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55. Strategies to avoid the enemy

Suddenly, he heard that such a heroic comrade committed suicide by drinking a bullet. He was really sad, extremely sad.

He knew that Luo Juncheng committed suicide by grabbing a gun and drinking bullets because he did not want to be a traitor, but he was also afraid that he would not be able to withstand the thirty-six sets of cruel torture instruments of the little devil.

Therefore, Luo Juncheng chose to commit suicide by drinking a bullet.

Luo Juncheng is truly a true man!

Sakurako Yamada comforted her again and said: "There is one less true hero in the world, but there is more aura of righteousness and spiritual power. Sakai Hisaka was so angry that her blood pressure soared just now. Because of the latent list provided by Xu Youyuan, the special high-level course

Only Luo Juncheng was captured, and none of the other lurkers were found or captured. It is said that after the last battle at the train station, she was so angry that her blood pressure soared. Because she only killed nine of you, and you fought

Thirty-nine of them were killed, twenty-three of them were injured, and many of their vehicles were destroyed. I just went to check Sakai Hisaka’s blood pressure and prescribe her medicine. I heard from the people next to her that Sakai Hisaka will

Arrange for Xu Youyuan to serve as the deputy chief of the police station and the captain of the security brigade. This move is quite cruel. You and your people must be careful and careful. Once this traitor is found out, you will all be ruined."

Li Han nodded sadly and reached out to wipe away his tears, but his heart still ached.

Yamada Sakurako added: "You have to be careful! The job at the consulate will put you in danger. Otherwise, if you quit, I will call my father and ask him for help, and I will find you a low-key and low-key job."

It's a very high-paying job. Of course, the most important thing is to ensure your safety. Also, Xu Youyuan may come to your home in the future, or he may go to the consulate to find you, because there is a person named Nakamura Riko who always suggests

Xu Youyuan arranged to go to the consulate, get along with you every day, and check on you every day. Fortunately, there was a person named Iguchi Momoko who stopped her. She said that she would not let the consulate work? Wasn't the Consul General Imai Taro angry? This matter was suppressed. However,

You are always in danger. It is said that Xu Youyuan knows you and has met you."

Li Han shook his head and said resolutely: "I won't leave. I work in the consulate. I have identity, status, and high level. This is the best cover for me. Moreover, I am familiar with English, German, French, and Japanese. This job

The job is suitable for me, and Taro Imai will reuse me sooner or later. Sakurako, thank you, please go back first, it's too late. The weather is cold and raining, so don't catch a cold."

Sakurako Yamada scolded and said, "You are too stingy and you didn't even invite me in. I'm also curious, why is your house so big? It's bigger than mine. This is not normal. How about I go in and take a look?"


Li Han looked at Sakurako Yamada, who suddenly turned into a childish look, and was infected by her innocence.

However, he wanted to laugh but couldn't. After all, the hero's comrade Luo Juncheng had just died and he had to report the news.

So, he had no choice but to say: "Forget it, let's try another day. You have stayed here for too long tonight. I don't know if there are any enemy agents around who are watching you, or maybe they are watching me."

Sakurako Yamada pouted and cursed: "Little devil! I will never come to you again. Humph!"

She turned around, opened the car door, got into her car, and the driver Sakamoto Haraki drove away.

Li Han suddenly felt extremely lonely and lonely in his soul.

He looked around for a while, made sure it was safe, then opened the back door, then turned around and got into the car, drove in, stopped and got out, and closed the back door.

Then, he climbed over the wall, went to a nearby public phone booth, and called Linglong Cheongsam Store.

He solemnly informed Tan Lingling that Luo Juncheng committed suicide by grabbing a gun and drinking a bullet, and that Xu Youyuan would serve as the deputy director of the pseudo-police station and captain of the security brigade, and asked Tan Lingling to report to Shang Wang immediately.

Later, he climbed over the wall and went home, facing the cruel reality and the tragic situation, thinking about how to lurk deeply and ensure the safety of Tan Lingling, Zhu Zhuwen, Gao Shiguang, and Han Guomao.

Also, how can we send John and Jack out of Jinling and escort John and Jack to Shanghai?

Around three o'clock in the morning, he sat on the sofa and fell asleep.

The reality is cruel, but Li Han still has to go to work, keep his job, and lurk deeply.

With a few spring breezes and a few spring rains, Jinling began to be dyed with tender green and tender pink, and the dreamlike pink and white color quietly bloomed.

Li Han started to drive to work. His license plate was changed and his driving license was obtained. It was also time to drive to work. When he had actions or tasks, he could drive at a faster speed. Today he was in a suit and leather shoes, with shiny leather shoes and a slicked back hair.

He looked like a big boss, one pocket was stuffed with military tickets used by the little devils, and the other was stuffed with French currency.

He drove a Ford luxury car and came to the consulate to work confidently.

The little Japanese agents no longer searched him, so Li Han also attached a Browning pistol and came with several magazines and rows of small throwing knives.

He entered the European and American Research Room on the second floor and found that Shi Zhenxiang had returned, and Momoko Iguchi was also there.

