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27. The password is broken

Zhuliwen wiped away the blood on her body, and her whole body was wet. The cold wind blew, and she shivered. She couldn't help but reach out and put her hands around her chest. When Li Han saw this, he hurriedly took off his clothes and put it on Zhuliwen.

Then he said, "We can't go back right away. You have to take off your clothes and dry them by the river. Otherwise, you will catch a cold."

Julie Wenfang felt warm in her heart and nodded movedly.

She took off the coat that Li Han had put on her body, then took off her clothes and put on her clothes in front of Li Han. She was sleeping with him anyway, so she had nothing to worry about.

The most important thing is that there is no obstruction around, making it even more inconvenient to run far away.

Li Han quickly turned his back, not daring to watch her change her clothes.

Naturally, he also has desires, but he cannot be despicable or shameless, and he cannot have no bottom line.

Zhuliwen saw Li Han turn around suddenly, her heart ached a little, and she sighed secretly.

She pouted, probably secretly scolding Madman Li for being just an intellectually disabled person! A wooden man!

He doesn't know how to look at the beautiful scenery. This man is so stupid!

Then, she put on Li Han's clothes and sat by the river to bask in the sun.

She sat like this without asking Li Han to turn around, and her pretty face looked a little ugly. It was unclear whether she looked down on Li Han in her heart.

She felt uncomfortable anyway, because Li Han didn't even look at such a beautiful scenery right in front of her.


However, Li Han was no ordinary person. When he heard no movement from behind, he knew that Zhu Zhuwen had already changed his clothes.

He was afraid that she would be cold, so he took the initiative to sit next to her, close to her, and used his own body temperature to warm her.

"Haha!" Julie Wencan laughed, stretched out her finger to scratch Li Han's big nose, and cursed: "Are you really stupid or are you pretending to be stupid?"

She leaned on his shoulder again and soon fell asleep.

When it got dark, the two of them returned to their place of residence in evasion.

Originally, they would both sleep well tonight.

Because they were both very tired today, Li Han was looking for her everywhere. How many unnecessary trips had he made?

And Julie Wen helped people go into the pond to retrieve the bodies, which was quite laborious.

The two of them were exhausted when they returned to the small wooden shed.

Unexpectedly, tonight, the Japs suddenly made a late-night raid and searched the safe area, causing everyone to stand on the street.

Then, the little devil asked everyone to show their palms to show them. In fact, the little devil didn't check anything seriously, he just wanted to kill people for fun.

Bah bah bah!

Bang bang bang bang!

So, relying on having weapons in hand, these little devils grabbed a few people out randomly, babbled a few nonsense words, and then shot and killed these innocent people in public. Countless people were so scared that they shivered in the cold wind.

He shouted, and hurriedly stretched out his hand to cover his mouth, for fear of crying. Zhuli Wen angrily pulled out a gun with his backhand. Li Han was already prepared, and pinched Zhuliwen's pulse with his backhand, so that Zhuliwen couldn't move.

After the little devil left, Li Han was already sweating all over.

This scared Julie Wen into a cold sweat.

It is also discipline not to assassinate little devils in the safe zone!

Because their main task is to collect evidence and win the support of foreign friends.

In the late nights of the next few days, the little devils would come, and they would grab a few people at random and kill them.

This is no different from drawing lots.

The little devils will arrest anyone at will, and whoever they catch will die.

Fortunately, the little devil never caught Li Han and Zhu Zhuwen out.

Otherwise, a bloody battle will definitely be inevitable.

On this day, the wind was as cold as a knife and dust filled the sky.

Li Han and Zhu Zhuwen came to the safe area of ​​Jinling University and secretly photographed evidence of the massacre by the Japs here.

The little devils who surrounded this place repeatedly used the "good citizen registration" method to coerce and deceive some young and middle-aged people into admitting that they were "Chinese soldiers", and then massacred them.

Zhu Zhuwen was responsible for taking photos, and Li Han was responsible for covering.

The two of them discovered that there were more than 300 refugees who had just admitted that they had "served as soldiers", and they were tied up by the little devils into several teams, ranging from 5 to 10, and were sent from the first room of a huge building to the second room.

, then pour gasoline on it and burn it directly.

The fire was blazing, and more than 300 people screamed and screamed after their whole bodies were on fire.

In order to better secretly photograph the evidence of the kid's crime, Li Han took cover and opened the way. He and Zhuli Wen ran to the rooftop of another building to take photos and collect evidence as the kid escorted the "ex-soldier" refugees into the building.

At this time, Li Han finally discovered that two foreign friends had also climbed to the top of the building to take pictures. He stepped forward to inquire and showed his ID, only to learn that these two people were John and Jack.

