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Chapter 208 New Order [Five thousand words, ask for the month

"Eight is still a bit too little, I'll buy a few more." Zhou He touched his chin and thought for a while, then took out his phone and placed an order.

With nothing to do, Zhou He took off his shirt, jumped up directly, and started practicing the Lingbo Weistep on the wooden post.

Just when Zhou He was having a great time practicing, a cry of surprise came from the fence in the distance.

Zhou He immediately stopped and turned his head to look in the direction of the exclamation.

I saw, in the gap in the fence, a little girl about five or six years old, covering her mouth with a look of shock on her face.

"Xiao Yin, don't run so fast, slow down." At this time, a young mother caught up with Xiao Yin.

"Xiao Yin, what are you looking at?"

"Mom, it's flying, the person inside is flying..." Xiao Yin pointed to the inside and exclaimed.

Mother Bao subconsciously looked into the gap in the fence, and immediately saw a very handsome man standing on the wooden stake.

At the same time, she also saw that Zhou He's body didn't look as strong as those trained in the gym, but he had muscles that looked so strong.

Especially the muscles were covered with layers of fine sweat. Under the sunlight, her titanium alloy eyes were almost blinded.

Zhou He frowned, the privacy here was still a bit lacking.

"It seems that the fence needs to be knocked down and a solid wall built around it." Zhou He made up his mind.

The villa is only surrounded by an iron fence. Although it is two meters high, there are gaps in the middle and there are some trees blocking it. However, the concealment is still very poor.

When Na Bao's mother saw Zhou He frowning, she immediately reacted and apologized quickly: "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I didn't expect someone to move in here."

"It's okay." Zhou He smiled and jumped down from the wooden stake.

"Uncle, uncle, are you the martial arts master on TV who flies around on the wood? Can you teach me? I want to learn, I want to learn..." Xiao Yin's face was full of excitement.

"Xiao Yin, what are you talking about? Well, I'm so sorry. Children only know how to talk nonsense." Bao's mother tugged at her daughter and looked at Zhou He with an apologetic look.

"Haha, not all children are like this. It's okay. Besides, I can be considered a martial arts master, haha!" Zhou He laughed.

Bao's mother also laughed, then chatted briefly for a few more words, and then left with her daughter.

He took out a towel to wipe his sweat, then took out his cell phone and dialed the property manager's number.

Property Manager: "Hello, Mr. Zhou, what do you need?"

"Help me remove all the fences of the villa and build a three-meter-high fence." Zhou He directly stated his needs without any ink.

"Okay, no problem, we can arrange for people to come over immediately to carry out the construction." The property manager was not surprised.

After all, he has seen many of these things.

Not to mention building a fence, he has seen people build a puppy villa in the yard.

"However, because we have to take other owners into consideration, we can only start construction tomorrow, and the construction time will be from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.," the property manager said.

"Okay, how long will it probably take?" Zhou He said.

"It can be done in two days."

"Okay, let's start tomorrow. As for the price, I will transfer it to you after the completion." Zhou He said.

"Okay, Mr. Zhou."

After hanging up the phone, Zhou He returned to the house, ran into the bathroom and took a shower.

Not to mention that this bathroom is quite large, but there is also a small bathtub that can be used for bathing in winter.

Only a few minutes after Zhou He finished taking a shower, Zhou Li's phone call came.

"Open the door quickly, open the door quickly, I'm here, my God, your location is great, it's so big, it's great, this house..."

Before anyone could see him, he could already hear his sister's exclamation on the phone.

"Wait a minute, I'll be right back." Zhou He hung up the phone, picked up the door key, quickly came to the door, and pressed the key.

There was a clicking sound, and the big iron door opened automatically.

Immediately, an Audi car drove in.

After the vehicle was completely driven in, Zhou He pressed the switch again and closed the large iron door. Then he quickly walked down the steps and walked towards the Audi.

"Uncle, your house is so big and beautiful." Before Zhou Li got out of the car, Sissi actually opened the car door herself, ran out quickly, and rushed towards Zhou He.

