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Chapter 171 The world of parasitic beasts [3000 words for the moon

"Professor Zeren, will our world perish?" A young researcher asked Jiaozuo Zeren.

His eyes were filled with despair and deathly silence.

At the same time, there was a look of regret.

Why are you regretful? Because the world has become like this, it is all their credit, their credit!

Today, there are not many weapons and ammunition left in the experimental base. Food can only last for a week, and even electricity can only last for ten days at most.

The most important thing is that all their experimental bodies have been exhausted. It can be said that they are waiting to die.

This world is almost over.

Since five years ago, a large number of parasitic beasts have appeared in the depths of the sea, swarming all over the world.

Countless humans were parasitized, and various brutal murders began to occur in various countries.

However, countries soon became aware of the existence of a parasitic beast. Once this parasitic beast parasitizes the human body, it can take its place, making it impossible for ordinary people to distinguish it.

To tell the difference, special instruments are needed.

This kind of instrument cannot be carried with you, so it is difficult to distinguish it at all.

If that's the case, forget it, but unfortunately, these parasitic beasts also have powerful weapons. Their heads can split into tentacles, meat knives and meat spears, and they can cut gold and stone.

It can also be turned into a shield and can withstand machine gun fire.

However, someone finally discovered that you can tell the difference by pulling out your hair.

In one year, various countries have cleared away a wave of parasitic beasts, leaving only a small number of parasitic beasts hidden among humans, undetectable.

Or they survived by hiding in deep mountains or old forests.

At this point, the parasitic beast is no longer a threat.

These parasitic beasts have no ability to reproduce. As long as they show the slightest clue, they can be suppressed, captured or killed immediately.

Therefore, the demise of the parasitic beast is a matter of time.

It's a pity that Jiaozuo Zeren, a genius professor from the island country, has conducted countless experiments on a large number of living or dead parasitic beasts.

Finally, it took two years to develop the world's first parasitic beast with the ability to reproduce.

That's right, a parasitic beast with the ability to reproduce.

At the same time, this parasitic beast with the ability to reproduce is also one of the top wise men in the entire group.

He kept a low profile, kept a low profile, drew blood, took slices, and conducted physical studies every day without any resistance.

After a full month, he finally seized an opportunity and escaped from the laboratory.

Thus, the nightmare began.

In just two years, the number of parasitic beasts has reached a terrifying level.

Of the seven billion people in the world, fully 70% have died, leaving only about two billion people.

There are still two billion people left because these parasitic beasts want to keep humans in captivity and use them as their blood food and hosts for their parasitic beast cubs.

At the same time, because there are too many parasitic beasts and their food intake is terrible, many parasitic beasts are parasitic on animals.

The stronger the parasitic body, the stronger the parasitic beast. Therefore, it can be said that the whole world of parasitic beasts is like a hundred flowers blooming.

Whether it is the depths of the sea, large birds in the sky, grasslands, or deserts, you can always see the shadow of parasitic beasts.

It can be said that the earth has been occupied by parasitic beasts.

Humanity will perish sooner or later. Even if it does not perish, it will become an existence like pigs and sheep raised by parasitic beasts.

However, there is still hope.

Although parasitic beasts have the ability to reproduce, it is also true that they need to pass on their vitality and nutrients to the next generation to reproduce.

Although they will not die immediately after giving birth to offspring, their lifespan will be greatly reduced, and they can only live for three years at most.

Jiaozuo Zeren was an extremely talented person. When the world changed drastically, he wanted to develop a drug that could eliminate the reproductive ability of parasitic beasts.

As long as this drug is developed, time will make the parasitic beast disappear.

As long as humans survive, the earth still belongs to humans.

"The key part of the experiment is missing. As long as you give me five, not even three, or even one parasitic beast, my experiment will be successful."

"Jiao Ren, call Captain Tateno and the others, let them eat all the remaining food, and then go out with weapons to capture the parasitic beasts."

"As long as the parasitic beast is captured, our world will not perish."

Jiaozuo Zeren decided to fight to the death, and if he didn't succeed, he would become a benevolent person.

"Yes, Professor." Jiao Ren also saw Jiao Zuo Zeren's serious determination, and his expression became firm.

The huge metal door slowly opened, and ten muscular men, fully armed, walked out.

Behind them, there were four or five researchers, and the leader was Jiaozuo Zeren.

"Tachino-kun, please, you are the empire's last hope." Jiaozuo Zeren bowed deeply to them.

"Hi! We must complete the mission!" All ten members of the security team saluted with a military salute at the same time.


The huge chain made a huge noise.

Everyone's feet slowly began to move.

