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Chapter 124: Chaos in the Liu Family Mansion

"What is this holy object? What kind of thing is it?"

After pondering for more than a minute, Li Yuanjing finally came back to his senses, stared into Xun Keqing's eyes and asked in a low voice.

Xi Keqing couldn't help but swallow hard. This was the first time she saw Li Yuanjing look so terrifying.

But she seemed to understand that this matter was definitely too big. She wanted to resist, but she didn't dare. She could only tremble all over and said:

"Master, slave, slave don't know. I really don't know..."

"I just received information that it is the holy beast of my Jingmen. I divined the location of the holy object. It is in Fengcheng County."

"And, it's very possible that it's in the Liu family's mansion of Liu Ji Trading Company in Fengcheng County."

"When I came to you just now, we, the people who clean the door, had already discovered that people with Maitreya had gathered near the Liu family's mansion..."

"Holy beast?"

"The Liu family's mansion?"

Li Yuanjing couldn't help but be clever at this time, and every hair on his head stood on end, as if he had caught something!

After being stunned for thirty seconds, Li Yuanjing took a deep breath and forced himself to calm down.

If things were really as he thought -

I'm afraid this matter will really get serious.

But Li Yuanjing understands better that at this time, he must stay calm!

Busy and asked in a low voice:

"What is the Holy Beast? Why does it point to the Liu Family Mansion?! Where is it? Also, why does it point to the Liu Family Mansion at this time?"

How dare Xun Keqing lie at this time?

He quickly explained with a trembling voice:

"Master, the holy beast, the holy beast is the tortoise. We Jingmen and Maitreya each have one. Legend has it that they are a pair of twins personally selected by Futong, the king of Xiaoming, three hundred years ago. They are already three hundred years old."

"According to usual practice, the holy beast will wake up once every sixty years, and point out the location of the holy objects. Then the new holy son will come, and I, Maitreya, will rebuild my glory."

"But I don't know what's going on this year. It's obviously next year when the holy beast will wake up, but the holy beast has woken up recently..."

"Sir, our Jingmen's holy beast used to be kept in the Tongtian Abyss in Huangniwa. But fifty years ago, Jingmen and Maitreya broke up, and our Jingmen's holy beast was taken away. Where is it now?

I don’t know either. But I can be sure that the holy beast of Maitreya must still be in Huangniwa Tongtian Abyss..."

Li Yuanjing's brows furrowed even more when he heard this, and he looked into Xun Keqing's eyes and said:

"You don't know what a sacred object looks like, so how can you determine whether it is a sacred object?"

Xun Keqing said hurriedly:

"Sir, it's not the case. When we came, we all drank the water of the Holy Spirit. If the holy object appears, we can feel the location of the holy object after burning incense. It has been like this for thousands of years, and it can never be wrong.


"Moreover, only those who drink the water of the Holy Spirit can gain the favor of the Son of God in the future, and even give birth to children for the Son of God..."


Li Yuanjing remained calm on the surface, but deep down in his heart it was as if a basin of ice water had been poured over him from top to bottom!

He finally figured it out!

In the picture of the Erotic Palace, the saint is high up, holding a bottle like the Guanyin Bodhisattva's pure vase in her hand, while countless candidates for the saint are kneeling aside.

It turns out that this is the reason!

And at this time.

Even though he is not 100% sure that this 'Erotic Palace Picture' is a sacred object of the Wenxiang Sect, Li Yuanjing is at least 70% certain!

This is really...


But at this moment, Li Yuanjing suddenly laughed out loud:

"Then do you know why your purifier sent you to me, Li Yuanjing?"


Xun Keqing was so clever that her pretty face couldn't help but blush:

"Sir, you are now in Fengcheng and you have already kept your promise. I want to use my connections to clear my door. I beg you to be open to me on this matter..."

Li Yuanjing glanced at Xun Keqing appreciatively:

"If you can tell me the truth about this matter, even if I don't give you face, I will give you some face!"


"You should go back immediately and tell the people who are cleaning the house that I, Li Yuanjing, are not interested in anything that is not holy. But today, you must not make trouble in Fengcheng! Otherwise, don't blame me, Li Yuanjing, for being unpredictable!"


Xun Keqing's pretty face changed drastically.

Although what Li Yuanjing said was not very clear, she was not stupid. She understood what Li Yuanjing meant, so she bowed deeply to Li Yuanjing:


"Wait a minute."

Seeing that Xun Keqing was about to leave in a hurry, Li Yuanjing suddenly shouted again:

"But sir, I want you to come back alive, and not lose even a hair on your head! Otherwise, I don't care whether you clean your door or not, no one can live!"


Xion Keqing's beautiful eyes suddenly turned a little red, and she nodded hurriedly for a moment:


Xun Keqing left in a hurry.

Li Yuanjing wanted to go to the county government office immediately to find Zhang Zhiji, but after calming down carefully, Li Yuanjing gave up the idea for the time being and quickly packed up the erotic pictures.

Mainly yesterday, Li Yuanjing had already made arrangements with Zhang Zhiji.


Maitreya and the people in the Jingmen moved. According to Xun Keqing, their movements were probably not small. Zhang Yuzhu, who was scolded badly by Zhang Zhiji, must have been as mad as a dog. How could he not detect anything unusual in the city?

If Li Yuanjing acted rashly now, his flaws would be revealed and his success would be undone.


The holy beast can actually capture the existence of the holy object, which is comparable to a fantasy novel.

But Li Yuanjing soon understood.

It is very possible that there is some kind of substance on this holy object that can make this holy beast feel something.

Coming from later generations, this obviously does not trouble Li Yuanjing.


Li Yuanjing cut off a few pieces of soft sheets, carefully wrapped the erotic pictures, and then wrapped them in several layers of oilcloth.

Then he asked the pillar to get some fine sand, wrap the fine sand on the oilcloth, and then wrap the outside with oilcloth and soft cloth.

This time.

Not to mention this is a sacred beast at this time, even if it passes the security check in the future, it won't be a big problem.

After doing all this, Li Yuanjing thought for a long time and finally decided to take this erotic book with him!

Then I waited to adapt to the situation and see how far things would develop.

Not long after Li Yuanjing packed up the erotic pictures, and before noon, fierce shouts of murder suddenly came from the direction of the Liu family mansion, not far from Li Yuanjing's inn.

Turn around.

The area around the Liu family's mansion was filled with fire and chaos!


The people from Wenxiang Sect have already taken action!

In order to achieve their goals, they have resorted to any means and don't care about the lives of the people around them!

Li Yuanjing didn't wait long at the inn. The small Yiding Tuqi leader who had protected him before rushed to Li Yuanjing's place with eighteen Yiding Tuqi and fifty elite soldiers.

Bian said respectfully:

"Sir, my young master has an order from the Liu family's mansion. Please go and take charge and respond accordingly!"

If Li Yuanjing was granted amnesty, he immediately breathed a sigh of relief and shouted:



A group of people rushed to the Liu family mansion.


Even though Li Yuanjing was already used to the storm at this time, he believed that he had considerable financial and psychological endurance.


When he rushed outside the Liu family's mansion and saw the scene in front of him, Li Yuanjing was a little confused. Then he couldn't stop feeling nauseated and just wanted to vomit in public!

This chapter has been completed!
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