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60. Crisis

She went back downstairs, called the fake police station, and asked Xu Youyuan to come to the consulate to investigate "Yamada Taiji", and said that this "Yamada Taiji" looked very much like "Crazy Li", but there were no calluses on his hands and no hat marks on his forehead.

There were no gunshot wounds or knife wounds on his body. However, he acted extremely cautiously and did not leave any traces. The Special High School has never found anything suspicious about "Yamada Taiji". You have had contact with "Crazy Li", come here

Let's see if this "Yamada Taiji" is the "Crazy Li" we want to arrest and bring to justice?

Xu Youyuan actually heard about this while he was recovering from his injuries. Now that a kid invited him to come to the consulate to investigate the case, of course he agreed excitedly.

The hunched-over janitor downstairs overheard Momo Iguchi's phone call, pretended to go to the second floor to pick up garbage, carried a garbage basket on his back, and walked to the corner of the stairs on the second floor. He looked forward, back, left, and right.

Look, no one was watching, so he nervously took out a pen and paper and wrote a note. Then, he put away the pen, hid it in his pocket, held the note, and came to Li Han's door, coughing on purpose.

There was a sound.

Li Han felt something was wrong, so he gently came out to open the door. The cleaner threw the note to Li Han, turned around and walked away without saying anything. As a deep lurking agent, the cleaner could know who Li Han was.

Naturally, Shang Wang had secretly taken care of him. Li Han was familiar with this cleaner. He reached out to take the note, turned back to his room, leaned against the door, opened the note and read it, his mind suddenly buzzed.

He quickly lit a fire to burn the note, threw it into the ashtray and burned it, poured water to wet the ashes, then took the ashtray to the bathroom and flushed it, cleaning the ashtray clean. Then, he returned

Go to the office, close the door, light a cigarette, think about it, tie up the throwing knife, pistol and grenades, walk to the bathroom, get out of the bathroom window, grab the outdoor water pipe, and slide down the water pipe.

He carefully walked to the public phone booth and made a call to Linglong Cheongsam Store. Then, he walked to a house diagonally opposite.

The owner of the house was having breakfast. When he turned his head and saw that the door was kicked open, he stood up and cursed: "Grandma, who are you? You just break into other people's houses!" As soon as he finished speaking, Li Han was like the wind.

When he came in normally, the owner of the house was punched unconscious before he could see Li Han clearly. Li Han reached out and gently caught the owner, dragged him indoors, then walked to the window facing the street, took out his gun, and opened the door

He took out two more grenades and watched the passing vehicles closely.

Twenty minutes later, Xu Youyuan rode in a luxury car, and came in the middle under the cover of the motorcycle in front and the military vehicle that followed. There was another military vehicle behind him. He led seventy or eighty puppets

The police came, very majestic. In his car, Sachiko Suzuki and Sawako Emura were sitting in the back seat. He was sitting in the middle of these two little devils. The people driving and sitting in the passenger seat were all little Japanese gendarmes.

, not only to protect Xu Youyuan's safety, but also to monitor Xu Youyuan's work. When Li Han saw the car, he put down his pistol, held two grenades, knocked each other, and threw them from the window towards Xu Youyuan's car.

Suzuki Sachiko happened to move the window of the car and looked out to see what was going on outside the car. When she saw a grenade being thrown from the air, she screamed: "No! There is an assassin!" She reached out to grab Xu Youyuan, pushed the door open with one hand, and used all her strength to

Dragging Xu Youyuan out of the car door, he rolled on the ground. After landing, he continued to roll and fell into a smelly ditch on the side of the road.

Xu Youyuan's leg injury was not healed. He was rolling continuously, and the gunshot wound burst out. The pain was so painful that he screamed like a butchered pig, secretly greeting Suzuki Sachiko in his heart.

Boom boom!

Two grenades landed on the roof of the car and exploded, tearing the car apart.

The car body was scattered and pieces of iron were flying.

The two little Japanese gendarmes inside were blown to pieces.

In an instant, Jiangcun Sawako also pushed open the door and ran to the side, rolling on the spot and falling into a ditch on the side of the road. She was covered in sewage and smelled bad.

At this time, Tan Lingling, Zhu Zhuwen, Gao Shiguang, and Han Guomao drove over.

Tan Lingling held a sniper rifle, stuck the muzzle of the gun out of the car window, and fired at the fuel tank of the military truck of the puppet police. Bang! Boom! The fuel tank of the military truck was hit and exploded immediately. She just jumped out of the car and opened the car.

The fake policemen who were looking around the military cart with guns were blown to pieces. Those who survived were also injured by the broken iron frame and wooden bars. Some fake policemen were covered in fire and were burned into charred corpses amidst bursts of wailing.

Other fake police officers had guns with four fingers.

Some fake policemen used their guns to see through the firelight and spotted Tan Lingling's suspicious vehicle. Then they started yelling and shooting, and they chased Tan Lingling and others.

Julie Wen then drove through the streets and alleys, leaving this place of right and wrong and returning to Linglong Cheongsam Store. On the way, Tan Lingling and Guo Guomao got off the car and walked into the telephone exchange.

The two of them were wearing Japanese military uniforms and holding pistols.

The staff at the telephone exchange obediently took out the phone call log and presented it to Tan Lingling.

