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Chapter 225 Conan and the Riven Girl [six thousand words

"Then just shoot!" Zhou He said with a faint smile.

"Damn it, who are you? What are you doing?" James still didn't fire.

Zhou He did not answer James, but lifted the kid up to level with himself and said, "There is a guy who said he wants you to see a real ghost, so I'm here."

"Uncle, are you a ghost?" Conan's big eyes blinked and he said innocently.

However, his hand was not slow at all. An anesthetic needle shot out from his watch, but he saw that the anesthetic needle did not even penetrate the surrounding skin.

"Of course I'm not a ghost. There are no ghosts in your world." Zhou He glanced at Conan's watch and said with a smile, not caring.

"There are no ghosts, so how can you let me see ghosts?" Conan put his hand at ease and asked.

"Of course I will take you to another world to see ghosts." Zhou He said with a faint smile.

At this moment, James' face hardened and he was about to pull the trigger.

With his marksmanship, he was fully capable of hitting Zhou He's arm without hurting Conan.

Zhou He suddenly looked at James and said, "If I were you, I wouldn't pull the trigger, otherwise, your finger would be broken."

When James heard this, he couldn't help but feel a little angry, but he still endured it.

As a fucking high-ranking official, I still have some patience.

"Don't shoot, don't shoot." Conan suddenly said to James.

Conan knew Zhou He's move. Although he didn't know what method he used, it was obvious that if James fired, not only would he not hit Zhou He, but he would also be hurt.

At this time, Judy, who fell to the ground, put her hands on the ground and swept her legs toward Zhou He.


Judy groaned, and she felt as if her legs were being swept up by an iron pillar.

Zhou He lowered his head, glanced at Judy, smiled, turned around and walked towards his car.

Seeing the defenseless Zhou He, James wanted to shoot, but he saw Conan's hands constantly waving, signaling him not to take action.

"Don't follow me. My uncle and I went to see a ghost and will come back. Everything will be fine." Conan said in a sweet voice.

When Judy saw Conan say this, she didn't do anything.

James also slowly put down the pistol.

"Kid, don't worry. Your Uncle Maori is fine. He just passed out." After returning to the car, Zhou He looked at the worried Conan and said with a smile.

"Really? It's fine. It's fine." Conan instantly showed a very cheerful look.

Act, keep acting, this Conan is worthy of being an actor-level figure, he is so damn good at acting.

Zhou He immediately started the vehicle and drove away.

"The tracker is activated, let's follow it quickly." At this time, James suddenly said.

"Well, who is this guy? What an amazing skill." Judy felt a dull pain in her calf.

"You should remember his face, draw it, and then search it in the database." James started the vehicle, followed the positioning, and hung it far behind the Levante.

"Uncle, what's your name? I see you just pinched the bullet. You're so awesome. How did you do that?" Conan sat in the passenger seat and said with admiration.

"My name is Zhou He. As for holding the bullet, it probably has something to do with my martial arts practice." Zhou He said with a faint smile.

"Xiwu? Wait, uncle, are you from China?" Conan said with a surprised look on his face.


At this moment, Conan's thoughts suddenly began to spin rapidly.

In an instant, he positioned Zhou He's identity as a member of an organization in China. Of course, he could also be an official force in China.

As for Zhou He practicing martial arts and receiving bullets, Conan sneered. It was definitely using some kind of high technology that made him unable to see the flaws.

"Uncle, it's great. He is actually from China. I have always wanted to travel to China," Conan said.

The next second, the vehicle suddenly stopped.

"You can't go to China, but I can still take you to travel to the world of vengeance." Zhou He picked up the phone and said with a smile.

Only then did Conan realize that they had appeared in an empty, abandoned car park without knowing when.

Just when Conan was about to speak, suddenly, a blue and gorgeous space tunnel appeared in front of him.

Conan's eyes widened instantly and his mouth opened wide.

When Zhou He saw Conan like this, the corners of his mouth raised slightly. Then, the accelerator roared and he drove in.

When the vehicle stopped, Conan, who came back to his senses, suddenly looked out the window.

He discovered that what was supposed to be an abandoned car park around him had now turned into residential buildings.

At this time, although it was still broad daylight, I didn't know why, but it always felt a bit eerie.

"Kid, get out of the car." Zhou He said.

"Ah? Oh." Conan woke up with a start and quickly got out of the car.

Then, without waiting for Conan to ask questions, Zhou He put Levante into the storage box with a wave of his hand.

Yes, the storage box can still be used.

He had already tried it last night when he was in the hotel.

Although I don't drive a van, the storage box can still be used across the world without restrictions.

