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4. Team lurking

Li Han stepped forward with a Japanese sword, picked up a piece of wire from the ground, unlocked the door, and then pushed the door open and entered.

Tan Lingling was first curious about Li Han's various movements and thought: Why is Li Han so powerful? Is he a human? Is he a god?

Then, she followed him in nervously, holding a gun.

This photo studio called "Elegance Photo Studio" is fully equipped with various luxurious furniture and living facilities. There are also many luxurious and beautiful clothes in various wardrobes.

It seems that the original owner made a lot of money using this photo studio and had many valuable things. However, because of the war, the original owner had no time to take away these good things and had to abandon them here.

Li Han first got the camera and hung it on his chest, then led Tan Lingling up to the second floor, then back to the first floor, and went to the basement to visit the darkroom for developing and drying photos.

Then, he said to Tan Lingling: "Can you speak Japanese?"

Tan Lingling shook her head, her face still full of tears.

She was saddened by the tragic scenes she saw on the streets before, and also felt ashamed by Li Han's questions now.

Li Han could only comfort and said: "Sister, don't be sad. History is like this. With our strength, we can't save too many people, but we can save every one. The most important thing is that we must persist in this bravery.

Keep fighting against the little devils. Even if you kill one little devil every day, over time, we can kill thousands of little devils and save thousands of common people or our brothers. Remember, don’t give up easily, because surprises will always come quietly.

Arriving silently."

Tan Lingling was shocked, but she also said sadly: "Well! This is the only way."

Li Han added: "When we lurk, we must learn some Japanese. But don't worry, I will teach you Japanese. In the future, I will also teach you English, French, and German. Let's go, we have to go out.

Take down the signboard of this photo studio and keep this place as our secret contact point. I believe the owner of this photo studio will never come back."

Tan Lingling nodded, and the two of them walked out of the store. At this time, a group of Japanese soldiers came along the street, and one kid took out a grenade and wanted to blow up the photo studio.

Li Han stepped forward, waved his hand, slapped the Japs in the face, and cursed in Japanese: "Baga, your superiors have orders not to randomly demolish and blow up shops along the street. In the future, we will need tax revenue. Otherwise, how will we support you? Get out of here."


He kicked the Japanese soldier down again.

When the Japanese soldiers saw Li Han wearing a military uniform, holding a saber in his hand, and speaking fluent Japanese, they didn't doubt that he was there. They all bowed to Li Han frequently, then gave the order, helped the Japanese soldiers up, and then turned around and left together.

Tan Lingling was so frightened that she was covered in cold sweat.

The cold wind blew, and she shivered from the cold.

However, she is strong inside and admires Li Han very much at this time.

He is handsome, wise and brave, rich in philosophy, and knows several languages!

What an elite with both talent and appearance!

Good man!

real man!

Li Han then cut it with a saber and propped it up with wooden sticks, and soon the signboard was taken apart.

At this time, another group of Japanese soldiers came over. When the leader saw that Li Han and Tan Lingling were also wearing Japanese military uniforms, they took out their guns and pointed directly at Li Han and Tan Lingling.

Other Japanese soldiers raised their guns one after another, pointing at Li Han and Tan Lingling, and immediately surrounded Li Han and Tan Lingling.

Li Han reacted very quickly. When he saw the other party suddenly pulling out a gun, he hurriedly reached out to hold Tan Lingling and pulled Tan Lingling behind him.

In this moment, Tan Lingling's heart felt warm and her eyes became wet. She felt that Li Han was her backer and that he was risking his life to protect her. He was really risking his life to protect her.

She instantly thought to herself: The original meaning of life is to pursue hope. Li Han is my hope.

Li Han quickly shouted again: "Brothers, we are not little devils. Don't shoot! Don't shoot!"

Tan Lingling was startled again and thought to herself: What's going on? Isn't the other person a kid? What? Why is Li Han so powerful? You can tell at a glance that the other person is not a kid?

However, at this moment, why is it inconvenient for her to ask?

She could only hide this curiosity in her heart.

When the group heard this, no one fired, but they still pointed their guns at Li Han.

Li Han explained hurriedly: "Brothers, I am the Major Battalion Commander of the 262nd Brigade, from the Special Agent Battalion. I am Li Han, also known as Crazy Li. Which unit are you in?"

The leading officer said: "I am a deputy company commander of the anti-aircraft artillery regiment. My name is Shen Tianle. I participated in the battle to defend the Yuhuatai Fuguo position. The brothers were separated and could not get out of the city, so they could only wander around. Battalion Commander Li, is there anything to eat? Brothers are hungry!"

Li Han nodded and said: "Yes! Come with me! After eating, everyone will have a rest and then leave the city in the evening." After saying that, he waved his hand and held the saber in front to open the way.

From yesterday to today, Li Han has walked a lot of familiar roads because of rescuing people, fighting ambushes, rescuing people, and drawing blood.

Soon, he took Shen Tianle and the remaining 18 officers and soldiers of his unit back to the backyard of the private house where Li Hao was recovering from his injuries. Then he took out the can of Little Devil and distributed it to Shen Tianle and the other 19 people. , and boiled water for them to drink, and then boiled water for them to take a shower.

