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Chapter 183 The Thousand Mile Tracking Talisman [Four Thousand Words Moon

Little Pepper watched Zhou He leave, feeling a little more at ease.

She didn't quite believe it at first, but when Zhou He offered the conditions, she became convinced.

"Tony, please be sure nothing happens to you." Pepper prayed in her heart.

In the past two months since Tony disappeared, who knows what kind of suffering she has endured in her heart.

Zhou He actually wants more and better technology.

However, it is obviously difficult.

Because Pepper does not have the qualifications to bring out the technology. You must know that there are many veterans and directors in Stark Industries.

Moreover, Stark Industries is a group that specializes in cutting-edge weapons.

The most powerful weapon is probably the Jellik missile. The power of the explosion can be said to be second only to the nuclear bomb.

It is true that Zhou He also wants to take it back to his country, but unfortunately, it is impossible now.

Just look, when Tony was rescued, he got it out of Tony's hands.

Zhou He returned to the car and took out talisman paper, cinnabar, writing brush and inkstone one after another.

Tony was kidnapped in Afghanistan. In such a vast desert, it was impossible to find it using ordinary methods, so Zhou He thought of a talisman from the Talisman Collection.

Thousand mile tracking talisman.

As the name suggests, it can track people or animals within a range of thousands of miles.

The method of use is also very simple. You only need some hairs and can be traced after activating the charm.

Zhou He took out a dagger and swiped it at his finger. However, there was only a white mark and the defense was not broken.

Zhou He was stunned for a moment, then increased his strength, and immediately, the dagger broke.

"Uh, what's going on?"

This time, Zhou He took out a butcher's knife, then used his energy to apply his energy to the knife, and suddenly pulled out a hole with his finger.

Just as he was about to squeeze out the blood, the wound healed immediately in the next second.

"Fuck!" Zhou He cursed secretly and slashed his left wrist with the knife.

Suddenly, a huge gash appeared on his wrist.

The blood vessels were cut and a large amount of blood spurted out.

One second, five seconds, ten seconds, thirty seconds, the wound gradually scabs over, and it will not take long for it to heal.

However, a lot of blood was sprayed out, and Zhou He immediately put it into the storage box, because time inside is eternal and there is no need to worry about deterioration.

In the future, when drawing talisman, there will be no need to cut the wound so troublesomely.

Zhou He didn't pay attention to the wound, took out some blood, poured it into the inkstone, mixed it with cinnabar, and began to grind the ink.

A minute later, Zhou He dipped his brush in ink and began to make the talisman.

An hour later, he had used up all the blood ink.

Holding five prepared tracking charms in his hand, he looked at the pile of waste paper and sighed inwardly.

His success rate in making talismans is still too low.

However, as long as it succeeds.

Zhou He put the talisman away and did not use it. After all, the range was only a thousand miles, and New York was tens of thousands of kilometers away from Afghanistan.

As long as you arrive in Afghanistan, you will have no problem using the Thousand Mile Tracker.

Immediately, Zhou He drove the vehicle towards New York's international airport.

Tens of thousands of kilometers, how could Zhou He drive there by himself? What the hell is money? Isn’t it good for him to charter a plane?

Half an hour later.

Under the guidance of a tractor, Zhou He drove the vehicle to the bottom of a cargo plane.

At this time, the cargo hold of the cargo plane had been opened, and a staff member signaled Zhou He to drive the vehicle up.

Seeing this, Zhou He immediately drove the vehicle in.

Immediately, four or five staff members began to secure the van.

"Sir, please come inside. The plane will take off in ten minutes." A beautiful stewardess came to Zhou He and said.

"Hey, are there flight attendants on cargo planes too?" Zhou He said in English.

"Yes, sir, because you chartered the entire plane, our company specially sent a flight crew to provide service." The stewardess said with a smile.

"Pretty good." Zhou He nodded with satisfaction and followed the flight attendant into the cabin.

The speed of this cargo plane is not too fast, only four hundred kilometers per hour, which is not as fast as the Zhouhe van.