After a while, a metal platform extended from the base to the outside world.

There is also an armed helicopter sitting on this metal platform.

You can only go up and down the mountain by helicopter, and the rest of the intersections have already been blown up by them.

This is also to prevent attacks by parasitic beasts.

Precisely because they were halfway up Mount Fuji at an altitude of 600 meters, there were no flying parasitic beasts coming to cause trouble. Even if there were any, they would be killed by their anti-aircraft weapons.

You know, small birds cannot be parasitized at all because their bodies are too weak to support them.

Therefore, only large birds will be parasitized, and in cities, large birds are basically invisible.

Therefore, their experimental base can exist to this day.

Just when everyone was about to get on the helicopter, suddenly, a gorgeous space crack appeared in the sky in front of them.

Before they could react, they saw a van driving out.


Then, they watched helplessly as the van crashed into a stone wall not far away.

"Then what is that?"

"A car? A blue crack?"

"Time tunnel? Real or fake?"

Jiaozuo Zeren and others' eyes widened with disbelief on their faces.

"Go and see what's going on." The captain immediately led the team members and ran towards the place where the van fell.

However, just when they were halfway through the journey, the car door was opened, and a young man got out of the car cursing.

"Damn it, you're actually in the air again this time? Dog navigation, the space tunnel won't open for me any better."

When Zhou He got out of the car, he saw the members of the small team running towards him.

"Don't move, raise your hands."

"Don't move, we'll shoot if you do."

Almost instantly, the members of the small team stopped immediately, their faces were extremely solemn, and they were all on guard with their guns pointed at him.

Zhou He ignored them and said directly: "Jiaozuo Zeren, is Jiaozuo Zeren here?"

"Huh? Looking for the professor? No, why does he know the professor's name?" Tachino's expression suddenly changed slightly, and he determined that this guy was a parasitic beast.

Just when he was about to shoot, what Zhou He said next made him stop.

"Is Jiaozuo Zeren here? I'm here to deliver your order. Thirty parasitic beasts have been delivered. They are all in the car. If you are here, please come and receive them." Zhou He shouted towards the front.

"Order? Thirty parasitic beasts?" Captain Tateno immediately hesitated whether to shoot him.

"Order?" Jiaozuo Zeren looked confused.

However, soon, Jiaozuo Zeren thought about it, and a strange look appeared on his face.

"Captain Liye, don't shoot yet. Hello, I am Jiaozuo Zeren."

"You said you accepted my order? However, I clearly just placed an order in my dream." Jiaozuo Zeren asked the doubts in his heart.

"It's true in the dream. I am the one who accepted your order. Thirty parasitic beasts are all in the car." Zhou He said, returned to the vehicle and opened the trunk door.

"Thirty parasitic beasts, no more than one, no less than one, please sign for it." Zhou He pointed at the parasitic beasts in the trunk and said.

"How is this possible?" Captain Tateno glanced at him, and his expression suddenly changed.

What he saw was that more than a dozen bodies filled the trunk.

At the same time, some of the guys with their heads facing outward actually have the unique tentacles of parasitic beasts.

Parasitic beasts, a car full of parasitic beasts.

"Parasite beasts, professor, there are so many parasitic beasts." The young researcher also saw it and immediately exclaimed.

"Great, haha, great, thirty parasitic beasts, that potion will definitely be researched, humanity will be saved, and the empire will be saved!"

Jiaozuo Zeren's face flushed, he was extremely excited, and immediately ran towards the van in large strides.

However, when he passed Captain Liye, he was suddenly grabbed by him.

"Professor Jiaozuo, we can't go there. The situation is still unclear. If that person is also a parasitic beast, we will be in trouble."

"Besides, these are thirty parasitic beasts. We are definitely no match for them. They are too dangerous." Tateye said solemnly.

"Haha, look what you said, I am a parasitic beast? Haha, hurry up, I finally caught it for you, and I'm still whining here."

Zhou He's face looked a little ugly, and he didn't bother to pay attention to them. He stretched out his hand and pulled these parasitic beasts out of the car one by one and threw them on the ground.

After a while, fourteen bodies, a total of thirty parasitic beasts, were thrown on the snow.

[Congratulations! Your order has been completed, and you will be rewarded with a lucky draw with 5,000 points.]

When the prompt sounded, Zhou He finally had a smile on his face and his mood improved a lot.

"Each of these four bodies is inhabited by five parasitic beasts, adding up to a total of thirty parasitic beasts."

"I've already delivered the stuff. You can dispose of it as you please. We'll see you later! Bang!" Zhou He closed the trunk compartment hard and then entered the cab.

This chapter has been completed!
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