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88. Case-solving strategy

"Bang bang!"

As a result, You Shanbiao couldn't stand it any longer. He stood up and rushed forward, punching the spy who knocked down Jiang Cunzezi.

The agent was not easy to mess with either. He blocked it with his fist and struck with his elbow sideways.

You Shanbiao lowered his palms to block the incoming elbow, raised his knees and pushed them against the secret agent's abdomen.

It's too late, it's too late, it's just a blink of an eye.

Zhang Chong realized that the situation was not good and hurriedly shouted: "Stop it!"

He stood up and turned around, raised one foot to support the punch that the agent had thrown at You Shanbiao, and reached out to catch You Shanbiao's punch at the agent.

However, in an instant, Yoshida Murao saw the shell gun on his waist, shook off Huang Xiaohe's hand, stepped back and took out the gun again, pointing at Huang Xiaohe.

Huang Xiaohe also hurriedly took out his gun with his backhand and pressed the safety of the shell gun with his thumb.

Other agents also hurriedly took out their guns and reached out to pull the barrel safety.

Sachiko Suzuki hugged Emura Sawako, trembling, and got under the dining table.

The scared look on both of them is really heartbreaking.

Sachiko Suzuki took out a miniature camera and stared at Li Han. Whenever Li Han raised his knife, she would secretly take photos of Li Han.

However, Li Han didn't and was still eating the food with relish.

When the other guests saw that the guests at these two tables had drawn their guns, they were so frightened that they screamed and ran away with their heads in their hands.

The shopkeeper and the waiter could only hide behind the counter and lament to themselves that they were going to lose money tonight. Many customers ordered food but ran away without paying.

Liu Wenlin, who was barely able to walk out of the store, turned around helplessly, took out the "box gun", pressed the safety button with his thumb, and fired at several agents.

Bah! Bah!

Bang bang bang!

Three agents were shot and fell to the ground, dying silently and tragically.

"Run!" Zhang Chong shouted urgently, held the gun and fired, then turned around and ran away.

Bah bah!

Bah bah!

Mr. Yoshida quickly rolled on the spot, held his gun and fired.



Huang Xiaohe screamed and fell to the ground. He was shot in the left leg and was bleeding profusely.

At this time, the spies outside the store took out their guns, held their guns and fired, then rushed into the store.

Liu Wenlin hurriedly ran toward the back door of the lobby. Zhang Chong and You Shanbiao also fought and retreated, also running through the back door.

Mr. Yoshida stepped forward with a gun and pointed at the back of Huang Xiaohe's head. Several agents stepped forward, unloaded Huang Xiaohe's pistol, brought handcuffs, cuffed Huang Xiaohe's hands, and pulled Huang Xiaohe up.

Just when Huang Xiaohe screamed, Suzuki Sachiko looked back. When she looked back at Li Han, she found that Li Han had disappeared. Suzuki Sachiko quickly let go of Emura Sawako and got out from under the dining table.

She got up and found that there was no one else in the lobby of "Yipinxuan" except the spies. She said angrily: "Although I didn't catch a big fish, I also caught a small fish, and the funds for next month are secured.

Yoshida-kun, take him back to the dungeon immediately for interrogation. These people tonight must be from the Red Party guerrillas. The guerrillas entering the city may be related to the emperor's special envoy. I have to go to the section chief to report the situation."

Mr. Yoshida laughed and said, "It's okay. Although I didn't catch a big fish tonight, I caught small fish and shrimps, which is not bad."

Suzuki Sachiko smiled charmingly and said: "Yoshida-kun, you can catch big fish even if you catch small fish or shrimp. Let's go!"

Only then did Huang Xiaohe realize that the beauty he wanted to save was originally a female spy of the Japanese army. He was very angry and cursed angrily: "Damn bitch, it turns out you are a spy of the Japanese army. You guys are really blind. Huh! Our captain will definitely not do that.

Let you guys go free." He was really inexperienced. His angry curse revealed the secret again. This meant that his captain was present among the few people just now.

Suzuki Sachiko turned around, raised her hand, and slapped Huang Xiaohe twice.



Huang Xiaohe's cheeks immediately became red and swollen, he screamed repeatedly, and his teeth were bleeding.

Suzuki Sachiko shouted again: "Take away!" Yoshida Muro led a team and escorted Huang Xiaohe back to the Special High School dungeon to interrogate Huang Xiaohe.

Sachiko Suzuki and Sawako Emura drove straight to the "Qingfeng Tavern", found Hisaka Sakai who was having dinner with Michiko Kojima, and reported to Hisaka Sakai about the fishing situation this evening. Hisaka Sakai said: "It's very good.

Okay! You and Michiko Kojima have dinner first, and I will go back to the dungeon to interrogate that little fish. We will study together later to see if there is a better way to fish out the big fish behind this little fish. As for Yamada Taikichi

Let's leave the matter to Michiko Kojima for the time being." Sachiko Suzuki bowed and said, "Yes!" The two of them immediately split up.

Li Han actually did not leave "Yipinxuan".

Just when Huang Xiaohe screamed and fell to the ground, he straightened up, put his feet together, jumped up, grabbed the beam of the lobby with his hands, pressed his hands, and used the strength to bend down and rise up.

He hooked his feet, and then hooked them on the beam. In this way, his body was leaning across the beam. Then, he lay down on the beam, calmly observing the gun battle, and also eavesdropped on Suzuki Sachiko's talk about the "Emperor's Special Envoy"

thing. Moreover, he also took out his pocket watch camera and secretly took photos of Suzuki Sachiko, Emura Sawako, and Yoshida Murao. The matter of "Emperor's Special Envoy" is also a top priority for Li Han.

