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212. Anti-Spy Diary

Li Han took a sip of tea, turned his head and said to He Xiaoxiao: "Thank you for sending them to the train station and bringing all the fake documents. I will pick you up later. Go ahead, you can also dress up, I'll be on the sofa

I lie down for a while, and I’m really a little drunk.”

He Xiaoxiao plucked up the courage, tilted her head and kissed Li Han, then stood up and left.

After a while, the three of them came out in disguise. Xie Qiuqi really wanted to ask Li Han: "Why don't you see us off? Why bother to pick up He Xiaoxiao later?" However, she heard Li Han's snoring.

, Moreover, Li Han's face turned red. Thinking that he was indeed drunk, he said nothing. He Xiaoxiao went downstairs and drove to escort Lin Lin and Xie Qiuqi away.

Li Han lay there for half an hour, always thinking about He Xiaoxiao's safety. He woke up naturally, walked out, drove to a public phone booth near the Pujiang Hotel, called Gao Shiguang and Han Guomao, and asked them to drive to the Japanese Concession and the French Concession.

A trip near the junction, in case He Xiaoxiao couldn't return to the French Concession late at night, asked them to pick him up. Then, he drove to the train station to pick up He Xiaoxiao. He cherished the few troops under his command, which he cherished very much.

Especially these girls who are passionately devoted to him. He dare not think of marrying them, but he wants to protect them from any harm.

An hour later, He Xiaoxiao came out of the train station and got into her car, but she didn't get out. Instead, she lay on the car and slept. The little devil had implemented a curfew. If she wanted to drive back to the French Concession, if she couldn't get through with the fake documents,

If you pass, you must force your way through, and don’t do anything that conflicts. Once your identity is exposed or captured by the Japanese army, the end will be tragic. After all, He Xiaoxiao has been a prison guard, has a high level of understanding, extraordinary skills, and is very cautious.

More sensible.

Li Han drove over, parked the car, opened the door, came to He Xiaoxiao's car, knocked on the door, and asked why he didn't go back? He Xiaoxiao told him bluntly that she did not want to conflict with the Japanese army late at night. Li Han was moved

With tears in her eyes, she reached into the car window, patted He Xiaoxiao's weak shoulder, and said emotionally: "Xiaoxiao, you are doing well. Thank you for your hard work! But I have to go back first."

He Xiaoxiao said: "Yeah! Go! I'll go back to the French Concession tomorrow. It'll be fine. You go back first to avoid being suspected by that bitch in Li Mo Village. Maybe he will send someone to your residence in the middle of the night to check whether you are real or not.

Drunk or fake drunk?”

Li Han was so moved that he burst into tears. He stretched out his body through the car window, kissed He Xiaoxiao, and then turned around and left. With tears dripping from his eyes, he drove back to the French Concession from the train station. As expected, he met people in the French Concession and the Japanese Concession.

The Japanese troops conducted interrogations at the checkpoints at the junction. Moreover, the Japanese troops conducted interrogations tonight very carefully and rigorously. This may be due to the protection of Zhou Feihai.

Several people carrying false documents were instantly captured by the Japanese army and taken away.

Li Han was glad that he had the ID from the Secret Service Headquarters.

He took out his ID, passed the customs smoothly, drove by not far away, and spotted Gao Shiguang and Guo Guomao's car. He honked the horn and drove slowly.

Gao Shiguang and Guo Guomao made a U-turn in their car and followed Li Han's car to a nearby alley. They stopped and got off the car. Li Han came over and left He Xiaoxiao at the train station and told them about the incident of sleeping in the car.

He picked up Gao Shiguang and Guo Guomao, and ordered Gao Shiguang to jump from a high building to another high building from the alley here, cross the junction of the French Concession and the Japanese Concession, walk to the train station, and protect He Xiaoxiao.

He also asked Guo Guomao to sleep in the car at the entrance of this alley, and to be available to Gao Shiguang and He Xiaoxiao at any time.

Then, Li Han felt relieved to go home and sleep.

When he returned home, he did not dare to lock the door or turn on the light.

Sure enough, not long after he lay down, at 11:50 in the night, Wu Sibao was ordered to come to see if Li Han was really sleeping. The duplicity in Li Mo Village really made He Xiaoxiao right. Li Han seriously reflected I feel that I am still not cautious enough about my words, deeds, and thinking, and sometimes I am not very cool, and I secretly feel ashamed.

Early the next morning, Lin Yuhong sealed the photos in an envelope, drove to Li Mocun's house, had breakfast with her sister Lin Yuqing, and brother-in-law Li Mocun, and showed the photos to Li Mocun.

Li Mocun was eating breakfast, looking at the photos, and then said: "Very good, save them all. What changes will happen to Li Han's family in the future? What changes will happen to the gun he uses? We will know as soon as we check. In addition, what suggestions do you have for him?" , the new officer takes office with three things in mind, come up with new tactics, see how he can prevent espionage and counter-espionage? Give him something to do, don't let him be too idle and have too much time to cause chaos for the imperial army."


Lin Yuhong returned to the secret service headquarters. It happened to be working time. Li Han had also arrived at his small office. Lin Yuhong quickly brought him water and boiled water, organized the documents on his desk for him, and said that the new officer had three things to do when he took office, and asked Li Han What new tricks does John have?

Li Han said: "At nine o'clock in the morning, training begins. I will give lectures to everyone in person."

Lin Yuhong immediately went out and notified the Counterintelligence Department personnel to attend a meeting in Li Han's office at nine o'clock in the morning. At around nine o'clock, Li Han gathered Lin Yuhong, Liu Bairen and four special agents for a meeting in his office.