"Does Sissy like it?"


"Then if you want to come over and play, come over and play. How about I make you a swing in the yard tomorrow?" Zhou He said with a smile.

"Okay, okay, I want to play on the swing, I want to play on the swing." Sissi clapped her hands and was very happy.

"You boy, you are so quick. Such a nice house, tsk tsk tsk, the decoration is so grand, and the location is such that it is a riverside villa. It is indeed a wealthy person, he is so heroic."

"This house costs more than ten million at least." Zhou Li estimated the price of the house.

"It cost 23 million, but the furniture here is worth more than 2 million. It has only been decorated for three months and no one has lived in it yet. It can be considered a new house." Zhou He said with a smile.

"Good boy, more than 20 million." Zhou Li looked amazed.

"No, no, you have to treat us to a big dinner tonight, absolutely a big dinner." Zhou Li wanted to join a big family.

"It won't work tonight, there's a game, tomorrow, tomorrow." Zhou He said with a wry smile.

"You have a lot of games every day, so I'll be waiting for you tomorrow." Zhou Li said with a smile.

"Haha, come on, come in, I'll show you around." Zhou He smiled and walked into the house with Sissi in his arms.

Zhou Li and Xixi stayed here until half past five, because their brother-in-law had to get off work, so they left.

"Ring ring ring..." Just at this moment, a phone call came.

"Hello, who's there?"

"Hello, you have a courier that has arrived. Are you at home? If you are at home, I will deliver it. If you are not at home, I will leave it at the Cainiao Station." The courier said.

"Express delivery? Ah, oh oh oh, you can send it to Rookie Station."

Zhou He then remembered that the location where his license plate was mailed was still in the countryside.

However, Zhou He did not expect that the license plate would be delivered so quickly.

After checking the time, it was still too late. Zhou He immediately drove his Levante towards the place where he originally lived.

Although it was peak period, because the location in the countryside was a bit remote and there were few cars going there, it only took ten minutes longer, and it took a total of forty minutes to get there.

After taking the license plate and taking it apart, Zhou He immediately installed it.

Hunan A.A8A77, this license plate is quite good, and Zhouhe is lucky.

Then, I clicked on the navigation and searched for Mingcheng International.

It's not too far, only less than twenty kilometers, but due to traffic jams, it takes about forty or fifty minutes to get there.

Mingcheng International, parking lot.

As soon as Zhou He parked the car and got out of the car, Liu Zhengwen called.

"Brother, are you here? We are waiting for you in box No. 8." Liu Zhengwen said.

"Come here, come here, already at the door."

However, after five or six minutes, Zhou He came to the box under the guidance of the waiter.

"Brother, you are here. Come on, let me introduce you."

"Zhou He, the one who sold a piece of software worth one billion a few days ago is also Zhou He who saved Xiaoxue a few days ago." Liu Zhengwen introduced to the people present.

There were a lot of people in the box. Counting them down, there were nine people in total.

Liu Zhengwen and his wife, Xiaoxue, Xiaoxue's brother Liu Xiaoan, uncle Xiaoxue, grandparents, grandparents.

"Brother, let me introduce to you, this is my guest Wang Ke, my brother-in-law, Wang Jie, my dad..." Liu Zhengwen just introduced everyone.

Why do these people look at Zhou He and feel like they are meeting their parents?

"Hello aunt, hello grandparents, I'm Zhou He..." Zhou He greeted them with a smile.

"Okay, the young man is very good. If it weren't for you, my Xiaoxue would have been wronged."

"Yes, yes, damn it, there are still people like this now."

After they chatted for a while.

Liu Zhengwen couldn't help but pull Zhou He to sit on Liu Xiaoxue's right side.

And he himself sat on the right side of Zhou He.

"You're here." At this time, Liu Xiaoxue, who was sitting on Zhou He's left hand side, said with a smile.

"Well, there's a bit of a traffic jam, but you guys came quite early, it's not yet seven o'clock."