At the same time, the breakfast eaten in the morning just made room for Levante to store it.

He spent real money to buy this in the main world, so it's better to be on the safe side...

"Where's the car? Where's the car?"

When Conan saw the vehicle disappear, he suddenly looked horrified. He reached out and touched it and found that there was no hair on it.

"You can think of it as space folding technology." Zhou He said with a smile.

"Empty space folding technology? Hallucination, this is definitely an hallucination. Are you hypnotizing me?"

"Or am I dreaming now?" Conan stopped pretending to be a child and said in an adult tone.

"Hey, stop pretending, Kudo Shinichi, are you hypnotized? Do you feel like you are hypnotized? Also, you will know if you are dreaming or not by pinching yourself." Zhou He said with a smile.

"Ah, how do you know my identity?" Conan's expression suddenly changed.

Even after he came to this strange world, his expression had never changed so much.

"Is it weird to know your identity? Kid, does it hurt?" Zhou He said, and a brain collapsed on Conan's forehead.

"Ouch! It hurts." Conan immediately covered his red forehead and cried out in pain.

"It hurts, now you should know that you are not dreaming, right?" Zhou He said with a smile.

Conan stared at Zhou He without saying anything, then turned around and ran towards the back.

After a while, Conan disappeared around a corner.

"Hey, little guy, where could you run to? But it's just the right time to scare you." Zhou He had a malicious smile on his face.

Then, he glanced at the house on the right,

He could feel the huge resentment inside this house, and thought with his toes that this house was the place where Kayo died and hid.

Zhou He was not in a hurry and disappeared around the corner in a flash of lightning speed.

"Hoo ho ho!" After running for seven or eight minutes, Conan was sure to get rid of Zhou He, holding on to a telephone pole and gasping for air.

"This seems to be Nerima District, Tokyo. Let's call Uncle Mori first to see how he is doing." Conan took out a mobile phone from his pocket and dialed the landline number of Mori Office directly.

Until now, Conan still doesn't believe that he has arrived in another world.

He just felt that the changes in the scene were due to Zhou He's use of some technological means.

However, Conan quickly froze on the spot.

He found that he could not dial the number on his mobile phone, and it prompted that the communication signal could not be connected.

"How is this possible?" Conan looked in disbelief.

I tried several times again, but could not connect to the communication signal.

"Damn it, did he do something to my phone?" Conan said with a stern face.

Putting away his phone, Conan looked around, and his eyes suddenly lit up.

I saw a beautiful young lady in fashionable clothes in the distance sitting on a bench wearing headphones and listening to music on her mobile phone.

In her arms, there was this snow-white teddy dog.

It seems that he was tired from walking the dog and sat on the bench to rest.

Conan immediately ran over and said in a sweet voice, "Pretty big sister, can you lend me your phone?"

"Ah, what's wrong with my cute little brother? Are you separated from your parents?" The young lady took off her headphones and pinched Conan's cheek with a smile.

"Yes, I got separated from my mother. Can you lend me your phone and I'll call my mother." Conan looked at the young lady pleadingly with his big eyes.

"Here, can you use it?" The young lady smiled and handed the phone over.

"I'll use it, thank you, big sister." Conan took the phone and immediately dialed the number of the Mori Office.

"The number you dialed is unavailable..."

"An empty number? Why is it an empty number?" Conan's expression changed, and he had a bad feeling.

"Little brother, did you remember it wrong? Think about it." The young lady said with a smile.

"I must have remembered it wrong, I'm giving it a try."

Conan smiled at the young lady and then dialed Haihara Ai's number.

This time, he pressed the phone very slowly, recalling the number in his mind, and after confirming it was correct, he dialed.

"Moses, Moses, who is this?" A middle-aged man's voice came from the other end of the phone.

Hearing this voice, Conan's heart sank and he slowly said, "I'm looking for Haiyuan Ai."

"Hui Yuan Ai? Who is Hui Yuan Ai? My kid, are you playing a prank with your parents' phone number?" the middle-aged man said.

"I'm sorry, I must have dialed the wrong number." Conan hung up the phone directly.

"What's wrong? Little brother, did you type the wrong number?"

"I seem to have forgotten my mother's phone number..."

"Try one more time and don't be anxious. If it doesn't work, my sister will take you to the police uncle." The young lady said comfortingly.

"Well, thank you, big sister." Conan nodded, and then began to try the numbers of everyone he remembered.

However, these numbers were either empty or were answered by someone else, not the voices of the people he was familiar with at all.

When he was about to dial again, suddenly, his eyes caught a glimpse of the date on the phone.

July 29, 2003.

"How could this be 2003?" Conan was shocked.