He explained to six agents how to prevent and counter-espionage.

He said that to prevent espionage and counter-espionage, we should not only carefully observe the work and life patterns of everyone in the secret service headquarters, but also look for opportunities to look at the family, address, home furnishings and circle of friends of anyone in the secret service headquarters, and draw conclusions from this. The Counterintelligence Division is a very busy division. It is recommended that those who are relevant and fearful of hardship apply to be transferred as soon as possible.

These people are here to monitor Li Han, so they all say they are not afraid of hard work.

Li Han said to them: "Starting this afternoon, Chief Lin will divide the work, and some brothers will be responsible for visiting the homes of some division directors. Remember, we must not reveal traces, but also have records and photos, and we must not let anyone Those division chiefs know. Otherwise, you will not only get into trouble, but you may even lose your life. The other brothers are responsible for walking around the divisions, looking for people to chat, drinking tea, and getting some information from chatting with people. , keep this information in mind, come back, take notes, and give them to me for reading. The daily subsidy I will give you is two silver dollars per person per day for ten days." The subsidy of two silver dollars per person per day shall not be Got it!

"Yes!" Everyone left happily.

After Li Han sent them away, he lay down on the sofa to sleep and recharge his batteries. During lunch, he found that no one in his counterintelligence department was there except Lin Yuhong, who was eating in the dining hall. He knew in his heart that his Several of his spies were also greedy for money. After all, each of them had two yuan of cash subsidy every day, so they must go out to eat well. When he went to work in the afternoon, he asked Lin Yuhong to accompany him out, saying that he wanted to go shopping and familiarize himself with Shanghai. Lin Yuhong wanted to She accompanied Li Mocun to receive Zhou Feihai, so she politely said that she was not feeling well and wanted to go to Tongren Hospital for a physical examination.

She was pretty, so she was naturally the first choice for the Secret Service Headquarters to receive Zhou Fei Hai. Li Han knew it well, so he drove around in the afternoon and went to a dress store to visit He Xiaoxiao. He Xiaoxiao said that she was fine last night and she slept in the car all night

Later, Gao Shiguang slept with her in the car. At nine o'clock in the morning, she drove back to the French Concession and went back to the dress shop. Li Han asked her to pay attention to safety, contact Gao Shiguang and Han Guomao every day, and pay attention to Xie Qiuqi on the radio.

information sent.

Then, he drove around and came to Tongren Hospital, where he met Shang Wang secretly and reported to Shang Wang his work situation and Xie Qiuqi's plan to return to Jinling to avoid suspicion.

He said that the most important department in the secret service headquarters was the confidential department. However, the archives room was also suspicious. He decided to use the opportunity of the Little Knife Club to cause trouble and visit the archives room at night. Shang Wang agreed and said that Di Xing would be sent to lead a team to respond.

, and brought two pocket watches and cameras to Li Han. Shang Wang told Li Han that Han Dafeng was currently being treated at Renji Hospital, but the secret service headquarters was heavily guarded and it would be costly to save people. He gave the contact person’s code name and phone number

, the photo was given to Li Han.

He knew that when they were in Jinling, Li Han and Liu Wenlin often fought together. However, now it was indeed a period of joint operations, and fighting the Japanese was the common goal. Therefore, he did not want to know whether Li Han had any contacts with people in Yan'an.

How deep.

Li Han immediately drove to Liu Wenlin's pharmacy and reported to Liu Wenlin his work situation and Xie Qiuqi's trip to Jinling to avoid suspicion. He also gave the contact person's code name, phone number, and photo to Liu Wenlin, and stated that he would let Gao

Shiguang coordinated. Liu Wenlin had gone to the train station to pick up Gao Shiguang and personally brought Gao Shiguang to his residence on Xiafei Road. Therefore, he asked Li Han to lurk in the secret service headquarters with peace of mind and leave the rest to him.

Then, Li Han drove back to the special agent headquarters. As the director of the counterintelligence department, he walked around the various rooms and took a look in the dungeon. He found that there were many secret and open sentinels in the dungeon. If any of his own people were caught, he had to rescue them.

People are extremely difficult. He also visited the thirty-eight sets of torture instruments in the dungeon.

In addition, Liang Guang, director of the pre-trial department, pointed to an old man and introduced to Li Han: "This is the apprentice of an executioner in the former Qing Dynasty, named Liang Xin. He can kill the prisoner in a slow and delayed manner, cutting off the prisoner's flesh piece by piece."

Cutting it off, the most amazing thing is that it can save the prisoner from death. However, the pain was unbearable, and in the end he had no choice but to confess everything."

Li Han praised Liang Xin and took out three hundred yuan from his pocket and gave it to Liang Xin in recognition of his contribution to the secret service headquarters. He also said that he would have to ask Liang Xin for help if he caught any prisoners in the future.

In front of everyone, Liang Xin naturally did not dare to accept the three hundred yuan, but he was very grateful to Li Han and had a good impression of Li Han. Li Han came out of the dungeon, went to the canteen to have dinner, and then returned to the office.

Just in time, Liu Bairen led the team back and put the notes of the relevant director of each investigation on Li Han's desk. Li Han took out a thousand yuan and gave it to Liu Bairen, asking Liu Bairen to take the brothers out for a nice meal.

, the remaining money was handled by Liu Bairen himself. This made Liu Bairen very happy. He took a thousand yuan and quickly summoned all the people in the department to go out for dinner and drinks. Li Han pushed them away and closed the office door.

Carefully read the notebooks brought back by the personnel from the Counterintelligence Division.

This chapter has been completed!
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