao on their backs and return to a house near Jinling Station, allowing Han Guomao to temporarily recover from his injuries.

There were medical staff at his secret service station who immediately removed the bullet from Han Guomao and bandaged it.

Xu Youyuan came back and reported to Shang Wang the bloody battle that followed, and said that he saw Li Han. The boy was in good shape, but he was unshaven. Because of the tension of the battle, he could not fully see his true face.

Then, he asked with a very dissatisfied tone: "Sit down, Tan Lingling and Zhu Zhuwen ran away with Li Han, what should I do? Didn't we sacrifice so many team members in vain?" Shang Wang said calmly: "No.

Urgent, Korea Mao is still in our hands. Tomorrow or the day after tomorrow, Tan Lingling will come to contact us and ask for Korea Mao. From the fact that Tan Lingling can return to Li Han, it can be seen that Li Han treats his team members very well.

He will definitely come to us. Oh, by the way, now you send your brothers to watch around the area. Once Tan Lingling appears, you will take her to the nearby Han Guomao's house. Don't let her come to me again.

Here, lest Li Han also finds this place, I cannot let too many people know about this place."

Xu Youyuan offered a poisonous plan and said: "We will take this opportunity to detain Tan Lingling."

Shang Wang nodded and said: "Well, that's the only way. Besides, I'm sure that Tan Lingling can't come here alone and detain her. I have to be polite and ask where Li Han is? Then, let her accomplices

Please come too. For our next step, we need strong figures like Li Han to cooperate with our actions. Also, inform the telegraph operator to send a report immediately and ask the rear to prepare a thousand small throwing knives for Li Han. Since he is

Xiao Li's flying knives are his life, his spirit, and his strength. Now, it is no longer realistic for him to cast a batch of small flying knives in the city, and he cannot find a suitable blacksmith for the time being. For this job,

When I come to help him, I must move him to be of use to us."


Xu Youyuan received the order and left.

Shang Wang watched Xu Youyuan walk away, so he called his secretary Di Xing and whispered: "Prepare ten small yellow croakers, three hundred yuan and one hundred catties of rice and noodles for Li Han to ensure that he has no worries about food and clothing and that he can follow me safely."

The War of Resistance. Only you and I know about this matter. God knows and the earth knows. Also, send people to Yudai Lane and Fuminfang to see if they can recover some of Li Han's small flying knives."

Di Xing stood at attention, saluted, and received the order in a low voice: "Yes!"

Shang Wang then goes to rest.

Early the next morning, the sky was gray and dust was flying in the wind, mixed with the strong smell of blood.

Yamada Sakurako took the temporary limousine assigned to her by her father, Yamada Sugi, to Baishou Palace to find Li Han.

However, the Baishou Palace was empty.

Yamada Sakurako angrily scolded Li Han as a liar, a big liar, not a thing, and did not mean what he said.

She reluctantly left Baishou Palace and returned to work in the hospital.

Little did they know, Kamei personally led a team to keep an eye on her and reported her situation to Hisaka Sakai.

Danger befell Yamada Sakurako.

Hisaka Sakai sat back on the chair in the luxurious office and said: "Well! It's indeed very suspicious. The Hundredevity Palace, the Hundredevity Palace of the Chinese people, where nuns live, how could Yamada Sakurako go there? It's so suspicious, she

They must have made an appointment to meet someone. Maybe that person is Li Han. Li Han entered the Jihad Hospital to steal medicine and surgical tools. It must have been Yamada Sakurako who cooperated with him to steal medicine last night. Otherwise, what if Li Han is a martial artist?

Can you identify the appropriate medicine? How can you accurately find the surgical tools? I think we have to tell Yamada Sakurako the time and place when Miao Zhonghai is going to be discharged from the hospital and the places he is passing through, and ask her to pass on the information. In this way, we set up an ambush on the way.

Capture Li Han. Now, you go report the situation to Lord Kamekawa and communicate about the ambush of Li Han."

She analyzed the situation and determined that Yamada Sakurako was the mole.


Kamei bowed to accept the order, turned around and left.

