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Chapter 9 White Snow Sugar

"Brother, you, aren't you happy..."

When Yu Niang saw Li Yuanjing's face, she felt a little disappointed, but she soon realized that she had gone too far.

after all.

Two kilograms of grain is not a small amount in this era. A little bit of food is enough for the people to survive for ten days and a half.

The couple's life has finally improved a bit, and it is obviously not virtuous for her to waste her family like this.

"Little fool, what are you thinking about? Isn't it just two pounds of grain? Just go and see Aunt Zhang. The Zhang family has taken good care of us over the years."

Only then did Li Yuanjing come back from his thoughts, smiled and rubbed Yu Niang's little head.


"Brother, are you really not angry?"

Jade Lady was overjoyed, her beautiful eyes were like stars in the sky.

Li Yuanjing smiled and said:

"Why should I be angry at this necessary exchange of favors? By the way, Yu Niang, what is the snow candy you just mentioned?"

The reason why Li Yuanjing was thinking about it just now was that the Zhang family's affairs were only a small part of it. The more important thing was of course the white snow candy.

As a qualified businessman, he is very keen on matters that are convenient for business.

"Brother, don't you know Snow Sugar? Snow Sugar is..."

Yu Niang didn't expect that Li Yuanjing didn't know Baixuetang, so she hurriedly explained it to Li Yuanjing carefully.

Through Yu Niang’s explanation, it was confirmed that the so-called ‘white snow sugar’ was the white sugar of later generations. It was extremely expensive at this time and was a luxury product that only high-ranking officials could afford. Li Yuanjing clenched his fists with excitement!

He was worrying about how to make money and repay Xue Dashan's loan shark, but he didn't expect that a better opportunity than catching wolf skins would appear!

As a seasoned veteran of later generations, Li Yuanjing was obviously able to master the art of separating brown sugar into white sugar.


When he went to the county seat before, he never expected that he would buy less brown sugar.

Yuniang happily carried two kilograms of rice, two big fish and several small fish to visit Aunt Zhang.

Li Yuanjing, who stayed at home, was not in a hurry to parse the sugar, but whistled and patiently cooked dinner.

Naturally, it is more reliable to do such confidential matters at night.

another point.

Li Yuanjing must prepare the sales channels for cash out in advance so that he is prepared for any trouble!

"Aunt Zhang, are you busy?"

Aunt Zhang's house was very close to Li Yuanjing's house, and it didn't take long for Yu Niang to push open the dilapidated courtyard door of Zhang's house.


At this time, the Zhang family no longer has the usual peace...

Although Brother Zhang's boss who came to collect debts has left, the Zhang family did not have time to clean up the mess in the yard and room.

Aunt Zhang seemed to have aged ten years in a day, and she was cooking a pot of vegetable soup tremblingly.

Zhang Kun, on the other hand, was like a 'living dead' who had completely lost hope. He just leaned against the earthen wall at the door stupidly. When Lady Yu came, he couldn't even move his eyelids.


His father and his pension were almost enough for him and his brother Zhang Liang to find wives.

But in this emergency, not only the pension money they had exchanged for their lives was used, but they also owed several taels of foreign debt.

With the Zhang family's income level, how could Zhang Liang, who was still in a coma in the house and didn't know if he would wake up, be able to pay back the usury money?

What hope is there in life?

"Yu Niang, why are you here, girl? Why did you bring so many things..."

Aunt Zhang finally realized what she was doing and stood up to greet Yu Niang. The two girls from the Zhang family who were taking care of Zhang Liang also came out to greet her.

But for a while.

These two girls, who have always had a good relationship with Yu Niang, really don't know what to say.

Yuniang was not good at facing this kind of scene either, so she said with a blushing face:

"Aunt Zhang, I heard what happened. It's really, hey... these two kilograms of grain and a few fish will help Aunt Zhang and you and the two eldest brothers to replenish their health..."


"Yu Niang, how did this happen?"

