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Chapter 374 'Wandering Earth', I am God! [6,000 words]

Chapter 374 "The Wandering Earth", I am God! [Six thousand words, please vote for me!]

Liu Zhengwen and Wang Ke were treated with nano-medical machines.

Zhou He and Liu Zhengwen had lunch together, and then went home alone.

Regardless of the commotion caused by the outside world, it is already close to two o'clock when Zhou He returns home.

He didn't even go back to the house. After parking the car, he got into a van nearby.

Then, I took out my phone and clicked on the built-in navigation of the APP.

[Welcome to Huobangbang Navigation. This time the destination is the world of "The Wandering Earth".]

[Please note that the space tunnel will open in five seconds, please be prepared, driver.]

[5,4...1, the space tunnel has been opened, please drive in as soon as possible. 】

The cold wind is howling and the snow is capped.

The scene in front of me is like a glacier world.

Zhou He got off the van, felt the terrifying cold wind, and with a thought, put the van into the storage box.

Subsequently, Zhou He opened this order.

[Order: Wang Lei

Order destination: "The Wandering Earth" world, Hangzhou No. 1 Underground City.

Order requirements: Send flint to Hangzhou Underground City in time

Order reward: 50,000 points, one big draw.】

"Wang Lei?" Zhou He seemed a little impressed.

"The Wandering Earth" has a nickname, called Wandering Little Broken Ball.

When the movie was released that year, it was a complete hit.

Moreover, it also opened the door to Chinese science fiction movies. Unfortunately, "Fortress" died of drought.

The box office reached the second place in the country's total box office.

Although it has now been surpassed by "Nezha Devil Boy Comes to the World" and "Hello, Li Huanying", it still ranks fourth in the total box office. (Due to time constraints, Changjin Lake has not yet been released)

Although Zhou He was alone at that time, he still went to the cinema to watch it.

Surrounded by young lovers, Zhou He ate endless amounts of dog food.

I have to say that when I watched it, I was shocked and said it looked great.

After thinking about it for a moment, all the plot of this movie emerged.

[In recent years, scientists have discovered that the sun is rapidly aging and expanding, and the entire solar system, including the earth, will be engulfed by the sun in a short period of time. In order to save themselves, humans have proposed a bold plan called "The Wandering Earth".

That is to say, the entire world will be used to build tens of thousands of engines and steering engines on the surface of the earth to push the earth out of the solar system and rush to its new home in 2,500 years.

Chinese astronaut Liu Peiqiang went to the Navigator Space Station when his son Liu Qi was four years old, and shouldered the important responsibility of being a navigator with his international peers.

In the blink of an eye, in 2075, Liu Qi grew up. He secretly ran to the surface with his sister Han Duoduo and stole his grandfather Han Ziang's transport truck. As a result, he was not only arrested, but also suffered a global engine shutdown.

In order to repair the engine and prevent the earth from falling into Jupiter, the world began to launch a saturation rescue operation, even at any cost.

Even Liu Qi's car was forcibly recruited. In the process of racing against time, countless people worked hard, risking their lives, just to continue the hope of survival for generations of descendants.

In the end, Liu Peiqiang piloted the Navigator International Space Station and ignited Jupiter, using Jupiter's thrust to push away the Earth, sacrificing himself in exchange for the safety of the Earth.

It was at this moment that I finally understood my father, but unfortunately it was too late.】

Because it was far away from the sun and deviated from its trajectory, the whole world fell into an ice age, and almost no human beings could survive on the surface.

According to Wandering Earth's plan, 10,000 'planetary engines' were built on the surface.

Under each engine, a supporting underground city was built.

The Wandering Earth Project has five stages.

In the first stage, a 'planetary engine' is used to stop the rotation of the earth and fix the engine nozzle in the opposite direction of the earth's movement. This stage will take forty-two years.

In the second stage, the 'planetary engine' is started at full power to push the earth and fly out of the solar system. This stage will take a full fifty years.

In the third part, the engine continues to accelerate in outer space and the engine continues to eject for five hundred years without interruption.

When the Earth accelerates to five thousandths of the speed of light, the Earth will fly at this speed for 1,300 years.

In the fourth stage, after the Earth has been flying for 1,300 years and has completed two-thirds of its journey, the Earth is allowed to re-autorotate, adjust the position of the 'planetary engine', and begin to slow down for 500 years.

In the fifth stage, the Earth reaches Proxima Centauri after 2,400 years of navigation. In another 100 years, it will enter the orbit of this star and become one of its satellites.

Scientists call these five steps respectively the Braking Era, the Escape Era, the Wandering Era 1 (acceleration), the Wandering Era 2 (deceleration), and the New Solar Era. If this plan succeeds, it will be the most magnificent epic in human history.

However, this plan seems to be very beautiful, but the progress is extremely cruel.

