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Chapter 108 Master Feng?

Several soldiers were shouting inside, looking in a panic.

This way.

The three assassin dancers looked at each other. The lead dancer imitated a few dog barks outside, then ignored the ordinary dancers and actually followed Li Yuanjing and the others.

But what they didn't notice was——

At the door, Li Yuanjing, Zhang Zhiji and others had already seen this scene.

Zhang Zhiji hurriedly winked at Li Yuanjing.

Li Yuanjing understood and quickly stepped back.

As Li Yuanjing and Zhang Zhiji retreated, several soldiers immediately moved towards the door.


"Quick, don't lose sight of that bastard Zhang Zhiji!"

Not even a moment.

The three dancer assassins chased them to the door, and the leading dancer was still drinking.


However, as they were about to rush through the door, they were greeted by several sharp standard blades.


The three dancers, who were in their prime, with graceful figures, had tragically fallen into a pool of blood, and they died without closing their eyes.

Li Yuanjing quickly winked at Zhang Zhiji.

Zhang Zhiji understood instantly and hurriedly waved his hand to indicate that the bodies of the three dancing assassins should be dragged aside.

But a group of people were not in a hurry to leave.

But observing carefully.


"The door is open, the door is open, sisters, run for your lives..."

About five or six minutes later, the back door that had been burning seemed to have had its support taken away, and it opened on its own with a "squeak" sound.

This made the bewildered dancers around them feel as if they had been given an amnesty. They rushed towards the door in a swarm and soon rushed outside.

Zhang Zhiji was immediately overjoyed. He greeted Li Yuanjing and wanted to rush outside.

Li Yuanjing, however, hurriedly made a silent gesture to Zhang Zhiji.

Zhang Zhiji reacted and quickly looked over there carefully.


Not long after the dancers escaped, two men in ordinary clothes and unspectacular appearance quietly slipped into the courtyard.

With the experience of killing the three dancing girl assassins just now, Li Yuanjing and Zhang Zhiji cooperated more tacitly, and the two quickly retreated.

When Li Yuanjing saw a soldier next to him wearing a crossbow that the dancing assassin had just used, he also became interested and asked him to come over and check it carefully.


Just as Li Yuanjing was inspecting the structure of the crossbow machine, the screams suddenly sounded again.

These two ordinary-looking men had been chopped into bloody men by the soldiers.

"Sir, can we leave now?"

at this time.

Almost twenty minutes had passed since the initial assassination. The fire was getting bigger and bigger, and everything was in chaos.

But amidst the chaos, one can faintly hear:

Reinforcements from Fengcheng County Government seemed to have arrived, and many ordinary people began to spontaneously put out the fire.

But Li Yuanjing was still a little worried and whispered a few words to Zhang Zhiji.

Zhang Zhiji frowned immediately, but after hesitating for a moment, he still chose to believe Li Yuanjing.


Then a few soldiers carefully ducked out and dragged back the bodies of the two soldiers who had just been shot to death by the dancer assassin.

Then they took off the clothes of the two corpses and put them on Li Yuanjing and Zhang Zhiji.

Li Yuanjing then said to Zhang Zhiji in a low voice:

"Young Master, while we are walking inside, you should keep your head as low as possible so that no one will notice anything strange."

Zhang Zhiji greatly appreciated Li Yuanjing's carefulness and said hurriedly:

"Sir, don't worry, I can save you."

After everything was packed up, Li Yuanjing summoned a group of soldiers and carefully walked out.

at this time.

The back door has been burned to a pulp, and both doors have been burned to the point of falling off, but it is surrounded by brick walls, so there is no problem in passing people.

After the soldiers passed through first, Li Yuanjing and Zhang Zhiji came out later and finally arrived in the alley outside.

As soon as he saw this alley, Li Yuanjing couldn't help but frown.

This innkeeper is so evil!

This alley is the dividing line with another inn. It is completely a "line to the sky" and the width is only 60 to 70 centimeters, less than one meter.

No wonder no one came here to put out the fire.

Given the terrain conditions, even a thin woman wearing cotton-padded clothes could only walk sideways, let alone carry a bucket.

But this also made Li Yuanjing and Zhang Zhiji breath a little relieved.

By this time.

Everyone already had a certain tacit understanding. After a slight adjustment, Li Yuanjing and Zhang Zhiji were allowed to walk in the middle, and the group of people carefully walked out of the alley.

"Where is the young master? Go find him quickly!"