Liu Wenlin took Zhang Chong back to his dilapidated house and asked angrily: "How did you lead the team? It's a good thing now. The mission hasn't started yet, but someone joined us." Zhang Chong said sadly: "This is their first time entering the city.

, They don’t understand the rules. I trained them for a few days before coming here. Alas, when rural people come to the city, they don’t expect that there are so many routines in the city. If you don’t pay attention, you will fall into the trap." Liu Wenlin couldn't blame Zhang Chong too much. Reality

It was indeed true. He asked Zhang Chong to watch You Shanbiao in the dilapidated house and stop messing around, and then quickly went out to find Shi Zhenxiang.

Shi Zhenxiang lives in an apartment in the bustling area of ​​Guofu Road.

There was no way, even though Liu Wenlin had no money, he still had to use all his money to support Shi Zhenxiang.

After all, Shi Zhenxiang worked in an elegant place like the consulate, where she stole a lot of information and provided a lot of information for senior leaders to refer to.

Liu Wenlin reported that Zhang Chong led the team into the city and an unexpected situation occurred, and asked Shi Zhenxiang to find Li Han. Originally, Liu Wenlin wanted to do it alone, but now it seems unrealistic. He must join forces with the Kuomintang people to have a chance of winning.

, otherwise there will be another accident. Shi Zhenxiang said that it is difficult to find Li Han at night. This person comes home very late or often does not come home, so we can only find him when he goes to work tomorrow.

Liu Wenlin told her to find Li Han tonight, otherwise it would be very troublesome.

Shi Zhenxiang reluctantly agreed.

She quickly went to stay near the big villa at No. 123 Dingxinqiao Street, waiting for Li Han to come back. But Li Han drove back to the "Really Cheap" grocery store near the consulate and parked the car in the alley behind it. Bingxue, Yiyi,

Zhang Tie heard the sound of the car parking, opened the window on the second floor, looked down, and found that Li Han was coming. Zhang Tie hurried downstairs, opened the back door, and welcomed Li Han in.

Bingxue and Yiyi also went downstairs excitedly. Inside the back door on the first floor, Bingxue and Yiyi reported today's tracking situation to Li Han. They all said that Taro Imai and Michiko Kojima did go to the former Army Officers University, but after they entered, everyone

The iron door was closed, and an hour and a half later, Taro Imai and Yoshitomo Kojima came out.

Li Han already knew what happened next, and was personally involved in some of it. Therefore, he listened to these situation reports and grasped accurate information. He then drove to the Linglong Cheongsam Shop at No. 36 Louzi Street, found Tan Lingling and Zhu Zhuwen, and reported the daytime blind date.

situation, and told how the Red Party guerrillas were deceived.

Tan Lingling said in amazement: "It's so dangerous!"

Julie Wen said with emotion: "Boss, it's a good thing you kept yourself clean, otherwise, you would have had to sit through the bottom of the prison."

No matter what the situation is, the two beauties are more happy than emotional.

After all, Li Han didn't do anything just because his enemy was beautiful. This also proved that Li Han indeed placed the two of them in an extremely important position in his heart.

Li Han took out his pocket watch camera again and said: "I secretly took photos of Suzuki Sachiko and Emura Sawako. I will develop the photos later and give them to you two. Develop a few more photos and share them with Yiyi, Bingxue, and Zhang."

Tie, Xie Qiuqi, and some are also allocated to the people of the Red Party. Liwen is responsible for liaison with the Red Party. In addition, I want to contact Yamada Sakurako and ask her for help, because Lingling looks very similar to her.

, I want Lingling Qiao to pretend to be her, sneak into the Jihad Hospital, and steal some information. The Jihad Hospital is also an intelligence base, and many wounded soldiers will leak secrets when they are hospitalized. "

Tan Lingling said awkwardly: "But I don't understand Japanese."

Li Han said: "As a nurse, you don't need to know too much Japanese. In these two days, I will teach you some common Japanese expressions. In actual work, when you are in trouble, just nod or shake your head, or pretend to be stupid and let

Sui Kaixin pretended to be a rickshaw puller and picked you up near the Jihad Hospital. When Li Wen was fine, she also drove to pick you up at the Jihad Hospital. However, it is very dangerous." Tan Lingling said resolutely: "It doesn't matter, I like to share your worries, like

challenge accepted."

Then, they entered the secret darkroom, showed off the photos, and gave them to Tan Lingling and Zhuliwen. Then, Li Han drove Tan Lingling and Zhuliwen to the "Really Cheap" grocery store and handed the photos of Sachiko Suzuki and Sawako Emura to Yiyi.

, Xuebing and Zhang Tie implemented anti-stalking and anti-tracking strategies, and announced the establishment of the Red Rose Rangers immediately, with Tan Lingling as captain, Zhu Zhuwen as deputy captain, and others as members.

The Red Rose Rangers work under the leadership of the Ghost Rangers Corps.

Then, he drove to a public phone booth, called Yamada Sakurako, and asked Yamada Sakurako not to go to work. He asked Tan Lingling to dress up as Yamada Sakurako and go to work at the Jihad Hospital to steal enemy operations and intelligence.

Yamada Sakurako was also enthusiastic and whispered: "Now bring that Tan Lingling to my house, and I will tell her about the routine conditions in the Jihad Hospital. My mother went to the hospital to visit my brother, and this time is the most suitable." So, Li

Han then drove Tan Lingling and Zhuli Wen to Yamada Sakurako's home.

This chapter has been completed!
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