Li Han did not go to Baishou Palace. Firstly, because there were many battles from yesterday to last night, which caused a lot of physical exertion and he overslept. Secondly, the top priority now is to return to Korea Mao. He cannot leave his subordinates alone. Thirdly,

Yamada Sakurako just said that she would come to Baishou Palace to see him when she had time, not necessarily this morning.

Therefore, he and Zhu Zhuwen cooperated with Tan Lingling to go to Mingwa Gallery to find Shang Wang's secret service station.

Tan Lingling disguised herself as a beggar and came to Mingwa Gallery. Near Shang Wang's house, she was taken by Xu Youyuan to Hanguo Mao's healing place.

Hanguo Mao saw Tan Lingling coming and asked in surprise: "Lingling, where is the captain? I heard that he appeared in Jade Belt Lane last night and stood behind us for us."

Tan Lingling nodded and said, "Who is our captain? He will never leave his subordinates alone. He is our spiritual support!"

Guo Guomao said anxiously: "Then, take me back to see the captain quickly."

Xu Youyuan came over and said: "You can't leave, we have arrangements for where to sit."

Tan Lingling turned sideways and asked, "What do you mean? You want to detain me and Han Guomao?"

Han Guomao roared angrily: "You are too despicable!"

Xu Youyuan said with a smile on his face: "Haha, in order to save you, we paid the price with the lives of seven team members. You don't want to repay, are not grateful, and still scold us, who is despicable?"

Tan Lingling and Han Guomao were speechless for a moment.

When Li Han saw that Tan Lingling had not come out for a long time, he and Zhu Zhuwen walked up to the door. They were surrounded by a team led by Xu Youyuan. They were pointed at guns by Xu Youyuan and his team members, and asked Li Han to join the secret service station. Of course, Li Han also

You know that you and your teammates are in danger, but this kind of danger is different from contact with little devils. This kind of danger is definitely conditional, and more importantly, it depends on your own performance.

Tan Lingling stepped forward nervously, blocked Xu Youyuan's gun with her chest, and yelled at Xu Youyuan: "Xu Youyuan, are you crazy? Isn't it good for us to join forces to fight the war? Why do we have to fight internally? If you want to make enemies happy, it will hurt.

Something?" Li Han agreed and said: "Oh, it turns out to be Captain Xu. That's great. When I meet you, I have a backer. My Ghost Rangers have no funds, no backup, and no source of guns and ammunition.

, there is no replenishment of soldiers. Therefore, I have been looking for organizations, hoping to get recognition and help from organizations."

"Hahahaha!" Xu Youyuan laughed proudly and said to Tan Lingling: "Lingling, I am the captain, and my knowledge and ideas are better than yours. You guys wait a moment, I will take Captain Li to see us where we are sitting."

He ran to report to Shang Wang again.

Tan Lingling, Zhu Zhuwen, and Han Guomao looked at Li Han blankly, as if they didn't know Li Han. Li Han could see from their eyes that they had misunderstood him. However, this was not the time to explain. There were so many people.

They surrounded themselves and pointed guns at themselves, and it was inconvenient to explain. After a while, Xu Youyuan ran back and said: "Captain Li, please, we are here to invite you!"

Li Han said calmly: "Okay!" and then said: "Lingling, Liwen, Guomao, don't panic. You have been with me for a week, and you are considered old agents."

Having said that, Tan Lingling, Zhu Zhuwen, and Guo Guomao were still very nervous, and their palms were all sweating.

Shang Wang asked Li Han to meet him alone at a nearby house and told him his overall plan to recruit Li Han and his ghost squad.

He said that Tan Lingling should be the liaison between him and Li Han, and that Tan Lingling would stay at the secret service station. He took out the code book and gave it to Li Han, and asked Li Han to give it to Zhu Zhuwen. If there was anything, he could contact her on the radio or ask Tan Lingling to go there.

Li Han was contacted and given the codename "Compass". He said: "Compass has a stable mind and will not be tempted no matter how good things are. Tan Lingling's codename is Spider."

This chapter has been completed!
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