When they arrived at the entrance of the alley, Li Yuanjing and everyone felt as if they had received a general amnesty.

Outside the alley entrance, there was a wide street. There were more than a dozen county government soldiers milling around like headless flies, looking for Zhang Zhiji in a hurry.

The leading soldier in front was about to cry with joy and hurriedly shouted:

"Why are you fools wandering around? Don't you see the young master is here?"

During the conversation.

He pointed his finger in the direction of Li Yuanjing and Zhang Zhiji.

Li Yuanjing couldn't help but suddenly became clever again. He wanted to strangle the soldier in front of him to death, but it seemed that it was too late.

Busy fiercely pulled Zhang Zhiji to the ground and shouted at the same time:

"Kill them, they are not official officials!"


The soldiers had gone through this test, and their agility was much better than before. Soon some people reacted and started to kill these officers with shouts.

And these 'officers' reacted instantly and rushed towards the soldiers like wolves and tigers.


People on both sides were involved in a fierce melee.

Zhang Zhiji couldn't help but look at Li Yuanjing next to him, and shrank his head hard.

Although he didn't say anything, his admiration for Li Yuanjing was truly overwhelming!

If Li Yuanjing hadn't been clever enough to change their clothes in advance, they would have turned into corpses long ago.

Li Yuanjing couldn't help but feel scared at this time.

The strength and energy of Wenxiang Sect was definitely several times greater than he imagined.

But Li Yuanjing suddenly discovered...

Why does that bearded man headed by those 'official servants' look so... so familiar?

At this time.

The leader, the bearded 'officer', saw that these soldiers were so brave and they couldn't take them down for a while, he became a little anxious and shouted:

"Don't worry about those bastards! Go kill that little bastard Zhang Zhiji first!!!"


Several 'officers' around them suddenly stopped fighting with these soldiers, and they all rushed towards Li Yuanjing and Zhang Zhiji like wolves and tigers.

However, these soldiers are all Zhang Zhiji’s domestic slaves!

Even though almost half of them are fake, the old British man Zhang Wen is a tycoon who crawled out from among the dead! How could he possibly endanger Zhang Zhiji’s safety when he was in his late 40s and acquired such a solitary child?

As a child's play?

Some of these soldiers are veterans of hundreds of battles in Jiubian!

How could they let Zhang Zhiji get hurt?

Soon they rushed over here with fierce shouts and fought with these fake officials again.

And this time.

The leader, the bearded 'officer', couldn't help but sneer at the corner of his mouth. This was the effect he wanted!

Immediately, while no one else noticed him, he sneakily moved towards the wall on the other side.


With the help of the uneven bricks and tiles on the wall next to it, I climbed to the roof in twos and twos.

But what he didn't notice was——

Li Yuanjing here has been staring at him for a long time. The crossbow in his hand has been debugged and he has pointed the muzzle directly upward.

On the roof.

Despite his strong figure, the bearded man was as light as a swallow when he walked. He barely made any sound as he touched the tops of the walls of Li Yuanjing and Zhang Zhiji.

Seeing Li Yuanjing and Zhang Zhiji at his feet, he couldn't help but reveal a proud cold smile at the corner of his mouth.


He held the knife in both hands, and a dark and cold light suddenly shot out from his eyes. With a low roar, he suddenly exerted force and was about to jump directly from the wall, piercing Li Yuanjing and Zhang Zhiji to death on the spot.



He had just stretched out half of his body, and before he had time to jump down and use his strength, Li Yuanjing had already decisively pulled the trigger of the crossbow in his hand!


Poor man with a beard, he didn't understand what was going on until he died, and his chest had been completely pierced by three sharp arrows.


The next moment.

The body of this bearded man had fallen hard from the wall, and Li Yuanjing and Zhang Zhiji's faces were really splashed with blood.

But Zhang Zhiji clearly learned his lesson this time. Although he still couldn't help feeling disgusted, he didn't scream.

"Master Feng!!!!"

"Master Feng, are you okay?!"

"You bastards, how dare you hurt Master Feng, I'm going to kill you all!!!"

At this time.

There were all these fake officials around who could compete with the elite soldiers under Zhang Zhiji's command. When Mu Ran saw the tragic death of this bearded man, his eyes were all red and he immediately died.

They rushed towards this side.


"Master Feng?"

Here, Li Yuanjing was sneaking around and carefully observing the situation around him. Mu Ran was stunned when he heard the name "Feng Ye"!


Brothers, please kneel down and ask for support. Thank you very much.

This chapter has been completed!
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