Tan Lingling looked carefully and found the record of phone calls made to Linglong Cheongsam Shop in the streets near the consulate. She tore off the page, threw down the record book, and turned around.

They came here to give Li Han a false shot.

The fake police officers had no way to get into the car, and they also lacked vehicles. They ran across several streets with guns drawn and could no longer catch up.

On Li Han's side, he quickly closed the window, turned around and walked to the owner of the house who was beaten unconscious, took out a few French coins, put them on the owner, and whispered: "I hit you because I was protecting you, I'm sorry.

Ah! The little devil will not hold you accountable in the future." After he finished speaking, he quickly went out, closed the door again, ran up the stairs, came to the roof, jumped to the top of another building, and then

Go down the stairs, detour back to the back of the consulate, climb over the wall, go upstairs to your office, hold a large water pipe, climb up, get through the window, and hide the firearm and throwing knife in the ceiling of the bathroom

I went to the office, took off the towel, wiped the dust off my body, looked in the mirror, and cut my hair. When I found nothing unusual, I returned to the office, removed the door latch, sat back at my desk, and continued to translate documents.


At this moment, Momoko Iguchi, Riko Nakamura, and Jiro Sakamoto kicked the door with guns in hand, rushed in, and pointed guns at Li Han.

Li Han raised his head and looked at the three little devils with a confident smile.

At this time, Imai Taro and his beautiful secretary Kojima Michiko took the elevator downstairs and came to Li Han's office on the second floor. When they discovered this strange phenomenon, they shouted loudly and told Iguchi Momoko, Nakamura Riko, and Sakamoto Jiro to get out.

The next time anyone interferes with the work of "Yamada Taiji", they will be killed. Hisaka Sakai and Kamekawa slowly followed the convoy. They also suspected that there was something wrong with the "Yamada Taiji" in the consulate. At this time, they also ran up to the second floor with guns in hand.

When I arrived at the door of Li Han's office, I found Li Han sitting at his desk with a pen in his hand.

Taro Imai was angrily scolding Momoko Iguchi and others.

At this time, although Hisaka Sakai felt that "Yamada Taiyoshi" resembled the photo of Li Han on her office desk, this "Yamada Taiyoshi" was too gentle, and Momoko Iguchi had already investigated "Yamada Taiyoshi" before, and her hands had no calluses.

, there is no hat mark on his forehead, no gunshot wounds or knife wounds on his body. Now, there is a huge commotion outside, and "Yamada Taiji" inside is holding a pen in his hand and translating documents.

Hisaka Sakai shook his head and walked away bored. She did not dare to argue with Taro Imai. After all, Taro Imai had the rank of major general, and in Aurous Hill, Taro Imai represented the small island country. If he angered Taro Imai, it would directly offend her.

His Majesty the Emperor. Even if Matsui came over, he would not dare to mess with Taro Imai. At this time, Takahashi Naeko came to report that the assassin had fled in a car. Xu Youyuan's leg was broken and bleeding, and he needed to be rushed to the hospital for treatment. This shows that the assassin is another

There was someone else, and it was not the "Yamada Taiji" in front of him. Hisaka Sakai nodded in agreement, and walked out, accompanying Xu Youyuan, who was smelly all over his body, to the Jihad Hospital.

In the hospital, she asked Iguchi Momo whether there was anything wrong when she made the phone call.

Momoko Iguchi said no, and the door was always closed. Jiro Sakamoto and Riko Nakamura testified.

This also means that someone was eavesdropping outside the door, but who was the eavesdropper? And how was he summoned?

This situation shows that this matter has nothing to do with "Yamada Taiji", indeed it has nothing to do with it.

Momoko Iguchi suggested checking the numbers at public phone booths on the streets around the consulate.

Because every incoming and outgoing call is recorded by the telephone office, all incoming and outgoing calls need to be transferred through the telephone office. Yamada Sakura approached cautiously, quietly hid in the bathroom, and eavesdropped on Iguchi Momo and

Sakai Hisaka's conversation was so frightening that he was covered in cold sweat, but he was unable to contact Li Han or report the news. He could only pray secretly in his heart: I hope God will bless Crazy Li safely and well!

Hisaka Sakai felt it made sense, so she asked Momoko Iguchi to handle the matter. When Momoko Iguchi got the phone record book, she found that a page had been torn out of the record book. When she returned to the Jihad Hospital to report, Hisaka Sakai was so angry

He waved his hand and slapped Iguchi Momoko twice. From then on, Iguchi Momoko never dared to suggest anything again.

She returned to work at the consulate and no longer monitored "Yamada Taiji".

This incident has caused such a big fuss today, and dozens of fake police casualties have nothing to do with "Yamada Taiji". What else is there to investigate? What else is there to investigate? Her cheeks are red and swollen. Although she is a little Japanese spy, she is also a woman.

She loves beauty and doesn't want to make a fool of herself in front of the man she likes. She has to hide for a few days and wait for the swelling on her face to subside before going to see "Yamada Taiyoshi".

That afternoon, when Li Han got off work, he handed several translated documents to Michiko Kojima. He completed the task one day ahead of schedule and was praised by Taro Imai. Li Han returned to his office and looked up from the bathroom ceiling.

He took out his firearm and small throwing knife, left the office, and drove away. He first went to the "Hokkaido Restaurant" and ate a haphazard meal, then pretended to be drunk and drove away.

This chapter has been completed!
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