"With these two kilograms of grain and so many fish, I get a lot of money. How can I make it..."

As Aunt Zhang said, she couldn't hold back the tears any longer and fell wildly.

Although the jade lady in front of her is just a frail girl, Aunt Zhang no longer has to hold on and is strong, and she can finally vent her anger.

Seeing Aunt Zhang's painful look, Yu Niang had no choice but to cry with her.

What else can be done?

Such is the way of the world.

I heard that neighboring villages have started selling their children and daughters to make a living. What else can the people do?


Aunt Zhang, Yu Niang, and two girls from the Zhang family, all four women, big and small, burst into tears.

Zhang Kun, who looked like a dead man, did not dare to look at this scene. He closed his eyes in great pain, but he had no tears left even if he wanted to cry.

a long time.

Yuniang finally came to her senses and asked hurriedly:

"Aunt Zhang, what are you going to do next..."

Aunt Zhang was heartbroken and helplessly wiped away tears:

"What else can I do? If it really doesn't work, I can only sell the eldest girl to Mr. Xue Dashan to get over this difficulty first. My poor daughter..."

Aunt Zhang and the eldest daughter of the Zhang family, mother and daughter, hugged their heads and cried together.


Yuniang was also dumbfounded.

Although she had known for a long time that selling children and daughters happened from time to time, she had never seen it with her own eyes. She never thought that such a terrible thing would happen to her good friend...

"Aunt Zhang, how can you sell Da Ya? How can you sell Da Ya? Da Ya is one year younger than me..."

"Otherwise, I'll go back and beg my brother. My brother is a scholar, and he will definitely find a way to solve Daya's problem."


"Brother Zhang Kun, are you waiting for me outside the door?"

Li family.

Li Yuanjing had already made dinner and was about to eat it with Yu Niang. He was going to have a good rest and analyze the sugar in the evening, but he saw Yu Niang standing aside at a loss, wanting to say something but not daring to say it.

As Li Yuanjing asked, he finally figured out the whole story.


Yuniang couldn't hold it any longer, her tears were like springs, and she said sadly:

"Brother, it's all my fault. You, are you going to hit me?"

Yu Niang really didn't know what to do, so she wiped away her tears, turned around, and raised her perky butt towards Li Yuanjing.


Li Yuanjing raised his hand and was about to slap him, but after hesitating again and again, he still refused.

Mainly, Li Yuanjing suddenly figured out a crucial issue.

Although he had many experiences from later generations at this time and knew how to make various tools, including inventions and creations, it can be said that he had thousands of gaps in his mind.

But after all, this era is different from later generations. Productivity is really too low, and people's thinking is far from sufficient.

in this way.

If he wants to do something, one person is definitely not enough, he must form his own force, or team.


It is better to teach a man to fish than to teach him to fish.

The Zhang family's problems can certainly not be solved by rescuing the poor.

Although Zhang Kun, the eldest son of the Zhang family, is disabled and missing an arm, he is still a soldier who has been on the battlefield in Liaodong.

Moreover, Li Yuanjing also had a certain understanding of Zhang Kun. He had a very straightforward temperament, was a hard-working person, and had no gimmicks.

In addition, Zhang Kun had helped him before, so if he really needs to do something, he seems to be a good helper...

In this way, giving Zhang Kun a stable job will obviously solve the Zhang family's problems better than directly rescuing the poor.



After all, Li Yuanjing's slap landed on Yu Niang's erection, but he didn't use any strength at all. It was more like taking advantage of Yu Niang...


"Stinky girl, please be more careful in the future. You can't deal with others indiscriminately on this kind of thing. Do you understand?"


Li Yuanjing strode out.


"Brother, aren't you angry with Yu Niang?"

Yuniang was stunned for a moment before she realized what she was doing, and she hurriedly chased Li Yuanjing happily.

Brothers, please give me some support. Thank you very much.
This chapter has been completed!
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