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Chapter 6 Wang Youdao's Reminder

Shopkeeper Liu thought that he was used to big storms, but he never expected that such a big ugliness would happen today, and his teeth would be broken for a moment.

He even started to hate Li Yuanjing.

He gritted his teeth and said:

"So what if you're alive? Didn't you see this thing scared me just now? It's only five hundred coins, not a cent more! If you don't sell it, get out of here!"

"I want to see who else in Fengcheng County dares to take the fish that I, Liu, don't take!"

"what happened?"

"Give way, give way!"

At this time, someone outside seemed to be attracted by the excitement here, pushing through the crowd and walking in.

"I have a mother-in-law."

"Big fish, such a big fish! I have never seen such a big fish before. Old Liu, this fish is yours? I want it. You can make an offer!"

As soon as a young man in a brocade robe came in, he was instantly attracted to the big catfish and screamed excitedly.


Shopkeeper Liu was immediately dumbfounded.

Who would have thought that Cheng Yaojin would come out halfway.

Moreover, it was this young master whom he could not afford to offend at all...

He hurriedly endured his newly sprained waist and quickly came to Li Yuanjing's side, saying in a low voice:

"Little brother, if you sell this fish to me, I will give you one tael, no, two taels of silver!"

At this time, Li Yuanjing saw an acquaintance of the young master behind him, and couldn't help but smile and shake his head:

"Shopkeeper, I'm sorry, I won't sell this fish anymore."


Li Yuanjing walked towards the acquaintance.


"You little bastard who doesn't know how to live or die!!"

Shopkeeper Liu was furious and was about to chase Li Yuanjing, but when he saw that Li Yuanjing had already spoken to the young master's personal entourage, he had no choice but to give up.

"Uncle Wang, why are you here?"

Li Yuanjing bowed his hands respectfully and greeted this acquaintance.

It was his father's old friend, Wang Youdao, the contractor of Dagou Village.

How smart is Wang Youdao?

Naturally, after seeing the threat that Shopkeeper Liu had made to Li Yuanjing just now, he naturally had an idea in his mind and said with a smile:

"Come out with a noble man to have some fun. What, Yuan Jing, is this big black fish yours?"

Li Yuanjing smiled and said:

"Uncle Wang, you're just lucky. If you like this fish, my nephew will give it to you."

Wang Youdao smiled and nodded:

"Yuan Jing, your Uncle Wang will accept your favor. However, I still know about your family's situation. Here, you can take this."

As he spoke, he handed Li Yuanjing a small cloth bag, winked at Li Yuanjing, and quickly walked towards the young master.

As soon as Li Yuanjing took the little cloth bag, his eyes lit up.

after all.

This amount is definitely not copper coins, but... white money.

Open it and take a look.


There are six or seven small pieces of silver fruit inside, which is almost five taels.

This is obviously Wang Youdao repaying him!

Although Li Yuanjing might not even bother to look at this small amount of money in later generations, at this moment, he was so excited that his whole body couldn't stop trembling.

This is the first pot of gold in his world...

And here.

Following what Wang Youdao said to the young master, the young master couldn't help but be overjoyed and directly called his followers to catch the big catfish.


The strength of this big catfish obviously exceeded everyone's expectations.

Seven or eight people went up together, but they still couldn't catch it. Even the young man's face was splashed with mud.

But the young man didn't care. He seemed to have found his favorite toy and continued to laugh and invite his followers to catch fish with him.

When Wang Youdao saw this scene, he couldn't help but look at Li Yuanjing with even more admiration.

Then he said something to the young master and walked towards Li Yuanjing.

And at this time.

That shopkeeper Liu was really filled with regret.

He looked at the excited young man catching fish in front of his stall like a fool, but it didn't benefit him at all. He just felt that his heart was bleeding uncontrollably...

"Yuan Jing, thank you for this matter. Your Uncle Wang owes you a favor."

Wang Youdao came to Li Yuanjing at this time and was obviously much closer to Li Yuanjing. He even patted Li Yuanjing's shoulder specially.

Li Yuanjing smiled honestly:

"Uncle Wang, you are too polite. We are all from the same family and we don't speak the same language."

"My family?"

Wang Youdao recited the word silently and was about to leave when he saw Li Yuanjing. Suddenly a light flashed in his eyes, as if he had made some decision.

Then he directly grabbed Li Yuanjing and whispered into Li Yuanjing's ear:

"Yuan Jing. The Xue family in this town seems to be watching you. You have to be careful in everything you do in the future."


