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Chapter 100 Go to Mars to Deliver Orders

When Zhou He stood in front of the big pit, many people were already surrounding him, including construction workers.

However, no one jumped down to save others. After all, it was still a bit dangerous to go down now, for fear that the mud stuck on both sides of the vehicle would collapse.

Zhou He glanced at it, shrugged, pushed aside the crowd, and jumped into the pit.

"Help...save me." Zhang Qi hadn't fainted yet.

When I saw someone jumping down, I immediately started shouting.

Zhou He came closer and looked at Zhang Qi, whose face was covered in blood, and found that his face was frighteningly pale.

Zhou He took a closer look and found that a steel bar had actually pierced his legs.

He was hung upside down, pulled by the seat belt, and the airbag naturally exploded, saving him some damage.

Zhou He didn't reply. He thought for a moment, then took a few steps back and shouted upward, "Do you have a crowbar? I'm going to break the glass."

"Yes, there is a crowbar, go on." The next second, a crowbar was thrown down.

Immediately, Zhou He picked it up, stepped forward, and smashed it hard, smashing all the broken windshields, and then tore them off.

"Zhou...Zhou He?" Although Zhang Qi's legs were pierced through at the moment and it was very painful, he still barely recognized the person who came as Zhou He.

"Zhang Qi? Don't talk and save your strength. I will rescue you right now."

At this moment, several thick logs were thrown down from above.

Then, several big brothers jumped down from above.

"Young man, help me with the handles and use wood to support the car. Otherwise, I'm afraid the car will fall down."

"Okay." Zhou He nodded after hearing this.

Afterwards, several people fixed the wood and started to rescue Zhang Qilai together.

A few minutes later, Zhang Qi was finally rescued by Zhou He and four others.

"Thank you, thank you..." Zhang Qi kept saying thank you.

Finally, several people were put into ambulances.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, retribution, I actually got my legs pierced." Zhou He stood behind, touching his chin, feeling very relieved.

This time, even if the leg is fine in the end, he will have to stay in the hospital for at least a few months or even half a year.

"Since that's the case, then let's just write it off. If you're trying to mess with me, haha!" Zhou He smiled calmly and walked towards his van.

[Welcome to Huobangbang Navigation. This time the destination is the world of "The Martian", Mars.]

[Please go straight three hundred meters ahead...]

After navigating for three or four minutes, we arrived at a place with no surveillance and no one around.

[Please note that the space tunnel will open in five seconds, please be prepared, driver.]

[5,4...1, the space tunnel has been opened, please drive in as soon as possible. 】

On a desolate continent.

There is not a single life in sight, only countless yellow sand.

A breeze can stir up large amounts of dust.

Here, you can only see loneliness.

This is Mars, a Mars that no human has ever set foot on.

Of course, this is only for the main world.

This is the world of "The Martian". The United States has successfully launched a manned rocket to land on Mars.

However, due to bad weather, when the astronauts took the rocket to leave Mars, one person was left behind on Mars.

This person is none other than astronaut Mark Watney, who has survived on Mars for a full 135 days.

Yesterday, just yesterday, due to his negligence, the computer warned that one of the exits had a pressure imbalance due to the storm, but he did not notice it.

When he returned to the living cabin from this exit, the pressure could not be balanced, so it exploded.

This also caused all the potatoes he planted to be instantly frozen to death by the low temperature of more than 100 degrees below zero.

"Shet, Shet, Shet!"

Mark repaired the exploded living cabin with special canvas. Not only was he not overjoyed, but he also cursed a few harsh words.

After testing the pressure, Mark took off his spacesuit, then went to the supplies area and started counting potatoes.

Now, he still needs to last more than 700 Martian days.

He can no longer grow potatoes, he can only eat them. With these foods, he can only survive for two hundred days at most.

In other words, it is impossible for him to survive until that time.

At this moment, Mark was under tremendous pressure.

"Didi~~didi~~~!" At this moment, outside the living cabin, in the howling wind, the sound of a vehicle's horn seemed to be heard.

"Shet, am I hallucinating?" Mark gritted his teeth, shook his head, and continued counting potatoes.

"Didi didi~~~!"

The vehicle's horn sounded again, this time, it was clearer.

"What's going on? Is it already this serious?" Mark stood up and slapped his head.

"Didi didi...!"

As a result, not only did he not make the sound of the trumpet disappear, but the sound became louder and louder, covering up the sound of the wind.

This voice seemed very close at hand.

"Shet! Shet!" Mark cursed twice, came to the exit, and looked out through a special small window.

This will at least prove that he is hearing hallucinations, and the symptoms will be alleviated when the time comes.

However, when he saw it, his eyes suddenly widened, his mouth opened slightly, and he looked shocked.

What he saw was a car, a car, a car that would only appear on earth.

It was a vehicle with a Chinese blue license plate. What was even more shocking was that there was a Chinese man sitting in the car, a Chinese man wearing short sleeves!

"Oh, I bought it, it's impossible, it's impossible! It must be an illusion. It must be an illusion." Mark looked unbelieving.

He slapped his head crazily with both hands, trying to wake himself up.

"Didi! Didi! Didi...!"

Zhou He was sitting in the car, honking the horn rhythmically.

He had already seen Mark, but he was curious as to why Mark was slapping his head crazily.

"Do you think you are hallucinating?" Zhou He chuckled.

Indeed, on this desolate planet, a car that only appears on Earth suddenly appears. How can you not feel that what you are seeing is an illusion?

"An hallucination, definitely an hallucination!" Mark turned around, left, and continued counting potatoes.

He decided to ignore these hallucinations. Only in this way would his hallucinations not become more serious.

"I lost it, what happened?" After waiting for several minutes, Zhou He didn't see Mark come out, and he suddenly looked confused.

After thinking for a while, Zhou He opened the car window and then stretched out his hand.

It doesn't feel like anything, the temperature is about the same as the earth.

Also, during the day, the temperature of Mars can reach a maximum of 28 degrees Celsius. It is estimated that the current temperature should be 21 degrees Celsius.

There is also oxygen on Mars, but it is very weak and not enough for humans to breathe. Therefore, if humans do not wear spacesuits on Mars, they will only suffocate to death.

Immediately, Zhou He took a deep breath, then held his breath, opened the door, and got out of the car.

At this moment, Zhou He was in two different worlds. He was the first human being to set foot on Mars without wearing astronauts.

Not to mention, it feels pretty good. The gravity of Mars is about two-fifths of that of the Earth. Therefore, Zhou He is relatively stronger on Mars and can jump higher.

Immediately, Zhou He came to the cabin door, and through the special small window, he found Mark still counting potatoes.

"I'm sorry, do you really think I'm an illusion?"

Because the distance was relatively far and he was holding his breath, Zhou He could not make a sound.

This is very embarrassing. There is no way he can tear this canvas.

"Hey, I have it." Suddenly, Zhou He thought of a good idea.

This chapter has been completed!
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