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49. Captain Mutiny

The little Japanese spy who pointed his gun at Liu Wenlin and Jack John was also killed by Han Guo Mao's machine gun fire.

At this time, the agents of the Jinling Station of the Fuxing Society Secret Service lurking around took out their guns, held their guns and fired, covering John and Jack, protecting John and Jack, and fighting bloody battles with the little Japanese military police and little Japanese spies.

Bah bah!

Bang bang bang!

There were also agents who leaned down to pick up the MP18 next to the corpse of the Japs agent on the ground, and fired at the Japs snipers on the tall buildings on both sides.

Thug tug tug! tug tug tug!

The little Japanese sniper on the high-rise building hurriedly shrank his head and dragged his rifle, and then ran on the roof of the building with his sniper rifle, bending his body, changing positions, and changing his sniping point.

Taking this opportunity, Li Han jumped up with his gun in hand and charged. While running towards Liu Wenlin's rickshaw, he fired at the Japanese military police around him.

Bah bah! Ahhh!

The little Japanese military policemen were shot and fell down one after another, screaming and dying.

Bang bang bang!

Tan Lingling then drove her car at a high speed and knocked away several Japanese military policemen. She then spun around at high speed and knocked away several more Japanese military policemen.

Bang bang bang!

She applied the emergency brake again, and with a "squeak" sound, the car slid across in front of Liu Wenlin, John and Jack.

She turned her head and shouted out the car window: "Mr. John, get in the car quickly!"

Li Han also rushed over, threw two "box cannons" onto Liu Wenlin's rickshaw, opened the door for John and Jack, and said loudly in English: "We, get in the car quickly!"

John and Jack recognized Li Han's voice and got into the car.

South Korea's Mao took the risk and came to shoot with his gun.

Chug tug tug! Ba ba ba ba! tug tug tug! Ahhhhh!

Han Guo Mao killed more than a dozen Japanese military policemen, then turned around and retreated to Tan Lingling's car. He bent down and stepped back into the car, but still fired with his gun.

Thug tug tug! tug tug tug!

Bang! Bang! Not far away, two sniper rifles from two young Japs in the tall buildings on both sides also hit an agent on the forehead and side of the forehead with two bullets.

However, some agents held "box cannons" and shot at the Japs snipers on the tall buildings on both sides.

Bah bah!

South Korea Mao reached out to grab Li Han again, grabbed Li Han, dragged Li Han into the car, and shouted: "Spider, drive away quickly! Our mission is to protect Mr. John and Mr. Jack."

Tan Lingling looked sideways and saw that Li Han had also gotten into the car. She was ecstatic and cried with excitement.

She doesn't care about any bullshit missions. The most important thing in her heart is Li Han and Li Han's safety.

She was relieved and happy when Li Han got in the car.

Bah bah bah!

Liu Wenlin threw the rickshaw away, grabbed two "box guns" and got into Tan Lingling's car.

Sui Kaixin also ran over with a gun in hand and got into the passenger compartment.

Tan Lingling drove wildly, bang, bang, bang! She knocked away several more little Japanese agents.

She then drove around in random directions, regardless of whether it was a street or an alley.

Because the car was traveling very fast, she ran wherever she could.

The other agents at Jinling Station who had no time to get on the bus, were unable to get on the bus, and had no car to get on, still held their guns and fought to the death with the enemy, fighting bloody battles to block the Japanese spies and the Japanese military police who were chasing Tan Lingling's car.

Gradually, the gunfire became sparse. Under the snipers from the high-rise buildings on both sides, some agents fell into a pool of blood.

Li Han turned his head and looked at the agents outside the windshield behind him who were shot and fell to the ground, screaming and dying, and couldn't help but feel heartache.

He cried and yelled: "Brothers, brothers! Woohoo! Brothers died so miserably!"

When everyone heard Li Han burst into tears, they burst into tears and felt heartbroken.

In this battle, all thirteen agents lurking around the front gate of the train station died heroically.

The heavy losses at Jinling Station were unprecedented since Jinling was unblocked.