After leaving the hustle and bustle and arriving at the edge of the big market, Li Yuanjing was still thinking carefully about Wang Youdao's words.

He finally figured it out.


Wang Cuihua, this arrogant matchmaker, kept staring at Yu Niang.

turn out to be.

It’s Xue Dashanren, an old man, who has his eye on Yu Niang!!!

Li Yuanjing couldn't help but sneer.

If you dare to flirt with Li Yuanjing's woman, then don't blame Li Yuanjing for being ruthless and unscrupulous!

Clothes are a man's face, money is a man's courage.

With five taels of silver in hand, even with the old dog Xue Dashanren watching from behind, Li Yuanjing's back became much stiffer.

He first bought ten pounds of pork, some salt, a few pounds of brown sugar and other daily necessities at the edge of the big market. He also bought some candied haws, sugar figures and other sweets that girls like Yu Niang love to eat.

Then I visited the game stalls here to learn about the prices of game and animal skins, and then moved to a clothing store not far from the big market.

after all.

Catching wild fish in small rivers and ditches is definitely not a long-term solution.

Xiaohegou is too small, and its resources are really limited. It seems more reliable to get some valuable game for emergency response.

Li Yuanjing originally just wanted to buy a cotton-padded jacket for Yu Niang and himself, but suddenly found out.

At this time, these very new sheepskin jackets were not expensive and could be purchased for only five hundred coins. They seemed to be second-hand goods of unknown origin.

But its quality is quite good.

Li Yuanjing only hesitated for a moment before making his decision.

He directly bought two sheepskin coats and two sheepskin hats, and also specially bought a dog skin scarf and a pair of rabbit skin shoes for Yu Niang.

Although this cost Li Yuanjing three taels of silver, plus the money spent on groceries, he only had a little over a tael of silver in his hand, but Li Yuanjing did not regret it at all.

When men make money, don’t they spend it on their women?

How could he, Li Yuanjing, bear the thought of his such a delicate little girl wearing only a thin single coat on such a cold day?

Tidy up properly.

He bought another tattered oilcloth to cover these treasures, and bought a few big buns to eat on the road. Li Yuanjing did not linger on the county town anymore and hurried back to his home.

Mainly Li Yuanjing has figured it out.

The world at this time is no different from that of future generations.

Without a certain level of strength, it is undoubtedly a foolish dream to want to do business in the county and make a fortune.

You just made money for two days, and they swallowed you with your bones and skin.

You still have to accumulate a certain amount of strength first, and then consider other things after you have a certain amount of capital.

Returning to Quanzi Village along the same route, Li Yuanjing did not encounter any setbacks along the way.

After closing the courtyard door, take out the things and place them in front of Yu Niang——

The girl was dumbfounded. Her delicate red lips once again opened into an 'O' shape, making people want to take a bite...

"Brother, brother..."

"Here, here, why did you buy so many things? How can you wear a leather jacket when you are a slave?"

Yuniang was excited and happy at the same time. Tears flowed out of her beautiful eyes like stars, but she subconsciously refused.

She was really afraid that this was a dream. Once she woke up from the dream, she would really not be able to live anymore...

Li Yuanjing gained confidence at this time, and suddenly hugged Yu Niang with all his strength, kissed her delicate little face hard and said:

"Yu Niang, there's nothing you can't do. Just wear what my brother gives you. However, for the next few days, you should wear your leather jacket inside and a single coat outside. Do you understand?"

"Here, let me put it on for you."


The kiss that Li Yuanjing just made made Yu Niang's face redder than a red apple, but Li Yuanjing's next words made Yu Niang smart again.

She already understood what Li Yuanjing meant:

Wealth should not be revealed in vain.

Li Yuanjing could only pull her to the stove, take off her thin coat, and put on this warm new leather jacket for her.

"Yuan Jing, Yuan Jing, are you at home? I am your elder brother Zhang Kun Zhang..."


Just when the atmosphere between Li Yuanjing and Yu Niang had a new tacit understanding and a new linkage was created, someone suddenly shouted from outside.

Li Yuanjing was clever and winked at Yu Niang:

"Yu Niang, please stay in the house and don't go out. I'll go out and take a look."


"elder brother……"

Yu Niang still wanted to say something, but Li Yuanjing had already put the hatchet behind his back and walked out of the door quickly.
This chapter has been completed!
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