The earth moved away from the sun and shifted its trajectory, and the earth directly entered the ice age.

Coupled with the presence of the engine, extreme heat will occur in some areas, with temperatures as high as 80 or 90 degrees Celsius.

In addition, the earth has no longer rotated, and extreme weather such as snowstorms, cold waves, and high temperatures occur frequently.

At the same time, sea levels are rising and large tracts of land are submerged.

Coupled with the extreme cold, most cities were frozen.

People can only stay in the underground city five kilometers above the ground, relying on the heat emitted by geothermal and planetary engines to produce and live.

People extract oxygen from the soil to provide circulating air for underground cities; by simulating natural light, crops can be cultivated in underground cities. In terms of life, holographic screens are used to create blue skies and green trees to help people recall the "golden age" when the sun was "healthy"


Earthworms have become the main source of protein supplement. In the underground city where Liu Qi is located, there is a kebab shop that sells earthworm kebabs, and only earthworm kebabs. If you want to eat mutton kebabs, you have to wait for 2,000 yuan.

for many years.

After reaching Proxima Centauri, extract the genes and seeds of various animals and plants from the seed bank, and then allow them to reproduce again, so that humans can once again enjoy the life they were accustomed to more than two thousand years ago.

To be honest, when Zhou He went to see it, he was really shocked, especially when the 10,000 planetary engines started.

This is a film that only I, the Greater China, can shoot, taking all human beings on the arduous road of survival.

It's not like the movies shot by foreign countries. When the world is destroyed, Noah's Ark, spaceships, etc. are built to allow a small number of people to escape from the earth.

At the same time, Zhou He still dislikes Liu Qi among the characters in the movie.

Liu Qi felt that his father had abandoned him and his sister, but if it were not for the sake of all mankind, no parent would want to leave their children.

Liu Qi, however, did not understand his heroic father at all, and treated him coldly, causing constant trouble.

To be honest, if there were no Liu Qi as a character, or if the character design were changed, Zhou He felt that the plot would be more perfect.


Just as Zhou He was thinking, a tall truck came from a distance.

I saw the vehicle brake suddenly and then stop in front of Zhou He.

Immediately afterwards, the door of the delivery vehicle opened.

Then I saw a young man wearing protective clothing standing next to the car door.

"Hey, what are you looking at? You want to die, get in the car." Liu Qi shouted loudly towards Zhou He.

When Zhou He heard this, he smiled lightly and then walked onto the truck.

His order person is Wang Lei.

I have also remembered who this person is.

A soldier of the coalition government and the captain of Unit 171-11.

According to the next plot, it was Wang Lei who stopped the transport vehicle.

It just so happened that it saved Zhou He the time to find someone.

"Brother, let me tell you, why did you stand outside without wearing protective clothing and you didn't freeze to death?" Tim, the fake foreigner, said carelessly.

"Haha, it's okay." Zhou He said with a smile.

"Tch, it's not a big deal, you are lucky today." Han Duoduo said with a sigh.

Just when Han Ziang was about to speak, suddenly, several fighter jets flew past the sky.

Immediately afterwards, a global announcement sounded directly in the car.

"The coalition government mobilized at its highest level and notified global combat readiness forces that due to the influence of Jupiter's gravity, a total of 4,771 engines around the world have experienced shutdown failures. In order to avoid a collision between earth and wood, all ministries set out immediately in accordance with the No. 3 emergency plan."

"All failed engines must be restarted within thirty-six hours. This rescue operation is related to the life and death of 3.5 billion people. The priority of the goal is above all else, regardless of any cost."

I repeated it several times and then stopped.


Suddenly, the earth began to tremble.

In front of me, I saw hundreds of vehicles of various types approaching from a distance, exactly in the opposite direction to Han Ziang's vehicle.

These are emergency rescue forces, and they need to restart the planetary engine at all costs.

Only in this way can we avoid the Earth from hitting Jupiter in more than thirty hours.

"The rescue team has been dispatched. This matter is very serious." Han Ziang's face was a little solemn.

More than 4,000 engine failures are no small matter.

It is a major event concerning the earth and the life and death of all mankind.

After hearing the announcement, Zhou He frowned slightly and then stood up: "Yes, I almost forgot. I can't wait any longer."

Because of Jupiter's gravity, 4,771 engines around the world stalled.

Despite a global emergency repair, only 1,800 planetary engines were successfully started.

In other words, there are still 2,900 engines left and the rescue has not been completed.

And this means that all the humans living in the 2,900 underground cities will freeze to death below because they have lost their heat.

There are 350,000 people in each one. When multiplied, that is one billion people.

This is one billion people. The death of one billion people made Zhou He a little unable to sit still.

He is also a human being and cannot see a billion people dying in front of him.

Seeing this, Liu Qi said disdainfully: "What? You still want to save them? Just you?"