The two women were both lowering their heads to translate documents, and there was an additional young man in the office.

Li Han had an expressionless face and did not greet anyone.

He came in, made a cup of coffee, took a sip, and then walked out of the corridor.

He took out a cigarette, held it in his mouth, took out a lighter and lit it, then looked downstairs.

He found the two slightly hunched old men cleaning the house and cleaning the trash cans. Li Han thought to himself: These two brothers are my role models. They can disguise themselves as hunchbacks every day and work deep in the kid's consulate.

It's amazing to do dirty and tiring work and win the trust of Consul General Taro Imai!

Shi Zhenxiang glanced at Li Han's figure, pretended to get up, walked to the tea room separated by glass, and poured a glass of boiled water.

Then, she pretended to scream again: "Ouch, there is a fly in the coffee. Hey, Yamada-kun, would you like to pour the coffee away for you?"

Li Han came in with a cigarette in his mouth and said with a smile: "No, I like to drink coffee soaked in flies."

Hahahaha! Indoor Momo and the new boy laughed loudly.

Li Han picked up the cup of coffee and found no flies, so he knew that Shi Zhenxiang had something to say to him.

So, he walked out with this cup of coffee.

Shi Zhenxiang followed and whispered: "How were you doing that day?"

Li Handong looked around and saw no one following him, so he whispered: "We didn't send anyone out. There was another person who was arrested and rebelled, and confessed many of our secrets. In a few days, the traitor will be better injured and may be able to survive."

Come here to check on me. If you have a chance, contact your leader to see if you can help and cooperate with us to assassinate the traitor."

Shi Zhenxiang nodded and said loudly: "Yamada-kun, you are so scary, you even dare to eat flies." Then she took the water glass and turned back to the office.

Momoko Iguchi and the new guy heard that "Yamada Taiji" ate flies, so they quickly ran out of the office to have a look.

Li Han took a sip of coffee and looked like he was chewing a fly with relish.

People from other offices also ran out, looked at the fly-eating weirdo "Yamada Taiyoshi", and whispered again:

"I heard that Yamada Taichi is a psychopath!"

"Yes! I heard that he had sex with a street girl at the Qingfeng Tavern some time ago. He also contracted an illness."

"It's disgusting. How come our office is next to a European and American research laboratory? Everyone, please be careful, ventilate the room frequently, wash your hands frequently, and don't get infected by that mental illness. Don't go to the toilet on the second floor."

"I heard that Yamada Taiyoshi is a second-generation rich man who spent a lot of money to get a job in the consulate. He must be quite handsome. If you can marry him, you will have no worries about food and clothing for the rest of your life."

"Yamada Taiyoshi is good-looking, but he is a mentally ill person. Can you survive living with a mentally ill person?"

"What are you afraid of? As long as you have money!"

"Well, what the little nymphomaniac said is right. Playing the piano to a cow is not a skill, but talking to a cow is the real skill."

"Ha ha ha ha……"

"Oh, can he kill someone?"

"Everyone, please go back to work. Be careful about this person and close the door."

In an instant, people from several other offices slipped cleanly in the corridor.

Li Han secretly thanked Shi Zhenxiang for this "poisonous trick". From now on, no one else would dare to go to the toilet he visited.

That's great! It would be best if everyone here would stay a few feet away when they see him, so as to prevent him from being watched.

People in several offices were talking about it, and it didn't take long for it to spread throughout the building. Jiro Sakamoto, who was screening new employees in the East Asia Research Office, was secretly happy when he heard about the "scandal" of "Yamada Taiji" and the street girl.

He was the one who let it out. I didn’t expect the effect to be so good now, haha! Yamada Taiji, so what if you have a big carrot? Which beautiful girl dares to get close to you now? Hehe!

Momoko Iguchi approached Li Han and whispered: "Yamada-kun, the one who exposed your scandal must be Sakamoto Jiro. I will deal with him after get off work and avenge you."

Li Han shook his head and said, "Why bother? What he said is true. I've been feeling a little itchy down there in the past few days. I guess I'm infected."

"Ah?" Momoko Iguchi screamed and stepped back.

She just had a good impression of "Yamada Taiji", but suddenly she was afraid and started to hate "Yamada Taiji" again.

What Li Han needs is this kind of effect. He is handsome and rich now, but he is really afraid of being attracted by the girl from the consulate.

He is very clear about his mission. He is here to lurk deeply, to fight the Japanese, not to fall in love.

It's a good thing that there is no little girl to get close to him.

Moreover, at the Jinling Station of the Fuxing Society Secret Service, there are already two beautiful little girls, Tan Lingling and Zhu Zhuwen, who love him deeply. This is enough.

So, Li Han smiled at Jingkou Taozi, then turned around and threw the cigarette butts in the trash can. He poured some coffee into it and poured it on the cigarette butts to prevent fire.

Afterwards, he walked back to the office with a smile, sat on his small desk, and translated documents.

This day, he was much quieter.

No one came to bother him anymore, for fear of being infected by his "disease".

This chapter has been completed!
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