There are currently only five members of its operations team left who are unable to participate in the battle.

However, rescuing John and Jack is a more important task. In the future, it will be up to them to expose the crimes of the Japs' Jinling Massacre in the foreign media.

As for how to send them out of the city, we have to observe the situation.

Now, it's all about protecting John and Jack.

Their lives must not be endangered.

Hisaka Sakai hurriedly led the team into the car and drove quickly after Tan Lingling's car.

Momoko Iguchi, Zou Feiyan (Sachiko Suzuki), and Guo Meixi (Sawako Emura) escorted Xu Youyuan into the car, drove Xu Youyuan to the special high school dungeon, and tied Xu Youyuan to a cross.

Two shirtless little devils, one whipped Xu Youyuan hard with a whip, and the other also beat Xu Youyuan hard with a wooden stick.

Bang! Bang!

Ouch! Ouch! Ouch!

When the whips came out from the front, Xu Youyuan closed his eyes and gritted his teeth to endure it.

When the sticks hit him from the front, Xu Youyuan endured the pain and did not scream.

However, after ten whips and ten sticks, Xu Youyuan could no longer bear it.

He screamed in agony, his skin was torn and his body was covered in bloodstains. After a while, he tilted his head and fainted.

Suzuki Sachiko picked up a bucket of cold water and poured it on Xu Youyuan's body.



Xu Youyuan's wound was stimulated by the cold water, causing him to cry out in pain and wake up from the pain.

The two little devils immediately grabbed a few handfuls of salt and sprinkled it on Xu Youyuan's wounds.

Oops! Xu Youyuan screamed like a slaughtering pig again, and his whole body was shaking.

He screamed at the top of his lungs for a while, lowered his head, and said feebly: "I'll attack! I'll attack anything! As long as you don't hit me again, don't hit me. I'll attack anything! I'll attack you!"

Hahahaha! Momoko Iguchi, Sachiko Suzuki, and Sawako Emura all looked up to the sky and laughed proudly.

As long as the arrested person reaches the dungeon of the Little Japanese Special High School, there are only two outcomes, either to confess or to commit suicide. There is no third situation.

However, Xu Youyuan did not have the courage to commit suicide.

The two big-bodied little devils immediately untied Xu Youyuan, carried Xu Youyuan to the desk, and moved the pen and paper in front of him.

Xu Youyuan tremblingly picked up the pen and wrote down everything he knew about the situation.

Momoko Iguchi ordered the little Japanese agents standing around to tie up Xu Youyuan again. When Section Chief Sakai came back to read the confession and interrogate Xu Youyuan again, she, Sachiko Suzuki and Sawako Emura walked out of the dungeon to discuss secretly for a while, and then led the team to drive to Mingwa Gallery.

, arrested the left-behind personnel of the Jinling Station of the Fuxing Society Secret Service and the deputy station chief Shang Wang who was in charge of the secret service in the city. However, Shang Wang had arrived in Shanghai in advance with his beautiful female secretary Di Xing and the beautiful telegraph operator Zhang Ying.

They bought tickets for John and Jack to return to China, and stayed in a large hotel arranged for the three of them by the Fuxing Society Secret Service in Shanghai. They waited quietly for the arrival of Xu Youyuan and Sui Kaixin to escort John and Jack. Shang Wang and the other three were

I got on the train to Shanghai three days ago.

The radio stations they brought were not turned on around the clock and would occasionally be turned on at night.

Although this is the French Concession, there are spies with little Japs everywhere, there are also listening radios for the Japs, and there are also patrols from the patrol house patrolling day and night.

Therefore, in the evening, they did not receive a telegram from Juliwen.

Momoko Iguchi, Sachiko Suzuki, and Sawako Emura led a team to the secret service station of Mingwalang Shangwang and captured a left-behind person and a nanny.

However, Momoko Iguchi, Sachiko Suzuki, and Sawako Emura did not find the radio station or other important documents.

Because of the vast cellar, where is the door? How to get in? What is hidden inside? Is there a cellar?

Only Shang Wang and Di Xing know.

This chapter has been completed!
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