Hearing this, Zhou He said calmly: "You are such a heartless little brat, please don't be embarrassed here."

"What are you heartless about? You're talking about giving it a try." Liu Qi suddenly shouted angrily.

"What? You even look down on your father and treat him coldly. He even gave up his family love for the sake of all mankind. Isn't this embarrassing for you? What is it?" Zhou Hezhen hated Liu Qi.

"For all mankind? Haha, I'm laughing so hard. He's just a selfish ghost who doesn't care about his family's life and death." Liu Qi laughed angrily.

"What a waste." Zhou He snorted coldly and prepared to leave.

Just then, a voice sounded.

"Signal on!"

Han Ziang ignored the quarrel between the two and said, "Is that you? Peiqiang."

"Dad, it's me, Liu Qi, did you see it?"

"Liu Qi is beside me. We just encountered an earthquake and are now outside."

"Moss, locate the vehicle immediately." Liu Peiqiang issued an order to the intelligent system.

"Lieutenant Colonel Liu Peiqiang? Are you Lieutenant Colonel Liu Peiqiang?" Zhou He suddenly said.

"I am, who are you?" Liu Peiqiang said.

"Zhou He, I can repair more than 4,700 extinguished engines." Zhou He said.

"Hehehe, sir, please stop joking at this time."

"Dad, I sent you the nearest shelter, please drive there quickly," Liu Peiqiang said.

"Well, I'll drive over immediately. By the way, young man, please sit down quickly and stop talking." Han Ziang reminded.

"You can really brag, I admire you!" Tim said with a grin.

"For such a handsome man, why is his brain damaged by the cold?" Han Duoduo said with some pity.

"It really makes me laugh to death. Go somewhere else to show off your nerves. Don't make trouble here. You are also repairing 4,700 engines. You think you are a god." Liu Qi laughed disdainfully.

"You guessed it right, I am indeed a god." Zhou He said with a faint smile.

"Lieutenant Colonel Liu Peiqiang, I think you really want to see your relatives. Let me do a good deed."

Zhou He smiled lightly, then slowly raised his right hand, and then actually tore the space apart and penetrated it.

Before anyone could react, they saw Zhou He's right hand grabbing Liu Peiqiang's collar and coming out of the crack.

When Liu Peiqiang's figure completely appeared in the carrier vehicle, the cracks disappeared.

"Hmm? Hmm??Hmm???"

Liu Qi, Tim, and Han Duoduo were seen looking at the sudden appearance of Liu Peiqiang in shock.

Han Ziang also kept observing the situation through the rearview mirror.

When he discovered Liu Peiqiang appeared in the car, his eyes widened.


Suddenly, the accelerator was pressed hard, a sudden brake was applied, and the vehicle stopped instantly.

Because of the sudden sudden braking, strong inertia acts on the interior of the car.

However, a magical force immediately enveloped the carrier vehicle, preventing everyone from being affected by this inertia.

"Where is this? Am I not on the space station?"

"Duoduo? Liu Qi? Dad???" Liu Peiqiang, like them, widened his eyes and looked shocked.

He was obviously in the space station, so how come he was in this car the next second?

"Lieutenant Colonel Liu Peiqiang, hello, I'm Zhou He." Zhou He greeted with a smile.

"Hello, is it because of you that I'm here?" Liu Peiqiang swallowed his saliva and said.

He still hasn't accepted that he suddenly came to Earth from the space station.

"You guys just chat and catch up on old times, I'll get down to business first."

After Zhou He finished speaking, his body swayed and disappeared.

At the same time, a rapid siren sounded inside the pilot space station.

Some people who were still sleeping were immediately attracted by the sound of the alarm.

"Alert, alert, Lieutenant Colonel Liu Peiqiang suddenly disappeared in the space station. Please investigate nearby personnel immediately."

"Alert, alert, Lieutenant Colonel Liu Peiqiang suddenly disappeared in the space station. Please investigate nearby personnel immediately."

"Alert, alert, Lieutenant Colonel Liu Peiqiang suddenly disappeared in the space station. Please investigate nearby personnel immediately."

In just ten seconds, the space station staff used artificial intelligence Moss to contact Liu Peiqiang.

"Lieutenant Colonel Liu Peiqiang, please report your location immediately. Why does the positioning show that you are on Earth?"

Liu Peiqiang was still immersed in the huge shock, but he was immediately awakened by the sudden sound.

"Sir, I am currently on Earth, on a transport vehicle heading to the Jining Supply Station."

"Why are you on Earth?"

"A 'god' brought me from the space station to the earth." Liu Peiqiang hesitated and said.

"." The communicator was silent.

After a while, a voice came from the communicator: "Lieutenant Colonel Liu Peiqiang, please take responsibility for your words. I'm asking again, why did you appear on Earth?"

Liu Peiqiang heard this and said firmly: "I can take responsibility for my words. It was indeed the 'god' who brought me to earth."

