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213. Startling Every Step

In fact, Li Han took this opportunity to investigate the family situation, home address, and circle of friends of some division chiefs. He would eventually destroy the entire secret service headquarters. However, he had just come to lurk and was unable to understand the full situation, not even the entire situation. People are not yet familiar with it, and they do not yet understand the various hidden weapons and hidden machine guns in the secret service headquarters.

At this time, he secretly excerpted useful words in his secret notebook: The first is Ling Nanfeng, the director of the archives. This man is forty years old, tall and thin, with black teeth. He was originally an archive of the Shanghai Station of the Fuxing Society Secret Service. The director of the office was caught by the station six months ago for smoking cigarettes, so he sneaked out, took away some secret files from the Shanghai Station, and took refuge in Li Mo Village, which was planning to build an agent headquarters. This person has a somewhat weird personality and never Accept any banquet and do not participate in any entertainment.

However, today, when Liu Bairen disguised himself as an electrician and went to Ling Nanfeng's home to check the wiring condition, he found that Ling Nanfeng liked to smoke cigarettes and had a smokehouse built at home. His family was also very poor because of smoking cigarettes. Ling Nanfeng's A son and a daughter, although they are ten years old, they still have no money to go to school. His wife often participates in reselling cigarettes to make money to help with family expenses. When Li Han saw this, he sympathized with Ling Nanfeng's family, but also had some doubts about the files at the secret service headquarters. He became more interested in the archives room. He thought to himself: If he had the opportunity to go to the archives room to check all the files, then he might be able to understand the situation of countless lurkers, surrenderers, and rebels. Maybe there are some Japanese soldiers in the archives room. General's information. He lit a cigarette and fell into deep thought.

For a long time, he continued to read another counter-espionage diary:

Director of the Operations Division, Luo Lifeng, has a strange whereabouts and rarely returns home. However, he can be found in Li Mo Village. As long as Luo Lifeng is not on night shift at the secret service headquarters, no one can find him except Li Mo Village. His wife is often at home. Stay widowed.

Yang Feng, the captain of the Third Brigade of the Operations Department, is unmarried, but has a good reputation among the neighbors. He claims to be a member of the patrol room. He often helps the neighbors with small things when he has nothing to do. He likes a little dancer from Paramount. girl.

This little girl’s name is Liang Yishan.

When Li Han saw this, he thought about his promotion last night. Most of the division chiefs and section chiefs came to congratulate him. Only Fan Jian, director of the intelligence division, Luo Lifeng, chief of the operations division, and Yang Feng, captain of the third brigade of the operations division, did not come. Fan Jian didn't dare to come because he had something in his heart. Luo Lifeng and Yang Feng must be performing a secret mission. So what kind of secret mission are they performing?

Seeing this, he lit another cigarette, left his desk, and walked back and forth in the small office several times. Then, he sat back at his desk and continued reading the next counter-espionage diary:

The relationship between Fan Jian and Chu Lihua was very tense, and Chu Lihua was very strong. Fan Jian had another woman outside. The woman he had outside was named Yin Suyan, and she lived at No. 1-16 Yongjiali, French Concession. This notebook also contains additional records. After some analysis, I suspected that Fan Jian used informant money to support Yin Suyan.

After Li Han finished excerpting these notes, Liu Bairen also led the team back. Everyone's face was red from drinking. They all stood in front of Li Han's desk and thanked Li Han vigorously.

Li Han said: "Brothers performed very well today and will continue tomorrow. Just burn these notes in front of everyone. Keeping these notes will not be safe for your head."

"Okay, okay! Director is wise!" Everyone said yes!

So, in front of them, Li Han tore out the pages from these notebooks that recorded today's work, lit them on fire, threw them into the brazier and burned them. Then, he returned the notebooks to everyone and told everyone to go home and rest early.

, there is no need to go to the secret service headquarters tomorrow morning to continue investigating the family situations of other division chiefs and section chiefs.

After he finished speaking, he took out another thousand yuan of French currency and handed it to Liu Bairen, asking Liu Bairen to distribute it to the brothers. Then, he picked up his bag and stood up. After everyone distributed the money, they saw that Li Han had already picked up his bag and stood up, so they hurriedly left and went back to their homes.

Everyone is looking for their own mother.

Liang Xin, the executioner in the dungeon, got off work and came to see Li Han. He still wanted to get three hundred yuan. At this time, prices had not risen yet, and three hundred yuan was already a lot. It was the ceiling of half a year's salary for ordinary incomers. He had just walked out

In the dungeon, they found Li Han carrying his bag and getting into the car. He hurriedly ran to his car, saluted Li Han, and whispered: "Director Li, Han Dafeng, who was sent to Renji Hospital for treatment, is no longer in danger. Prepare for today."

It will be sent back in the evening. If you are interested, you can go to the dungeon to see the villain before ten o'clock in the evening. I will give him Ling Chi and order three hundred dollars tonight. The villain will keep him alive, but I will ensure that he confesses everything."

Li Han was secretly surprised, but he calmly said with a smile: "Brother Liang, see you tomorrow. Come and sit down when you have time." Then he drove away.

Liang Xin was a little disappointed, but he also saw Liu Bairen and others walking out of the building. He carefully tasted the connotation of Li Han's words and felt that this was not the time to accept Li Han's red envelope, so he had to wait patiently for the next day.

s arrival.

