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52. Steal chicken and eat rice

On the way, Jiro Sakamoto was still angry and said: "Everyone in the consulate is rumoring that Yamada Taiyoshi is a rich second generation. I didn't expect that he is actually true. He lives in such a luxurious villa. Even Commander Matsui is not as wealthy as him."

Nakamura Riko said with emotion: "The Yamada family is a big and noble family in our country. Our screening of him will stop here. What's more, his brother Yamada Hideyoshi, Colonel Yamada, has been killed in the battle. He is the only one left in Yamada-kun's family.

A son, a single sprout. His brother shed his last drop of blood for the holy war.”

Momoko Iguchi pretended to be dissatisfied and said: "Riko, you can't catch Yamada Yao, but you want to catch Yamada Taikichi?" Nakamura Riko also said in a nonchalant manner: "Hey, who was looking at Yamada-kun's half body just now?

Don’t want to leave?”

Momoko Iguchi immediately blushed and was so angry that she could no longer speak.

Jiro Sakamoto said angrily: "Do you women all like Otori's men?"

Nakamura Riko said without shame: "Yes! Let's go to the hot springs later and let Captain Iguchi Momoko and I take a look at your little bird. How about it?"

Ha ha ha ha!

Momoko Iguchi laughed.

They are all well-trained female agents. They have never seen anything and tasted nothing. How can they be ashamed?

Now, it is Sakamoto Jiro who is ashamed.

He also didn't dare to go to the hot springs with Nakamura Riko and Iguchi Momo.

He was really afraid that his little carrot would be seen by them and looked down upon by them from now on.

He folded his arms on his chest and pretended to sleep.

Nakamura Riko deliberately provoked Sakamoto Jiro. How could she go to the hot springs at this time? How could she be in the mood to go to the hot springs now? She had to go back and report the work situation to Sakai Hisaka!

The three of them drove back to the Yangtze Hotel, and reported in a low voice to Hisaka Sakai in the corridor about the investigation of "Yamada Taiyoshi", and together they proved that "Yamada Taiyoshi" had no gunshot wounds or knife wounds, and his skin was very

It's soft and supple, just like the skin of a beautiful woman.

Sakai Jiuxiang said in a loud voice: "Then why are you so boring to investigate such a scumbag? You are wasting time, wasting your life, and wasting the funds of the special high school. Huh! You sent people to keep an eye on Xu Youyuan. I will give it a try in a few days.

Come and talk to him again."

After hearing the report, Hisaka Sakai was even more angry.

She scolded them vehemently, turned around, and suddenly felt dizzy. Her blood pressure may have soared. She almost fell to the ground.

Takahashi Naeko hurriedly stretched out her hand to support her and waved her hand.

Several female spies from the Special High School Division hurried over, and together they carried Hisaka Sakai into the elevator, took the elevator downstairs, helped her get into the car, and escorted her back to her high-end luxury apartment to rest.

In the large villa at No. 123, Dingxinqiao Street, when he heard the footsteps of Iguchi Momo and others walking away, "Yamada Taiji" quickly jumped up, cleaned, cleared away debris, and went to the bathroom to take a shower.

He didn't drink at all, but when he poured a bottle of sake on himself, the smell of wine was indeed too strong.

Then, he changed into a suit and tie, glued a beard on his face, and used a paintbrush to make his eyebrows thicker. Then he left home, climbed over the wall, and walked to the nearby Buick sedan that had just changed its license plate.

He took out his car keys, got into the car, and drove straight to the auto repair shop owned by foreigners.

Why did he go to the auto repair shop?

Because Li Han thought about the vehicle driving license for the car he snatched, and these driving licenses can only be issued by mechanics from these auto repair shops.

Occasionally, when he encounters a kid setting up a traffic jam, he can't just use a knife or a gun casually. After all, he still has to lurk deep in the kid's consulate.

In the Republic of China, the status of car mechanics was very high.

Because cars were one of the favorites of celebrities and wealthy gentry at that time.

The so-called beautiful women with beautiful cars only have luxury cars and beautiful women.

A car represents the status and status of wealthy gentry and celebrities.

As long as you have a car, you cannot do without pre-sales and after-sales services.

At that time, the price of a Ford luxury car in Jinling was more than 12,000 yuan per car. How many people could earn more than 10,000 yuan in cash in their lifetime?

It’s the ocean! It’s not paper money.

Gasoline is also quite expensive per liter.

At that time, many merchants were reselling gasoline.

So profitable!

Therefore, the status of car mechanics at that time was very high.

After work, they all like to wear a white shirt, drink coffee elegantly, and taste high-end Western food with a knife and fork skillfully. Their private lives are very rich. After work, most auto mechanics wear slicked back hair, customized suits or

He wears leather jackets, hangs out in cafes, and often goes to dance clubs. Many senior military and police officers and auto mechanics are brothers and have a very good relationship. At that time, the popular brands among the rich and gentry were Ford, Chevrolet, Buick, Lincoln, Cadillac, Mercedes-Benz, etc.


Now, the car Li Han snatched was a Buick luxury car.

However, the situation was critical at that time, and there were soldiers chasing behind him. Li Han did not get the car driving license of the fat businessman, so he could only ask an auto mechanic to help him get it now.

Moreover, in the following spy battle, he will need to change license plates frequently.

Shang Wang had prepared those fake license plates for him before, but he had to repair the car in the future and keep it secret!

It is impossible for Shangwang to come out every time the car is repaired.