However, if he can fly more than ten or twenty hours a day, he still needs to refuel, otherwise he will fly around the clock.

"Don't bother me if you have nothing to do. I want to take a nap." Sitting in the comfortable premium cabin, Zhou He gave the flight attendants a vaccination.

Immediately, he lay down on the chair and began to practice while sleeping.

Deep in the desert, a terrorist organization base is located here.

The base is built around the entrance of a cave, with some buildings scattered around.

There are a large number of armed personnel in this base, and when we break it down, there are actually no less than a hundred people.

This is just from the outside. Come to think of it, there are quite a few armed personnel inside the cave.

They were the ones who kidnapped Tony Stark two months ago.

In a cave in the cave, Tony and Ethan were calculating the parameters of the armor they wanted to build.

After two months of calculation, they finally succeeded. Next, they only needed to assemble the parts they obtained during this period.

"Is it really useful to assemble this iron man?" Ethan said.

"Don't worry, it will definitely work." Tony patted Ethan on the shoulder and said seriously.

At this time, Tony had a device emitting blue light on his chest.

This is the first-generation Ark reactor, which provides electricity to the electromagnet and prevents small iron pieces from flowing into the heart with the blood.


Da da da


Suddenly, there was a violent explosion and the sound of machine gun fire outside.

"What's wrong? What happened outside?" Ethan looked horrified.

"Here they are, someone should be here to save me." Tony's face showed a hint of longing.

Two months, two full months, who knows what kind of suffering he endured here.

There is no water, no wine, no beautiful women, and no soft big bed room.

He hadn't taken a shower for two months, and his whole body exuded a sour stench. He was given only a few pieces of bread every day, which was really torturous.

The sound of gunfire lasted for three full minutes and then stopped.

"The knot is over? Who won?" Ethan whispered.

Tony said nothing, sitting on a stone nearby, waiting quietly to take it.

One minute, two minutes, five minutes passed, and there was no movement from outside.

"It failed. It seems that our kidnappers won." Tony sighed, with a look of disappointment on his face.

However, he soon cheered up. He still needed to build this big guy. As long as he did it, he was confident that he could definitely escape with Ethan.

At this moment, a loud noise came from 'Boom!'

I saw the big iron door in this cave crashing to the ground, raising a large amount of smoke and dust, and blocking the entrance.

The next second, a yellow talisman flew out from the smoke, and then stuck to Tony's body before Tony could react.

"What?" Tony reacted and grabbed the talisman.

After observing it repeatedly, I saw that there was nothing special about it, so I threw it on the ground.

However, before landing, the talisman flew up again and stuck to Tony's body again.

"What is this? Can it fly? Can it automatically stick to my body?" Tony crumpled it into a ball and threw it forward, but it had no effect.

I saw the talisman stretched out without any wrinkles, and flew towards Tony again.

"This is the Thousand Mile Tracking Talisman. I relied on it to find you, Tony Stark." A figure slowly walked out of the smoke.

Zhou He reached out and made a move, and the talisman held by Tony flew out and landed in Zhou He's hand.

"Who are you?" Tony looked wary.

"Let me introduce myself, I am Zhou He. I saw the news of your kidnapping on TV, so I came to rescue you." Zhou He said with a smile.

"Save me? Are you here to save me? So you have solved all the terrorists outside?"

He has seen the terrorists outside, there are hundreds of them, all of them are extremely ferocious and possess heavy firepower weapons.

He didn't think that Zhou He could solve it alone. He must have brought a large army to rescue him.

"Well, let's go, let's go out first." Zhou He turned around and walked towards the outside of the cave.

Tony looked at me and I looked at you. Immediately, they quickly packed up the things they wanted to take, and then ran out after Zhou He.

Iron guys can't be made here, but as long as they go back, Tony will definitely not give up the armor that can be made.

Tony followed the cave and walked out. On the ground, there were many people's broken limbs and some corpses.

When he came outside, the scene in front of him shocked him.

