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Chapter 31 Twelve taels of silver!

"What are you doing? Are you going to break into a house this early in the morning?!"

"You bastard, get out of here! Otherwise I'll kill you!!"

"He's been beaten, he's been beaten, the Xue family has been beaten, help, help..."

Early the next morning.

Li Yuanjing, who had stayed up most of the night drawing pictures, had just fallen asleep for a while when he was woken up by the fierce quarrel outside.

"elder brother……"

Yuniang's little body suddenly crawled into Li Yuanjing's arms in panic, her beautiful eyes full of panic.

Even though Li Yuanjing had comforted her a lot last night, she still hadn't gotten over the deaths of Hou Wu and the others.

"Don't be afraid, girl, my brother is here."

Li Yuanjing couldn't help but frown tightly. He kissed Yu Niang hard on the cheek and quickly stood up to get dressed.

How long did it last until it stopped?

Why are there blind people making trouble again?

Seeing Li Yuanjing quickly put on his clothes, fastened a hatchet to his waist and went out quickly, Yu Niang realized what she was doing and hurriedly put on her clothes.

She couldn't let her brother suffer.

When Li Yuanjing came to the yard, dozens of people had gathered outside the gate of his house, and they were clearly divided into two sides.

On one side were more than a dozen villagers from Quanzi Village, led by Zhao Zengjin, and on the other side were Xue An, who was guarded by more than a dozen tough servants.

Seeing the villagers holding pickaxes, hoes, and several knives, Xue An and others were already at war with each other, almost as if their guns had gone off the rails.

Li Yuanjing was also frightened and hurriedly stepped forward and shouted:

"What's going on? What are you doing?!"

"My boss, my boss, you are here."

As soon as Zhao Zengjin saw Li Yuanjing coming out, he immediately calmed down and said hurriedly:

"My boss, I came here this morning to wait for you to send an errand. I never thought that Xue An and his gang would break down the door when they arrived. I stopped them, but they actually did it, and the villagers all came to help!"

Li Yuanjing already understood the outline of the matter and couldn't help but feel excited.

Whether it's Zhao Zengjin's loyalty today or the speed with which the villagers of Quanzi Village came to help, it all seems to prove that——

Li Yuanjing’s efforts these days are definitely not in vain!

The trust that the villagers of Quanzi Village have in him has already reached a certain scale.

But Li Yuanjing naturally wouldn't show much on his face, especially in his current state, which might soon get out of control and kill someone.

He shouted hurriedly:



Xue An glanced at Li Yuanjing contemptuously and sneered:

"Li, you damn boy are talking to me about these useless things! Don't you know why I came here today?!"

"Pay back the money!"

"Today, you must pay back the funeral money that my master borrowed from you before! Including the principal and interest, a total of twelve taels and seven dollars!"

"If you dare to miss a big boy, I will demolish your dog kennel today!"

As soon as Xue An said this, the dozen or so tough slaves around him immediately stepped forward with knives, they were both fierce and proud.


However, Zhao Zengjin and others did not give in at all. They raised their hoes and pickaxe handles to confront Xue An and others while shouting curses.

He was about to go off fire just before he saw it.

Even though Li Yuanjing was used to big scenes in later generations, he was a little shocked by the toughness of the villagers in Quanzi Village.

But then Li Yuanjing couldn't help but feel excited!

The military spirit is available.

However, the situation was unclear at this time, and it seemed that it was not suitable to escalate the situation. Li Yuanjing hurriedly asked Zhao Zengjin and others to step back, and said to Xue An with a sneer:

"What Butler Xue said, the IOU clearly states that the payment is due on the fifth day of the lunar month! Today is only thirty, what kind of account are you asking for at my door?"


"I, Li Yuanjing, only borrowed four taels of silver from your Xue Dashan. Even if I go out nine times and return thirteen times, I only need to pay back six taels and five taels of silver to your Xue Dashan!"

"Where did the twelve taels and seven cents come from?!"

"You don't bully others as much as you do, right?!"


