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Chapter 135 Kill [2/5


Zhou He pulled the trigger, then put away the rocket launcher, quickly got down from the window, and sat back in the cab.

"Boom, boom, boom... boom, boom, boom..."

Three rockets directly destroyed a tank.

However, the remaining four tanks also opened fire on the van.

However, what kind of existence is a van? What can this little artillery do to it?

"Turn on airplane mode!" Zhou He gave the order.

【Airplane mode is on.】

The next second, he saw the van take off directly into the air, and at the same time, he also moved the heavy machine gun.

Seeing the muzzle of the gun slowly pointing downwards, Zhou He pressed the fire button again.

"Tu tu tu tu..."

Almost instantly, a large number of French people who were still running were torn apart in an instant, and they couldn't help but die.

Below, the officer was roaring, trying to organize his troops. However, the next second, he was torn apart by bullets.

The vehicle flew downwards from time to time and continued to shoot.

It took a full five minutes for Zhou He to stop.

The artillery fire lasted for three minutes, and Zhou He was no exception, and it intensified, strafing them for a full five minutes.

There was not a single living person in this area, only broken limbs and minced meat.

The blood dyed the earth red.

There may be some fish that slipped through the net, but it doesn't matter Zhou He, they are just a few stinky fish and rotten shrimps.

Zhou He was not a loser, and he also captured many of their mortars, artillery shells, and some grenades.

As for weapons such as guns, Zhou He didn't take them because he looked down on such guns. He had more advanced and more powerful guns from the Self-Defense Forces.

These French troops, who were not guarding the abnormal human research center, actually came to bomb him.

He couldn't bear this tone.

As for the incoming troops that were killed, they were just appetizers.

Zhou He made up his mind to go to the Abnormal Human Research Center to explore it now.

Originally, he planned to explore it after completing the mission, but now, he went directly.

"Master...Master, they are all dead." Axing said softly.

"They're all... dead. I killed a lot of people." Fat Zaicong said with some fear.

"Hmph, I fought with the Fire Cloud Evil God, and these French people actually dared to come and cause trouble. Come on, let's go and overthrow their lair."

Zhou He snorted coldly and immediately drove the vehicle towards the Abnormal Human Research Center.

As for the Fire Cloud Evil God, Zhou He didn't bother to care anymore. He benefited a lot from today's battle.

Whether it is hard qigong or dragon-elephant prajna skill, they have all improved a lot.

In particular, the light body technique and the eight-step pile have been greatly improved. It can be said that the strength has been upgraded to a higher level.

Abnormal Human Research Center.

Although two-thirds of the French armed forces have left, the remaining one-third can be considered a powerful force.

"Jack, look, is there something flying over from the sky?" A patrolling soldier said to his companion behind him.

"Where is it? Let me take a look." Jack heard the words and looked in the direction he was pointing.

The next second, an unusually familiar voice came from the air.

They were also experienced veterans. As soon as they heard the sharp sound, they knew it was a rocket.

"No, the enemy is attacking, get down!" Jack immediately jumped forward and fell to the ground.


"Boom boom boom...!"

"Tu tu tu tu..."

"Boom boom boom..."

"Tu tu tu tu..."

Explosions, smoke, fire, screams.

In almost a minute, all the guards outside the Abnormal Human Research Center were annihilated.

Even the few remaining tanks were destroyed by rockets.

Then, the vehicle landed at the main entrance.

This building is not high, it only has two floors. The upper part is not important, but the lower part is important.

Zhou He drove the vehicle directly, knocked open the large iron door, and then drove inside.

Without much effort, Zhou He arrived at the underground floor of the research center.

Because the road is narrow, even if the vehicle can fly, it cannot get down.

"Come on, come in with me." Zhou He opened the car door, got out of the car, and walked out first.

Fat Zaicong and Ah Xing also got out of the car quickly. Each of them was holding an automatic rifle, with a belt tied around his body, which was filled with grenades and several magazines full of bullets.

Zhou He, on the other hand, didn't take much. He just held a heavy machine gun and many, many bullets, which he circled around his body many times and hung all on his body.

Walking down the stairs, Zhou He suddenly touched the wall.

This wall is made of Qinggang rock. It is extremely strong, weighs a thousand kilograms, and is more than several meters thick.

After passing the corner, each of the hundreds of meters long road suddenly spread out at Zhou He's feet.

On both sides of the corridor, there are cells closed by thick iron doors.

From time to time, dry and twisted hands would stretch out from the gaps in the upright iron bars, which was very scary.

Zhou He saw a room that looked like a torture chamber.

There are many torture instruments, branding irons, tiger benches, and shackles placed inside.

There were still stains of unwashed blood on the ground.

Seeing this scene, one can faintly smell the smell of blood, silently telling the tragic scene that happened here.

The air is filled with a damp and musty smell, and germs and dust continue to breed in the darkness.

Under the dim light and the strange low roar, Pingtian looked very eerie, giving people a depressing atmosphere.

The fan in the small vent rotated, making a dull buzzing sound.

Zhou He frowned. He smelled a special smell. Although it was very faint, Zhou He still smelled it. It seemed... that it was emanating from the prison where these people were imprisoned.

No, to be precise, it came from the bodies of these imprisoned prisoners.

Zhou He glanced inside through the gap in the iron bars. There was a person being imprisoned in every cell.

"Sure enough, this is no ordinary mental hospital." Zhou He felt it for a while and realized that the people detained inside were not ordinary people.

These imprisoned people have more or less energy in their bodies. This energy has been seen and possessed by Zhou He, and that is internal strength, or true energy.

At the same time, there is another energy that is different from this energy. The owners of this different energy seem to be... all foreigners.

Yes, these prisoners are not only Chinese but also foreigners.

When Zhou He walked through the cells on this floor, he saw the stairs leading to the next floor.

After such a long time, no soldiers came to stop it. Come to think of it, there seemed to be no guards here.

But all the guards outside had been annihilated by Zhou He.

Immediately, Zhou He took Ah Xing to the next floor.

This chapter has been completed!
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