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Chapter 156 Battle with Decepticons [3/5 Seeking Moon

"Bumblebee?" The roadblock also spotted Bumblebee, but instead of pursuing it, it came to the van.

Without stopping, it hit the van with a loud bang.

"Huh?" Roadblock was a little shocked. He found that his impact did not make the van move at all.

"Kakakaka..." A familiar mechanical sound sounded.

The next second, the Ford police car instantly transformed into a seven or eight-meter-tall Transformer.

The appearance of Transformers immediately startled the police detectives.

This sudden change caught the detective off guard, but he did not hesitate too much.

As long as there is a threat, the attack is over.

"Shoot, shoot!" The detective stood up and gave the order directly to his subordinates.

"Da da da..."

"Bang bang bang..."

In an instant, more than twenty police detectives fired directly at the roadblock.

The bullets hit the barricade, making a clanging sound.

Although these firearms can't cause much damage to the roadblock, the roadblock belongs to the Decepticon faction.

The purpose of the Decepticons is to destroy human beings, and they don't care about the life or death of human beings at all.

So his arm transformed into a huge heavy machine gun and fired fiercely at the police detectives.

"Tu tu tu tu..."


"My hand, my hand..."

"I've been shot, I've been shot."

"Be careful, get out of the way..."

The machine guns at the roadblock swept through and directly hit five police detectives. Seeing that the situation was not good, the other detectives hid behind the vehicles.

"Boom boom boom!"

Several rockets were fired from the arms of the roadblock, knocking over several cars.

As for the police detective hiding behind, naturally, he cannot die anymore.

"Support, please support. This is XXX Avenue. Unidentified robots have appeared. We have suffered heavy losses. Retreat, retreat, retreat immediately."

The detective was lucky and was not hit by the sweep or bomb. After requesting support, he immediately issued the order to retreat.

Looking at the fleeing police detectives, Road Block did not continue to take action. He turned around, leaned down, and looked at Zhou He in the car.

"Is this the message you left on the Internet? Where is the source of the fire? Tell me quickly!" A mechanical voice without any emotion came from Luzhan's mouth.

"Do you want to know where the source of fire is? Well, I've already told Bumblebee, why don't you go find him?" Zhou He said.

"Did you tell Bumblebee? Come on, tell me, where is the source of the fire?"

The big mechanical hand of the roadblock pinched the top of the van, and then suddenly exerted force to tear the top off.

However, he discovered that no matter how hard he tried, it had no effect at all.

Before the roadblock could make any further moves, a heavy machine gun appeared on top of the vehicle at some unknown moment.

"Tu tu tu tu..."

In an instant, a large number of bullets hit the big hand of the roadblock.

"Ding-ding-dong..." Countless crisp sounds sounded.

Although the bullets from the heavy machine gun can easily tear apart the human body, they cannot tear apart the Autobot's body.

When the roadblock saw this, he didn't say anything. He stretched out his hand and directly grasped the muzzle of the heavy machine gun, trying to tear the heavy machine gun off.

However, he found that he was still doing useless work.

"Damn it, tell me the location of the fire source." Roadblock stood up and kicked the van with all his strength.

There was a loud "Boom!" and the van didn't move at all.

On the contrary, the roadblock almost fell down due to the excessive force.

"Damn it, damn it, Fire Source, tell me the location of Fire Source."

The barricade was furious, and the machine guns and rockets in his hands were fired crazily towards the van as if they were free of charge.

Of course, he was still dodging heavy machine gun fire.

Even though the roadblock was so huge, it was extremely flexible, and the van's heavy machine gun didn't even hit it a few times.

"Well, it just so happens that after taking the strengthening potion in the Kung Fu World, I haven't made any moves. Let's try my hand at you."

With a click, the van door was pushed open by Zhou He.

"Opportunity!" Roadblock immediately stopped attacking and rushed towards the cab, grabbing Zhou He who had already got out of the car with one hand.

"Well come, let you, an alien, see the power of a warrior!"

Zhou He shouted loudly, and the internal energy in his body began to pour into his right fist.

Immediately, Zhou He punched him forward.

There was a loud noise of "Boom!"

A huge plume of smoke instantly spread throughout the neighborhood.

However, the next second, a violent shock wave came out, sweeping away the smoke and dust instantly.


A huge figure suddenly flew out, knocking over several cars, and finally slammed into a building.

"Impossible, how can a human be so powerful?" Luzhao stood up from the building and looked at Zhou He in shock.

At this time of the roadblock, Zhou He's right fist had been beaten to pieces, leaving only a bare wrist, and there was no damage to the rest of it.

Due to the body structure of the Autobots, Zhou He's internal force could not invade their bodies along the fists. Even if it invaded, it would not be able to destroy anything.

"Who are you?" Roadblock stopped and asked.

"Who I am is not important. What is important is that I am very interested in your Transformers. I wonder if you can leave some parts for me?" Zhou He said with a faint smile.

Zhou He responded with rockets and bullets.

At the same time, the roadblock instantly retreated. He had nothing to do with this human being, and the most important thing now was the source of fire.

Therefore, he chose to retreat temporarily, and then summoned the Decepticons to track down Bumblebee, who already knew the location of the source of the fire.

"Want to run? Can you run away? Bang!"

Zhou He sneered and disappeared suddenly.

At the same time, a huge pit several meters deep instantly appeared where he was standing.

When Zhou He appeared again, he had reached the sky above the roadblock at some point.

"Come and die!"

Luzhao didn't react at all, and Zhou He's fist slammed into Luzhao's hard head.

Almost instantly, Road Block's head suddenly sank and sank into his body.

Following this, huge power was transmitted to Roadblock's body.

There was a loud noise of "Boom!"

It was seen that the entire mechanical body of the roadblock sank directly into the ground, leaving only a small half of the body still on the ground.

Zhou He's punch also caused the ground to tremble, but it quickly recovered.

The headless barricade was sunk deep into the ground. He was already dead and was killed by Zhou He with one punch.

Because Zhou He's fist caused his head to sink into his body, directly breaking the energy in his chest.

"Well, this solution is pretty easy." Zhou He stepped on the corpse at the roadblock and began to think.

This chapter has been completed!
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