Immediately, he raised his head and asked the little sister: "Sister, do you know what year this is?"

"Of course I know, this year is 2003, why do you ask this?" the young lady said strangely.

"Thank you, big sister, for lending me the phone." Conan's heart sank to the bottom of his heart, but he smiled on the surface.

He returned the phone to the young lady, then immediately rubbed oil on his feet and ran away.

"Hey little brother, why did you run away?"

In Conan's own memory, the era he lived in was 2007 (Conan's timeline is too broken, so I calculated based on the time when the episodes were updated).

Now it seemed to be proven that he had really come to a different world, but he still had to confirm it with his own eyes.

Conan followed the sign and walked towards the Mori Office.

Although they were in two districts, relying on his memory and taking the bus, Conan arrived at the Mori Office in just half an hour.

When Conan saw that the windows on the second floor were sealed with security windows, he finally believed that he had really arrived in a different world.

"This is so unreasonable. How could I come to another world?" Conan's heart suddenly sank to the bottom.

"Damn it, it seems I still need the help of that Chinese guy if I want to go back."

Conan suddenly felt a little annoyed, wondering why he had to run away to hang himself. Zhou He must no longer be in that place.

However, Conan was not a person who gave up easily. He immediately spent another hour returning to the place where they originally appeared.

"Sure enough, he is no longer here. Alas, what should we do next?" Conan's head suddenly became big.

"Why don't we go to the Metropolitan Police Department?" Conan thought of a way.

Anyway, he is just a seven-year-old child. As long as he pretends to be stupid, the people from the Metropolitan Police Department will not do anything to him.

"No, no, we can't go to the Metropolitan Police Department..." Conan thought for a while, but still decided not to go to the Metropolitan Police Department.

Because if he went to the Metropolitan Police Department, his movements would be restricted. He could neither go to Zhou He nor Zhou He could find him.

Immediately, Conan could only wander around aimlessly, trying to find Zhou He.

On the roof of a house, Zhou He, who had used the invisibility technique, was sitting on top, eating steamed bird meat cooked in a Zhuanlong pot.

"Little devil, when night falls, I'll let you experience the Night Walk of One Hundred Ghosts..."

The corners of Zhou He's mouth raised slightly.

"call out"

A sound broke through the air, and immediately, a baseball was seen heading toward Zhou He at extremely fast speeds.

Zhou He frowned and turned his head slightly to avoid the attack of the baseball.

If an ordinary person is sitting on the roof, there is absolutely no way he can escape. If he is hit, he will definitely fall off the roof, and he will either die or be disabled.

During the few hours he followed Conan, he was attacked by sudden accidents more than once.

I have to say that the curse of the Death God's elementary school student is really too strong.

Soon, night fell.

Conan was holding a piece of bread in his left hand and a bottle of Coke in his right hand. He was sitting on a small bench, munching the bread happily.

There are a few unopened loaves of bread beside him.

"You were so handsome when you grew up, and you were so cute when you were a kid, hehe!" Conan felt pleased with himself.

This bread and coke were given to him by a lady who just passed by and kept praising him for being so cute.

This made Conan feel a little elated.

Of course, Conan would not know that the food and drink were all a trick that Zhou He used on the wife. Otherwise, Conan would have just waited to starve.

Conan finished eating the bread and drank the Coke, and then he leaned on the bench and rested.

I was already very tired from dealing with those organizations of men in black today. Now, I suddenly came to another world and after so many hours of tossing, I was already very tired.

Seeing this, Zhou He wiped his mouth and slowly stood up. Just as he was about to capture Kayako, he suddenly frowned.

Immediately, a smile appeared on his face again.

He jumped off the roof with a slight leap, then dispelled his invisibility spell and started walking slowly on the deserted street.


"Tap tap tap..."

The sound of high heels hitting the ground came from behind Zhou He.

As the sound of high heels got closer and closer, Zhou He clearly noticed a figure appearing behind him.

A vague fragrance floated into his nose.

"Am I beautiful?" A clear and sweet female voice sounded from behind Zhou He.

"Oh, she's actually a slit girl?" Zhou He's lips slightly raised, and he turned to look at the woman who spoke.

It was obviously a hot summer day, but I saw this girl wearing a red coat, a blood-red scarf around her neck, and holding a pair of scissors in her right hand.

Her long hair hangs down and she wears a white mask on her face, revealing only a pair of bright eyes.

"Am I beautiful?" The cracked girl blinked her big bright eyes and looked at Zhou He.

"Beautiful, you are very beautiful!" Zhou He touched the charm chain on his right hand and raised the corners of his mouth slightly.