The entire base has been completely destroyed, and a large number of flames are still burning on the buildings.

A large number of corpses were scattered around, all of them corpses of terrorists.

Not far away, an intact van was parked there, and the person who rescued them was standing next to the van looking at them.

"Come here quickly, what are you doing standing still?" Zhou He shouted towards the two stunned people.

After a while, the two men ran over.

"Where are the others? Why are you alone?" Tony asked pretending to be calm.

Ethan, on the other hand, was trembling all over. Apparently, he was frightened by these corpses.

"Who else? It's just me. Get in the car." Zhou He opened the door and got into the cab.

Seeing this, the two of them immediately opened the side door and sat in.

"Alone? Don't be kidding. How could you possibly annihilate an entire terrorist organization by yourself?" Tony looked unbelieving.

"Haha, believe it or not, it's up to you, not me, turn on airplane mode."

As soon as the order was given, the wings on both sides of the vehicle appeared, and then the vehicle quickly took off and flew towards the distance.

"Can this broken car fly?" Tony was shocked again when he saw the vehicle flying.

"It's so fast. It's actually faster than some airplanes."

Fifteen minutes after Zhou He and the others left, several armed helicopters came to attack the annihilated terrorist organization.

Of course, Zhou He and they didn't know this, and even if Zhou He knew about it, he would never meet them face to face.

Because he still wanted to get something from Tony, so how could he let people from the United States take him back so easily?

"Tony, are you in a hurry to go back to the United States? I haven't had lunch yet and I'm a little hungry," Zhou He said.

Tony was about to say that he wanted to go back to the United States as soon as possible, but the next second, his and Ethan's stomachs growled.

Hungry, the two of them were also hungry. Originally, they only had bread and water every day, and today's bread was not given, so when they talked about food, they immediately felt hungry.

"It doesn't take long to eat a meal, but do you have anything to eat?" Tony said.

"Haha, that's enough." Zhou He looked around through the car window, found a huge rock in the shade, and landed the vehicle.

Immediately, Zhou He took out a small table and set it up at the energy outlet. He then took out a plug board, a kettle, a box of instant noodles, and a large amount of canned meat and canned vegetables.

Zhou He even took out two large watermelons, three spoons, and a watermelon knife.

He boiled water first, then Zhou He cut two watermelons in half, and each person gave them half a watermelon and a spoon.

"Eat some watermelon first. When the water is boiled, you can make instant noodles. You can also eat some canned food first," Zhou He said.

"Gulu!" Both of their throats vibrated a few times.

"Where did all these things come from? It's incredible." Ethan looked shocked.

"It's incredible, it's amazing. How did these things appear?"

"Is this vehicle of yours nuclear-powered? Is this space folding technology? Oh my god, how is this accomplished?"

Seeing such a magical scene, Tony's thirst for knowledge has overtaken his appetite.

He was originally a scientific research madman, and when he learned about such a black technology, he would definitely be attracted to it.

"Yes, it's space folding technology. Eat quickly. I see you've been hungry and thirsty for a long time." Zhou He said with a smile.

"I have always wanted to develop space folding technology, but I have never had a clue. I didn't expect that it has already appeared on the earth."

"I don't know if you can sell me this technology. One billion U.S. dollars, no, no, that's too little, five billion. As long as you sell it to me, ten billion is fine." Tony's face was flushed at this moment, and he was a little excited.


"Eat first, eat first." Zhou He didn't answer, and let them eat first with a smile.

Zhou He opened a can of meat and ate it slowly. It didn't taste good. It was well marinated and had no fishy smell.

"Mr. Zhou, as long as you can give me this space folding technology, I am willing to pay the price you want."

Tony took a few big mouthfuls of watermelon, calmed down, and then said solemnly.

Just when Zhou He was about to speak, his cell phone suddenly rang.

[Ding dong! You have a new order, please check it in time.]

"Are there new orders?" Zhou He raised his eyebrows, ignored Tony, and opened his phone to check.

This chapter has been completed!
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