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77. Best Memories

Li Han saw that Xie Qiuqi's hand was a little swollen, so he let go of her hand, took out a small bottle from his bag and handed it to her palm. He said lovingly: "This is a bruise medicine. You can rub a little of it every day. It will help."

It is helpful for reducing swelling. You are used to being delicate. Once you exercise strenuously, it will definitely cause some damage to your tender skin. Forget it, starting tonight, you don’t want to practice. Anyway, you can provide us with cover. Sometimes, you

Dance with the Japanese officers, listen to their drunken nonsense, and tell me when they come back. This is also intelligence. Even if it is not intelligence, it can still let me understand the dynamics of the war, their mentality, their lives, and their work. No matter what

Where are you going? Remember, you have to look sideways, look back, and make sure no one is following you before you go where you really want to go. Whether you can help me or not is not important. The most important thing is that you have to protect yourself.

.Only when you are alive can you fight the little devils better."

Xie Qiuqi took the bottle of bruise medicine and was so moved that she shed tears again.

She kept nodding and listened carefully to Li Han's every word.

Then, with tears in her eyes, she shook her head and said, "No, no, no! I still have to practice, I must practice. In these troubled times, I cannot be too delicate. Otherwise, once I meet a little devil like Gui Shou, I will

I can't protect myself. We will meet in Xianghe every night." Li Han looked at the determination on her face, nodded and said: "Okay, you can sleep for a while, and then practice that song. I composed this song 'Red Dust'

If you have love, you will definitely become half the sky." Xie Qiuqi wanted to keep Li Han, but Li Han had already picked up his bag and left in an instant.

"Alas!" She sighed, closed the door, went back to her room, applied some bruise medicine, and continued to sleep.

After Li Han came out, he stopped for a while, carefully inspected the surrounding environment, and found no suspicious characters. Then he got in the car and drove to the breakfast stall near "Zhenzhi Bookstore". This breakfast stall was where he and Yamada Sakurako were.

The breakfast stall where we had breakfast together. At this time, Sakurako Yamada came on a pedal rickshaw and wore a peaked cap, hiding her long black hair in the hat.

Wearing coarse clothes and coarse shoes, she parked her car in front of a food stall.

Li Han turned his head and stared at her blankly for a while before he recognized her.

Yamada Sakura smiled playfully, sat next to Li Han, and whispered: "You really dare to come?"

Li Han said with a smile: "Didn't you say that we want to meet in the sun? A real man must live up to his promise!"

Sakurako Yamada said "Yeah" and nodded with satisfaction, her heart felt touched again.

Li Han immediately waved the shopkeeper over and ordered two breakfasts, one was Ruyihui Lugan and the other was "Not Old". Yamada Sakura asked strangely: "'Not Old'? What does it mean? You order it every time

Why is breakfast so profound? Aren’t you a soldier? A soldier should be straightforward. But now I think you are a scholar, and you always have so many routines."

Li Han said with a smile: "I am a combination of a soldier and a cultural person. Now, before, you must have thought that our meeting on the rooftop was the most profound thing in your life. In fact, from the last time I had dinner with you,

Breakfast begins, and you will definitely think that the most impressive thing about being with me in this life is breakfast. Now, this word 'not old' is actually a Jinling dialect, and in fact this breakfast is assorted tofu."

Sakurako Yamada said with a sweet smile: "My first stop in China was not Jinling, but Peiping, and then Shanghai. I just came to Jinling at the end of last year. I found that the breakfast you ordered, several

There are all places, but nothing special." Li Han shook his head, looked sideways, left and right, and found no suspicious people following him, so he said with a smile: "No, no, no, these places you mentioned, these

Every breakfast has its own characteristics. However, this breakfast in Jinling is even more unique. Well, Tofu Lao is also called Tofu Nao, Tofu Pudding, and in Jinling dialect it is also called 'not old'. This snack is popular all over the country in China.

Yes, but the tofu in Jinling is different from the ones in other places. In addition to being as white as jade, fragrant and refreshing, the tofu in Jinling also pays special attention to the seasonings, especially shrimps, pickled mustard, fungus, and chopped green onion.

More than ten kinds of condiments, such as spicy oil and sesame oil, are not only beautiful in color, but also taste mellow, strong, fragrant, fresh, salty, light and moderately spicy. People in Jinling also like to say something flattering when eating this snack. It is said that,

Young people eat it to strengthen their brains, and the elderly eat it to prolong their lives. In order to gain popularity, the store also adds assorted vegetables to it. What does this mean? This is called a bright future. Who doesn't like it after hearing this?

Really? So, this dish is particularly easy to sell."

"Haha!" Yamada Sakurako laughed, and it was indeed very interesting.

She discovered that having breakfast with Li Han might really become the best memory of her life.

However, it seems not.

Women care about every word a man says.

However, she couldn't figure out why this sentence was not true.

She cupped her chin and stared at Li Han, then asked curiously: "Where is the Ruyi Hui Lu Gan? Does it have an origin?"

Li Han nodded and said: "Jinling has a long history, and Jinling people are also willing to get involved with various snacks and history. This Hui Lugan is also related to Zhu Yuanzhang, the emperor of the Ming Dynasty. Legend has it that Zhu Yuanzhang ascended the throne in Jinling that year

Later, he got tired of eating the delicacies in the palace. One day he left the palace in disguise and saw fried tofu fruit in a snack shop on the street.

Processed a bowl for him to enjoy. Seeing that he was a rich man, the shopkeeper immediately put the tofu fruit into the chicken soup pot, cooked it with a small amount of soybean sprouts and seasonings, and cooked it until the tofu fruit was soft and tasty. Zhu Yuanzhang ate it.

He praised him repeatedly and praised him all the way back to the palace. From then on, this fried tofu fruit became popular and has been passed down to this day. Therefore, when later generations cook this dish, they often add some bean sprouts because it looks very similar to

The jade in ancient jade is Ruyi, so this dish is called Ruyi Hui Lu Dian." After he finished speaking, Yamada Sakurako was still looking at him intently with her chin on her cheek.

She was still unfinished and thought he hadn't finished telling the story yet.

Li Han reached out and pinched her chin, and she came back to her senses.

After the two had breakfast, Li Han said he would send Sakurako Yamada home.

Sakurako Yamada said with an affectionate look on her face: "Actually, being an agent with you is the best memory of my life."

She finally thought about why having breakfast with Li Han was not the most profound memory of her life.

Li Han said with admiration: "Women, beautiful appearance can certainly make people shine, but rich connotations can make people unforgettable for a long time."

Sakurako Yamada smiled coquettishly and said, "Actually, you should say women."

After she finished speaking, she smiled sweetly and rode away.

Li Han stopped in the morning breeze and watched her beautiful figure disappear on the street.

He couldn't explain why he felt so sad after being separated from her.

It wasn't until the shopkeeper came to collect the money that he came back to his senses.

He took out one yuan of French currency, stuffed it into the shopkeeper's hand, turned around, got in the car, and drove to the consulate for work.

This car is a spare parked in the alley behind the "Really Cheap" grocery store diagonally across from the consulate.

He drove here, closed the car door, and looked towards the ice and snow upstairs. Zhang Tie waved his hand and walked around the wall behind the consulate. He looked around, looked sideways, turned around, looked left and right.

I didn't find any suspicious people following me, so I climbed over the wall, climbed up the water pipe upstairs, got in through the bathroom window, and then slept in the bedroom in the office, feeling refreshed and refreshed.

This chapter has been completed!
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