After Conan finished eating the bread, he felt a little sleepy.

He leaned back on the chair and fell asleep in a daze.

"Little brother, do you think I'm beautiful?" A sweet yet trembling voice sounded in Conan's ears.

"What?" Conan was woken up not long after he fell asleep.

"Little brother, do you think I'm beautiful?" The cracked girl's ears moved and her body trembled.

Her voice returned to calmness, her eyes narrowed slightly, and she seemed to be laughing because of something.

"Pretty, big sister is so pretty."

As soon as Conan opened his eyes, he saw a young lady wearing a mask and her eyes were very bright.

After taking a closer look, I discovered that the young lady's skin was as white as snow, her black hair was as smooth as a waterfall, and she had a subtle fragrance on the tip of her nose.

Although he didn't see the young lady's face under the mask, Conan opened his mouth to praise without hesitation.

Conan didn't need to look at the face under the mask. It was definitely not inferior to his Xiaolan, or even better.

Hearing this, the cracked girl narrowed her eyes again, and immediately reached out and took off her mask.

I saw a hideous bloodstain on the fair and tender cheek of the cracked girl.

One, two, three, a large number of snow-white teeth were exposed, densely packed, and looked very scary.

Moreover, these teeth do not look like human teeth at all, but are as sharp as wolf teeth.

If you don't look at the cracks and teeth, this is definitely a great beauty. However, such a great beauty has a terrifying bloody mouth, which makes people shudder.

"Little brother, do you still think your sister is beautiful now?" The cracked girl grinned. After taking off her mask, her sweet voice became a little hoarse and deep.

At the same time, the big scissors in the hand of the cracked woman had suddenly become sharp.

Conan's pupils contracted violently, and his heart beat violently.

"The Rift Girl, this is the Rift Girl." Conan instantly recognized the terrifying monster in front of him.

As a famous detective, Conan also read a lot of folk tales.

Naturally, we also know the legend of the cracked girl.

According to the book, a child walking alone at night will encounter a woman wearing a mask.

She will ask the question: "Am I beautiful?"

If there is no answer, the cracked woman will kill him with the scissors in her hand.

If the answer is that it is not beautiful or ugly, the slit woman will directly cut the child in half and die miserably.

If the child answers yes, or very beautiful, very beautiful, etc., the cracked girl will take off the mask, and then continue to ask: "Am I still beautiful now?"

If you still answer nicely, then the Slit Girl will cut your mouth to look like hers. Although you won't die, she will appear in front of you again soon.

Therefore, if you encounter a gaping girl, it is really difficult to escape from her hands.

However, Conan remembered that there was a way to crack it.

Just answer: "You are average."

Then, the cracked girl will feel confused because of this compromised answer.

That is, instead of answering "beautiful" or "ugly", answer "you are average". When she is not sure what she should do and is confused, she just has a chance to escape.

Conan thought of this and immediately said: "You are very ordinary."

Hearing this answer, the cracked girl who was about to take action was stunned for a moment, and then a trace of confusion appeared in her eyes.

"It works!" Conan immediately felt happy. Taking advantage of this opportunity, Conan jumped off the bench and ran away quickly towards the distance.

Seven or eight seconds later, the cracked girl came back to her senses, looked at Conan who was running away, opened her mouth, exposed all her teeth, and laughed.

Run? Can you run away?

Her speed is 100 meters in three seconds. Even if the world champion comes, he can't outrun her.

The cracked girl caught up with Conan in an instant, but did not take action. Instead, she asked again: "Little brother, do you think your sister is beautiful?"

Conan's heart was agitated. He didn't expect that the cracked girl was so fast.

Conan immediately gritted his teeth, stopped suddenly, turned around, squatted down and turned the power of his shoes to the maximum.

Then he stood up again and pressed the button on his belt.

In an instant, an inflatable football appeared from his belt.


Conan fired a fierce volley, and the huge force directly gave football a powerful momentum.

Almost in the blink of an eye, he arrived in front of the cracked girl.

The cracked girl was stunned. When she saw Conan's movements, she was stunned on the spot.

When she reacted, the football was already so close that she couldn't hide.


The next second, the cracked girl screamed.

The football was firmly imprinted on the slit girl's fair and tender yet terrifying face.

A huge force acted on the body of the cracked girl, causing her to fly backwards and fly more than ten meters away.

"Is it a hit?" Conan looked at the slit girl flying out and breathed a sigh of relief.

"Ah...it hurts, it hurts..."

Not long after, the cracked girl stood up suddenly, covering her face, her eyes were red, and she stared at Conan in the distance.

This chapter has been completed!
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