Then, Li Han introduced Li Hao and Tan Lingling to Shen Tianle.

Shen Tianle also introduced eighteen of his men to Li Han.

After Li Han finished the introduction, he smiled and asked: "Captain Shen, can you lend me a few people? For example, your company's female communications soldier Zhuli Wen, sharp knife squad leader Gao Shiguang, gunner Han Guomao, and soldier Miao who can drive. Zhonghai. ”

Shen Tianle shook his head and said: "No, I promised them that I will take them out of the city. Staying in the city will only lead to death."

Li Han said with a smile: "What you said is just a general rule, but it depends on who leads the troops. If I come to lead the troops and stay in the city, not only will I not die, but I will also be able to deal with the Japs until the victory of the War of Resistance."

Shen Tianle shook his head again and said: "No! There is no joke in the army. We are not joking now. You are the battalion commander. Originally, I should listen to you. But now is a special period. I can only take my Team. I have to take them out of the city alive. Otherwise, I will be sorry for the brothers who died in the battle."

Li Han had no choice but to threaten: "Captain Shen, to be honest, I am from the Fuxing Society's Secret Service. I belong to Director Dai. I am lurking in the city because Director Dai has ordered me to rescue some cultural relics." Celebrity, but as you know, in the battle of Yuhuatai, our unit suffered all casualties, and I crawled out from among the dead. I need a few talents from your company to help me carry out the tasks assigned to me by Director Dai. series of missions. Please support! And ask Julie Wen to send a message to Director Dai. She has a radio station, but I don’t. Moreover, I am the major battalion commander, and you are just the lieutenant deputy company commander. You must listen to me. More importantly, If you dare to disobey my order, you are offending Director Dai and the principal. You will definitely not end well in the future. Also, tonight, I will send you out of the city and ensure your safety, one person at a time. "

When Shen Tianle saw Li Han carrying out "Director Dai" and "Principal", he felt helpless and scared, and he stammered and agreed: "This, this, okay!"

He immediately called in the beautiful communication soldier Zhu Zhuwen, the sharp knife squad leader Gao Shiguang, the gunner Han Guomao, and the driver Miao Zhonghai, and asked them to obey Li Han's dispatch, execute Li Han's order, and then stay in Jinling to perform special missions.

The immediate superior had an order, and no matter whether Zhu Zhuwen, Gao Shiguang, Han Guomao, or Miao Zhonghai wanted to do it or not, they had no choice but to obey it at this time.

However, they thought to themselves: Just run away when you get the chance, no matter what bullshit orders he gave! It’s so sad that the battle is like this! The only thing they can do now is to escape and save their lives, and kill the little Japs again if they have the chance in the future!

Li Han immediately waved Tan Lingling over, and then led his team of recruits to the cellar. They walked together to Li Hao's kang, closed the cellar door, and distributed to them the "March 8th Congress" gifts collected from the Japs. Cover", "Southern Type 14 Pistol", grenades, military uniforms, and announced in a low voice the immediate establishment of the "Ghost Seeing Sorrow Rangers". Li Han appointed himself as major captain, appointed Li Hao and Tan Lingling as captain deputy captains, and promoted Gao Shiguang, Zhuli Wen, Han Guomao and Miao Zhonghai are second lieutenants.

No one knew whether the order Li Han said was true or false, but Li Han was the battalion commander and their commander. The commander said this was an order from the top, so they had no choice but to obey and resolutely carry it out.

Then, Li Han said: "Brothers and sisters, from now on, you are my brothers and sisters. It is indeed very dangerous for us to hide in Jinling. However, from the day we became soldiers, we knew It will be very dangerous for us to be soldiers. Aren’t we soldiers just to protect our home and country? If we go out of the city now, will it be safe?”

When he said this, all the team members fell silent.

His words were easy to understand! He immediately spoke to everyone's heart.

Seeing this, Li Han waved his hand again and said loudly: "Brothers and sisters, who are our enemies? Who are our friends? This issue is now the primary issue of the Anti-Japanese War. Fighting the Japanese is not a treat for dinner, not an essay, not a painting Embroidery can't be so elegant, it can't be so leisurely, it can't be so gentle, it can't be so gentle and courteous. In the bloody battles in the past few days, weren't the Japs cruel? Now, aren't the little Japs you see cruel? Aren't the Japs killing our civilians everywhere? Common people and our comrades in the fraternal forces who have put down their firearms? Therefore, in the days when we are lurking in Jinling, we must unite, strictly observe discipline, keep secrets, and resolutely carry out special tasks without fear of death. , to avenge our dead comrades, and to avenge the innocent people who were harmed by the little devils. Fighting to regain the mountains and rivers, even if we die, is the most glorious. If we go out of the city now and are unfortunately beaten to death by the little devils, then We are still deserters, shameful!"

What he said was very easy to understand, and the principles were easy to understand.

Then, Li Han emphasized that "a soldier's bounden duty is to obey" and said that he would perform a number of special and glorious tasks in the future. From then on, everyone turned to underground activities.

During the implementation of the task, a single line of contact is implemented.

He is solely responsible for the contact with Shangfeng, and no one else is allowed to interfere.

He would pick a day to get the code book back and ask Zhuliwen to send a report to "Director Dai".

This chapter has been completed!
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