These two foreign friends have been filming the evidence of the Little Jaap Massacre, as well as filming the documentary of the Little Jaap Massacre.

Very good!

If it weren't for the fear that the little devil would find out, Li Han would have jumped up and down with excitement.

Li Han asked them to meet him and Julie Wen at their residence in the evening.

He left the address for John and Jack, then left, met Juliwen, sneaked out of the safe area of ​​Jinling University, and asked Juliwen to immediately send a report to the secret service station, asking Shang Wang to send someone to respond tonight.

Then, Li Han sneaked into the Hankou Road safe zone, looked for Luo Juncheng, met with Luo Juncheng, and decided to accompany John and Jack to withdraw from the safe zone tonight with Luo Juncheng and others, return to the secret service station, and pass on the film and documentaries they had taken.

Announce the crimes of the Japs to the world in advance to gain international support, hoping to stop the Japs' atrocities as soon as possible.

When Li Han was looking for Luo Juncheng and passing by Hankou Road, he found that dozens of little devils broke into a private house in broad daylight and did not close the door. They took turns going in to bully a young woman.

The young woman's man was kicked out by other little devils.

When the man knelt in front of the gang of kidnappers, crying and begging for mercy, several kidnappers stabbed the man dozens of times with guns and bayonets, leaving holes all over the man's body and blood splattering everywhere.

He died tragically in front of his own home. His woman was screaming inside, while the kid who bullied her was laughing.

Li Han hurriedly hid behind a telephone pole, took out his camera, and took pictures of this tragic scene, as well as the little Japanese soldiers entering and leaving the door.

After the little devils left, Li Han ran to the door of the room and looked inside. He found the young woman lying on the floor covered in blood and dying.

This young woman is indeed beautiful, but too miserable.

So, these dozens of crazy little devils took turns to come.

During the massacre of the little devils, many of the little devils had seriously suffered from mental illness and believed that this kind of massacre was more satisfying than any other form of entertainment.

And this mentality of taking turns with women is more suitable for the seriously deformed psychology of the little devils.

Li Han quickly took a photo of the young woman.

Then, he put away the camera and leaned over to lift up the young woman, only to find that the young woman was no longer breathing.

How miserable!

It was evening, and some little devils came roaring in on motorcycles, looking for women all over the street.

They have become so crazy that they have lost their humanity.

Li Han quickly went out through the back door of the house.

In a house not far away, Li Han found Luo Juncheng.

Luo Juncheng said in surprise: "Compass, it's great that you can find John and Jack! However, I have met John and Jack before, and I have also done ideological work for these two foreign friends."

Li Han said excitedly: "No wonder! They agreed to me so readily. Okay, let's go together tonight. There is already a lot of evidence of the kid's crimes, and we can't record the kid's atrocities all the way. To prevent it.

In the event of an unexpected incident, we should stop. No matter how much we shoot, the most important thing is to protect the evidence, not how much evidence is collected. If the protection is not good enough, if it is discovered and snatched away by the little devil, then it will be useless no matter how much we shoot. Life,

Stopping losses promptly is the highest form of self-discipline.”

Luo Juncheng shook his head and said with a sad face: "Compass, gentleness is known to everyone. It was a day full of hope. You are different. You are a beloved general who stands. You came here by walking on thousands of stars, but you can rush there by boat.

Far away. And I am different. For me, the earth is just the fine foam of the champagne I just opened. The best meaning of standing is to let me stay in the safe zone for a few more weeks. Without the order to stand, I will die.

, and can only die in the safe zone."

After he finished speaking, he took out more than ten tubes of film, wrapped them in small leather, put them into the trash can on Li Han's back, and said reluctantly: "Brother, I have heard your name for a long time, but we can't fight together.

, you go first, tonight, I and other brothers will cover your withdrawal from the safe area."

Li Han said sadly: "We will eventually die, but no matter who is alive, just continue to fight the Japanese."

Luo Juncheng's tears overflowed, and he stretched out his hand to wipe away the tears and said, "Okay! I wish you and Walnut a smooth escape in escorting John and Jack out of the safe zone."

The reason why they feel heavy is because Li Han and Zhu Zhuwen have to take two foreign friends out. If it were just Li Han and Julie, there might be no problem with their safety. However, they also have to protect the safety of John and Jack.

This is the biggest problem for these agents. At night, the little devils are keeping an eye on the safe area!

However, their evening conversation unfortunately became reality. When Julien sent the report, the code was unfortunately deciphered by the little devil.

This chapter has been completed!
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