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195. Roof Contest

Wu Sibao is more fluent now.

Li Mocun immediately let him drive, and the two returned to their home on Yuyuan Road together.

After Li Han and others left Tongren Hospital, Xie Qiuqi felt sad and at a loss: Li Han was here and she had someone to rely on. However, it was obvious that Li Han and Li Mocun were in cahoots and he was no longer a serious person.

Li Han, the man I dreamed of! Why did he suddenly surrender to the enemy? Why? In the past, he taught and guided himself to resist the war and fight the Japanese, but now, he himself has rebelled and surrendered to the enemy.


Xie Qiuqi saw Li Han's handsome figure in front of her eyes, but her heart was hurt, with sharp pain, as if a knife was piercing her heart.

Although Li Han's incident was not publicly published in the newspapers in Limo Village, some media still captured the news and published it. Even the news, which was as big as a piece of tofu, sparked heated discussions in various places in Jiangnan, and was later reprinted by the media. , gradually the media amplified the incident of Li Han's surrender to the enemy.

Countless people who once regarded Li Han as their idol were all sad and sad, and all secretly cursed Li Han for ruining his house. Many girls passed out from crying. Tan Lingling and Zhu Zhuwen, who were in Jinling, each held newspapers and covered their heads. Tears were streaming down their chests, and they were extremely sad. Although it was broad daylight, the two of them felt that their eyes were pitch black and they could not see their fingers.

Since the first day they met, they both regarded Li Han as their idol. However, this idol is now a traitor and a traitor. They are both so sad. They know that Li Han is acting, but they are still very sad and hurt. Scolding Shang Wang and Qian Huai are nothing, hurting Li Han's reputation and heroic image.

Even though Li Han warned Gao Shiguang, Han Guomao, Huang Di, Zhang Tie, Lin Lin, and He Xiaoxiao before leaving Jinling, when they saw what happened to Li Han, they all scolded Li Han as a traitor and Li Han. Han was sanctimonious and had been deceiving them. He Xiaoxiao shed tears and said angrily: "Maybe Li Han was originally an insider of the Japanese army." Lin Lin said sadly: "We are so pitiful! We were deceived by Li Han again and again. .”

Huang Di thought of Li Han's salvation for him and shouted to the sky: "No! No! I don't believe it! I don't believe it!" Zhang Tie said with tears in his eyes: "I, I'll go find out." He wiped his tears and walked out of the room. After waving for a rickshaw, riding to a modern cafe, and changing clothes for work, after Li Han left Jinling, Tan Lingling and Zhu Zhuwen took turns coming over to drink coffee and give instructions to Zhang Tie, who then conveyed them to Gao Shiguang and others.

Sure enough, Zhang Tie came out of the dressing room and found that Julie Wen was already sitting at a table in the hall by the window facing the street. Zhang Tie took the tray and menu and went to order, and asked in a low voice: "Walnut, do you have any instructions?" ?" Zhuli Wen looked sideways, looked around, and whispered: "After work, go to the train station to buy some train tickets. Except for you and Huang Di who stay in Jinling, the others will follow me to Shanghai to visit. It depends on the situation." Then he said loudly: "A cup of Blue Mountain coffee, a French steak. No need to look for it, I will reward you with the remaining money." He took out a hundred-dollar bill and threw it into Zhang Tie's tray.

"Okay! Thank you, ma'am!" Zhang Tie responded loudly, bowed to Zhuli Wen, held a plate in his hand, and turned away. The next afternoon, Zhuli Wen led a team, and everyone disguised themselves as Zhuli Wen's entourage and took the train south to Shanghai.

At this time, Hisaka Sakai also led a team to take a train south to investigate the matter secretly. Her entourage included Takahashi Naeko, Yamada Yao, Kamei, Xie Yaoxing, Guo Yaoyao and the special agents of Jinling Special High School. Sakai Hisaka's airs

It was so big that the accompanying agents filled one carriage, and she slept in the spacious compartment of this carriage.

This wing contains a dining room, kitchen, and bathroom.

The carriages in which Julie Wen and Hisaka Sakai were riding were next to each other.

Between the two carriages, there are bathrooms on both sides of the door-to-door aisle.

The journey is long and the train at this time cannot go very fast.

Everyone needs to use the bathroom.

Hisuka Sakai can just go to the bathroom in her large private room.

However, others need to go to the public restroom.

The same goes for Julie Wen and her entourage.

When it was Lin Lin's turn to go to the restroom, she met Takahashi Naeko who was coming out of Sakai Hisuka's car to go to the restroom. Although Lin Lin and Takahashi Naeko were both in disguise, Takahashi Naeko had been arrested earlier.

Lin Lin, after interrogating Lin Lin many times, met her face to face. Naeko Takahashi immediately felt that Lin Lin looked familiar.

When Lin Lin saw Takahashi Naeko, she couldn't help but was startled, and then turned around smartly and reported to Julie Wen. As soon as Julie Wen heard that Takahashi Naeko appeared, she immediately thought that Sakai Hisaka was also on the train, and Sakai Hisaka Ruo

On the train, there must be many secret agents accompanying him, and there were also Japanese military police on the train. Feeling that it was difficult to hide, Lin Lin asked Gao Shiguang, Guo Guomao, and He Xiaoxiao to pass the order through the train window and get on the roof.

, to avoid the limelight. Everyone pretended to be Li Han and had no intention of fighting with the Japanese spies. They followed the plan one after another, went out through the car window, climbed on the roof of the car, and lay on the roof. Sure enough, within a few minutes, Takahashi Naeko

After reporting the situation to Hisaka Sakai, Hisaka Sakai personally led a team to Zhuliwen's carriage. They checked tickets and carefully checked the appearance of everyone. Some passengers were frightened and testified that Zhuliwen and several others went through the train window and climbed onto the roof. Sakai Hisaka

Komei Yamada Yao, Takahashi Naeko, and Kamei led a team through the car window and onto the roof to arrest Lin Lin.