"And, he said, he had a way to restore all the planetary engines."

"." The communicator fell silent again.

"Where is that god now? Let me talk to him." The person on the other side of the communicator said slowly.

Liu Peiqiang heard this and said, "He has already left, saying he was going to repair the engine."

"Okay I get it"

Because there are some deviations in scientists' calculations, Jupiter's huge gravitational pull causes the movement of the Earth's plates.

This resulted in large-scale earthquake events, which was the reason why more than 4,700 engines stalled around the world.

At this moment, Zhou He appeared in the sky above Hangzhou No. 1 Engine.

At this time, in the Hangzhou Underground City, because the planetary engine stalled, the temperature of the entire shelter had dropped from the original 20s to over 10 degrees.

At most, within an hour, the temperature will be the same as the surface, dozens of degrees below zero.

During this period, more than 300,000 people in the underground city will also die here.

The energy used by the 10,000 planetary engines is heavy nuclear fusion.

After the engine shuts down, it is very simple to restart it.

Just let the ignition device reach a suitable temperature to re-ignite and produce nuclear fusion.

In this way, the engine will restart.

With Zhou He's current strength, he could easily ignite the planetary engine by releasing a high temperature of millions or tens of millions of degrees.

Zhou He stopped writing, and immediately stretched out his hand and made a small flame.

The flame ignored the obstacles of the terrain and sank directly into the fuel tank of the planetary engine.

The next moment, a terrifying heat burst out.

"Holy shit, what's going on? The temperature has gone up, the temperature has gone up."

In Hangzhou No. 1 Underground City, the technicians who were rushing around suddenly exclaimed when they saw the display on the screen.

It only takes a few seconds for the temperature to reach the point where the engine can be restarted.

The technicians also reacted, and the leader immediately shouted: "Quick, start the planetary engine!!!"

After a while, as the engine successfully started, warm cheers rang out from the surroundings.

They were saved, they were saved, 350,000 living people were saved.

"The effect is good, then let's start!"

Looking at the restarted engine, Zhou He nodded slightly, and then slowly closed his eyes.

The next moment, the huge power of the soul burst out suddenly, covering the entire earth in an instant.

Countless flames appeared high in the sky, and then were swallowed up by clouds of gray mist.

All the flames were transferred to the extinguished engine fuel tank.

Inside the space station.

The notification sounded again.

"The engines started successfully, the number is one hundred and twenty-one."

"Data correction, one thousand one hundred and twelve."

"Data correction, three thousand three hundred and nineteen."

"Data correction, four thousand seven hundred and seventy-one."

"All planetary engine units that have failed have now been restored."

When the announcement sounded, there was silence in the space station.

Then, there was a burst of warm cheers.

Although they don't know what's going on, now that everything has been restored is a victory.

In the command room of the space station, the senior officials who were having an emergency meeting were also stunned on the spot.

"How is it possible, how can everything be repaired in such a short period of time?"

"Is there a problem with the data? Or is there a problem with the monitoring equipment?"

"Check, check immediately, and talk to those in the underground city."

"I asked, could it be the 'god' that Liu Peiqiang mentioned?"

As soon as these words came out, the entire command room fell into silence.

Somewhere, Wang Lei, who had just intercepted a transport vehicle, was preparing to lead his men to transport flint to the Hangzhou Underground City.

Suddenly, news came that all the engines that had been extinguished due to malfunctions around the world were restarted.

The destination of their trip, Hangzhou Engine No. 1, has also been restored.

"That's great, haha, it will be good as soon as it recovers, it will be good as soon as it recovers." Wang Lei laughed.

"But why did everything recover all at once? What's going on?" Wang Lei asked the person on the communicator about the situation again.

"I don't know yet, but I have some gossip and heard that he is a 'god'..."

This correspondent seemed to be a very gossipy guy, and told the gossip he knew.

"God? He can save so many engines and billions of lives. He deserves to be called God."

Wang Lei murmured to himself, his heart filled with gratitude.

Because his pregnant wife is in the underground city of Hangzhou.

"Covering the whole world, the power of the soul is still consumed too fast." Zhou He fell from a high altitude, and a layer of fine sweat appeared on his forehead.

Compared to his physical strength and spiritual strength, there are obviously some shortcomings.

However, relying on his terrifying resilience.

In a few breaths, the consumed soul power has been restored.

[Congratulations, your order has been completed. You will be rewarded with a lucky draw card and 50,000 points.]

Hearing the system prompt in his mind, Zhou He was suddenly a little surprised.

"I haven't even met Wang Lei yet, and the order has been completed???"

This is the first time that the order task has been completed without even seeing the order person.

"As long as it's completed, thirty days should be enough."

"But, I wonder if the sun can still be repaired?" Zhou He touched his chin and started thinking.

This chapter has been completed!
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