"We were afraid of traffic jams, so we came early." Xiaoxue said with a smile.

"Brother, come on, see if these dishes are good and whether you want to add a few more." Liu Zhengwen took the menu and handed it to Zhou He.

At this time, Wang Ke pinched the soft flesh of Liu Zhengwen's waist and said, "What do you call me, brother? Even Xiaohe calls me aunt, and you have confused the seniority."

"Ah, yes, yes, I am stupid and called it wrong, Xiaohe, Xiaohe, haha..." Liu Zhengwen responded quickly and quickly changed his words.

"Uncle, that's all, that's enough." Zhou He felt a little embarrassed and had no choice but to call him Uncle Liu Zhengwen.

Then, the meal was finished in this friendly but somewhat awkward environment.

During the dinner, Zhou He also received a new order, and he didn't even have time to look at it.

Fortunately, Zhou He had already set it to vibrate, otherwise it would be a bit embarrassing if the voice broadcast came out.

After walking out of the hotel door, Zhou He said goodbye to Liu Zhengwen and his family, and then drove his vehicle and left the hotel.

While waiting for a traffic light somewhere, Zhou He quickly opened the new order in the app and checked it out.

[Order: Tie Dan

Order requirement: He needs to be able to reduce the swelling in his hamstring and regain consciousness, no matter what it is.

Order destination: "Night of Return" World Hong Kong Island New District Building.

Order reward: One big draw, 5,000 points.】

"Returning to the Soul Night? Is it that nonsensical comedy ghost movie by Master Xing?" Zhou He's face looked a little uncertain.

The most terrifying thing is not those scary worlds such as Kayako, Sadako, A Nightmare on Elm Street, and The Shining.

It's the world of nonsensical, funny comedies, and children's cartoons.

Let’s not talk about the rest for the time being, let’s just talk about this Soul Resurrection Night.

That Mrs. Li fell from a building dozens of stories high and her blood flowed all over the floor.

In this situation, the protagonist Leon was saved.

After that, Mrs. Li grabbed the gun again and shot herself three times in the chest, killing her completely.

However, he was still revived by Leon in an extremely exaggerated way.

Can you believe this? In the end, because he wanted to prevent Mrs. Li from committing suicide, he accidentally hit Mrs. Li to death with a throwing knife.

This is what is called, to prevent others from committing suicide, I should strike first?

When Zhou He saw this, he really wanted to die laughing.

However, if you take it to the real world, this plot will be very scary.

As for Tie Dan, he is truly a wise man.

Because he was drunk, he mistakenly identified the person, and actually attacked a ghoul old lady who had been dead for a long time and possessed his body.

Which led to his hanging...

Zhou He immediately took the order.

More than twenty minutes later, Zhou He arrived home smoothly.

Immediately park the vehicle in the garage, then follow the door on the right side of the vehicle and enter the house.

Zhou He did not rush into the world of orders, but came to the room first, turned on the computer, and started watching the movie.

Although he still remembers some plots, after all, it has been many years.

An hour later, Zhou He finished reading, then went to the study room and started making spells.

A world of ghosts and ghosts is still a bit unfriendly to warriors like Zhou He. Talismans are the most effective against ghosts.

In the blink of an eye, five hours passed and it was already three o'clock in the morning.

Zhou He finally slowly put away his pen and put the talismans he had made into the storage box.

Immediately, he came to the garage again, got into the van, and clicked on the built-in navigation.

[Welcome to Huobangbang Navigation. This time the destination is the Hong Kong Island New District Building in the "Return to Soul Night" world.]

[Please note that the space tunnel will open in five seconds, please be prepared, driver.]

[5,4...1, the space tunnel has been opened, please drive in as soon as possible. 】

Not far in front of the van, a slightly spaced tunnel appeared.

This space tunnel is different from before, much smaller than before.

But it's just the same height and width as the garage, so the van can pass through it.

Immediately, Zhou He drove the van into the space tunnel.

The world of "Return to Soul Night", 1995, Hong Kong Island.

"Creak!" A rapid braking sound sounded.