However, as soon as the Japanese agent passed through the car window and turned up, he was discovered by Gao Shiguang. Gao Shiguang stood up and kicked him away. Boom! Bang! A Japanese agent was kicked in the head by Gao Shiguang, and he suddenly suffered a headache.

He was bleeding badly and fell under the train. He rolled several times and lay still on his back. He bled from all seven holes and died.

Upon seeing this, Guo Guomao, Lin Lin, He Xiaoxiao and Zhu Zhuwen hurriedly drew their guns and stood up respectively, standing on both sides of the train roof, ready for battle. If they wanted to jump from the train, Gao Shiguang and others would have no problem, but

, Julie Wen is pregnant and cannot jump. Everyone can only fight the enemy on the roof of the car.

Yamada Yao discovered that an agent was kicked away by someone on the roof of the train. He knew that the person on the roof was ready, and urgently ordered the agent to turn over to the other side of the window. However, another agent was kicked by South Korea.

Shigeru was kicked away and died tragically on the wilderness. Hisuka Sakai hurriedly ordered other agents to go to his car and climb through the window and onto the roof.

Julie Wen also thought of this.

She waved everyone over and spoke out loud about the enemy's psychology.

Gao Shiguang took out the hook rope from the suitcase and wrapped it around Julie Wen's waist. Then he and Han Guo Mao worked together to pull one end of the hook rope, and let Lin Lin and He Xiaoxiao hold Julie Wen and grab the hook rope and slide down. The three women slid down from the train like this.

Sliding up to the wilderness, Gao Shiguang and Guo Guomao jumped onto the wilderness, avoiding a dangerous battle with Sakai Jiuxiang. Because of the protection of Lin Lin and He Xiaoxiao, Julie Wen's body was not damaged and he finally escaped.

A calamity passed.

They walked a short distance to a small town, changed into Japanese military uniforms, requisitioned two cars from a chaebol, and drove to Shanghai.

After Yamada Yao, Kamei, and Takahashi Naeko led the special agent team onto the roof of the train, they found no one on the roof, so they climbed back through the window and returned to the carriage, reporting the situation to Sakai Hisaka. Sakai Hisaka said angrily: " When the Red Rose Special Forces went south, they must be heading to Shanghai to meet up with Li Han. This shows that Li Han's defection to Li Mo Village was a lie."

Yamada Yao also said angrily: "Then when we arrive in Shanghai, we will arrest Li Han directly." Hisaka Sakai said sinisterly: "No! I secretly contacted Li Mo Village and gave Li Han a false information and asked Li Han to ventilate Report the news and hunt down Li Han and the people behind the scenes." Yamada Yao, Kamei, and Takahashi Naeko all raised their fingers and praised Sakai Hisaka for his resourcefulness. Xie Yaoxing and Guo Yaoyao felt chills in their hearts, and chills ran down their necks. .Guo Yaoyao, in particular, was in a very complicated mood, thinking about how to send this information out after arriving in Shanghai.

However, she thought again: How can I send this information? I’m not familiar with Shanghai either!


After Sakai Hisaka led the crowd to Shanghai, they came to the Hongkou Jade Agency.

At this time, Eryu had already set up a jade agency in Shanghai on the orders of his servant Ren, which was also a secret service agency. It was mainly a hidden spy agency, responsible for bribing the leaders of major gangs in Shanghai for their use, and engaging in the trafficking of looted jewelry and gold. and sales.

Some things are safer and more secretive to deal with through various gangs than to be escorted by the Japanese army. Moreover, the Japanese army was originally insufficient in strength, and it was time for the Wuhan battle and invested a huge force. Therefore, the servant asked Eryu to go to Shanghai to establish the Yu The agency secretly undertakes this task. The Jade Agency appears as an electrical appliances store and is engaged in commercial activities on the surface, but secretly engages in shady activities.

After Hisuka Sakai arrived with the crowd, he was warmly welcomed by Eryu and was welcomed into a row of houses in the backyard. On the surface, the houses in the back row looked like warehouses, but inside the warehouses, there were some wall decorations , inside the sandwiched wall are luxurious houses, offices, and tea rooms. Sakai Hisaka and others were full of admiration. They sat down and the samurai came forward with tea. Sakai Hisaka informed Eryu about Li Han and his Red Rose Special Forces coming to Shanghai. Situation. Eryu said with a smile: "Then let's make it real. We take Li Han's defection to Li Mo Village as real. Li Mo Village has winked at us many times, but we didn't pay much attention to it. Therefore, Li Mo Village now The source of funding mainly comes from the support of Ji Yunwu from the Qinggang, as well as from stealing and robbing, like being the king of the mountain. However, because we didn't pay much attention to it, the spy organization in Li Mo Village has become increasingly legalized, and people and guns have gradually increase."

Sakai Jiuxiang said with a smile: "Then we will invite the head of the agency to entertain Li Mocun tonight. I guess he will bring Wu Sibao and Li Han with him. We will discuss some important military affairs with Li Mocun and let Li Han overhear. how?"

Eryu laughed loudly, nodded, and immediately arranged for Sakai Hisaka and others to stay, and later hosted a banquet for Sakai Hisaka and his party.

Li Han has done nothing recently, just visiting Xie Qiuqi every day, and then accompanied by Chen Yang, he drives to go shopping, wanders around, and gets familiar with the streets and alleys of the city.

This chapter has been completed!
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