"You surnamed Li, what the hell are you talking to me about?"

Xue An sneered:

"Ten miles and eight villages in Tieniu Town are all my master's land. As for my master, this is the king's law! How my master wants to calculate this account, then he can do it!"


"Either you pay back the money, or you wait until I strip you of this dog shack!"

"If you dare to call these unruly people to resist?!"


"Then don't blame me for being rude. I will definitely tell my master and send the heavenly troops to suppress you bunch of unruly people!!!"

"Fuck your mother's Xuema face, if you have the guts, try it! Even if I die, I will drag you on my back first!"

"You bastard! You are just a dog of the Xue family, but do you really think of yourself as a person? If you dare to touch Shusheng Li, I will chop you up right now!!!"

"Chop these donkeys into pieces..."

As soon as Xue An said these cruel words, Zhao Zengjin and others were instantly shocked. Some of them were so excited that they already picked up their hoes and struck at Xue An and others.

How many years has it been?

The common people had long been fed up with the torture of the Xue family's loan sharking. At this time, Xue An actually picked Li Yuanjing, a representative figure who was in the limelight, to operate on him, as if he directly stabbed a hornet's nest.

Amidst all kinds of fighting and shouting.

In a blink of an eye.

The situation is already in chaos and there are already signs of getting out of control.

Even though Li Yuanjing was also unhappy with Xue An and his gang, he wished he could teach them a lesson, but at this time, Li Yuanjing would never act out of anger!

after all.

The influence of both parties is not at the same level at all.

Once this kind of thing gets serious, as Xue An said, the government will definitely not be able to side with ordinary people like Li Yuanjing.

They must be on the side of Xue An and Xue Dashan.

When the time comes, if Xue Dashan, an old melon, spends some money or something, maybe the government will really send troops to annihilate Quanzi Village!


"Everyone stop it!"

"Zhao Zengjin, don't you even listen to me? Hurry up and take the villagers back!!!"

Emergency moment.

Li Yuanjing didn't have time to think, so he shouted hurriedly at the top of his voice.

"Boss, these bastards are bullying people too much..."

Zhao Zengjin was obviously extremely unwilling, but he did not dare to disobey Li Yuanjing's words, so he could only lead his people to retreat hurriedly.


Xue An and others couldn't help laughing wantonly.

Xue An looked at Li Yuanjing as if he were looking at garbage and said scornfully:

"You poor bastards still want to fight with my master? Just wait until the next life."


Xue An's followers immediately laughed even more wantonly.

As for Zhao Zengjin and the others, they were biting off their teeth one by one, but they couldn't answer the conversation...

The situation is stronger than the people!

What else could they do?

Li Yuanjing couldn't help but squint his eyes hard, and his mind became clearer.


Li Yuanjing thought that the night attack by Hou Wu and others was just Xue An's instigation, but now it turns out that it was Xue Dashanren who was playing dirty tricks behind his back!

"Yuan Jing, are you okay? Did you suffer any loss?!"

At this time.

Dozens more villagers armed with hoes and sticks rushed up from the slope.

The old man at the head was holding a standard saber and shouted with red eyes.

Who else could he be if he wasn’t the old village chief?

As soon as they saw the old village chief coming, Zhao Zengjin and others found their backbone and hurriedly recounted the matter to the old village chief with red eyes.

Li Yuanjing also breathed a sigh of relief at this time.

With the old village chief here, even if he suffers some losses, it won't make the matter bigger and directly lead to irremediable consequences.

And Li Yuanjing secretly gritted his teeth.

Today's twelve taels of silver should be used to buy a coffin for Mr. Xue Dashan, the old melon ladle!

It won’t take long!

Li Yuanjing must get it back a hundred times a thousand times!!!

However, Li Yuanjing was preparing to use money to settle matters and stabilize the situation first.

outside the crowd.

Suddenly there was a noise.

A familiar voice shouted majestically:

"What's going on? What are you all doing here? Do you want to rebel?!"
This chapter has been completed!
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