A van that did not belong to this era was parked below a building.

Zhou He opened the car door and walked out.

A cold wind blew, making Zhou He feel a little chilly.

Zhou He's brows suddenly wrinkled.

This wind is not an ordinary wind, it is definitely a dark wind.

"It seems that both Mrs. Li and Mr. Li are dead." Zhou He murmured.

Also, the order placed by Tie Dan, this plot point is the plot where Mrs. Li and Mr. Li committed suicide by jumping off the building.

This dark wind has no effect on Zhou He at all.

At this time, he had perfected the magical power of Vajra Indestructibility, his whole body was flawless, and he could even completely collect his own breath.

Not only were ordinary ghosts unable to harm him, they were even unable to discover the existence of Zhou He, who was a great tonic to them.

Zhou He had just walked past the fountain below the building when he saw several police officers coming out of the building.

Several residents followed behind.

"Mr. Police, please tell us why Mr. Li and the others jumped off the building."

"Yes, yes, otherwise, we wouldn't dare live here."

Several tenants wanted to know why Mr. Li and others jumped from the building.

However, the police's reply was still the same: "Under investigation, no comment."

"Well, if it wasn't cheaper here, I would have moved away long ago." A middle-aged man sighed and said.

"Yeah, it's really weird here. The old lady died a few days ago, and today the couple actually jumped off the building one after another. If I had known better, I wouldn't have rented here. I've paid for it for a year."

The three tenants were complaining to each other with depressed expressions.

At this time, Zhou He walked up and asked, "Hello, do you know where the security room is?"

Zhou He spoke in Cantonese, so they didn't show any strange expressions.

With his ability to learn quickly and never forget, he learned Cantonese after watching the Cantonese version of "The Return of the Soul".

"Don't you have eyes? You can't look for them yourself?" A woman in her thirties had a sharp and mean look on her face. She didn't say anything nice to Zhou He because of his appearance.

The other two people glanced at Zhou He and ignored him.

"Can I ask where the security room is?" Zhou He asked again.

However, what was different this time was that he took out a thousand-dollar bill.

The three of them were stunned for a moment, and the man with the sharp mouth and monkey cheeks closest to Zhou He was the first to react.

He snatched the thousand-yuan bill from Zhou He's hand.

"Inside, just walk along the passage to the very end." The sharp-mouthed monkey said as he ran away.

However, before he could take a step, the middle-aged man grabbed his clothes.

Seeing this, the man immediately punched the middle-aged man in the face with his backhand.

"Ah...it hurts so much. How dare you do it?" The middle-aged man screamed and immediately let go of his hand.

When the man with the sharp mouth and monkey cheeks saw him letting go, he immediately ran outside.

At this moment, the sarcastic woman suddenly swooped down and threw the man to the ground.

Finally, a monkey came and stole the peach.

"Ah..." A scream sounded.

The woman took advantage of the situation and snatched the thousand dollar bill.

"Handsome guy, the security room is at the very back. Go to the end and you'll see behind the iron fence. Your one thousand yuan is mine, thank you!" The woman blew a kiss to Zhou He.

However, the next second, she was knocked down by the middle-aged man.

"The security room is at the very back. This thousand yuan is mine." The middle-aged man pressed on the woman with a fierce expression.

"Mine, it's mine." The man with the sharp mouth and monkey cheeks regained his composure and swooped over to join the fight.

"What are you doing?"

"Stop it, stop it!"

The few policemen who had not gone far rushed over quickly...

"Ha." Zhou He watched the three of them fighting over the thousand yuan, smiled disdainfully, and then walked inside.

New District Building, security room.

"You bastards, during working hours, one of you goes to find a prostitute, and the other helps others find prostitutes."

"You two are even worse. You actually stole something. If others find out, do you know what the consequences will be?"

"Also, the building is haunted. Mr. Hu said not to spread the word. Have you figured it out?"

Captain Lu pointed at the security guards and shouted sternly with a gloomy expression.

This chapter has been completed!
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