Li Han drove around, wandering all over the streets and alleys, but he was really familiar with the roads of Shanghai. After driving around for a few times and finding no suspicious person, he drove into Pang Silu's house. Pang Silu's house.

Lu wanted to see him very much and had posted missing person notices several times, but Li Han had been unable to escape.

Tonight, he finally had the opportunity to visit Pang Silu and her family.

When the Pang family suddenly saw Li Han, they were pleasantly surprised and extremely excited.

Originally, after Pang Silu arrived in Shanghai, she bought three houses. The three houses were next to each other. Pang Silu, Pang's father, Pang's mother and Pang Silu's sister Pang Silu lived together, and the house in the middle was

On the left and right sides are Pang Silu's brother Pang Wei's house and his younger brother Pang Xiao's house. However, these days, every night, the family gathers in Pang Silu's house to wait for Li Han's arrival.

Especially Pang's father and Pang's mother wanted to see Li Han so much.

Pang Silu's sister Pang Siying is currently enrolled in an aristocratic school and has not returned home.

Li Han was well prepared. He took out six red envelopes, each worth 1,000 yuan in French currency, and gave them to the Pang family. The red envelope for Pang Siying was given to Pang's mother, who asked Pang's mother to pass it on to Pang Si.

Ying, the whole family is very happy.

Pang Wei said: "I'm married. This is my wife." He pointed to a girl who had just come out of the kitchen and introduced him to Li Han. Li Han quickly took out a tube of cash and gave it to Pang Wei's wife, and said

Say sorry, not prepared, congratulations, congratulations! Pang Wei's wife was even more happy when she got a tube of cash. She smiled from ear to ear. Pang Xiao said, then I will get married early and get double red envelopes.

Hahahaha! The whole family laughed.

Pang Silu was always in tears next to Li Han, but she could only grasp the short-term happiness. In this chaotic world, Li Han was an agent, and Pang Silu, who was once a prison guard, knew in her heart that as long as she did not drive away Xiao

Devil, she can't stay with Li Han forever.

Li Han chatted for a while, then left Pang's house and drove to Liu Wenlin's pharmacy. He told Liu Wenlin that Han Dafeng was discharged from the hospital tonight and escorted back to the secret service headquarters. He said that Liang Xin, the executioner in the dungeon, said that about ten o'clock before

Lingchi began cutting Han Dafeng's flesh, so Han Dafeng's discharge time should be before 9:50 pm. Liu Wenlin quickly found Shi Zhenxiang and Gong Bin, and then ran out to call Gao Shiguang and Han Guomao, preparing to rob someone on the way.

Gao Shiguang also called He Xiaoxiao. One more person would bring more strength. Li Han hurried home, took a shower and changed clothes, and then sat in the living room reading a book and newspaper.

"Ring ring ring!"

At this time, Lin Yuhong called and asked if he wanted to buy some daily necessities for Li Han.

Li Han knew in his heart that she was calling to check if he was at home?

Li Han said no, it would be better to keep the house simple.

Lin Yuhong asked if she could have tea at his house?

Li Han said, yes! It’s so lonely at night. I really want to imitate Chen Yang’s pretty face and hang out in the dance hall every night. It’s great to have a beautiful girl come over to chat now! Warm welcome, come here quickly!

So Lin Yuhong drove over and was there in ten minutes.

At this time, it was only nine ten in the evening.

Lin Yuhong wore an off-white sweater skirt tonight, paired with a khaki twist knitted cardigan. She was quiet and gentle, elegant and high-end.

Li Han opened the door to greet the guest and looked at her blankly, saying that he was lying if he said he was not interested.

However, a hero can also pass the test of beauty. He knew in his heart that he was a beautiful snake who could only be seen from a distance but not used up close. So he made a gesture and invited her to sit at the Kung Fu tea table, and then quickly boiled water to make tea.

He also knew that she was here to monitor him, and was afraid that he would be involved in robbing Han Dafeng on the way, so he simply made Kung Fu tea instead of the kind of tea that was drunk in the office. While he drank tea with her, he explained the tea ceremony to her.

He said: "The so-called tea ceremony is the way of appreciating the beauty of tea. It is an art of life for cooking and drinking tea, a life etiquette using tea as a medium, and a lifestyle of self-cultivation using tea. It

By making tea, appreciating tea, smelling tea, and drinking tea, it is a very beneficial harmonious ritual to enhance friendship, cultivate virtue, learn etiquette, and appreciate traditional virtues."

Lin Yuhong stared at him blankly, listened to his words, and tasted the Wuyi Dahongpao he had brewed. She said "hmm" and then said: "What you said is really good. Indeed, drinking tea can calm the mind and the mind, which is helpful."

Cultivation of sentiments and elimination of distracting thoughts. Not bad! Not bad! After hearing what you said, I can feel the benefits of drinking tea even more."

Li Han suddenly understood that Liang Xin's information was wrong and was false. He was secretly worried about the safety of Liu Wenlin and others. If Liang Xin had not sent false information, Lin Yuhong would not have come to accompany him on purpose. In fact, she was staring at him.

Fortunately, Liu Wenlin has rich fighting experience.

Although Liu Wenlin deployed a plan to intercept and rob people on the way, he still went to Renji Hospital in person. He pretended to see a doctor and came to the hospital to find the "whale". The secret code was that he was wearing a watch on his right hand, and at Renji Hospital

The "whale" who is a doctor also wears the same watch on his right hand.

This chapter has been completed!
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