In this case, you must get to know an auto mechanic.

Li Han drove to the auto repair street. Most of the auto repair shops were closed.

One of the auto repair shops kept the door open because an auto mechanic was celebrating his birthday, and they were drinking and eating meat.

Seeing Li Han driving over at this time, the auto mechanics were a little strange.

Li Han said that there was something wrong with his car and he asked for help to check it.

The boss is a foreigner, very tall and strong.

He came out and spoke English chatteringly.

Therefore, Li Han also spoke English.

The boss's name was Cara. When he saw that Li Han spoke English fluently, he didn't dare to look down on him and became friendly.

Li Han picked up a few tubes of cash and gave them to Cara, and asked Cara in a low voice to help him apply for a driving license.

What a generous move!

There is no other way, this is what you have to do when asking for help.

Since you have to pay, you have to pay enough to make people excited.

Carat saw that although Li Han had a beard, his eyes were sharp and he was very impressive, so he agreed.

Li Han took out another small yellow croaker and gave it to him, asking him to help him get a second-hand car and get the certificate and license plate.

Kara also happily agreed and asked Li Han to come and pick it up when he got off work tomorrow evening.

He said he remembered the license plate number of Li Han's car.

After get off work the next evening, Li Han took advantage of the rickshaw to come over to collect his ID and the second-hand car.

Carat greeted him with a smile, but unexpectedly, as soon as Li Han entered the store, the iron door was closed. After Carat closed the iron door, he reached out and took a pair of large iron pliers, intending to give Li Han a plier at any time and kill Li Han.

There were several fake policemen lurking in his auto repair shop, claiming that Kela had reported the crime and wanted to arrest "Shan Gang". Moreover, the four fake policemen pointed guns at Li Han. Last night, Li Han was under the pseudonym "Shan Gang"


Li Han was furious and suddenly raised his foot and kicked a fake policeman away.

The fake policeman's back hit the wall, and there was a sudden click. His spine broke, and he fell to the ground. He fainted. Li Han turned around quickly and punched the fake policeman, crooked his nose, and then struck with his elbow.

He hit a fake policeman with a full mouth of teeth and knocked it to the ground. Then he reached out and grabbed the fake policeman's neck. He put his five fingers together and there was another click. The fake policeman's throat was severed. He tilted his head and died miserably.

He fell to the ground. He knocked down four fake policemen in twelve seconds. Cara held a large iron pliers and hit Li Han from the back.

Li Han heard the wind and moved, sideways to avoid Kara's fatal blow, took out the m1935 with a silencer with his backhand, opened the safety, and pointed at Kara.

Kelat immediately yelled and turned around to pull the iron door, trying to escape.

Li Han shot Clara in the ear.



A hole was punched through Carat's ear, and the side of his face was immediately covered in blood.

Li Han stepped forward with his gun in hand and punched Cara on the nose again.

Boom! Oops! Bang!

Kela's nose was crooked and the bridge of his nose was broken. He fell to the ground.

Li Han stepped on him, pointed his gun, and cursed angrily: "You are a foreigner, and you have come to our land to run rampant, cheating, abducting, killing and setting fires. How many years have you foreign devils bullied us? Since 1840.

Since the beginning of the new year, you have come to our land, using smoke and guns to oppress our ancestors for generations. How many families have been deceived by you and their families have been destroyed? How many children have been innocently displaced? Get up and pay me ten times the money. Go and get the money right away.

! If you dare to mess around again, I will kill your whole family. I will settle the score with you, starting from 1840! Look how many hundreds of millions of taels of silver you foreign devils owe us?"

Kara put her hands on the ground, stood up with difficulty, and nodded.

Li Han took out another grenade and said coldly: "If you dare to lie to me again, I will blow up your auto repair shop." Bang! Kara sat down on the ground again in fright.

Li Han kicked him in the crotch.

Woof! Woof woof! Carat immediately covered his crotch with both hands, bent over, and barked like a dog.

Li Han cursed angrily: "Get up quickly and get the money. From now on, I want 40% of the shares in this auto repair shop. You must give me at least three small yellow croakers every month. Now, you are going to get ten large yellow croakers."

Give it to me. Otherwise, hey!"

Kara peed her pants, and the hands covering her crotch were covered in urine.

He wiped his hands on his clothes and stood up with difficulty. He knew he had encountered a hard problem. He shook his head and nodded. He walked into his office tremblingly, opened the safe, took out a delicate box, and opened the box again.

Li Han has a look.

Inside were thirty golden yellow croakers and thirty small yellow croakers.

He reached out to pick up the big yellow croaker, and Li Han reached out to flip the lid of the box and click it.

Oops! Kara's hand was clamped, and the pain made him scream like a pig again.

With his love of history and his habit of reading historical materials in modern society, Li Han knew Carat well and knew that Carat was a multi-faceted spy. So, Li Han said coldly: "These are all the money you cheated.

You got the ill-gotten gains from bullying our people. Now that I have seen these ill-gotten gains, do you still want to take them back? Huh!" After he finished scolding, he opened the lid of the box again. Carat retracted his hand,

His whole body was trembling, he was sweating, his face was blue, and he stepped aside.

However, Clark's crotch also hurt, and he was a little unsteady when standing.

Li Han pointed a gun at the side of Cara's forehead with one hand, reached into the safe with the other hand, grabbed several large stacks of banknotes, and put them into the wooden box. He also grabbed a few more tubes of cash and put them into the wooden box.

This chapter has been completed!
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